I $ . - THE WORLD: SATURDAY EVENING AUGUST II, 1894. ducted an i ' auction nnd everything left Here tbote who are helpless, yours the over, even lemon cause, In with fancy articles. It brought us 12.23, Hoping j the frappe that Mr. -- W0ERNETOTHETOTS. Qulnn made with his own hands Dora Miller, iiahy It will help the little onea. JERSEYJEACHES. Amusements. j for the Julia Hsuer. CHARLOTTE EHRI.1NGER, age 1J. NOT CRUSADING NOW. children, was turned Into cash. i'm .''., nm'- - Kn,,n T. Special mention Is Mr, Qulnn Miller, Johnny Hcuer. KATIE EIIRLIMlER, 10 due for 110 Kaat Una Hundred and Fourteenth street. MoDotlKitll Has Sketched the Men the use of the hotel; Mr. IJonheur, who llaltlt Miller. M Hurt, - e Manhattan neglected his business to arrange the Ella lorJcn. M Kfiiricht. Hint Women Seen There. Beacli.' j Fa b the Resort for booths mangr Mjnlta Uorden, :il, CiU, Tiles' Will Send More. Beutiful and the affair: Messrs. Taney Dulton, When McDougall goes sketching on I l.u.lrvlg Urus., who expressed a u. Hmall, To the Editor: Ladv Henry Somerset Oornes Hero AdcniiKiu and Kvcnlnj, carPJl 176 Third arenua. the New Jersey coast, the n the Sick nibies' Fund. ..loy.B f"1' u"cy ft"0'1" t0 'air: Mrs. Incloaed please find 22 50, which we collected I Allw-r- l Adams for a whole le people at these famous watering-place- s stock of fresh Seven Send i."J.' from kind friends and neighbors tar the Blck to Rest in the Catskillu. candles; Mrun. Krebi. Werthhelm A want to hide. He drnws very funny Schaeffer for choice cigars; Mr. Scheer, Harry Wagner, 'atle Wagner. Llllle Kahrs Rabies' Fund We hope It will do some good and pictures, and In spite of the grotesque Soiisa Band. will hear from some cf us sgaln before the for a cushion full of diamond pins, Fannie Goldsmith, Wagner. iou features you always recognize the Hetc Guests' and Nurse ana stick t.lnle Sophie Kahrs Fun I cl"ca tan Cottagers, Messrs Bpero ami Levy liros. and Ninety-thir- it victim. I for Kalle Truhe, of I7J Kait d atresl, (lussle Winner. Katie Collin. Thinks tho Living Picturec Are HATUIIDAY ANI) SUNDAY. novel and dainty things. aent IS to the lund Gertie McKenna, Agnea Fltipatrlck, Maids ontribute. Railroad avenue, Twcnt sixth Wurd. Brooklyn. Special Attract o is. .fj I I'll I r Open a Week. Simply Disgraceful. - Five llnil n Fnlr. ' Tn the Editor- Do Wolf Hopper, M Incloaed find 11.27, proceeds of a fair held at To the Editor: t Bin?1' ' Winter Garden Inclosed And 12, proceeds of a little fair held at BUXUAY ONLY. I benefit 8J0J Second avenue. We collected In Ihe neigh- Hut SI10 Doesn't Menn to I,ecturo " 235 HunJied Net ..79.20. borhood 11.87, and with we bought a tew Esit One and Fnurtrrnth etreet. IIIIKTIIA WAI.TZINIUIK. that Rp.alle Hymana, Phtllr-phln- Abraham, jS o tlie HuiuiiUiis. ' I Temperance. loya and fancy ankles, and then we opened a llattle Seldel. Yrlta Meyer, on Them or ' e AKTIIIJn fKATONr fair. We charted no admission All were Lena Schoenfeld. ol We kept the fair open a week il.e itiuricbsupsiauo. ia The Subscription., Helen Lew andoskl, Mary lloerhl, I Christina Schlcrbeck, Ansbtasla Lewandoslcl, Culler ted ul .North Ilrnoli. laidv Henry Somerset, the Rngllsli arknowladted IIS 0 44 Lleile Srhftarts - HAGENBEGK'S 1 I rftlomlr To the Editor- temperance advocate nnd lecturer, ar- 1SSSS1 tsttrulnmtnt 1S7.M Inclosul pleare find II 25 for the Sick Babies' I trviroe Unfiled ul niilurndo. rive! to-d- nil the Ameilrnn liner, Paris, AiU'rnonn uni I'.venla?. Mi jt Rvan Fund collected at Daufklrch a Uay View MI N.UII.1UK AMOIOKJCKV I'AUADISB. '' SO Mr. and Mra Blenfeld, ol Her Ladyship was accompanied by i'llltora to the Doina. Pullller Bulldlne,.. 34 "Eldorado," rallied HARRY THOMSON, North Beach. L. I. her a splendid piano lame S3n, C. Mr. A. I'd'.-le- Strshmelar rotn IJ.71 for tha benrSt of "Tha Mr. II. Somerset, II. l!TltAM)I N'tJ mKO rAtir.Be lalret Etenlng World's" nnd Mnrtlnn. l"4 Hirlftn Demncratlo Club 17 40 Slrk Uahles' Fund. Thirty Ithrr of London, and her secretary and filr. lest rhancea. at 25 rente, were Bold. No. a won Ihe To LALLA IS S5 the Editor: maid. it Uls lmlln. N Y tamp The holdir of thla chance waa Mra AMI, ..N1) ROOKii,I'lili.tVllllltS. S flr Barg. We had a lemonade atand at 354 East One Hun to plump timet Garden M.M l..uy Henry anl somewhat" ur rvriiiiiKi'xrrpi Mimlny niul .llonday dred and Twenty-fourt- street and succeeded In below the uitdlum height She Ihim TVar,LCT pi.Acn on ,t Thornton 'I U I. ( gettlitic 15 for the Sick IlaMcs' Hind Hoptng the tub bat' fMUle - Kile Uatber'a ollecllon. Cbeaiiaat Rseurston Orssaaaf 2 !C3 Weal 0a' Hundred and Portr- WEKTIIKIN CHlLDItKN. thla will aselst aume poor child Pasantest of voices nnJ a gMclJin man- Scientific KiMMIInn la V To r X I Ihe Editor: ESMFR I.KOKRER. age II, f erit street lib- ner which captivates at once nil with "The Evening World" takes the I am a little girl and have been alck mjstlf MARTIN HARRIOAN, 12. PuM Bill's Will Wist fitetla Lsnne and nthsrs 1 el ty of sending the of the sick whom she come" In contact. She wore a rfrTiv 'i loe when I waa a bahy, and often think of the Suspenders. Jja. Ahb lOMi'TSi OF EOiiBH "5 to con- lltllo i Emma Slneum babies those dear children who Helped Them 1 hie llule with jjp' alck babies. I therefore 14 27, my col- Jtnlirc Welde tulbr hut trimmed a .YU'ti) for romforl, (.iiril.tUly HDEE5 at Macglo McCleaj's. S (.0 ducted the fair Alphonse Frank, Albert iend)ou proieitlcn to tli OFtBE W3RU fnlertalnmenl To the Editor: black vc.vet band feather, was IretJum 13 every jrjWl Wartmann, David Ilosenhelm, the lection from tha Isdlrs and gentlemen uf the anJ and troutr nl itrfcLt ootluti vU.Wsf e & llsmle Kneunn 4 41 of th bvyt Park, SluthB'ttlft, Adams children, tho I.udwig children, Orchard House, Mountalnvllle, Orange County, N. We held a fair In Judge Welde'a itore, 1102 attlnM In a plain cut travelling guwn No Eatnt)Qintfi etreet and Second Y, which I hope will help the bablea along dntcinn i.n the .houlUenl MOST IHtlKOT ItOUTK FHO.M .SKW )fJHa ft I'tlr, Lily Scheer. Eleanor Zlcglcr, Florence a Park avenue, and realized 50 from the sale of nvuln- col-or.- 'J E.ny ESTHER ROSE II of some soft textured cream in auintii 11 camp 110 JJ11 it- - erry, ,o ti wallav. v 2 50 Levy, little. BELSINGER. rfnd (.ream. Judge kindly us hf-- avenue Tnub. Horti'nse Julia Huttner ttAa WeU'e assisted Prerntln atl utralr. on th button 1 CiIXl's. , '; Miss In many waya. material. From behind a white luii.u, luuery. AUU.i hllllioi llelhouie and others :w ani I'offer, who kept the cash. I.FLU IRSC1I llllnjt rr rtirnptn?! The Hables' Friends. tlltAl'i: llDMERTSON, dotted ell her l.njyshtp'g very black inrlorftM ty ocety r r!ub men, and wo1 .am or Minif. 8.15 .3 2 00 j fn ntMHri ul, P.i ftmultiee JOE HARTING, tlif pul) IK cneralty :.l To the Editor; eyes nnd very while teeth g.lttened as 1 1.1) H. and othera J 00 On mI all n or mm WIOIH OPKX AT AXI) A t ". i hall. Gellaltitr WINTER GARDEN BENEFIT. she with .111 "Kvening World" tr i1m.m t mttl Inclosed please End check for 12 26, the pro A dialled on nf prlr- - ri)r in 12 (nt t p il All luiil, via lia.tory, llrocuiyu .trIJf), fara, j Harry !nton and othera., 1.10 Fntr nt the Door. 11 the plet thin afternoon. llion, '.iii, Kuiiiii, ,t. utJer ;o ceeds of a collection we made among our friends. icporur sq S.i CJ ill ul ernsi Clilt lliotnerrelch and others 1 id To ihe Editor" " 1 come over here," she said, HMr" MUER (Li.) HUiTm .Y u .iMic)iiiiciifti9,UM3t in atev. Hoping It may relieve suffering some hne u.1 1 Xenrly $80 llntaed nt Thursday the of little my lalnns, I aii.ill not Adiu'eiiiu ri'iui C'nuiral ilraci .itsatfT litis Stary Malnne and othera li Inclosed plesse SnJ check for 13 02 from flea "for lent Horn JK i tot. we remain the babies' friends, my in temperance rill J II' Willi. 4 Ntrlcy othera 1 J'l XlKht's ICntertalnmcnt. MINERVA past prusecttle hoik ihe ' lit and Sl'HAUWErKER, little Klrls who hsve for the week been cm e nere, I shall only remiln In New "lt i.ltll Kdne and Uabr Irene 1. 00 ADELINE FCHAL'WECKER, a atdewalk In front of our ewn door. Y There was such a host of talent at 412 Eaat One Hundred and Fifteenth fair or .1 fen hours, nnd shad then go 1 alreet. Cata-U1- KUJER'SrillUSEUI fiber Pen 1.00 the benefit for the Sick Hables' Fund Hoping It may be acceptable and afford as much di to Twilight i'ark, In the Why Be ones ae glvea Sick lo the It us (.illl Stock I St 100 Odd Kntls, relief aufTerlna little III (!i:.NT8 AD' I I'M '111 Al.l,. ; given at Blank's Winter Garden, and pleasure In tenting It, we remsln hnd been correctly Urry Krulse 1 .14 Asked it rhe Third avenue, on Thursday evening, To the Editor: i lsabelts Ftnbson.
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