¥^'0^^^ AhO? CHRONICLE Thursday, June H. 1973 cttnaitf cdeWUet, galleries Presbyteria- '• - "•n ""- Churc ; h jkl mu g 4h;* i are JuUe Christie, Diana Ros», following dub members: Mrs Ooan Crawford, Mr, and Mrs. AnthonAh y BehnonteBh , MrsM. JeaJn G. Wiriipwn, die Em Museum, the Lowe Art Itanlaeyy and Center, Metarco queries, Mrs. Jeremy TomHnsoo. " ^ - - - H^bders AiM WM extejaded d fl fit "San- .^^^^qgFiaata with bafl of the »erie« of and Helga Howie, San members, Mrs. Felix Braun, the Artist and and tie dye, papier mache «rt programs, Francisco. Mrs. Henry Leicht and Mrs.' . , ofl7Ea« mosaics, are being , . 0msmm "Mm* In BesWence," vu Harold Relnhart. man^t. •;•••-;/*;• .-/Vv-vvV with the intention of A variety of art forms and developing creaUve abiUUes pg 1 held; Tuesday at Orange Mrs. Robert Reilly, couples ,••..."': • '. • • • .• • ' •• •'•!• ••*. .'•'•^•i'" ' .'••' Avenue junior High. School Newcomers activity chairman, invited craft media will be explored in wid desigdi n utilisintilii g tftil : when Steven Zdtlln created Newcomers to a Hawaiian the six week summer program knowledgld e necessary in each public having; twf ^•^'-'S K Kenilworth and Garwood beginning -July 9 through craft finallyy, Adventures in NrtriettT. Ortll, J, Wtll said TMMihip Committtaan pieces of Jewelry and pain- Luau to be held Saturday Alftwrt H. AMMM «W UqMMft Utfif l g CCfd N ' BulMlng, Cranford ; v ; August tt-aasses are being Tnreenlimensional Design TUIDUISDAYA . Junt 2*. IVJ at It : ; tinp using the historic copper in play * evening at the home of Mr. f .;:.: ^Erf-/ ;;;.;--;;^ i;!:;^: - ^;:.,;. ^.': ;;.>;-;: - • "l^.ybt.i.ifib^o, 25 P^ii8b^ feyei^;^u(r»^y; . June il.'1973\-..•;; ^,.,. r:. • '"• •' '••.' enameling technique. A one-act play entitled and Mrs. Gary Thorn, 219 scheduledfor Monday through which will, include an ar- ly dMcriMd. far tto P.M, iprtwanmg timt) Sti-oiidClassFoslagePaid Cranfbra,N.J.07016f 15CENTS "Bachelor Husbands," under South Union Aye. f Thursday from 10 a.m. to 3chitectural ^design and con-wmS jw5 maWUnfii r*«ri»hm#nt m ZeitUn.faW**, raised - in itandt lh«r«on for • part* of llv» (S) p.m. and on Tuesday and struction project and other ema tor prtmlMtslt«tid*r Syracuse,-N.Y., arid was the direction of Mrs. TomInterested persons who haVe y««r«. Hrmm«6l« on* mwrtht not)c« H South vnion AvtfiM*. OnwterS. H,x educated at, Syracuse Smith, was the program at the resided 25 months or less.in Thursday evening, 7:30 to 9:30 three-dimensional design ttw pr«mittt art <m»*i «f public and will be taught by projects is being offered for purpp»«i or h> m« .iv«nt of cMauit, University and Pratt Institute. regular monthly meeting of Cranford are asked to contact purwifit ta» llt*w> »^r<«ftynt imorm professional artists and young teens. / „ ...j«mo»s CRANPORD He has also studied privately, the Cranford Newcomers Club the membership chairman, •M •$ub»t«nc« »»ti»»«eto>v M fht CRMFORD, titW JERSBV , NOTICE Help's June 6 at the First Mrs. Belmonte, 1 Myrtle St. craftsmen. For' adults, classes in TMtrahls Bngin»»r «od iw ,\\t»u M- ORDINANCE NO. H-ll T«Kt nolle* that COACHMAN His work is in the collection A tornty.toM LIMM LMSM FitMs «r« AN OROIff&NCI AMHNDINO RESTAURANT INC For youngsters eight to 12, a painting in oils and acrylics, mor» pAi'trcultriy «McrtM4 M to'i liy «MctM4 M ORDINANCK\ ?!•• FIXING COACHMAN INN t RMTAURA •.'• fs class in Art Forms for life drawing, 'pottery, clay •, PATRICK J.ORALORAL ANA D SALARIES OP\CiR,TAIN IM- tot tt tnt TowqiMp Commltto* I J.WALTBRCOFFeB FIELDS- FLOVEBS FOR tSyTyjAR \m TowmMp m crtntoni tor ttw Children iB being offered. sculpture and glass crafts are ALL .M tH thur Ftonwv Kotail Con- that tmcl or p«retro» land lntttami BY AOOINO TO SCCnoN 101 Drawing, painting, print available. A special class In fctlhMtwliylrw ana Ming * THRhEOF THE CLASSIFICATION P or Crmtprd. .Union County. tessaBs? •t W JKkion pri«t> Criprtf, Ntw making, papier mache and stone sculpture is being •nd staMot Maw jtratymonTpar- OF CIVIL ENGINEER V THE ObjKtlons, If any, should bt mada ill ticularly ooundtd and dtKirHMd a* immtdiatary In wrltlno. to citrfc of tha pottery are some of the artpresente, d under the super- Tho n«trtw *tf jribrtim of all of< JKkC. McVay. Chainroan Township of Cranford, N.J. fictrt and oTrtctora ol MM eorporailoft activities planned for thft vision of Eugene Gauss, A (Signed) CRAN>0RP HOTEL, INC. Cranfoid's past B«glnnlnti at a point In ttw MirttMatttrly •_•'•• - TownihlpiConimlltta •r* at foitowt; < :: group which will provide an class in Creative Crafts for sMt« McCMian Sttvtt-a dittanca « ATTEST fl Jura FiPtMMnfi Allan V. Rota, 100 Ctntral opportunity for young children Home Decor is being featured tnrM hundrad and (orty CMO-lr) Irom tM WtsltyN Ptilio P»t 11100 Fark I.. Ntw York City, N.Y, m ••: cornar formid liy.ttianorttiawtwiy tMt Township Clafk Viet FrtiMwit; Patrick T. ._., a brief period and then to discover and explore dif- with projects designed- to l» Charltt St.. Mlntoia. N.V. 1IJ01 "Pig We Must" is what the Dr. Joshua . SegaJ, superintendent of Cranford" candidates for the post ol Claary StrtttaiM tna toumaMttrly , : Slattnwnt - ^NpTICB OF INTENTION -. demolished. z.m ferent media, materials, and enhance the home. <A ceramic Ud* of McClallaq Strath Tht foragoing ordlnanca was finally TaktVqotlct lh»t KLEfMAN1* «tcrtttry, Troawrtr: Jtrom* little Bigns say when Con superintendent of schools for public schools at last night's recommended by Dr. Daryl Thtnca llr«» Norm- 57 otgrtw, v passed at a mtttlng of tha Township LIQUOR^TORB, INC., T» THI ttratihVfMO |mti Sti, MytMt, Edison is tearing up theJosiah Crane,.who built the' the North Island Regional meeting of the "Board of W. PeUetier and Dr. Willard techniques involved in theplanter with macrame plant .minutaa 40 Mconds east alms tM wuth- eommlttta of tht Township of Cranfoird, 11344..:.; : :. BOTTLE SHQf,Mt (PIMM IO Dw; Tt># fWtMt. jNM. |d)JK All eternally torn 'streets of cider press near the sawmill School Board; in Quebec, Education. Elsbree, consultants hired last ; excitement of creative cradle, batik, tie dye andaaitarlytMtof McCtaflan Strta> about N.J., on Tuesday, Junt ttltM. ivuyw MM CaOMir of m Mhush at fiva hundrad andjwenty (52ft1) tat! to a WBSL8YN.PHIL0 aktcknoMfi noMHna tnolra thao^tn (io we must" in the early 1800s, was one of learning. stitched wall hangings "and O«r*Md. HjTkt, • Fltnary i&W par ctntlptr cant« any of tb* stock of New York, j _ Canada, was appointed ^Dr. Segal was one of six October by the board to assist/; paint m tnt wttttrty rloht-otway of «i« TownshlpCltrk OlttrllHitlon llctmt for pr«mlm Gaedtn Statt Parkway; > «ldcorptratlonart:..•,.••••/.• _ • • might also bra good motto for the few members of the Crane,' in the selection of a new for Senior GHizenS (age 65 or older) For older children and pillow covers and glass and Dated: Junt 14.197J • FttU.1T HtuatMl «t 104-JM North Avtniit. Allan v. Rosa, looctntfai Pa* South, . Thanct tacond In a wuthtrly dlrtctlon the Cranford Centennial family who remained, in the superintendent: 'They teens, separate classes in plastic hangings and panels Naw York Clr/N.Y. 7 - along the wtttttly rlght-of-«My of tnt . " ORDINANCEN0i»4(L_^. • NIMN and MMN«H> «N(M oHIcm. Committee, which area. reviewed the applications of •t-m painting and drawing are are projects that participants O«rd*n Stata. Parkway about two AN ORDINANCE- TO PROVTBB . : Obltctlons, It any^snould bt mad* % : immtdltttly, In writing, to Township Caps and frowns being offered as well as a class will undertake. /• hundrtdandilxty (MT) Htt to a point of FOR THE ORADtNO ANO PAVINO • FrMkMnt: T. N. Vulft*. MS BrH*k1«K«. jUy excavating jthe - The cider mill was powered, more'than 85 educators. The,, inttnactlo»wltti tha nocthwwttrly »Ma OF VIRNON AND WOODLAND Road, Flortwm Fork, N.J. X • Clark oFtht TowtXMp ofcranlord. Ntw WB AVENUES BETWEEN MICHIGAN , the Crane sawmill by horses, and located near to united counties in painting, drawing, and of Buchanlin Strttt; S*criUry-Tr«iiur«r: wmirtd^A. ^COACHMANINNtVRMTAURANT Cranford High School AVENUB AND MARKET STREET the banks of the Rahway Springfield Avenue. Some of f. printmaking. Creative craft Instructors will include Thtnct third »wth 5? dtgrtn. 34 OordwMr, in *.ln» Oman* Rw»K : . ^ to Jackson OrIvt Ruth Dorfman of Cranford. mlnuta*.- 40 ucondt wttt along Mid ANO ' MAKINQ AN AP- Warrtn' , N.J. near the corner of the sweet cider was allowed to classes in, clay sculpture, northwtvtffly ihjt oj Buchanan Strttt PROPRIATION FOR' THE /• Cranford, Ntw Jersey 07t)l. gowns last night in Memorial NEEDED FUNDS. WKIIOM, If tay, «MuM tw m*» and North Union ferment into apple brandy, Unde r pottery with wheel and hand- Drop by and pick up a about thrtt hundrtd and fifty (JW) tttt immWittly, In wrltlno. to A. TV Mote*. Jnmn V' Field amid student discontent SES.iEUi r^KSfiaSJjS:: : the terms of,a three; schedule or call 276-1191. for to a point; .••"• . :. BOROUGH OF KENILWORTM Ctatrk of tM Borough of O«rwood, N.J. Avenues. commonly called apple Jack good thing* start to happen building techniques, glass and Thtnct fourth north M dtgrtn, 25 WILD AM E. CONRAD. JR. tstsntd) over the school ad- Krooman, Judith A. Kry»Hk, Janet R. contract, Segal WUT aSSUme im aaditional information. Mayor With the 200th brithday of or locally, Jersey lightning, 1 plastics, as well as crafts minutt*. 20 itcondt wnt a djttanct of .'• • - WlnfrMlA.OorcMnltr ministration's decision to Kuhn.. Judith L. Kulman.Jowpti C: I.IO •»,,«- - - "- two hundrtd (209*) fatt to a point or MARGARET MC GEVNA•••• •.-•'••••' SKratwry-TroMurtr the United States coming upln Originally the freeze- Lodanye.
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