4 DOCUMENT RESUMt ED 132 264 CB 008 425 TITLE 'Full Emplokment.and Balanced Growth Act of 1976. Hearings before the Subcommittee on.Manpower, - Compensation, and Health and Safety of the Committee on Education and Labor, House of Representatives, 'Ninety-yourth Congress, Second Session on H.R. 50. INSTITUTION' Congress of the T.S., Washington, D.C. House Committee on Education and Labor. PUB DATE'. 76 NOTE 547p.; Not available in hard copy due to marginal"' reproducibility of original EDRS PRICi MF-$1.00 Plus Postage. HC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS *Educational Legislation; *Employment Opportunities;' *Employment Programs; Equal Education; *Federq. Legislation; Federal Programs; *Job De7elopment; *Nondiscriminatory Education; *Policy Formation; Publir Policy IDENTIFIERS Full'Employment and Balanced Growth Act 1976; United 'States -ABSTRACT This docuient contains (1) the text of the Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1976 (H.R. 50), a bill fo b establish a national policy and nationwide machinery for guaranteeing to all adult Atericans able an& willing to work the availability of equal opportunities for useful and rewarding employient,(2) the statements made in committee hearings by 16 individuals (inCluding Congressmen; labor union officials; representativesiof state, city and Federal government departnents; and other ecoponic advisors), and (3) prepared statements, letters, and supplemental materials submitted to the committee by these individuals. (WL) *****4***************************************************************** Documents acquired by ERIC include many:informal unpublished . * *materials not available from other sources. ERIC makes every °effort*' *io obtain the best copy available. NevertheleSs; items of marginal * *reproducibility .are often encountered and this affects the'quelity * *of the microfiche and hardcopy reprodbctions ElliC 'makes available * "* via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). EDRS is not . * *responsible for the quality of the original document. Reproeuctions* *supplied by'EDRS are the best that can be made from the ori nal. * ************************************************************ ********** \k NI FULL EMPLOyMENT AND BALANCED-- GROWIti--ACT OF 1976 r=4 HEARINGS ; BEFORE THE 8UBCOMMITTEE ON MANPOWER, COMPENSATION, AND HEALTH AND SAFETY , OF THE COMMITTEE ON EDUCATIONAND TABOR4- HOUSE OF 'REPRESENTATIVES NINETY-FOURTH CONGRiSS SECOND SESSION ON H.R. 50 TO ESTABLISH A NATIONAL..P0 ICY AND NATIONWIDE MACHINERY FOR GUARANTEEING AtLL ADULT AMER- ICANS ABLE AND WILLING TO WO pE AVAILABILITY OF EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR 178. AND REWARDING EMPLOYMEN HEARINGS HELD IN WASHINGTON D.C. AP,RIL 2, 6, 8, 9, 12, AND 14, 1976 4 Printed for the use of the Committee on Education'and Labor 11, CARL D. PERKINS, Chairman U.S. DEF4RTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & W ELF ARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATPON T),, DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION OR kGIN ATING T POINTS OF. VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE SENT OFFICIAL NATIONtie INSTI UTE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR- P.OLRC U.S. QOVERNMEN;P PRINTING OFFICE 72-631 0 WASHINGTON :1976 COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION ANDCABOR CAIiL D. PERKINS, Kentucky, Chairman FRANK THOMPSON, 3n., New Jersey ALBERT H, QUIE, Minrngsota'. JOHN.Q. DENT, Pennsylvania JOIIN hi. ASIIBROOK, Ohio DOMINICK V. DANIELS, Nev,9JerseP- AEPII6WO BELL, California 'JOHN BRADEMAS, Indiana JOHN N,..1tRLENBORN, Alircols JAMES G. O'HARA, Michigan MARVIN' OESCH, Amniiitn° AUGUSTUS F. HAWKINS, California EDWIN D. EgILEMAN, Nenns'ylvania WILLIAM D. FORD. Michigan PETER A. PEYSER, New, Yprk rxre,y T. MINK, Ha Wall leav) EONAEDA. 'EAgAgIN, CbnnecUree LLOYD MEEDS, Washington 'JQIIN BUCHANAN; Alttbama PHILLIP BUWPON, Califolonla JAMES M. JEFFORifiS, vOrrionti' JOSEPII ,M.hooYDOS, Pennsylvania LARRY PRESSLER,'SO4.4. WILLIAM "BILL' CLAY, Missouri WILLIAM F. qb0InsINO, Pen SHIRLEY CHISHOLM, New Yoek 'VIRGINIA SMITH, Neliraska:%- MARIO BIAGGI, New York IKE ANDREWS, North Carolina WILLIAM LkIIIMAN, Florida 1Aum BENITEZ, Puerto, Rico MICHAEL imbuIN. Iowa ROBERT CORNELL, Wisconsin PAUL. SiMON, Illinois Emit'Aftp BEARD; Rhode Island LEO ZEFERE'I'TI, -New York GEORGE MILLER, California RONALD AIGTTL; Ohio TIM HALe Illinois SUBCOMMITTEE ON MANPOWER, COMPENSATION, AND . HEALTH AND SAFETY DOMINICK V. DANIELS, New Jersey, Chairman. JOHN H. DENT, PeunsylvIlnia MARVIN b. ESCH, Michigan. JAMES G.,O'HARA, Michigan - PETER A. PEYSER, New York, PHILLIP,HURTON. California r RONALD A. SARASIN, Connecticut JOSEPH:AL GAYDOS, Pennsylvania VIRGINIA SMITH, Nebraska EDWAR6 HtAltD, Rhode Island" AL1BERT QUIE, Mindesota,?Ex Officio AUGUSTUS R HAWKINS, California WILLIAM LEHMAN, Florida 15r.0y1) MEEDS; Washington . CARL D.'PERKINS, Kentucky, Ex Officio ,\;. Itflut. 4 ef: K4Vi . 4.; e , . CONTENTS V , , Hearings .helii.in Washington, D.C.: . 'April 2, 4976 1 p April 6, 1976 4 143 - April 8, 1976 187 April 9, 1176 239 .. , 1976 383 ''0 j Ap 4, 1976 Text olt H., 50 423 .Statement of . 2 Abz4 Hon. Bella, a Representative in Congressfrom the State of New York 478 Callahan, John, legislative director, International Union of Electrical, Radio* Machine 0 orkers, KFL-CIO 184 . ClayrhariNacob, cretary-treasurer, Industxial Union Department,, AFL-CIO, acepanied by Richard Prosten, research-tlirector /171 Conyers, Hoh. Jo Jr., a Reprisentative inCongress from the State NA. of Michigan 457 Eisner,Prof. R bert, Department ofEconomics,. Northwestern . University ., ,_ 122 Fraser, Hon. Don d M., a liepiesentative. in Congresi from theState of Minnesota ... 468 Greenspan, Dr. an, Chairman, Conhcil of Economic Advisers 423 Had, Robert E.,rofessor of economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,._ 2390 Humphrvy, Greg,. 'director of legislation, American Federation of Teachers, AFL-C c , 180 'Humphrey, Hon. Hube -1.,a Senafor from the State of Minnesota___ 105 Kolberg, WilliaM H., 'stant Secretary ,of Labor for Ernploymerrtr and Training, accompa 'ed by WilliaM,B. Hewitt, Administrator,. Policy, Evaluation, andesearch .... 14a . -0'Dwyet, Paul, president, I ity Council of Ne* York City 383 Partee;J. Charles,ge .. .er, Board df Governors- of the Federal Reserve Board 187 \ Rivlin, Alice M., Director, Congressional Budget Office .217 Shapp, Hon. Milton J.; Governor of the State of Pennsylvania 269 Woodcocki Leonard, president, International Union, United Auto- mobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Ithplement Workers of America (UAW); accompanied by Dick Warden, legislative direetor, UAW 101 Prepared statements, letters, supplemental material, etc.: Abzug, Hon. Bella, a Representative -in Congress from the State. of New York, prepared statement 0 483 Callahan, John, legislative director, International Union of Electrical, . Radio & Machine Workerk AFL-CIO, prepared statement of _ __ _ 183 Clayman, Jacob, secretary-treastmer, Industrial Union Department, AFL-CIO, prepared statemeht of 168 Conyers, Hon. John, Jr., a Representative in Congress from the State of Michigan, prepared statement of 463 "Cost of Departures From Full Economy, 1953-75," a chart ' 215 Eisner, Robert, professor, Department of Economics, Northwestern University, prepared statement of C - , 117 Fraser, Hon. Donald M., -a Rapresentathre in Congress froth the State of Minnesota, on behalf of Americansfor Democratic ActiOir, prepared statement of 472 t. 67 ,...;,. II-v. .. Prepared Statements,:lettOS, 'sup' piemental ma,terial, etc.:--rcbtitinhed . Ginzb-erg, Eli, chairman, National Cennthirssionlorifilimpo'Wer.Policy, - P,are . , letter to Congressman Uawkins, dated Marc.h 25, 1976_____ .....i.__._'137 . Greenspan, Alan, Xhairnian; CounciPof Egonomic Adviser's, prepared statement of 4: . 429. ll all, Robert E., ecomlmist; M5ssachusetts institute of Technolo 1-, 1 prepared statement ofr , !:+tighlight Issues'of H.R. 56 and S. r20," poMtionpaper. No. 1 : . ,. ; 1.:2.383)' Ilumphrey, Greg, codirector; logNation,American F4ederation of .. Teachers, AFL-CIO, ttesolution No.11; United Te:iichers- of Baltinnore City Local N. 340__,... _ ' 181 A Humphrey, Ilon:t Hubert II., a Senaior from the State,' of'''' Minneot:i; : .. prepare&statement Of_ ' "Legislatffig JobS," ad editorial frofn, tlie Washington roA, 413 4. 30, 1976 ' :N1arch 1Zivlin, Alice M., Directoi, Coagressionar Budget . 'so Office, prepared. statement of 222 ShaPp, Hon. Milton J., GoVernor of the State of Pennsylvania: -"A U.S.- ItailTrust Fund, Prescription for Modern RailTrans, portation," a 'document 280 ',"Commncement Address-at Yale UniversitY," speechmade by the late President Kennedy.. - 369 "The National Education Trust Fund,"a document 346 Shanker, Albert, preslent, American Federation of Teachers, AFL-. CIO, prepared statement of.. 178 . "U.S. Economie Performance, Under Various NationalAdministra- .1xatioris _With Various Approaches to National .EcotomicPolicy," . a 215 "WelfarelCost for Nation Climbs 21 Percent," articlefrarn the Wash-. ington Post, April 12, 1976 ° 404 Woodcock, Leonard, president, United Automobile,Aerospace & Agricultpral Implement Workers of America (UAW),.prepared statement of 97 APPENDIX -Cagrove, John E. director Of legislation,Public Employee Department, AFL-CIO, Wa.shington, D.C. letter to Chairman Daniels,dated April 23, . 1976, with enclosure . ' - 506 Davis, Hilton!, general manager, legislative action, ,Chamberof Commerde of the United States, Washington, D.C., letterto Chairman Daniels, , dated Aprit26, 1976, with.enclosure 599 Lally, Francis)J., Rev. Msgr., UnitOd'StatesCatholig Conference, Wash- 43;4 ington, D.., letter
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