STAATSKOERANT, 22 OKTOBER 2010 No. 33641 3 GOVERNMENT NOTICE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT NO. 915 22 October 2010 THE SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL ROADS AGENCY LIMITED Registration No: 98/09584/06 DECLARATION AMENDMENT OF NATIONAL ROAD R33 SECnON 8 AMENDMENT OF DECLARATION No. 174 OF 2007 By virtue of section 40(1)(b) of the South African National Roads Agency Limited and the National Roads Act, 1998 (Act No.7 of 1998), I hereby amend Declaration No. 174 of 2007 by substituting Annexure paragraph (IV) the section of the descriptive declaration of the route from the N17 up to Carolina, with the subjoined sheets 1 to 8 of Plan No. P773/09. (National Road R33 Section 8: N17 - Carolina) MINISTER OF TRANSPO D ~ ; ~ ~..,L",O)o..:2-~(5 WARBURTON ~ ~ (5 REM ~ a ~ x'l. REM Ptn.1 "0 ,,'l. ;. ,;l- P~~~ ~~ 7 1- I TREM Ptn.2 DECLARATION ;. CENTRE LINE OF AN E.P.L WITH;' l2 PL AN No. P7 36/09 l3 _ L4. 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R33 8 Pion - of National Route Section P773/09 z REM Ptn.5 REMAINDER 9 w w Ol TARBERT .....j>. G> o m< REMAINDER CENTRE LINE OF AN E.P.L. WITH II UNDERGROUND CABLES SERVo Z ~1~A----------------------Ptn.-1--------------~---~~9 s: mz ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. -l G> RIGA RIB R19 R19A » Ptn.3 N ... m CANDACE~66-IT REMAINDER ~ BORDERL AND ::j :. 63- I T,;oo m REMAINDER q I\) ~ ..2 a '; I\) '" o sq,; ';00 o '" ..z REM Ptn.4 a OJ GLENTYAN 64-1T m ~ CENTRE LINE OF AN E.P.L. WITH II UNDERGROUND CABLES SERVo I\) o ---L~----------------- ----------Ptn~2----------------------------------L~ .... o R21 Ptn.4 REMAINDER $ Ptn.2 t. REM Ptn.1 IS' ~ ~ stel die podreserwe voor von 'n gedeelte Vel von Die Suid Afrikoonse Nosionole Podogentskop Beperk Die figuur getoon ............................................ Sheet 2 of 8 ........................................ .. .. represents the rood reserve of 0 portion .......................................... .. a ........... 0 .... The figure shown a ............. 0 ._ .. von Nosionole Roete Seksie The South African Notional Roods Agency limited [IjJ........................ 0"" a 0.0 .. R33 8 PIon of NotionolRoute Section P773/09 ~ ~o~ 18- REM Ptn.2 '1. ..2 119 ~ REM Ptn.1 ~ ; GLENTYAN 64-IT ; FAIRVIEW 62-IT LVA-~8----------- ~---------~n~n-------CENffiE-UN[OFANE:~~:-~fH -----------p1n~-----~~s~- . ...•• \ - L29 L30 L31 UNDERGROUND CABLES SERV. ~ '1. ..2 L32A '''0:':.:_:'·'' . R22A I \. R24 R25 ~ REM Ptn.1 Pt 4 ~c:!?y BORDERL AND n'63 -IT '6 Ptn.4 2 119A ~OO ~ NOT TO SCAlE ~ '1." REM Ptn.1 ~ FAI RV lEW 62- IT Ptn.8~33L34 ~ A 000 (JJ '6 CENTRE LI NE OF AN Eo P. L. 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R33 8 Plan .... • of Notional Route Section P773/09 10 z LUSTHoF", ; 9 w 60- IT, ~ ~ w en REM Ptn.9 .j:> FAIRVIEW 62 -IT REM .... Ptn.5 REM Ptn.3 REM APPEL DOORN 38-IT ':l-~ Ptn. 9 ..: L4J L44 , CENTRE LINE OF AN E.P.L. WITH G) o "'/UNDERGROUND CABLES SERVo < " REM Ptn.9 m " ... :II s:Z m z ~ 'i00 G) ... ... &':1~ 11 1. ..'2 ~ ~ ~ ~ .. .. CP m 'oJ' REM Ptn.2 0 =1 ~ '6 '6 rn r-J REM Ptn.9 -tOO IFONTE IN REM Ptn.6 REM Ptn.4 r-J Ptn. 11 ~ 000 o 35-IT \ ~ -1''2 &':1 o Ptn.7 Ptn.11 o~ L48A LSD ~S4 L54A IJl m :II R54 RS8 R58A r-J o.... o REM ptn.2 REM Ptn.4 APPEL DOORN... ... -I' REM Ptn.9 .. ~ .. 57-IT; o stel die podreserwe vaor von 'n gedeelte Vel Die Suid Afrikoonse Nosionole Podogentskop Beperk Die figuur getoon .........................••••••••••.. Sheet 4 v~; 8 .. .o •••••••••• • .o ••••••••• represents the rood reserve of 0 portion .o ••••• .o •••• .o.o •••• .o .. .o •• ••• .o •• .o •••• The figure shown .o.o •••• .o •••• von Nosionole Roete R3 3 Seksie The South Africon Notional Roods Agency Limited .o •• .o ••••••• Plan • .o • .o ••••••• 8 • of Notional Route Section P773/09 'b0;1. c§§~ 0EGOE0E- i- ,,1. VERWAC HTING 5 7- I T HAARLEM REM Ptn.4 Ptn.11 REM Ptn.4 Ptn.7 L57 o REM Ptn.4 REM Ptn.4 ~ UJ .~~:ro<j" '% REM Ptn.3 ~ f!fi?) ~ Ptn.7 / Ptn.G UJ L59A L61A ;:Ii; L60 L61 o :.:.:-:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:«.".:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:...:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.>:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:-:::.':::::::::::::':::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.: m R69 JJ R66 R67 R68 ~ Z .-1 I\J I\) o .J- ~OJ m REM Ptn.1 ~.. JJ I\J ~O o DROOGVALLEI 41-IT o-' :. ~~~::: .:::::: :~'';~ .:. :~~:~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,,::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: '::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ ~~~:: REM 39-IT Ptn.11 R71A Ptn.3 .J- .J- REM Ptn.1 " ~.. ':IV~O.J-~ ~ ~ 'b'b'b .. 0_ o ,,1. oJ' lb REM Ptn.2 i- Ib z o steJ die podreserwe Vel von Die figuur getoon voor von 'n gedeelte Die Suid Afrikoonse Nosionole Podogentskop Beperk ...................... Sheet 5 of 8 w .................................. represents the rood reserve of 0 portion W ....................... von Nosionole Roete 0> The South African Notionol Roods Agency Limited The figure shown ............ Seksie Plan ~ ...................... R33 8 -' • of Notionol Route Section P773/09 .... 0 o <:I0 ~~ 'Ii ~ +x REMAINDER DROOGVALLEI 41-IT X REM Ptn.1 REM CAROLINA TOWN G) REM Ptn.6 TOWNLANDS o m< :0 REM Ptn.2 Z m~ z -I­ G) Ptn. » , 50 Nm SERV. ~'-' DU TO IT ~ AREAS '» STREET m /" / E.P.L WITH REM Ptn.1 I\) , '~ UNDERGROUND I\) ',./ '\CABLES SERVo o o b OJ L8S m :D I\) ...o RB9 o Ptn.1 SERVITUDE ~ CAROLINDIA~ EXT.1 !i 16 ~ stel die padreserwe voor von 'n gedeelte Vel von Die Suid Afrikoonse Nosionale Podagentskap Beperk Die figuur getoon ............ Sheet 6 of 8 ........................ represents the rood reserve of 0 portion .................................. The figure shown ....................... von Nasionale Roete Seksie The South African Notional Roods Agency Limited []I]....................... R33 8 Plan of Notional Route Section P733/09 STAATSKOERANT, 22 OKTOBER 2010 No. 33641 11 PADRESERWE KOORDINATE / ROAD RESERVE CO-ORDINATES LINKERKANT/LEFT HAND SIDE I REGTERKANT/RIGHT HAND SIDE y X WG 310 y X L1 55 689.150 2 902 500.460 R1 55 621.800 2 902 499.730 L2 55 725.390 2 902 436.770 R2 55 694.920 2 902 407.240 L3 56 094.630 2 902 063.100 R3 55 983.750 2 902 120.770 L4 56 638.740 2 901 518.170 R4 56 691.790 2 901 411. 640 L5 58 288.740 2 899 865.710 R5 58 260.810 2 899 840.230 L6 58 972.510 2 899 180.920 R6 58 944.570 2 899 155.420 L7 59 566.450 2 898 586.090 R7 59 540.480 2 898 558.610 L8 60 077.980 2 898 073.800 R8 60 050.010 2 898 048.290 L9 61 178.560 2 896 971.570 R9 61 152.110 2 896 944.510 L10 61 427.640 2 896 722.130 R10 61 152.370 2 896 944.250 L11 61 528.340 2 896 623.140 R11 61 476.110 2 896 624.590 L12 61 620.820 2 896 555.990 R12 61 562.700 2 896 547.960 L13 61 694.610 2 896 519.260 R13 61 588.540 2 896 533.220 L14 61 703.580 2 896 516.070 R14 61 655.620 2 896 494.970 L15 61 792.410 2 896 556.750 R15 61 678.250 2 896 485.120 L16 61 813.870 2 896 545.130 R16 61 784.950 2 896 450.880 L17 61 801.490 2 896 501.130 R17 64 177.810 2 895 847.480 L18 61 841.080 2 896 475.810 R18 64 808.050 2 895 688.550 L19 64 174.520 2 895 887.730 R19 65 101.960 2 895 624.580 L20 64 821.
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