THE NORTHERNER Volume 29, Number 15 Independent Student Publication of Northern Kentucky Univcro;ity Wt•dnc-,day, DL-cembcr 8, 1999 /11 Brief: Accessibility aimed to increase ~ 0 FJU;UDJA SUI'S: 8y Rk k 1\mbu~y Accordmg to Sara Sl(kbouom, l~t that ._ntena. In other wonts, all fiN floor hnu\mg (.'uuld ~ pmv1d00 tmpowhle ror mchvldual, wuh hmtt­ The NKU team took the fii'SI place N~ttrl:.41ilor legal c.:oun~l for NKll, utd that the fauhtK!S do no1 have to be handt i\"UIII1C<.'C\\ary cd ann 1novcmcnt to reach. Adams trophy home in the Aooual umvcN•ty •~ m complmnce 14-tth the capped ltCCC\~Ihle as long a.' accc\" Adam\ """d tll.lt "'.IITlCI!IItc\ 11 I\ ...-ud the thangc~ were made to rectt­ KC'ntud:y p.,~holog~eal The re .. entl)' appotntcd gutckhne of the Arncncan\ wtth ble facihtiC.5 that meet the amdchnc\ nece'~ry to 10 hc)'(l!kl the n.~urn:­ ly the pruhlcm A !ICXiallon ~~h Bowl Subcommltcc on Campu\ DtYbthllc At:t. llowcvC'r, the are also provKicd. Adam alo.o \aKI mcnt\ prov11.k:d by the An-.:man\ ''Pretty ncar all our buttons are Tournament. l}opltc lhonm Aca 1b1ht)' v.1ll hcgm to d1'M:U\~ Kclllud.y Depanmcm of \bcall(lllal that au1dchne do noltndteatc that the Wtth D1\ab1hlle\ All Ill nnlcr tu bad f rum the doorc \0 the penon can More College's nauntmg of last and pomt out ll.'t.~\Mbrllt)' t\~UC at Rchabthtatton has a <ieparate <;et of um ... crslt)' mu~t provide hruxhcappcd ~ommodatc \tu<knt\ ttn ... c up to the doon and htt them on ~at'strophy• .w:mor Kevin Rand orthcm Kcntud:y lm'f'er.tty to the gutdclulC\, whtl:h are mort \trtct people wxc~s to every floor. a5 lona " I have been called 111 111 tllllC' to the \Ide," Adam~ ~ttl u.id, "We pmty much trounced taskrOf«. NKU ts nut comphant wtth all of ll5 what wa.~ on that floor wH "non­ lool. at @:Uitleltnc\ tnau-.e they don't Sam 81umt, NKU student who thrm," an In an added effort to help 11\Crt.l!iC the-..: gutdelmc , accordmg to the Cl>Sentml.." Adam Cited the eumplc appear to ~ork." Ad;:um '-Hcl 1\ a v.t~ttkha~r u!iCf, saKI tbat there PageJ accc ~1brhty on campu\, the poo;111on Northern Kentucky Department of that a cla\scoukl he moved to the first One \IJ(;h ClrtUm\tuocc ""',..,.,. Ulfl ~ere o;cvcral aa:e~ 1blhty i~ on of coordmator of di\ahlhty 'ICfVlCC\, Vocauonal Rchablhta\1011 floor than a h1ghcr \e'f'e\ floor. ccmmg !he hand hu1t1M" for the auto­ the campu~. Blume took a representa­ wh1ch i~ currently held hy Dale Accordmg 10 Adam\, 11 t5 flO( llowcver, Adam<t Mild that provKhng matte door'<. The ong111al pi<I<.'CrllCnt twe of Thf' Nur'llt~r~r on a tour Adams wa..~ upgrMkd from pan tnne reqUired by the ADA that CVC'I')' Ihmg ICCC5S to upper-level floors in butld­ of the halkl buttOI'l\ v.crc Ulfnpl1:1nt to full - tnne tht ~ )Car penammg to that ccnam reqmrcment ings such as rt<;Kicncc hall~. when w1th gmdchrJC,, hut v.cn: thi1Kuh or Se< ACCFSSIBILITY, Page 2 Expansion results in changes NKU'stra<htion or bringing high school seniors and transfer stu· IJ.v Dia ne Cocke,-e ll dents to campus gives the uni­ Swf!Rt'purltr verslt)' a chance to showcase programs hke Uni"ersity 10 1 The ground m front of the and leanung communities. Natural Sc1ence Building at Page6 Nonhem Kentucky University is full of wooden stakes. Chain-link fcncmg surrounds parki ng lot D. pan or parking lot c and the grassy area between the tv.o lots where a bu lldozer i' moving din. llig changes are aOOut to occur at NKU. On Monday Nov. 29 at 7 a.m .. University Drive re-opened and Nunn Dnve closed in preparation for construction of the uni versity ·~new $38 million Natural Science Butlding. The new faci lity will be built be tween parkmg lots C and D acro~l> from Landrum liall and the Norlhern Kenlucky nl.., ersil )' had tv. o " omt n's teams make the The most anticipalcd evem of current Natural Science Building. NC AA Ui..,lsion 111-'inall-'our this past v. eek. the century just may be the end­ Aecordmg to Mary Paula The Norse women 's soccer team lost to Franklin l'ierce 2-0 in ing of it. Plans for New Year's, Schuh, director of NKU Campus Miami Shores. 1-'!a . NKU ended the season " it h a 22-J record. entenainmcnt reviews, cencury Plannmg, an atrium and walkway They also won lhelr second stra ig ht Great Lakell Va lley history and a preview for NKU will be created between the three is all at yoorfingertips in a SIU· C onrerence tllle In only their third ,ear or the soccer program . bu1ldmgs-1t will be full of trees, dent M1llennium guide. The Norse volley ball team losl to BY U-Ha"ail In three seu a t ~hrubs and perennials. Special Section Hattie C reek. Mich . NKU ended the season with a .U-2 record Monarch Construction will and a number r 2 a nking. 'pend three )ears building the T his marks the second a nd third time tha t N KU has ha d a faci lity. v.hich is expected to be women 's team ma ke lito the NCAA l>hision II 1-'ina l 1-' our. T he available for classes by the fall V!EWPO! IS other time was when the basketballleam got that rar earlier In the !.Cmcstcrof2002. Al> a result of these changes: OFF WITH IT!: •Nunn Drive wi ll be closed bcty,.ecn the Nunn Ha ll dock and Cell phones may be ccxwenicnt. Carroll Drive. This area will notre­ but they arc also highly llMOying open following completion of con- when they go off at inapproprime ~truction. time~ like we<klings. A students •Nunn Drive to Carroll Drive makesrcqucst tocall off all wtll rcmaul open. Carroll Drive phones during class. bctv.ecn lots and will remain l'age 7 E F open. Kenton Drh'e will be open from Um,ersuy Drive to John's IIIII Road •TANK busses v.illtravel Kenton Dme. •me BEP Ctrcle wtll be the end of the hne and plc .. ·up point. •Lot D v.1ll be closed and will Se< CONSTRUCflON, Page 3 TilE LOCAL WEU : The web cat• take you aU around the v.orld. but it can also be a gft'at Drastic measures not answer to gun violence way to find out about local eveflt happemngs wld • news. At Uy Jerfrey H. Wllllwms dents said they own 1t least one sun, and " I hOJ)C 11 doesn't come to that." Ouh \Jill ... cudem, m\tcad of people v.ho can teach and www.cnv:mnau.com, you can get Fnllllrt'ff,tlllor eight percent of NKU's female students llald " I thmL KTCater attcrnpl~ should be nJJdc tu gmdr them dates, t unc~ and more tn fo. on hol­ they own ot least one KUn. Fony-slx percent control who gets the~r hand' nn thr B;~Lcr ~atd there are mstances in life when iday evcnb, spon.s, movies and "They thought It V.il\ COOl, that loOIIleone of1hosc have children less than IK yean old v. capons." ~nil\ arc needed and ~he does not want an un- entc!'Ulinment. Also read get your could npcn fire on a 'dlt)ul," Saruh Jcdd 1uld 32 percent or the gun owner11 sa1d the /lc stud he I'!Ou ld fa\ or lav.' thou m;mdJtC armed JIUblic daily nelliS on the CiM'IIIIItlll Post sa1d. AccordlltB to Nrw,y,.ec .. maga7me, mmor~ Lnow aOOut the guns m the horne~ vaults and tr1ggcr-locLs bul that ~tm·tcr par- " 1.(11.: .. tlup." Ha .. cr ~aid, "But I don't think and C11K llllltll/ fnquu'f'r. Jedd, 15, v.a, one or four \tudentl. arrc.,tcd In h1s amcle "The NRA is Riiht" Josh enung and more parent lll'f'Oh.< ~···~~~ ttm-cmmcnt shoUld JUSt bear anns for allcgL"<II)' plottm~ a L1llma •pn..-e at Sugarmann, the commumcations director of mcnt v.tth their children'' ~ and there arc 1>0rne thmgs kids Cleweland South lht~h Sthoulm <ktohcr the Coaht1on to Ban llandKUn 111d, "The 11'-elo ,, the Ley 10 halting don't nttd 10 Lnow In the waLe ol \<:huol ~hoottntt'l tn best v.ay to curh 11. health l'robiem u throuKh )o(:hool 'f'!Oicnce fmtly J)anner IS a JUntOl Washmgton. ColoradtT, Ar .. an\a\, Georg1a pre ... enunn m th•s case, the banmnK or all Many NKL I's sludcnts an .\tudent II NKU. She and Kentut.,) . 21'1 ~orthcrn Kentm.:- .. y ha1ldgun\ from cl\ 1l1an hands." not tn the sun.. e) '1> ~·d her fllher tli a super- Um\efMt)' ,\ tUI.klll' 111crr polled het~l'Cil 11\e NKU surH!)' 11ho~ed that the umver~1 llliJOflt)' aareed 111 uh 1ntendenttn the Cincmnal! No\' II, and N(l\ 2.1, to e..,l!mate .\luJenb' cy ·~ J>tudenh v.tuule~oJ. d111s11c measure ta. .. en Our that other .wlu hool dtstrict and her VIC""\ Otl KUn C(ll'ltTOII\\1/oC~ to pre,ent ~hool ... tolence More than 87 lions to the Khoot ~ IO· Accorduta w the 11unry.
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