Rev. B. Anthony Hathaway-Taylor Empire to Commonwealth Prime Ministers Chapter Ten Prime Ministers Page 297 of 468 Rev. B. Anthony Hathaway-Taylor Empire to Commonwealth Prime Ministers 1715 – 1742 1742 – 1743 1743 – 1754 1754 – 1756 Robert Walpole Earl of Wilmington Henry Pelham Duke of Newcastle Page 298 of 468 Rev. B. Anthony Hathaway-Taylor Empire to Commonwealth Prime Ministers 1756 – 1757 1757 – 1762 1762 Duke of Devonshire Duke of Newcastle Earl of Bute Page 299 of 468 Rev. B. Anthony Hathaway-Taylor Empire to Commonwealth Prime Ministers 1763 - 1765 1765 – 1766 1766 – 1768 1768 – 1770 George Granville Duke of Rockingham Earl of Chatham Duke of Grafton Page 300 of 468 Rev. B. Anthony Hathaway-Taylor Empire to Commonwealth Prime Ministers 1770 – 1782 1782 1782 – 1783 1783 Lord North Duke of Rockingham Lord Shelburne Duke of Portland Page 301 of 468 Rev. B. Anthony Hathaway-Taylor Empire to Commonwealth Prime Ministers 1783 – 1801 1801 – 1804 1804 – 1806 1806 – 1807 William Pitt Lord Sidmouth William Pitt Lord Grenville Page 302 of 468 Rev. B. Anthony Hathaway-Taylor Empire to Commonwealth Prime Ministers 1807 – 1809 1809 – 1812 1812 – 1827 1827 Duke of Portland Spencer Perceval Lord Liverpool George Canning Page 303 of 468 Rev. B. Anthony Hathaway-Taylor Empire to Commonwealth Prime Ministers 1827 – 1828 1828 – 1830 1830 – 1834 1834 Viscount Goderich Duke of Wellington Earl Grey Lord Melbourne Page 304 of 468 Rev. B. Anthony Hathaway-Taylor Empire to Commonwealth Prime Ministers 1834 – 1835 1835 – 1841 1841 – 1846 1846 – 1852 Robert Peel Lord Melbourne Robert Peel John Russell Page 305 of 468 Rev. B. Anthony Hathaway-Taylor Empire to Commonwealth Prime Ministers 1852 1852 – 1855 1855 – 1858 1858 - 1859 Earl of Derby Earl of Aberdeen Lord Palmerston Earl of Derby Page 306 of 468 Rev. B. Anthony Hathaway-Taylor Empire to Commonwealth Prime Ministers 1859 – 1865 1865 – 1866 1865 - 1868 1868 Lord Palmerston John Russell Earl of Derby Benjamin Disraeli Page 307 of 468 Rev. B. Anthony Hathaway-Taylor Empire to Commonwealth Prime Ministers 1868 – 1874 1874 - 1880 1880 – 1885 1885 – 1886 William Gladstone Benjamin Disraeli William Gladstone Marquis of Salisbury Page 308 of 468 Rev. B. Anthony Hathaway-Taylor Empire to Commonwealth Prime Ministers 1886 1886 – 1892 1892 - 1894 1894 – 1895 William Gladstone Marquis of Salisbury William Gladstone Lord Rosebury Page 309 of 468 Rev. B. Anthony Hathaway-Taylor Empire to Commonwealth Prime Ministers 1895 – 1902 1902 – 1905 1905 – 1908 1908 – 1916 Marquis of Salisbury Arthur Balfour Henry Campbell-Bannerman Herbert Asquith Page 310 of 468 Rev. B. Anthony Hathaway-Taylor Empire to Commonwealth Prime Ministers 1916 – 1922 1922 – 1923 1923 – 1924 1924 David Lloyd George Andrew Bonar-Law Stanley Baldwin Ramsey MacDonald Page 311 of 468 Rev. B. Anthony Hathaway-Taylor Empire to Commonwealth Prime Ministers 1924 – 1929 1929 – 1935 1935 – 1937 1937 – 1940 Stanley Baldwin Ramsey MacDonald Stanley Baldwin Neville Chamberlain Page 312 of 468 Rev. B. Anthony Hathaway-Taylor Empire to Commonwealth Prime Ministers 1940 – 1945 1945 – 1951 1951 – 1955 1955 – 1957 Winston Churchill Clement Attlee Winston Churchill Anthony Eden Page 313 of 468 Rev. B. Anthony Hathaway-Taylor Empire to Commonwealth Prime Ministers 1957 – 1963 1963 – 1964 1964 – 1970 1970 – 1974 Harold Macmillan Alex Douglas-Hume Harold Wilson Edward Heath Page 314 of 468 Rev. B. Anthony Hathaway-Taylor Empire to Commonwealth Prime Ministers 1974 - 1976 1976 – 1979 1979 – 1990 1990 – 1997 Harold Wilson James Callaghan Margaret Thatcher John Major Page 315 of 468 Rev. B. Anthony Hathaway-Taylor Empire to Commonwealth Prime Ministers 1997 – 2007 2007 - Tony Blair Gordon Brown Page 316 of 468 Rev. B. Anthony Hathaway-Taylor Empire to Commonwealth Prime Ministers EARLY INDIA British East India Company Rule, British Governors-General of India Moghul authority replaced by 1765-1858, Presidency of Calcutta Britain, 1827 Warren Hastings 1772-1785 Robert Clive Governor, 1755-1760, John MacPherson 1785-1786 Lord Bentinick 1828-1835 1764-1767 Lord Cornwallis 1786-1793 & 1805 Lord Metcalfe 1835-1836 Henry Verelst 1767-1770 Sir John Shore 1793-1798 Lord Auckland 1836-1842 Cartier 1770-1772 Lord Mornington 1798-1805 Earl of Ellenborough 1842-1844 Sir G. Barlow 1805-1807 Lord Hardinge 1844-1848 Lord Minto 1807-1813 Earl of Dalhousie 1848-1856 Lord Moira/Hastings 1813-1823 Lord Canning 1856-1858 Viceroy 1858- Lord Amherst 1823-1828 1862 British Rule, 1858-1947 Page 317 of 468 Rev. B. Anthony Hathaway-Taylor Empire to Commonwealth Prime Ministers Dominion Prime Ministers Prime Ministers of Canada Prime Ministers of New Zealand Prime Ministers of Australia Prime Ministers of South Africa Sir John A. MacDonald Richard Seddon 1893-1906 Edmund Barton 1900-1903 Louis Botha 1910-1919 1867-1873, 1878-1891 William Hall-Jones 1906-1907 Alfred Deakin 1903-1904, Jan Christiaan Smuts Alexander MacKenzie 1873-1878 Joseph Ward 1905-1908, 1909-1910 1919-1924, 1939-1948 John Abbott 1891-1892 1907-1912, 1928-1930 John Watson 1904 James Hertzog 1924-1939 John Thompson 1892-1894 Thomas MacKenzie 1912 George Reid 1904-1905 Daniel Malan 1949-1954 Mackenzie Bowell 1894-1896 William Massey 1912-1925 Andrew Fisher 1908-1909, Johannes Strijdom 1954-1958 Charles Tupper 1896 Francis Bell 1925 1910-1913, 1914-1915 Hendrik Verwoerd 1958 – 1961 Sir Wilfrid Laurier 1896-1911 Joseph Coates 1925-1928 Joseph Cook 1913-1914 (then republic) Sir Robert Borden 1911-1920 George Forbes 1930-1935 William Hughes 1915-1923 Arthur Meighen 1920-1921, 1926 Michael Savage 1935-1940 Stanley Bruce 1923-1929 William Lyon MacKenzie King Peter Fraser 1940-1949 James Scullin 1929-1932 1921-1926, 1926-1930, 1935-1948 Sidney Holland 1949-1957 Joseph Lyons 1932-1939 Richard Bennett 1930-1935 Keith Holyoake 1957, 1960-1972 Earle Page 1939 Louis Saint Laurent 1948-1957 Walter Nash 1957-1960 Robert Menzies John Diefenbaker 1957-1963 John Marshall 1972 1939-1941, 1949-1966 Lester Pearson 1963-1968 Norman Kirk 1972-1974 Arthur Fadden 1941 Pierre Trudeau Hugh Watt 1974 John Curtin 1941-1945 1968-1979, 1980-1984 Wallace Rowling 1974-1975 Francis Forde 1945 Joe Clark 1979-1980 Robert Muldoon 1975-1984 Joseph Chifley 1945-1949 John Turner 1984 David Lange 1984-1989 Harold Holt 1966-1967 Brian Mulroney 1984-1993 Geoffrey Palmer 1989-1990 John McEwen 1967-1968 Kim Campbell 1993 Michael Moore 1990 John Gorton 1968-1971 Jean Chrétien 1993-2003 Jim Bolger 1990-1996 William McMahon 1971-1972 Paul Martin 2003-2006 Jenny Shipley 1997-1999 Gough Whitlam 1972-1975 Stephen Harper 2006-present Helen Clark 1999-present Malcolm Fraser 1975-1983 Bob Hawke 1983-1991 Paul Keating 1991-1996 John Howard 1996-present Page 318 of 468 Rev. B. Anthony Hathaway-Taylor Empire to Commonwealth Prime Ministers Empire Governors British North America Province of Canada Dominion of Canada Lieutenant-Governors of New Zealand, Jeffrey Amherst 1760-1763 Earl of Durham 1838-1839 Viscount Monck 1867-1869 James Murray 1764-1768 Lord Sydenham 1839-1841 Lord Lisgar 1869-1872 Captain William Hobson, RN Guy Carleton 1768-1778 Lord Bagot 1842-1843 Earl of Dufferin 1872-1878 1840-1841 Sir Frederick Haldimand Lord Metcalfe 1843-1845 Marquess of Lorne 1878-1883 under Lt.-Col. Sir George Gipps, Marquess of Lansdowne 1883-1888 1778-1786 Earl Cathcart 1846-1847 Governor of New South Wales, Lord Stanley 1888-1893 The Lord Dorchester 1786-1796 Earl of Elgin 1847-1854 Earl of Aberdeen 1893-1898 1837-1846 and Robert Prescott 1796-1807 Sir Edmund Walker Head Earl of Minto 1898-1904 Governor-in-Chief of Sir James Henry Craig 1854-1861 Earl Grey 1904-1911 New Zealand, 1807-1811 Viscount Monck 1861-1867 Duke of Connaught 1911-1916 1839-1841 Sir George Prevost 1812-1815 Duke of Devonshire 1916-1921 Sir John Coape Sherbrooke Lord Byng of Vimy 1921-1926 1816-1818 Viscount Willingdon 1926-1931 Governors of New Zealand, The Duke of Richmond Earl of Bessborough 1931-1935 Lord Tweedsmuir 1935-1940 Crown Colony 1818-1819 Earl of Athlone 1940-1946 The Earl of Dalhousie 1820-1828 Field Marshall Viscount Alexander Sir James Kempt 1828-1830 1946-1952 Captain William Hobson, RN 1841- Lord Aylmer 1830-1835 Vincent Massey 1952-1959 1842 Earl of Gosford 1835-1837 Major General Georges Vanier Captain Robert Fitzroy, RN 1843- Sir John Colborne acting, 1959-1967 1845 1837-1838 Roland Michener 1967-1973 Captain George Grey 1845-1847 Jules Léger 1973-1978 Edward Schreyer 1978-1984 Sir George Grey Jeanne Sauvé 1984-1989 Governor-in-Chief, Ray Hnatyshyn 1989-1995 1848-1853 Roméo LeBlanc 1995-1999 Adrienne Clarkson 1999-2005 Michaëlle Jean 2005- Page 319 of 468 Rev. B. Anthony Hathaway-Taylor Empire to Commonwealth Prime Ministers Governors of New Zealand, Governors-General of Governors of New South Wales Self-Governing New Zealand, Dominion Captain Arthur Phillip, RN 1788-1792 Air Vice-Marshal Sir Philip Game 1930-1935 Sir George Grey 1853-1853 Earl of Liverpool 1917-1920 Captain John Hunter, RN 1795-1800 Brigadier-General Sir Alexander Viscount Jellicoe 1920-1924 Captain Philip King, RN 1800-1806 Hore-Ruthven 1935-1936 Colonel Thomas Gore Browne Captain William Bligh, RN 1806-1808 Admiral Sir David Anderson 1936 1855-1861 General Sir Charles Fergusson, Baronet Colonel William Paterson acting, 1809 John de Vere Loder, 2nd Baron Wakehurst Sir George Grey 1861-1868 1924-1930 Major-General Lachlan Macquarie 1937-1946 Viscount Bledisloe 1930-1935 Sir George Ferguson Bowen 1810-1821 General Sir John Northcott 1946-1957 Viscount Galway 1935-1941 Major-General Sir Thomas Brisbane 1821-1825 Lieutenant-General Sir Eric Woodward 1868-1873 Air Marshal Sir Cyril Louis Norton Newall Lieutenant-General Ralph Darling 1957-1965 Sir James Fergusson, Baronet 1941-1946 1825-1831 Sir Roden Cutler 1966-1981 1873-1874 Lt. General Lord Freyberg Major-General Sir Richard Bourke 1831-1837 Air Marshal Sir James Rowland Marquess of Normanby 1946-1952 Sir George Gipps 1838-1846 1981-1989 Sir Charles Augustus FitzRoy 1846-1855 Rear Admiral Sir David Martin 1989-1990 1875-1879 Lt.
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