lokstore implements Roll I em ... ~crease in student discount iERJS JOHNSON \'rirer For as long as students can remember, MSU's student bookstore has 15 percent discount on books for students. Due lo a consensus by a uuee that oversees the bookstore that consists of three students and acully members this discount has been lowered to 10 percent to raise y for rcnoval!ons. The decrease in the student book discount was put ect ,n the Spring. 'The IO percent [discount] still remains the highc>sl discount [among tores! m the nation," said Rob Spec I er, vice president for administra­ nd finance and member of the board. It is expected to take the )ears to raise the money needed. However, xs not ensure the extra 5 percent v..ill not return anytime soon. "'[The uttceJ intends to look at pncing on a yearly basis." commented Mark " general manager of the bookstore. The board \\ill review the extra money coming m so the money is rl) used. ll 1s estimated that the discount decrease \\ill bring in an SI mill :m in revenue that will be put tov. ards renovations. 'The first pnonty is to provide qualuy goods to students and faculty:• er said. The bookston, is completely self supporting, independent from the rsity and receives no funding from any other uni\ersit)-related -;ource. ves few po::.stbilities to ·se the nece.~sar) funds ASMSU \ice president and student member of the board, Justin Ell10L, 'There is always the option to increase pnces." However. the board to a\oid this to keep the bookstore competitive and convenient for lts. Although there has not been any \Oiccd concern about the appearance of okstore, it is evident that it needs attention. 'The bookstore has not been lcled since the 1970s. "We are beginning lO look very dated," Frisby said. Sophomore accounting student Nola Drga said, '"They' re putting too much · on remodeling when not many of the srudents care about iL" The floor, ceiling, fixtures and colors will be redone although no definite have been made. 'The carpet is the fir.;t concern. "I think it is fine as it is. Wedon'thangout there. Idon'tcareifit's pretty," lllles Mehlos, a freshman Bio-medicine studenL The general layout will remain the same, however, the aisles, cash regis­ D:l desk area can be expected to change. Renovations should be completed ~years . After the renovations have been completed, the bookstore wiU consider 11g b<w::k the five percenL Until then, it is expected that the discount will not llelow IO percent Although some things need immediate attention, long term effectiveness On Monday, members of the Media & Theatre Arts Television and Video Program practiced vation is the focus ofthe board. They are planning on how the bookstore's with their equipment in preparation for a local telethon. D:l wiU change as the university moves into the next cenrury. SU homepage Magazine highlights best careers BY MIKE BRENNAN pollution fighters and new-media men cs and bequests," the magazine Detroit Free Press executives. said. ceives upgrade The national magazine com­ Then. there arc crisis special­ Looking for a hot career? piled its list after interviews with ists - sometimes referred to as Registrars office or meet with an Pollution fighters, cosmetic den­ dozens of experts in 20 fields spin doctors. Their Job 1s to report advisor in order to obtain infor­ tists, spin doctors and-yes- law­ across the country. Herc's what bad company news to the metlia mation. Student<; can now access yers will all be in demand in the those experts had to say about some and encourage their hosses to re­ Montana State internet infonnation 24 hours a day, 7 days next century. of the career potential of the jobs pair a tarnished image with acts of logy has recently taken a a week, from any internet acces­ U.S. News & World Report identified. goodwill, according to U.S. News. orward in the realm of sru­ sible computer, at home or school. magazine has pinpointed 20 of With mergers and acquisi­ "When claims of racial slurs services by adding ro the The site offers information what n considers the hottest career tions valued at nearly a half-billion by white Texaco executives against home page. The lnforrna­ on grades, personal schedules, prospects for the next millennium. dollars so far this year, not only arc black coworkers hit the newsstands echnology Center ha~ just class schedules, a cla'is schedule Some, such as computer en­ <.:o rporatc lawyers in demand. but late last year, the compan) tly introduced student grid. student status infomiation gineers, are predictable. Others, so are certified public accoun1ants scrambled to repair the damage to , schedules and other perti­ and even a urgent notice space such as corporate lawyers, are back skilled in valuing businesses. its image," U.S. News wrote. "Un­ previoll>ly unavailable infor­ that infoITT1s students of missing in vogue after a hiatus following "Business valuauon special­ expected disasters can cost compa­ onto their student website. immunizations and other possible the 1980s merger-mania. ists also determine companies' tax nies a fortune and sentl their repu­ Before this new addition, But others arc a bit surpris­ burdens. And they arc playing a tations into a tailspin." IS were required to go to the l>(;.'C MSU Home Page page 4 ing. They include cosmetic den­ larger role in evaluating assets like tists, animators, cnsis specialists, stock options 1n divorce settle- sec Upcomi 11 J,\ Careers pa~e ·I lVhat s your reaction to the A1S U Bookstore changing the photos by Roger D<!_\~ Expo11c111 PhotograpJ Your Turn - discount 011 books from 1 So/o to 1 Oo/o to fund remodeling costs? I think it's crap! The books Why do they need to Oh, No way, dude! I don't think it ·s fair be­ It's not I ike they don't are overpriced anyway. I remodel the Bookstore? That's bad! That's out of cause we spend enough charge enough money a; think the Bookstore is fine the question! money for college anyway. is. We just need shelves r the way it is. It doeso 't need books. to be changed. -Brent Smvl -Courtney Grigg -Dieter Widyanata -Kelly Conley - Brandon Beards/.. Oue to "\~e hol'"l'"•d ~p-\<.·~ on Stupid dog invites sadistic hum. C.3fl1\)US, >le ¥Ji\\ il\loYI Cot'\l'1u"\e, It was in a desperate search '5,udeh15 to eHhdhtt' the•r The cal had a pretty warped sense would begin to literally scm C ~en-lits for- tkse for a topic. while procrastinating of humor and was a bit more ag­ the top of her little doggie ,. cOMloc-tilble 1,1a\k;~ shoes. in a coffee shop with lots of ile. so the cat would turn a corner For as loud and in pain < chocolate. I saw a small dog. on a wood floor at mach peed. sounded. she might as wel . ormally, I don't notice any dog while Mindy would ram traight been speared. lnvariabl). 1 under ten pounds until I remem­ into the wall. You could hear the piercing creaming \\Ouk 1 ber and snicker about how a cat snicker in the next room. enlr) into the room. just be• friend likes to call them '"kick Becau e Mindy liYed most e\eryone ''as too asleep 1 dogs." The reasoning is because of her life with cats. he began her. the) arc small and To ''ill be airborne for mother's har quite ::.ome 1ime. (So I'm told) 'ersat1on '' ~ • Therefore. I v. a~ a bou L htn\ t reminded of .1 Gnrv HowELL !hat dog. " IThe Exponent I small 1fog m:- fam­ Exponent Columnist actual!) doi il: u>.et..I to ha' e. At t1ne 11me. is currently accepting letters to the editor. \J 1nd:. W hLlm \\ e ".is a coug It's not a perfect world-Write about it! plotted again,,!. bobcat 1ir PI o t Ii n g rather large aga1n~t the Jog \\as that ''as per~ The bponem IS published 1110St !Od11or rno::.tl\ lll) t.lad and shoulJ bee\­ cleaning her::-elf like nne 'rou Tuesdays & Fnda) 1 of 01e Marcus Hibdon • 994-1455 capable of c.onsuming ~tiriM academic year and is affilla1cd Managing Ed11or pla1ncd II should bL duly n111ed km"'· silting up IO lick her pa''" one bite. :-p1111ed. Someon w11h the Associated S1udenLs of Thom:1' Andcr;on • Q<l.l-1224 that she'' dead nm\ and he d1dn ·1 and them drag them O\ LT her Montana Staci.'.' C'mvcnuy. Ne"' Lduor gested that'' e tether the do!' Wilham Cirullo· 994-1551 do it ln all fairness. dad ''a::.n"t heat.I Cleaning her·clt ''a::. an­ !O ''here Big Feline had Edi1onal Policy Fea1ures Editor un_tu~t1fiet.I in lw. h11m11:1dal 1en­ no\ 1ng .•1~ ,ine had 10 11~1en to seen. Sll \\ e could get a he11 Un"gncd editorials reprc.'i<:nl !he Jessica Dyrland-Mecklenburg t.lcncies In\\ ard that Jog. op1111on of !he Exponen1 eduorial 994-3840 tho~e l1t1lc Itek) sount.1 and at the cat (as could Mind~ board. signed eduorinl columns Spon< Etluor "Mindy"' was a Pcek-a-Poo. doggic snorts while she mouthed get rid of the dog. Pelc Faggen • 994-5482 reprc.<e111 the opinion of !he Pekinese and Poodle. to be exact. her pa"s. but it was eYcn more author Opimons expre,~d in letter\ Senior Pholographer If 1\1 ind) had been a Roger De) • 994-2233 nnd ndvcn1smen1s do no1 necessanly 11.
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