S254 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 1, 2012 Governor Garrahy’s righthand man But I do appreciate the process, and I to bring this to an end and give Mem- throughout his political career was Bill wanted to publicly thank Leader REID bers on both sides the opportunity to Dugan, his chief of staff. As fate would for his willingness to allow us to work introduce amendments. Senator REID have it, we are also mourning the loss through this process because it is sen- has been showing great forbearance in of Bill, who passed away the day before sitive for some people and it is new ter- not moving to file a cloture motion. In we lost the Governor. It was often said ritory for others. But I will say, being some sense, this is a test of whether we that Governor Garrahy didn’t know the first time and having the ability to can all apply to ourselves a rule of rea- how to say no. He was too nice for that. come down and co-manage the floor sonableness so that there can be a pret- Well, that job often fell to Bill Dugan. with Senator COLLINS and work with ty open amendment process, but one Joe and Bill were lifelong friends, Senator LIEBERMAN and Senator GILLI- that does not stop the Senate from get- graduated in the same class at La Salle BRAND, the process has been open and ting something accomplished. Academy, went into politics together, fair. We are trying now to eliminate I share the leader’s optimism. There and made a memorable political team some of the amendments that may not is only one obstacle now to having an in Rhode Island history. Last Thurs- be relevant. We have had some folks agreement and, hopefully, we can begin day, Joe Garrahy and his dear com- step back and say, yes, take this off or voting tomorrow afternoon and get it panion and political associate Bill take that off, and that is good. And we done before we finish. Dugan were together one last time. have been trying to combine other Mr. REID. Mr. President, it is Sen- Bill’s sons are friends of mine, David amendments to try to solidify where ator GILLIBRAND’s fault we are in all of and Richard. At Bill’s funeral I spoke we want to go. this trouble. to Richard, and I remarked on how ex- But I did want to let folks know that The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- traordinary it was that this excep- we are working diligently with the ator from New York. tional Rhode Island friendship and po- staffs of all the concerned Members, Mrs. GILLIBRAND. I wish to com- litical alliance should end with these and hopefully we will get some votes mend the leader for his forbearance and two men dying in the same week with- very shortly. patience in this very long and extended in virtually hours of each other. Once again, I commend Leader REID process. But we are making great ef- Richard looked back at me and he and his staff, the chairman and his forts to come together to work in a bi- said: SHELDON, you don’t know the half staff, Senator GILLIBRAND, and Senator partisan way to accomplish something of it. It was during my father’s wake at COLLINS, for everyone working to- good for the American people and to Boyle’s Funeral Home that the Gov- gether trying to make this happen. I begin to restore faith and trust in this ernor was brought home from Florida, appreciate that, and I want to make institution and in our government. So where he had been vacationing, by the that reference for folks who are paying I thank our leader. We are so grateful State police to Rhode Island. And that attention. for his patience. I also thank the chair- night, the two old companions rested Mr. President, I suggest the absence man for his work in leading this legis- one last time, side by side, on Smith of a quorum. lation. Hill at Boyle’s Funeral Home. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- On behalf of my wife Sandra and my WHITEHOUSE). The clerk will call the jority leader. family, I extend to the Garrahy family roll. Mr. REID. Mr. President, to Senator our deepest condolences. To Joe’s lov- The assistant legislative clerk pro- LIEBERMAN, we did a lot more general- ing wife Margherite, to their children ceeded to call the roll. ized work than the distinguished junior Colleen, John, Maribeth, Sheila, Seana, Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- Senator from New York. She is an ab- and their 11 grandchildren and the en- imous consent that the call of the solute expert in this area where we are tire Garrahy family, we have you in quorum be rescinded. dealing with corporate law, all the our hearts. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. BEN- stuff we did with derivatives and all Joe Garrahy often spoke about the NET). Without objection, it is so or- that, and I was certainly joking when I great joy his children and his 11 grand- dered. said she was the cause of trouble for children gave him, especially in the Mr. REID. Mr. President, I apologize this legislation. It was her idea. We ap- years after his retirement. Our to the Presiding Officer and staff and preciate her good work. Senator LIE- thoughts and prayers are with them all Senators, but we have not been able to BERMAN and I have been through a today. reach an agreement yet on how to number of battles together and this is I am very pleased to have this oppor- move forward on this simple bill. Re- one of the minor skirmishes. tunity to join with Senator REED and member, everybody loved the bill? We I note the absence of a quorum. with so many Rhode Islanders who are should have been able to finish it The PRESIDING OFFICER. The still remembering, thinking of, praying quickly. It has not worked out that clerk will call the roll. for, and giving homage to Governor way, but we are close. I hope in the The assistant legislative clerk pro- Garrahy. We will never forget his ready morning we can do this and finish the ceeded to call the roll. smile, his easy friendship, his distin- bill tomorrow afternoon. That would be Mrs. GILLIBRAND. Mr. President, I guished service, his ability to remem- preferable. I hope we can do that. ask unanimous consent that the order ber every name, and his long and very Everyone has worked in good faith for the quorum call be rescinded. loving marriage. and there are a number of amendments The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without I join Senator REED in saluting his we will vote on, and if that is the case, objection, it is so ordered. we can finish this hopefully tomorrow, legendary service to our State. f Mr. President, I yield the floor. late in the afternoon or early evening. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. We are not there yet, but we are very MORNING BUSINESS REED). The Senator from Massachu- close. Mrs. GILLIBRAND. Mr. President, I setts. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. ask unanimous consent that the Sen- Mr. BROWN of Massachusetts. Mr. BEGICH). The Senator from Con- ate proceed to a period of morning President, I know folks are riveted to necticut. business with Senators permitted to their televisions. I wanted to give them Mr. LIEBERMAN. Mr. President, speak therein for up to 10 minutes an update as to where we are on the while the majority leader is here, I each. STOCK Act. wished to thank him for the work he The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without First of all, there have been a lot of and his staff have continued to do to objection, it is so ordered. good amendments back and forth. We enable us to get to a vote on this bill, f have reviewed them. We worked obvi- which most everybody in the Senate ously late into last night and have supports, to make it clear that Mem- TRIBUTE TO PHYLLIS CAUSEY been working throughout today. We bers of Congress and our staffs are cov- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I are gearing up for votes that hopefully ered by anti-insider trading laws. Sen- rise to send my best wishes and grati- will be forthcoming, if not today, then ator GILLIBRAND, Senator COLLINS, and tude to a good friend of mine and a hopefully tomorrow. Senator BROWN have all been working loyal public servant to the people of VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:45 Feb 02, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01FE6.050 S01FEPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE February 1, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S255 Kentucky for many years, Ms. Phyllis retiring after 18 years of work with congress- eastern Kentucky. During his tenure, Causey. After nearly 2 decades working men in Kentucky’s 2nd Congressional Dis- tourism growth in the area has tripled, for the Representative from Ken- trict. the number of motels in the area has tucky’s 2nd Congressional District— Causey, who worked for former U.S. Rep. more than doubled, and the number of Ron Lewis before joining Guthrie’s office, of- first Congressman Ron Lewis, then ficially retires at the end of January. restaurants has doubled. Ken’s cowork- Congressman BRETT GUTHRIE—she has In a reception at the Warren County Jus- ers, friends, and neighbors know that chosen to embark on a well-earned re- tice Center, Causey thanked co-workers, such a feat would not have been pos- tirement.
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