16— MANCHESTER HERALD, Saturday, Dec. 22, 1990 KfT ‘N’ CARLYLE by Larry Wright 35 STORE ft OFFICE 61 MISC. SERVICES ^ 1 fMg To iVgRVoU^ _______ SPACE HOUSE/GROUNDS MANCHESTER-Main St. MAINTENANCE-Ex- Astrograph location, near Center porienced carpenter. All St. Ideal for store/office. around fixerl 742-0595. MONDAY 646-2426 weekdays. 9- still in a favorable cycle where hopes you are to be cooperative. A good ex­ and expectations can be gratified, pro­ ample will be inspirational. Now Is the time to run an % u r vided you strive for achievement in a LIBRA (Sept. 23-Ocl. 23) Be alert to­ 30 ROOMMATES ad in classified to sell that methodical and practical manner day, because something unique could ______ WANTED camera you no longer ^ r t h d i y ARIES (March 21-April 19) Something develop that will make an endeavor on use. in which you casually Involved yourself which you're presently working more 1 Bedroom in 4 bedroom with another today could turn out to profitable and attractive. You'll recog­ LOCAL NEWS INSIDE Dec. 23, 1990 home. Good neighbor­ have more benefits tor you than you re­ nize the signals. alized. Operate with an open mind. hood. $300. Available 71 HOLIDAY There shoold be a marked improvement SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) Your tact January 1. 646-3893. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Strive to and graciousness will enable you to ■ Coventry bond rating affirmed. SEASONAL in the year ahead in major trends that break away from your usual routines to­ contribute to your material well being. deal with a delicate development today MANCHESTER-Female day, especially those of a recreational In a manner that will serve everyone's non-smoker to share 3 The now 1991 Entertain­ As conditions begin to improve, set or social nature. Do something new ment Coupon Savings some funds aside in case you have to interests without anyone's feelings be­ ■ St. James all-day kindergarten. bedroom, 2 baths, about which you've been thinking but ing slighted. furnished, fully ap- Books are now avail­ deal with a rainy day. haven't as yet tried. able for $30.00. Save SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-D*c. 21) Your Whats lianced Victorian CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) You II (May 21-Juna 20) Your possi­ possibilities for personal acquisition 50% on almost every- bilities lor fulfilling your practical objec­ ■ Meotti seeks campaign reforms. Buplex. No pots $450 be imaginative and creative today but look very good today. In fact, you might I I - u - plus share of utilities. thing-Dininq. theatre, tives today are better than usual, be­ sports, travel and more! your greatest asset could be your ability be the recipient ot something that is ot News 646-7536 or 871-0513. to transform the basic ideas of compan­ cause your ambitions will be in harmony little worth to another, yet of substantial All proceeds will benefit with your abilities. Good luck. ■ Robertson School involves parents. ions mto something better than what value to you. 52 CLEANING SER- those non-profit or­ CANCER (June 21-July 22) Involve­ ganizations for the they initially envisioned. Capricorn VICES treat yourself to a birthday gift. Send for ments that give you an opportunity to Dec. 24, 1990 mentally retarded. New express yourself creatively or artistical­ your /Vstro-Graph predictions for the For your personal horoscope, 3 5 STORE ft OFFICE 35 STORE ft OFFICE HOME CLEANING- Seasons-647-1624, ly will be the ones you're likely to find Local/Regional Section, Page 7. the most gratifying today _______ SPACE_______ SPACE Manchester and sur­ March Inc-646-4446, L»raph, c/o this newspaper P O Bnv lovescope, lucky numbers LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) The timing looks rounding areas. Trust Greater Coventry As­ 91428, Cleveland, OH 441oi-3428 Be and future forecast, call MANCHESTER-Store or worthy and reliable. sociation for Retarded good today for making some changes Mass, police say you ve been contemplating that could Astro*Tone (95t each minute; office for rent. Main Reasonable rates. Citizens-742-0315. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) Situa­ Valentine may Street. 529-7858 or tions relating to your career or financial produce benefits for you as well as tor Touch-Tone phones only). Vbur Hometown Newspaper Voted 1990 New England Newspaper of the Year References. 647-1137. others. It will be up to you to prove their Newsstand Price: 35 Cents 563-4438. MANCHESTER feasibility. Dial 1-900-990-9400 and not be involved S8FLOORINQ today.mdinh'°°.'' There’s a chance«ncouragS somethino OFFICE/SPACE-1 mile to LIVING CHRISTMAS VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sepl. 22) The secret to enter your access code MANCHESTER — Mas­ I-84. 600 Square feet, PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) You are^ getting others to be supportive of you number, which is 184 all utilities included. TREES today is to first show them how willing sachusetts State iPoIice say it ap­ $650/month. Peterman Property for Lease as Dry 19 Lewis Street pears that a local man being held Realty, 649-9404. Storage/Retail -1 8 0 Park FLOORSANDING (Off Spring & South Main) on murder charges may not be •Floors like new 87 > n s c . FOR SALE MCC students involved in two slayings in that YOU CAN enloy extra Street - Cheney Historical Park on street and •Specializing in older floors state. vocation money by ex- District - $550.00 per month •Natural & stained floors walk in behind barn. 643-2711 ctionalng Idle Items In WOOD WORKING-Table Lance Valentine, who was ar- - year lease - Contact • No waxing anymore your home for cosh John Verfaille Heavy duty with 2 vices rc.sted Ia.st Wednesday in the with on ad in classified. (404)551-8166 OPEN SATURDAY and draw and storage 91 CARS FOR SALE 91 CARS FOR S A 1 ~ 646-5750 shelf. $350. 649-678A 91 CARS FOR SALE ponder peace death of Evelyn Schmeelk, was Call 643-2711 to piece your 9-5 EST 10am-4pm ad. questioned late last week by $20 any tree WOR i; m a TE 200-2 Massachusetts State Police about LEGAL NOTICES 647-9546 Months old. $45 649- 6787. his possible involvement in the in the Mideast slabbing deaths of two women NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Court of Probate, 84 MUSICAL ITEMS ESTATE OF near his hometown of Westfield. ESTATE OF District of Manchester 91 CARS FOR SALE WILUAM MICHAEL PASEK ANNA C. BURDETT By DIANNA M. TALBOT siructor Jean DcValve asked her But Li. Edward Harrington of NOTICE OF HEARING GIBSON-1975 Ripper 16 .students in the developmental the Hamp.shire County District T h e Hon. William E. T h e Hon. William E. IN RE: Bass Guitar with case CHEVROLET-Caprice Herald Features Editor FitzGeraid, Judge ot the Court FitzGerald, Judge of the Court MARK KEVIN HASSELL and Goriiia GB-30 Amp. classic wagon. 1988. English class to evaluate an article Attorney’s office said little came of Probate, District of of the interview. of Probate, District of Pursuant to an order of Hon Exceilent condition. V8. Everything. Excel­ MANCHESTER — With the written by former president Manchester at a hearing held Manchester at a hearing held William E. FitzGerald, Judge, $185. 649-6787. lent condition. 51,000 Jimmy Carter. “There’s no apparent connec­ on December 13, 1990, or­ Jan. 15 deadline for Iraq to get out on December 18, 1990 or­ dated December 10, 1990 a miles. $7500 or best 1990 MODEL tion,” Harrington said. “But dered that all claims must be dered that all claims must be of Kuwait fa.sl approaching, many Titled “First Steps Toward hearing will be held on an ap­ 86 PETS ft SUPPI.IFA offer. 742-0116. Peace,” the article was published we’re not ruling him out as a presented to the fiduciary at presented to the fiduciary at plication praying a change of people have formed their own the address below. Failure to the address below. Failure to in the Dec. 17 issue of Newsweek, su.spcci yet. name as in said application on FREE-2-1/2 year oid opinions on how to settle things. promptly present any such promptly present any such file more fully appears, at the CLEARANCE a magazine which class members Harrington said Valentine claim may result in the loss of maie, Goiden Retriever. Last week, students in claim may result in the loss of Court of Probate on January subscribe to and read regularly to denied any involvement in the rights to recover on such rights to recover on such 649-7639.__________ Manchester Community College’s 7, 1991 at 11:00 A.M. CENTER help improve reading comprehen­ two Massachusetts slayings, but claim. claim. KITTENS-Protectors of English 95 class devised their Mary C. McNamara, police are still trying to deter­ Sandra Haun, Animais, Vet-checked. own propo.sals for peace in the sion. Carter’s article centered on Sandra Haun, Ass't Clerk MOTORS mine his whereabouLs on the Clerk Clerk $25. donation. 742- BEST VALUES OF THE YEAR Middle East. the possibility of resolving the 048-12 nighis in question. The fiduciary is: The fiduciary is: 9666 or 633-8515. “Quality Used Cars” Among the suggestions were: Persian Gulf crisis through Annette Pasek Shirley C. Naezkowski 461 Main Street Assassinate Iraqi leader Saddam negotiation instead of force. h s a difficult case because 81 Richard Road 95 Ledqecrest Terrace 87 MISC. FOR SALE Manchester, CT iLL 1990's PRICED $100 UNDER On the test, DcValve asked her we re dealing with one murder Manchester, CT 06040 Manchester, CT 06040 TOWN OF COVENTRY Hussein or put him behind bars; INVITATION TO BID 6 4 9 - 4 3 0 4 pull American troops out of Saudi students to answer several ques­ that occurred a year ago and 052-12________ 049- 12 CRAFTSMAN-8" Direct PURCHASE OF ONE NEW [FACTORY INVOICE.
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