V ■''i'.' i • j^ '- A SATURDAY, JANUARY 18,1981 ATtrsffh DaHy Net Prtm Rob "'■d • tf jM t i z r w t v n Tht Wtsthcr jKmtr^ater lEwninn H^raUi . Far tha Week Etaed rerdmif ef t . 8. Weather Biirnw^ -tfv' Jam 18, 1966 Olsar, colder tonight Lew absni the Mancheeter Eveningvaning Herald f Matem PFeadi.es 11,511 lA FUi. continued eold Tneedny, Mine Into eatstsnqe^it Aa near as I Indoor Roller Skating Popular at Community Y AboutTown ufo can Sgure It out,Mit, It waa by L Member af tha Aodlt Inerenolag ciendlnese daring day. handbills and poatars. Wa camq. At Zion Church Bprean at CtrmdWtlsn High 26-39. Heard Along Main Sttvef MtmehetUr^A City of ViUago Charm /' 9IW. mo4 Mn. John ndrap'oir acroaa one such handbill the othar y '' ^ ^ tiM M nitien Army Oarpa, OoL day, the date was in JItomsn IDartii P « m U u d MaJ. JMyrthi And on Sotnn of Himehottei^t SldoS^ro^iTo numaimls asd we mads It 1837. AP In line with the mission am- mttlBCtea win atUrd tlw r*Ure- the foot o f the'^ .were tha phasis at the preoent Epiphany VOL. , N O .,9 0 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 17,1955 (CtoanUtod Adtorttsing aa ta g n U ) PRICE FIVE CENTS’ Bwnt Mnrioa for Ool. aod Mra. W1I> ProMens Per (Ahem} Dispesal fiMiies^uence, he was often late for words "D one sit bouse ■aaaon of the Churoh-yaar, . U aa V^bK In OhSilaM, Mm t ., oii Those, electric garbage inctnera* work and was forcad to put tbe of Samuel Clark, * The irogram was a ir and Olda Richard Matarn, a candidata for ■V tors are causing some consterna* alarm clock >— a loud one — in a tion for town officials who keep room two rooms away to force rolkee' concerte three parts. tha ministry and a prospactiva by "All Ye Men Women Sing- A aM cabenidp drtvt fo r Uw dodidng the problem of what to do himself to get up and wake up. medical; missionary laader, will ‘m is is surety a special case, but m f' at the T^eUiodlst Meeting' OuUd at Um Oood Sbapherd, wU) with them every ttmS it comes up. preach at Zion Evangelical Lu­ Prom the outset, Director Harry be evidently needed more than toe House. This .must have been the Im lannelMd «t a awatl^ and taa, forerunner the preeept South theran Church, Cooper and High } Monday aftantoon. Jan. 17, at the Firato has been suspicious of . the w iggling to arouse him . W e' haive p t things and probatdy wishes he had been ton his wife sOmsUmss re­ MethodUt jfMurch, which was built Streets, Sunday morning. booM at the chairman for Man* 1822 at the corner of (Center eheetar, Mra. Stewart Dillon, S nSver heard of them, but by a cruel sorted to pouring cold water oyer Presently he Is oohtlnuing stud- twist of p d li'^ fats he's g«dng to and Main Streets, and occupiad un* M. JOm S t CMamtUeea wlDhe iM>- the man in an effort to wake him lea at Cornell Medical CoUaga, |day ail important part in deciding up. The invitation] raada: New York'City. He Will grad­ \ peiatad and plaiw made to enroll ’ ____ _ ' > ■ 'f. ■ new membera during the comtof whether the town uiauld permit in­ Of couree , this sort of thing can Down By Early 'Oandls* uate in June, after which ha will stallation <4 the device. have its reperiqiBsioiia. 'me fact I centa for vdtat yq sat— fldlow through'on required Intem- When the question of home gar* that this couple is now divorced beans, hulled c6ni, brown ahip. He is a graduate of Con­ bage burners first dame up, the might be attributed to this cosy . squash and pumpkin pita— cordia'Theologieal Seminary, St GhthoUc Mothers Qrcle mem­ toiihi permitted............ the experimental— irir little habit his wife .tad, hut w^ '26 cents for the singing." bers are requested to meet in front Louis, Mo. Hia father is a mod- to Builders Trials InstaUatlon of about a «k»en. don’t know the w)io|s Story of 8 t Brldpet’a Church tomorrow Later an agenda for a Board of Aato Bighta for Wemeaf leal doctor in Worcastor, Maos., are left to hpeeulgtlpn. a staff member of the hoapitol orenins at .7 o'clock. Thn- will DlrecUwe meeting listed setting the Do you suppoae the wife Wa are not trying to boost the lemre from the church for tlUndaor date for a public hearing on an business of local car dealers hiU; there, sad a leading layman at have read the rMnlts of th e/ doC' the same city Another hod is looks to pay respects to Robert ordinance which would permit in: tor’s research bmpra. the rapid development of shopping New Panama Budget FbcI^ Figures iu Chart Form J . CkTroO, 8 r „ father o f the Rev. stalling the burners. The Directors the waiter T centers in suburban areas, and the a medical doctor, and a third ana First Atom Plane Falls Robert J. OuTOn, who has been hemmed and hawed awhile and increasing amount at leiaura »«■« will prepim for tha mldlstry. ^ p l a l n a t the combined Mothers then Flikto moved the matter be made poasihle to American house* Tha shrinonlc meditation of Ma- arclas fW a number at ysafs. tabled.'commentlng "I don’t Uke- There wives by automatic devlcaa, is terri win' be baaed on Psalm em, they smell." The Board was In Atlanti women making the second car for tha ltriS*19, "Tha Lord was jny stay. Sub Heads C. Rivsrd, afent for the only too glad to forget about the are wroiig. Be family as much at a necessity as He brought me forth also into a CbanecUcut State Narcotic Com* inclneratora and It pasaed the mo­ there Is/o n e lad. modern kitchen equipment large place.” He will give aeme misBion. srlll speak on the present tion. who not only felt ehe was particular information aa to tha ‘mat would have shelved the Aa more and more famlliee turn Into Sound 13 Missiiig day addicts at the Method* in a particiua^natance, hut toward suburban living, more and need and blessing of medical mis­ To Guard U.S. matter right there, except that 1st Men’s Club meetinf on Mon* so ptijttUcly. / more wives in one>*car houteholda sion work in forslgn4ands. day. Jan. 24, at 7:30 p. m , in the Genaral Manager Richard Martin Groton, Jen. 17 (/P)—The' C!omer Brook] F ^ ., Jan. wasn’t' satisfied. Ha wanted the Imiea dome across some odd Are maroonad at homa whUe their The hymns of the ssrvlee will cha|>el of the South Methodist oas|a, hut two 'veteran Manchester hiiabandi are away during tha day, be chosen by him, including Lu­ atomic aubtnarine Nautilus 17 (fl») —A Unit^ State* \ ByniE ASSOCIATED PBES8 Churdi. question settled once and for sU; X- so he put the item ba^k qp the dfRcers jMtnessed one of the an^Xmany of them are- qualiSed ther's mlaslon h]rmn, "Msy God ■aid by the Navy to be mov­ NaVy four-engine Constella­ Budget estimates for year ending June 30: ' to come their'way in q drivefo. Bestow on Us His Grses," and Manchester AuxUiaiy P olice agenda. ■ when a woman came in ing undOT “nuclear propul* tion crashed in/he Atlantic 1955 1966 The last Uma the Directors met. Isaac WatU’, "Jsqus Shall Bsign off tiodthwest Newfoundland Income ...................... $59,000,000,000 % wU meet Monday nl|^t at 7:30 somebody g ot the Idea garbage in* to aiMlogiM to the police depart StaSea of the Skoak Where’er tbs Sun." Ha was ra> ■ion,” pulled away from hep $60,000,000,000 for target practice at the indoor oineratora were in the prqytnce of menv recently. A few ntmths back. The Herald csn tly married to Barbara BeU, dock at 11:01 (EST)^ today today and search planes over Outgo ........................... $63,504^000,000. $62,408,000,000 range at PoUee Headquarters. On the BuUdlng Code RavlskMi OoM seemed she and her husband carried a s t^ about a local cat a)' former member of Zian parish. atari her builders trial. the spot r^)^ed no trace of Deficit ............................ $4,504,000,000 $2,408,000,000 Wednesday night they will go to mittce and suggested it he re hqd been' having something of i whoso proclivity for b rin gin g They arsi raoldiiv in New York. The Nautilue 1* the firet JtA a the 13 occupants. Year-end Debt ...... .. .$274,300,000,000 $276,000,000,000 New Britain for a taiget practice it*to one evening and it got i guesU, usually\ birds but soms- A eordisl wsicoms is extended prepoaed.. fleet of seven .atom- shoot with the Auxiliary Police of ferred to that group. '; ' tie out o f hand. A fter her huS' TIB plane m d been airborne less Harry Firato, who la chalii Urass snakes, into Its owners house to friendo and guests and to all pewered auhmaiinae. tiuta of than two l)Oura, out o f Harmon that d ty . band had gone to bed, she thought had led to the visit of a skunk Who have no church home. wtrtch were recommended Ay Prsei- Washington, Jan. 17 (fl*)—^Presiderlt. Eisenhower recom­ of the, code revtsora, saw he wi the matter over and decided to ’ Close to 200 boys and glrln took^ Nerald taole.
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