The Independent Voice of George W. Hewlett High School HEWLETT SPECTRUM Volume LXIII No 4 60 Everit Avenue Hewlett, New York Wednesday, February 15, 2017 Inside: HEWLEtt DECA OFF TO STATES by Mychael Schnell tition from March 8-10 in Rochester, NY. In ticipate in role play competitions. However, At George W. Hewlett High School addition, Adam Jablon ’17 directly advances Jablon, a dedicated member of DECA, decided there are a myriad of clubs students can take to the state competition with his project in the to take on the challenge of participating in the part in: Stock Market Club, Robotics, Art Club, Entrepreneurship-Innovation Plan category. Entrepreneurship-Innovation Plan competi- and sports teams just to name a few. However, At the regional event, Stern and Schech- tion. In this category, students have to create one unique club that is becoming increasingly ter competed in the Hospitality Team Decision a product and try to convince the judges to popular among students is Distributive Educa- Making category. Last year, the girls were vic- invest in it. After much thought and research tion Clubs of America (DECA). DECA, which torious at the regional competition, and moved Jablon decided to create New Cola, a unique is dedicated to educating emerging entrepre- onto states in Rochester. Unfortunately, they cola flavored beverage. However, the product neurs and business leaders, is a leading club did not advance to nationals. This year, deter- is not a form of soda--in fact, it is a healthy SPECTRUM/Aimee Ding among many schools and universities across mined to make it to nationals, the girls prac- alternative. Jablon, who was lucky enough to the world. In Hewlett, DECA is becoming qualify for states, is excited to bring his new increasingly popular, especially because of its product to Rochester. PERKINS NAMED A SEMIFINALIST immense success in the past few years. Last year, Leshem had a unique DECA Each year, DECA club members partici- experience. Days before the competition AGE pate in a regional competition. On Jan. 7, under Leshem learned that she would have to P 6 the leadership of club advisors Molly Henck compete alone because her partner had an and Caitlin Rubin, many students traveled to Art by Gillian Moser athletic commitment the day of the regional Freeport High School to represent Hewlett at ticed their public speaking skills and studied competition. Just minutes before entering the competition. After a long day of intense past prompts to prepare for their presentation. the presentation room, after rehearsing solo role-play presentations on topics including The team was given a prompt asking them to presentations, Leshem learned that she had hospitality services, business finance, financial create a business plan for a hotel that recently to switch her topic from finance to marketing literacy and food marketing, Hewlett had 20 lost many of its customers. After a 30 minute management because of the limited avail- victorious students who will move forward to planning period, the girls made a 10 minute ability in each category. Despite these great the state competition. Munij Adnan ’19, Jack presentation in front of a panel of judges where challenges, Leshem qualified for states, later Hoffman ’20, Ben Rapp ’18, Rom Raviv ’18, they explained their plan and answered a vari- earning two medals in Rochester, one for top Shelby Love ’18, Lawrence Froymovich ’20, ety of questions. The girls were excited when ten overall and one for top ten test scores. This Louis Halpern ’18, James Verschleiser ’18, they found out they advanced to the next level. year, Leshem, who qualified for states in the Erin Schechter ’17, Samantha Stern ’17, Jake “I am very excited to be advancing to marketing communications category, hopes to Zeidman ’17, Shirley Leshem ’19, Sydney the state level again,” Schechter said. “Sammy improve on her great successes from last year. Art by Grace Browse Feldman ’18, Lindsay Cohn ’17, Ben Simens and I placed top 10 last year out of everyone Congratulations to all students who ’19, Mitchell Shentov ’20, Gabby Barnes ’18, in our category at states and we are hoping to competed in the DECA regional competition, Eliana Berger ’18, Alex May ’17 and Harrison advance to nationals this year.” and good luck to those who qualified for the THE LATEST IN CONSUMER TECH Poutre ’17 will all advance to the state compe- In Hewlett DECA, most students par- state competitions. PAGE 9 PRESIDENT TRUmp TAKES OFFICE by Sammy Stern As per tradition, the former U.S. Presi- became violent; there were shattered glass “I do solemnly swear that I will faith- dents and their wives attended the Inauguration, storefront windows cars set on fire. Six police fully execute the office of President of the with the exception of George H. W. Bush and officers were injured. Additional anti-Trump United States and will to the best of my ability, his wife, Barbara Bush, who were both hospi- demonstrations took place in cities across the preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of talized in Texas due to illnesses. In addition, the world. However, not all protests were violent, the United States. So help me God.” justices to the Supreme Court and prominent as many peaceful protests took place as well. With these famous words and his left members of Congress were in attendance. The biggest controversy of the day was hand on both the Lincoln Bible and his family’s In his Inaugural Address, President the size of the crowd at the Inauguration. On bible, Donald J. Trump was officially sworn in Trump stressed that his Inauguration repre- Jan. 21, a day after the Inauguration, President as the 45th President of the United States on sented the return of power to the American Trump blasted the media for their coverage SPECTRUM/Julia Grossman Friday, Jan. 20 at the 58th Presidential Inau- people, stressing “America First.” of the Inauguration when he spoke at the CIA guration in Washington, D.C. Shortly before, \ “You will never be ignored headquarters. President Trump claimed that Michael R. Pence of Indiana was sworn in as again,” President Trump said. the crowd “looked like a million-and-a-half LIttLE WOMEN the 48th Vice President of the United States. “Your voice, your hopes people” and “went all the way back to the The theme of this year’s Presidential and your dreams will Washington Monument.” He believed the AGES Inauguration was “Uniquely American.” This define our American media unfairly represented the size of the crowd P 12-13 signifies the symbolic nature of the event: destiny. And your in attendance of the Inauguration. Later in the While ceremonial, this day marks the peace- courage and day, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer ful transition of power between presidential good- defended President Trump’s remarks. administrations, which represents the unity ness and love After photos of the crowd seemingly of the nation with respect to the Constitution. will forever Art by Chestine Tomas guide invalidated President Trump’s argument, Spicer This peaceful transition of power was us along the way.” clarified his statements that the number of peo- coupled with parting words from Former Following the ceremony, the Trump ple watching the ceremony on TV, online and President Barack Obama. family and the Pence family attended the in person collectively had to be the largest ever. “It’s been the honor of my life to serve Inaugural Parade down Pennsylvania Avenue This controversy led White House coun- you,” Obama said. “You made me a better to the White House. The Inaugural Parade is selor Kellyanne Conway to dub Spicer’s report leader and a better man.” a tradition that dates back to George Wash- on the size of the election as “alternative facts,” Many traditions are followed for this im- ington, in which Presidents’ motorcade leads a phrase that many poked fun of for simply be- portant event, and this year was no exception. the parade. When the President gets to the end ing another way to say “falsehoods.” Courtesy of Joseph Zarodkiewicz The morning of the Inauguration, President of the route, he steps out and watches the rest Despite controversies, President Trump Trump attended church services at Saint John’s of the parade pass. In a custom dating back to aimed to instill confidence in the American Church, across the street from the White House, former President Carter, President Trump and public in his new administration. with his family and Vice President Pence. Vice President Pence, along with their families, “Together, we will make America strong MODEL CONGRESS IS A MODEL Following church services, President walked some of the parade route to wave to again,” President Trump said in his Inaugural Trump and his wife, First Lady Melania Trump, supporters who gathered along the sides. address. “We will make America wealthy again. attended a tea reception at the White House But the day was not without protests We will make America proud again. We will PAGE 18 with the Obamas. President Trump then trav- and controversies. About 217 people were ar- make America safe again. And yes, together, eled to the U.S.Capitol for the big ceremony. rested in Washington on Jan. 20 after protests we will make America great again.” 2 Opinions SPECTRUM Wednesday, February 15, 2017 KEEPING THE BULLDOG PRIDE ALIVE At George W. day exclusively because Sports Afternoon. Unlike were packed for every bas- quick to complain about Hewlett High School, the of its simplicity or those past years, this year’s ketball game, while now the short Spirit Week, upcoming spring season who disregard the week Sports Night will begin at there is only a select group many students still de- means a lot more than just entirely, fail to recognize 4:00 p.m.
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