History Physics NEWSLETTER of A F O R U M O F T H E A M E R I C A N P H Y S I C A L S O C I E T Y • V O L U M E X • N O . 2 • S P R I N G 2 0 0 7 Preserving Our Own History Some Notes from the Forum Chair, Virginia Trimble Dear All, would ask this; but it is really your judgment call. I propose to Here are eight items—the first two new, the others ongo- declare the University of California, Irvine a major institution ing—where you could make a difference. on the grounds that several folks recently retired from there did things that should not be forgotten. And yes, I shall nag them to “Retirement Packages.” No, not continued health care. But provide retirement packages. the AIP Center for History of Physics would like to preserve in its archives a short record of the work of each retiring academic Departmental Histories. Many departments have already physicist or allied scientist from major academic institutions. A generated these in book (or occasionally electronic) form. At the standard package includes: (1) a complete CV with bibliography; initiative of Executive Committee member David Jackson, the (2) one or more photographs (those showing the scientist at work Forum wants to encourage this to become a universal practice and are particularly desirable); (3) any appropriate press releases, to make the results widely available. It should not be limited to clippings, or other biographical or autobiographical materials; and prestigious institutions, where a short history might mean a short (4) sound recordings of any speeches or reminiscences made at a book. I recently saw a perfectly charming one from the Depart- retirement function, or of the scientist describing his work. These ment of Physics & Astronomy at the University of Manitoba. can be sent to the Center for History of Physics, One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20720, attn: Spencer Weart, Director. There are three stages at which you can help. Retirements should be interpreted to include deaths, either early a. A history already exists and a copy has been deposited ones or where no retirement package was compiled. at the Niels Bohr Library. Three cheers! Then please just send Your part in this: If you have recently retired yourself or are a bibliographic citation and information on library or other ac- about to, please compile your own retirement package (reluctantly, cess to [email protected]. The Forum will attempt to compile we exempt recently deceased colleagues from this task) and send a registry of the histories and put occasional updates in the APS it in. Copy this item to your department chair and urge strongly newsletter. that packages be sent in for your recently retired or deceased b. A history already exists but the Bohr Library does not yet colleagues. Nag occasionally to make sure it happens. Note that have a copy. Two and a half cheers! Please make sure it gets this is not intended to replace full archives for major figures (Fred one (Niels Bohr Library, One Physics Ellipse, College Park MD Reines, if you want an example), though the Center is happy to 20740). And send the bibliographic and availability information help departments find appropriate locations for these. to [email protected]. Are you at a “major institution”? Oh dear, I was afraid you Continued on page 2 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Forum Sessions in 2007 3 Forum Elections 4 New Books of Note 7 Fellowship Nominations 9 We Hear That . 9 William Shockley explaining the theory of minority-carrier injection involved in the operation of junction transistors. See review of Broken Genius on page 7 Preserving Our History advantage of this opportunity, please tell someone (one each for March and April), your Chair ([email protected]) before the so that we can provide travel money for Continued from page 1 April APS meeting in Jacksonville, so an occasional outstanding speaker who c. No such history exists, or the one that we know how many nominees there no longer has research grants or who will that was written for the department’s 50th will be. be coming from overseas. There will be a anniversary in 1932 is a little out of date. Franco Rasetti speaker in March (Thank Please think about who connected with Volunteer for Something. If you you, Bob Resnick!) and a Samuel K. Al- your department might be persuaded to have an idea for a March or April 2008 lison speaker in April (Thank you, Jim compile such a history and twist a suit- history session, contact David Cassidy Cronin!). The donors get to choose who is able arm. ([email protected]), who will serve as honored (deceased is best, we think), and A note on this project will appear our 2008 Program Chair. If you are willing the program committee selects the speaker. shortly in your APS newsletter. To see a to help out on a committee or something, The cost for 2008 will be $1,200 each. partial web listing of materials already please tell the incoming Forum Chair, Bill There are lots of other things APS available, go to: Evenson ([email protected]; note units are allowed to do that we are not http://www.aip/org/history ---> Book that “uvsc” stands for Utah Valley State currently doing, to which donors’ or Catalog ---> General; then enter “physics College, and it is easy to twist the letters honorees’ names might be attached. If departments” and highlight “Institutional around so that the e-dress doesn’t work), you have an idea, please suggest it to the Histories held at AIP” in the Limits box. who will appoint the committees. And if Forum Secretary-Treasurer Thomas Miller you might be willing to be a candidate for ([email protected]) or to Nominate a Colleague for Fellow- the Forum Executive Committee or the one of the Chair-sequence folks (Trimble, ship. This process has now gone online Chair sequence or other office, or would Evenson, Cassidy, the person you are only, at: http://fellowship.aps.org. like to suggest a colleague, get in touch about to elect). See the article by David Cassidy on p. with the outgoing Chair (vtrimble@uci. 9 for more details. You will need an APS edu), who will be attempting to organize Host a Talk. The Speakers Bureau user ID and password. Contact Shelly nominations later this year. co-organized by the Topical Group on Johnston ([email protected]) if you don’t Gravitation and the Forum on History of have one or have forgotten it. The Forum Recruit New Members. For someone Physics is soldiering on, attempting to deadline is 11 May 2007. Other units who is already an APS member, joining provide speakers on general relativity, his- have earlier deadlines. We are entitled to the Forum is just a matter of sending a tory of physics, cosmology & relativistic put forward 12 candidates per year and message to [email protected] announc- astrophysics, Einstein, and related topics, generally average 1–2. If you are taking ing the desire to do so. The first two APS especially for four-year or geographically forums are free. If you are giving a talk in isolated colleges. We are now the Las your department or someone else’s, try to Cumbres Speakers Bureau (with extra History Physics recruit there. My standard spiel is: “Please hearty thanks to Las Cumbres Observatory NEWSLETTER of hold up your hand if you are a member of and its director Wayne Rosing for their The Forum on History of Physics APS.” (usually a good showing) “Please help), and you can request a speaker at: of the American Physical Society hold up your hand if you are a member of http://www.phys.utb.edu/WYPspeakers/ publishes this Newsletter semi- APS and not yet a member of the Forum REQUESTS/howto.html. annually. Nonmembers who wish on History of Physics.” “Good. The sign- The Las Cumbres Observatory site is: to receive the Newsletter should up sheet starts here!” And to the nearest http://www.lcogt.net/. make a donation to the Forum such person hand a clipboard or tablet of $5 per year (+ $3 additional ruled for printed name and signature. Then Congratulate Max Jammer. Obvi- for airmail). Each 3-year volume send in the list. ously we all do collectively. I suspect a consists of six issues. good many of you would like to do so in- Sponsor Something. The Forum cur- dividually. His postal address is: 9 Itamar Editor rently has two kinds of “sponsorship/nam- Benavi St., 92349 Jerusalem, ISRAEL. Of Michael Riordan ing opportunities,” invented in the past course, he also has a phone number and an Institute of Particle Physics few years, and we are definitely open to e-dress, but notes and letters sent by mail University of California others. One is partial support of travel are likely to be less disruptive. Santa Cruz, CA 95064 for students coming to APS meetings and [email protected] giving contributed talks in FHP sessions. News Flash! In late December, as an (831) 459 5687 There will be five John Bardeen students end-of-Chanukah present, we were offered at the March 2007 meeting (with thanks a very impressive donation to support Associate Editor to his family), and some number of Rolfe named lectures. The donor will be thanked Robert H. Romer Glover students at the April meeting (with in a future Forum mailing, after details Physics Department Amherst College thanks to Richard Prange).
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