Your local source since 1951. One Dollar I Thursday, April 25, 2013I A WA1PXTS company A CIIICAGO SUN-TEMES publication I niles.suntimes.com Nues Herald-Spectator 1 "I'll I Il'%tlIIIIU : iii II IIHI!!HhiIhI11Ì I! !1 Hll liIIIi"' fabut iiii 11F ululi Illiìi.. 'iü Go Expanding Visions examines art (Page 53] Food Just-S cooks up variety at Curt's Cafe. (Page 37] Davos attempts to clear debris from a sewer covered by floodwaters ¡n the Colonial Ridge subdivision Read the full story [Page 15] '(Z,son Robin Drive in unincorporated Maine Township. JENNIFER JOHNSON-Sun-Times Media Homespun 3 ideas to change up your Under water, again wall decor. [Page 36] In Today's Real Estate Market, Niles Herald-Spectator I © 2013 Sun-Times Media I All Rights Reserved there's no substitute for EXPERIENCE . Selling Morton Grove & Skokie for 28 yrs a 600 + homesSOLD .20 + Million in sales 9OE-i'UO9 -lI S1IN Call me for a FREE market analysis _1.s NOI>1tOm095g 8I1 3118fld S31INisiaABii Oriufj,11 Iry Leininger 8EE0aaeod S31IN i.d30 L>WNIi 847-220-3003Resident of Morton Grove oOOooO 5103 LLOO9g Since 1973 44,,' 6TO-3?jO1 44i MARINO REAL ESTATE, INC. THURSDAY APRIL 25 2013 NIL COLDWELL BANIÇR D RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE ÓÑÉ L THINKING: ,'7 I-1inuch ecibity do I have? 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D rative Plumbing & Hardware Association TOTOWE PROUDLY CARRY THE NATION'S #1 KITCHEN AND BATH SHOw1tooM IS IN BUFFALO GROVE! SORRY NEW YORK, LA AND MIAMI - THE NORTH SHORE IS WHERE IT'S AT! Interactive displays Beautifully designed 15,000 sq. ft. space Products to suit all budgets . Knowledgeable & Friendly Design Consultants 1020 E. Lake Cook Rd, Buffalo Grove 847.520.6100BannerPlumbing.00m 'p . 1N1j!'R : M-T-W-F, 9-4:30 Th 9-7 KITCHEN & BATH SHOWROOIH Sat 10-4 Closed Sundays TOTO. 4 THURSDAY, APRIL 25,2013 NIL I I Inside Guide This Community u Week Blotter Obituaries Nues LeraldSpectator Tax dollars CSW Opinion Schools Puzzles Visit us online Take a snapshot of this OR code and go directly to your 23Schools online community paper. District 63 teachers faced off in a basketball game, raising $5,614 for charity in the process. Business Real Estate Havea story Email your news tips to niles@ Mommy to tell us? pioneerlocal.com Food We want to hear from you. 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NIL THURSDAY,APRIL25,2013 I 5 o Community Contact Us at NUes Teacher who Hereld-Sp.ctator committed suicide Pioneer Press Timothy P. Knight I 312-321-3000 was pickedfor award Pubhsher & CEO, Sun-Times Media Jim Kirk IBY JENNIFER JOHNSON [email protected] Editor in Chief, Sun-Times Media [email protected] When Richard Balentine was Jill McDermott named the Nues Chamber of 847-486-7317 VP, Advertising Commerce's Teacher of the Year, jmcdermott(pioneerIocal.com it was at the encouragement of Advertising Nues mother Sandie Belerwaltes. Display Ads 312-321-24 00 Beierwaltes nominated Balentine for the honor, saying she was impressed by the Notre Darne Col- Classified Ads 312-321 -2345 lege Prep teacher's interactions with students and [email protected] the positive influence he had over her own son Jonathan, a Notre Darne graduate. Sam Hollis I " He Richard Balentine was a constant fixture there," Beierwaltes 847-486-7248 said of Balentine, whose April 16 death at the Notre Account Executive [email protected] Darne campus has been ruled a suicide.'l was al- ways impressed with the relationship he had with David T. Sherman Teacher killed self the parents and students. You'd see him and there 847-249-7210 would be a flock of people around him. He was just Advertising Director very kind and gentle. He had a way with the kids and they knew if they needed anything he was a Customer Service after accusations person they could go to." and Delivery Balentine took groups of Notre Dame students to Service or Subscriptions New Orleans each year as part of a Habitat for Hu- 877-855-7722 manity project where they participated in building [email protected] of 'inappropriate homes for victims of Hurricane Katrina. Jonathan Customer Service Hours attended the mission twice and even returned to MonFri., 6:30 am.-4 p.m. help immediately following his graduation, Beier- Sat. 6:30 a.m.-noon communications' waltes said. She attributed her son's dedication to Sun. 8 a.m.-noon Balentine's influence. TV Weekly Delivery "He gave them experiences they normally 800-945-5000 I BY JENNIFER JOHNSON I Strzelecki this week declined to wouldn't have in their life," Beierwaltes said. I [email protected] comment further on the allega- The Niles Police Department said that prior to Editorial tions or the number of complain- Balentine's death he had been under investigation Ben Meyerson I Funeral services were held ants. The investigation, he said, by the department for an allegation of "inappropri- 312-321-2864 in Pennsylvania this week for a was "in its infancy" at the time of ate communications between Mr. Balentine and News Producer Notre Dame College Prep techer Balentine's death. current or former Notre Dame students." [email protected] who committed suicide amid a "We're going to wait and see "That's nothing that was ever experienced in my Ryan Nilsson I 847-486-7375 police investigation. if there is anyone else who calls house," Beierwaltes said, saying she is "devastat- Managing Editor for Sports The Nues Police Department (with an allegation)," Strzelecki ed" by Balentine's death, but happy that he knew rnilssOn(piOneerlOCal.cOm said the investigation of Richard said. he had been selected for the Teacher of the Year Balentine, 38, involved allegations Balentine, who was set to re- award. A WRAPPORTS of "inappropriate communica- ceive a Teacher of the Year Award "I'm so grateful I nominated him and he saw COMPANY tions between Mr.
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