. , ,'.;'- . ), 'S _ ,'"'• P S,T .........' ..,._-_.,."". ,- Thursday, 'October 261950 THE" "W'IS 0' " ".,-" - ThursQay,. october.._" 26" l!95Ol," . ft_---r----------ftftftftftftftftft •••• •• ft= •• ftft.ftft.ftftft.=ft •• " •••• ,.-~ ft.~=ft , , THE JEWISH POST -=--------_.--- .. : '.' - : -' ,> DEBORAH' 'CHAPTER .OF HAD- Aliyah, Mrs. A, Hershfield;mem- \Mrs.. M, .Nitikman; bazaar chair­ Page Ten' assah, . Section' "B", elected the bership,Mrs.' H.' Cohen; progr,am man, M:s. W~. Goldberg; and ~~g- . MOND~Y Women's. '... .' Division.. ..' lewishWelfareFund......... ..' . 1 was .con-qinced that each, - bec~nlSe following executive, at a luncheon . advt" Mrs. J.Bernstein; phon- en DaVid chalIman, Mrs, S, Slgles- I PASSINGPARAJ)E of. these ideals demands the full (Co"t. from 7) meeting at the home of Mrs. M. A, chairman, Mrs., Ellen snyd~r; and mund. ' . " ... ' .,' page devotion of one's entire life. From " \ 'munists from a Sh6mer kibbutz. " . , the fact that I did not come from Bregman, 391 Borebank stteet, on" . , . OCT. 30 A N NU A L 'M &.E T IN G " ',< One of the most' fantastic cases the 'assimilationistcB!nP' yo\1may , Oct. 16: president, Mrs. B.' Nemy; of a "Meshumrno4" is the follow­ WR,S gather' that "it .;J.o"t a' 'choice'­ vice-president, Mrs, A. ,B., Adehnan;' .1 ~, gleaned from,' a 'letter to the lightly 'made. I continued to pay se~retarYI' Mrs." -l .. Sriiordiri'; ":.cor'-', 1.00 ·p.m •. only. ' editor' item in. the Bombay tl,e Shekel 'fairly regularly except 'THE NEW ,convenor of the committee in charge Sunday, october· 29; MARLBOR- H reSponding secretary,. Ellen Snyder;. monthlY, "India and tSrael ... The ,pf arrangements, Proceeds of' the OUGH HOTEL (tmlessoth"rwlse , when tbrough change of domicile treasurer, Mrs~' s; 'Silvertj' distri- writer is Bhikkhu Nyanaponika, tea will go towards providing equip- stated) 10 A.M.-Conservation Sem­ I was temporarily out of tOuch bution chairman, ,Mrs: C. Waldman; .~stinghouse •. inar with Bto. Bernard Roman Pre,­ at Ceylon, a Buddhist monk. Ex., t Iment for 'the. schooL ' . .. with ZioniSts. ' education;; ~rs~: M. BregtJlan; Youth .. ______:....c..-.:. sident of DiStrict No.6, B'nai i3'rith cet'Pts follow: ., " . A. priceless collectio~ of uA.n1~r~- at the Blackstone Restaurant. , "Your magazine is indeed a piece Medical Aid Affair Tuesday 12.30 P.M.-Luncheon for Execu­ ~cana+Judaica'l is: offered, by the u.s. (Cont. from page 1) . at excellent editorship and very JewiSh VotAlrs Of Winnipeg tive Members of all lodges at the Scholar Abraham G. Ducker, is an . ' . iDstrUctive.. I sball however have Marlborough HoteL Address by Bro. essay r~ecntly puhlished in the jour- For OVer forty .years yoU and I have worked together to create and Bernard Roman, President of Dis­ to forgo. tbe pleasure of subscrib­ nal of the American Jewish Hist~ri-. sol1dify the Jewish community, organizationally and economically. In the trict No.6. Chairman, Bro. Bill Gold­ .~ to-it as being a Buddhist ~al society. Among Ducker's gems field of Jewish education'we established the Talmud Torah, the Peretz­ berg, President Central Canadian . Folk School and other educational institutions -' we mouk.I do neither posseSS nor use indicathtg the admixture tlf Jewish 1.30 P,M,_Workshop Seminars: have exerted our effortS. and 'energi~s to 'giye ',our president, W." .. Goldberg; member­ money. .' and American 'culture' are: children .. a Jewish. and general education and :UP­ ship, H. Katz; prpgram. L, Billht­ "I have· certainly not ceased i~ , 'In a' midwestern city, a girl born . bringing, that they' 'might grow up' to become good koff;_ publicity, L. A. Mainster; Hil-:­ feel deep sympathy witb the fate on Rosh Hashonah was' named citizens of .this country a'nd true sons and daughters leI, L, G. Feinstein assisted by Rab­ and the fut...., of tbe race of my Gloria Beth. lie. mother !eX­ of their people. bi A. 'Chiel; post war serVicesJ A. birth. 1 am a Jew born in Ger­ We have created and built other vital institution's Secter;B.B.Y.O. S, Kiliffer, assisted plained to the' rabbi that the rea- . such as the Jl>wish :Children's Aid Society (Orphan­ . mBnY, and was organized Zionist by Miss E, Simons. son for. tuis choicb -', Glo.ri~, .in:. age), ,Old Folks' Home, the Mount Carmel Clinic, 3.30 p.M.-General Worksbop Ses- in my young years. When in 1923 . 1950 Histadrut , the Chesed Shel Emes, Houses of Worship. Canadian ._ -memory o'f '~dmother q-oldit:, sion. (1 was 22 years old then) I felt ,and Beth in- honor of Bethlehem, Jewish Congress, our community's l.I.nifyir~g force, 8.30 p.M.-Open COlU1Cil MeetiDg. that Buddhism bad become the' a secred city to signify thedaugh­ the Jewish Immigrant Aid Society (JIAS) and other (general public invited), at !hie important local' and communal efforts, all, of which Marlborough HoteL Guest speaker decisive factor of my' life and tcr's birth on a sacred day! ' Campaign thought, I left the Hapoel lIatzair - , \ . tend to make our community _~a ?etter place, to live. in. ',- " Bra, Bernard Roman, Miss Ethyle The Day (March'2, 1949) puplished Simons, Films, Ente~taimnent, Ritual to whicb I belonged. This only a ,Picture of a Bar MitzVah boy a~d . During all this time, we have hoped and prayed that our children. the youtb born and raised in tbis fair land, trained and 'taught in our ,etc. " par'='!lts who "solemnly declared,' many branched teaching institutions, in time would take over and run Joseph Zuken has been named a coMPLETE .1I0ME following his speech at the celebra­ MISS LILLIAN NATCH ,all those ins~itutiori.s, that we with so much effort and sacrifice built. delegate to the World Wide peace FURNISHERS . Jion in one of the palls in ,. Business and professional Chap­ "I ric~est WesternCanada conference, to be held at Sheffield. .1 i1'lew York, "that he wouid donate AND NOW THAT TIME HAS COME. ter of lladassah will hold th~ir ah­ Itayal Doulton Figllrincsand Nov. 13 -19, . amb'ulance for the: Red -Mogen 1n additjon to our old stan!,-br Ja9k, Blumberg ~ho is running for nual bazaar shower at the ho~e of '-' . English Bone China ar~ • Mayor, webave two youihful candIdates m the field m Ward Three, for Dovid in Is~aei. Mrs. G. Shapera, 119,Machray Ave.; Manitoba Hardware & whom' I am asking your support. ,n Sunday,. October 29th at 8.30 MRS, SYLVIA SATTEN BANIN THE BEST IN Furniture Company The New York Post" Nov. 19, SAUL CHERNIACK, candidate for school trustee '. , guest speaker. AUTOMATIC HEATING in Ward 3; was born In' ,Winnipeg. His' parents are ,P.M., under the convenorship of, Miss 19~8,carried the following 'ad- Morris Jackson 542 SELKIRK AVE. ,. numbered among th~' pioneers 'of Jewish communa\ ~illian Natch, Bazaar' .chairman. sored by the wives of the Jewish Clean CON CO-Heat cuts' . vertisement: '''terrific is, the -ex­ cleaning and rede.;orating Phone 56,802 Executive Director, Ontario me here; they are well kriown to yo~. Saul' is a me'dical, _dental, pharmaceutical and "preSsion .of all. who' hear- and central Division graduate of the University of Manitoba, a lawyer, and ADDRESSESB.B ...... costs, efficient CONCO - Heat - OW" witness .Rev. S. beaustiful also a graduate of the Peretz-Folk School. His abili­ allied professionS of Winnipeg is cuts fuel costs by giving you '- imd WOMEN TONIGHT Mrs .. A. C. Brotman. Co_chairman more heat from less coal. 'Best IN EDMONTON·' wedding ceremony. Concisely ties were accorded recognition in the Second World . ' War. He is. Vice_President of the Canadian Jewish is . Mrs. V. L. Rosenfield. Assisting of all you have steady, health'; , F.NJOV addressed. Ritual arranged in ful Congress, Vice-Chairman of the' Joint Public Rela­ in arrangements is Mrs. 11. L. Gel- wiumth. '. DELICIOUS KOSHER special duet"· music. Glorious tions Committee, active' in the Welfare Fund and in.... Noah· Witman fant. ' ' ( I· Corned Beef voiced- sprano singing latest wed­ . With' Ikelun.", many other. communal causes, Jewish and general. Not __ I I Western Salami ding song" Remember Dear, by Executive,Uir~tor, only as his f~end, b.ut becaUse I"' know he is an excep- . GENERAL MEETING OF BR. 5, Pastromi . ., f d' t 'b Canada Campaign tionally good man for the position, I call on you to ele.ct hIm School pennlSSlon 0 _ •• ", 15 rl U t or." Trustee in Ward 3 ,_- in your interests, and those of your children., Peretz-Folk school Muter Far­ SA'NDWlCm:s , f will visit the following iewlsb . .. (!polyphonio" REPRODUunOI , DAVID ORLIK,oW, candidate for alderman -Jewish Morning·Journal, Sept. 24, ein, w~ll meet Monday, Nov. 6, at at the communities in '. _the ~terests Ward 3, is known and respected by' all of you ..He . , ' carries an advertisement' by a choir tAND served .for six. years as trustee on the School Board, ,"9 p.m., in the kindergarten room, of the 1950 Distadrut, Cam- leader who, refers to himself as an paigl1: He' is. young, energetic and devoted- to the intereStS. 'Aberdeen -avenue school. PIG'. ~HISTLE FULLY AUTOMATIC olthe people, lie is a young man of deep background. ----~--.-'- i~tituti~ed far zic4 a1ein, and warns Drumheller - Th,urs" oct. 26 generally, possessed pf a good' ,Jewish ~ducation. He Central Canadian Council COFFEE SHOP tnat "to copy or imitate the (ori­ RECORD CHANGER .. Calgary - Friday, Oct.. 27 takes an active part in Jewish community affairs. He (Cant. from page 1) HENRYWENER, Prop. ginal) Huppah or Bar 'Mitzvah cere­ was' for years . executive director of the Jewish Laqor Tl'ail, B.C; - Sunday, Oct. 29 at 8:30 P.M, President Bernard Ro­ mony without permi:;sion of the " ' - Committee, and performed effective work against anti­ 10548 JASPER AV)';.
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