fwm rb s mm é am u e l j am ily CO LLEC TED FRO M ESSAY S MSS. AND OTHER SO URCES ’ D A MU EL J . B U N FO R S WITH ILLUSTRA TIONS !Brita i n for abtihate mu tilation Y B LI I OMPA Y ILA LP IA B J . PP NCCYIT C N , PH DE H MCM! II 1 3 B ? . EWOI m un . COPY RIGHT 91 . I D AT T“ WASHINGTON S! UARE PRE S PHILADELPHIA. 11. 8v “ I a l l 1 21” C0aunts PA “ S M PA m LY N N HE KA B NB L RECORD or THE SA UEL , I CLUDI G T TZ B N II A ND a cnzzs n on r m ; LA 'rzs 'r A ns DO C N SAMUEL , cc s M S B . IDLE SS. ON THE U JECT ’ EDzLu A NN s 'rO Iu r WA IIL IL ' ' ' N S WII IL A PORTION or or SAUL , Ta n: V n B . S Fno MS. or MARCU AND SON, or IENNA A WS K N P B Y G S V KA RPELES . JE I H I G IN OLAND, U TA E W n on WS Y P . SAUL AHL, THE JE I H ENC CLO EDIA — A KING Iron A NIGHT THE PO LIs II s WIIO REIGNED VI WA s s U C WA IIL B Y REV . zu SAUL , DA D ‘ Lu BY S . Sn rcn or REB ECCA AD , MARCU ADLER l ist of fi lm s PA I F Y W DY . THE SAMUEL AMIL TREE (DRA N SAMUEL) ’ P P SA MU EL s MR S HOTOGRA H or SAMUEL SEAL AND . ’ DAV ID SA MU EL s MOURNING RING . ’ EDELMA NN s SAMUEL FAMILY TREE M P . PHOTOGRAPH O F TO E OF MEIER OF ADUA . PORTRAITS O F SAMUEL SAMUEL AND HIs WIPE B RINDELLA PORTRAITS OF DAV ID SAMUEL AND HIs WIFE HE'I' I'Y Mos s P GR A P ME O F HA MINz WF HOTO H OF TO NNAH , I E or P GR PH ME M HOTO A OF TO OF SA UEL JUDAH, SON OF MEIER or PADUA Returns ofthe £5d family INCLUDING THE KATZENELENBOGEN AND SAMUEL PEDIGREES F O THE L S ESS B 1188 ON THE S B T R M ATE T ACC I LE . U J EC IN pe digre e s of the past the Sa m ue l family ha ve mostly sta rte d with Sau l Wahl as their earlies t ancestor . The Tree on the frontispiece of this book starts with Meier of Padua . Most of the a rticles published about Sa u l Wa hl t have be en written by strangers o the family, with one e xception, and that is an account of the Samuel pedi gre e written in Hebrew by Hirsch Edelmann of London in IS f r . 54. o Dennis Samuel s k n r Edelmann, in tead of ma ing perso al e searches, f s e ll into the error, as other have done, of compiling his pa mphlet from numerous re sponses to letters he e n to had writt ra bbis and others the world ove r. The - re sult was tha t he re corded but the oft told fa ble s ha nded down from father to son a mong the Lithu a nia n Jews, most of whose ance stors we re assiste d by the b e que st left by Sa u l Wahl for stu de nts who were - loca ted in his dwelling pla ce of B re st Litovsk in Lithua nia . h a n a h h in the M e s ns e d Lit u i , w ic iddle Ag co titut an n e n n re a a s e i d pe de t lm, w unit d in I569 with Poland, an) : m antel mm and in the dismemberment of Poland in 1772 —1793 1 795, passed to Russia . Edelmann acknowledged that if one went to War saw, there are many records in the archives there which n would substa tiate the Saul Wahl legends , but who will make a search for these treasured manuscripts ?” In 1895 a story was written by Gustave K a rpe le s “ . m called A Jewish King of Poland It is a ra bling, interesting talk about Saul Wahl, divided into two — “ parts legend and history . It mentions that Our last and strongest witness , one compelling the respect ful attention of the severest court, and the most inci - sive attorney general, is the writing of the Russian B e rscha dsk professor z y , the author of an invaluable work on the history of the Jews in Lithuania . He vouches not indeed for the authority of the events related by Rabbi Pinchas , but for the reality of Saul ” Wahl himself . “ c n He produces do uments of inco testable authority, Béthori I 8 which report that Stephen , in the year 57 , n the third of his reig , awarded the salt monopoly for u dis ch — the whole of Poland to Saul J , that is, Saul the Jew . “ In 1 80 5 his name, together with the names of the heads of the Jewish community of Brest, figures in a lawsuit instituted to establish the claim of the Jews upon the fourth part of all the municipal revenues . “ r u I I 1 88 On Feb ary , 5 , Sigismund III issued a f Slu a notice making him a royal o ficial ( g Krolewski) , a bs g amuel arm I a sort of court Chamberlain . In 593 he pleads for the Jews of Brest who desire to have their own ju risdic tion , and the last public mention of his name occurs I h in the records of 596, when in conjunction wit his Christian townsmen he pleads for the renewal of an Withold old franchise, granted by the Grand Duke , r exempting impo ted goods from duty . He died at the age of 80 . ewis h World 2 1 0 In an article in the j of July 4 , 9 3, D “ written by the Rev. Wasserzug, called a King for ” “ ” a Night, The Polish Jew who reigned, Saul Wahl, he “ says : Saul settled in Brzesc, where he became known u d as Saul J isch, and late r assumed the name of Shor (Ox, which in Polish is Wohl or Wahl) ; hence his name ” ’ D a ss e r u s Saul Wahl . Rev . W z g account of Saul is another repetition of the fables with some Polish his tory added , and ends by giving the names of some of “ his English descendants, as follows : Chief rabbis Rev . Hart Lyon and the Rev . Solomon Hirschfeld ; an ecclesiastical assessor, Dayan A . L . Barnett ; a lord r Chancellor, Lord He schel ; a peer and a member of a conservative administration , Lord Pirbright ; two lord mayors, Sir Benjamin S . Phillips and his son Sir George Fa u de l Phillips ; several members of parlia Golds m id ment, Sir Julian , Sir Samuel Montague, Sir Harry S . Samuel, Stuart M. Samuel, Herbert Samuel ; two countesses, the Countess of Rosebery and the Countess of Orkney ; besides hosts of less exalted ” personage s . m; e Samuel arm To the above list could be added David and Moses M Samuel, whose sons Samuel Samuel and S . Samuel r were p ominent Hebrews, being the grandfathers of some of the above mentioned celebrities . ' ew rh hron cle 1 1 0 In the j z C i of June 1 , 9 9, is an article “ ” called The Adler Family, by Marcus N . Adler. He says : Our grandfather, Mordecai Adler, married Rebecca, daughter of Benjamin Frankel, chief rabbi K le n of Hanau . He belonged to the a tze ne boge n family ” w and a s a lineal descendant of Saul Wahl ; also that, “ r S . M. Samuel and Dennis Samuel were so p oud of their lineage that when they were m ade barons they ” assumed the name of De Vahl . A MS . recently procure d in Vienna, compiled by B . Son 1 1 1 Marcus and , dated April 2 9, 9 , contains an - interesting and well writte n account of Saul Wahl . “ : 1 It says Saul Wahl, born in 154 , at Padua, Italy, died at Brzesc in Lithuania, at the age of 76, and was s buried at Brzesc . He w a a Jewish notable at the end of the fifteenth century and emigrated from Padua to Lithuania . He was chosen president of the Jewish congregation - at Brzesc, as well as presiding officer of the so called ’ Four Lands Synod . In him, Talmudic knowledge, r n p ofane k owledge, and riches united themselves ; also he was held in high honor and re spect not only by his coreligionists but also by the reigning Polish king, so that the saying arose that Saul Wahl for one night must have held the Polish royal dignity . t he b anana tim e He built in Brzesc a synagogue to the memory of his wife, and had a memorial tablet placed there on h written in Hebrew wit a German translation . “ Only one family of note in Lithuania trace their origin to Saul Wahl , and their name is Wohl . It is presumed that in the course of time the name Wahl Changed to Wohl . Saul Wahl left a trust fund of Polish gulden, the interest of which was paid ” to his poor relations .
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