OCTOBER1966 CARD SCHEME NEWSLETTER AMNESTYINTERNATIONAL, 12 Crane Court,Fleet Street,London E.C.4. News of.previousKit Schemeprisoners: JOSE LIMA DL AZETADO,Brazil (August1965 Newsletter):We have Leard unconfirmedreports that he is free and outsidethe country. Will any Idt Schememember who has had any communicationwith him please let the InvestigationDepartment know. JAMES P. BASSOPPOMOYA, Rhodesia(July 1965 Newsletter):He is still at the Wha Wha RestrictionCamp, where he has been since October1964. He is naw'adopted',and is being helpedwith clothes,books and some money. SHEIKHMUHAMMAD SALIM RUQAISHI Oman (November1965 Newsletter):Attempts to meditatethrough the BritishGovernment have been quite unsuccessfull, as-it-claimsto have no jurisdictionor influencein the area. The Sullen of Muscat does not reply to correspenuenceor telegrams,whilst the British Residentpasses on all correspondenceto the Sultan. Anyonewho received a reply-byway of the Card Scheme is urged to contactthe Investigation Department. CHRISTOSKAZANIS, Greece (August1966 Newsletter):A member of Amnestywho visitedGreece in Septemberattempted to see Kazanisand succec:de'd dri establishingthat he is still in BoyatiMilitary Prison. Thoughshe was informedby the policeauthorities that she couldvisit him, she was,however, not able-todo so. She visitedhis familywho appearedto have littlemoney. His familyhope to persuadethe Jehovah'sWitnesses organisation to finance a furtherappeal. CHARLESCASSATO, Guyana (April1966 Newsletter):We have sinceheard no news about Cassato.inpaiticular, but AshtonChase, a lawyerfor the P.P.P.,has informed-usthat many of the releasedpolitical prisoners are still subject to restrictionswhich preventthem followingtheir particularprofession. We are.followingthis up. ATO. BELATCHEWSABOURE Ethiopia (August 1966 Newsletter):Many of those who wrote to the EthiopianMinister of Justicereceived a stencilledletter in reply. This statedthat he had been releasedwithin a mcnth of his arrest, havingbeen detainedin a mentalhospital, following a plea of insanityat his trial beforethe High Court. Accordingto the Ministerof Justice,he was chargedwith "forgingthe signatureof his superior,and on the basis of the same, issuingentry visas to twelveIndian nationals", and also of "utteringand publicizingremarks calculated to promotethe practiceof vice and immorality".This versionconflicts with evidenceand information providedby severalreliable Ethiopian sources both insideand outsidethe country. Neverthelesswe have confirmedthat he has been released,and is now livingwith his brother,a formerEthiopian ambassador to Somalia. This is w;lcomenews. LASZLONYUGATI Hungary(July 1965 Newsletter):Lord Gifford,who recently returnedfrom a visit to Hungary,has informedus that Nyugatiis reportedto have been released. Here are this month'sprisoners: INIMABEIM FLORES - Brazil InimaLeite Flores is a young woman studentwho was arrestedon the lst August with two other students,Joao Bazoni and AstrojildoFilho, the Presidentof the MetropolitanAssociation of SecondarySchool Students (AMES) in Guanabara. She had previouslybeen detainedby the PoliticalPolice (theDOPS) and interrogatedwithout trial. The studentsare accusedof distributingpamphlets criticisingthe government,and were denouncedto the policeby the proprietress of a small hotel where they used to eat. CONT.... 2 The police have been arresting student.leadersbecause of their opposition to the military government. The students have protested against such domestic matters as the increase of prices in canteens, but in recent months their discontent has assumed an increasinglypolitical character, and it culminated in massive demonstrationsin many Brazilian towns at the end of September, when the police used tear—gas to disperse the student marches. As a result, any students already detained are likely to be interrogatedin the most stringent manner, and there have been several cases of police brutality against prisoners. Cards of protest should be sentlto: The Minister of Justice, Sr. Luis Viana Filho, Brasilia, Brazil. and to: The Governor of Guanabara, Sr. Negrao Lima, Estado da Guanabara, Brazil. B.P. KOIRALA — Nepal Mr. Koirala was Prime Minister of the 1960 Government which was ci)rthrownby the Crown Prince of Nepal. He and other members of the Cabinet have been in prison everslnce. Koirala is very seriously ill with cancer of the throat. Some of his colleagues were realeaced a little while ago;.:buthe was not. Appealb for clemency should be sent to: Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Lev Crown Prince of Nepal, The Royal Palace, Katmandu, Nepal. DAVID SALVADOR — Cuba Salvador was the first Secretary General of the Cuban Trade Union Cowess after Castro took power. (He was elected in November 1959). He witsothe founder of the Labour Humanist Front group. He was arrested in October 1960 after some counter—revolutionaries,presumably imprisoned on the island alleged that he had joined them. It is believed that he fell into disfavour with Castrc because of his nutspokem criticisms of some aspects of communist party policies. In November 1960 he was sentenced to 30 years imprisonment on charges of embezzlementand for attempting to leave the country illegally. So far as is known he has not had a trial. It is not known whether there is any foundation to the charges made against him. Send your cards to him at: Presido Modela, Isla de Pinos, Cuba..
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