EEK'S LETE TELEVISION AMS THE •Y RTH JERSEY'S ONLY WEEKLY PICTORIAL MAGAZINE n and Country Dining ew York Sports In e•? of BicjTrouble :•:•lt•-incj Without Strain Sh id We Change I•c tic Pre;•rJc, nfial Campaign Complete Short Story DECEMBER 18, 1960 VOL. XXXII, No. 51 •35SZRAIGHZ fill(C or. 20th Ave.) PATERSON, N.a. __ MUlberry 4-7880 Gift Delmrtment Living Rooms Bedrooms- Bedding Dining Rooms •.,r'" ,• @."]:'!1 bego[n•tfoaf leaet-three Formal danc'ee this We Decorate Within Caxpeting '( ! '"-• winter,an•[ have aclothes problem. • can'thave Your Budget Applisnces a new dree• For each dance, but • don't want fo wear the eameold thingto all oFfh•.•h•f car. •do?" ZITO STUDIOS •' ":•• • • I • • eefe,df:in•erchangeable evening COMMERCIAL .. NEWS -- POR•AIT • -• •n bedressed u• withassor•e• • ':belf•orsashe• inma•chin• or RUSSELL ZITO, Photogra•er /1!•:• -:•:•...con,ra•tin• color,. SWarthmore 6-0104 ' 10-16Fair Lawn Avem•e ';":•"-? :•• l.•,•m, N.J. ,-: •nother•olu•ion would •e fo •wif ch dre•e• with •our girl friend•. marchedin •ize, dS•'ldeach appear a+ evergaance in a dif- / I. PARRILLO •wopeople look fhe• •amein ang one dre• TheManfrom Equitable asks.;' never •ue• 9ou were .' ' '. •Co•yrighl. _ 1960_ Ponds GoodGroomin• •ervlee ,•,_ Willyouleave your family a home .... • --oramortgage? • .. ß •::: -:.: :- --t _• ....... -::_-_ :_-•_>• : ..., . ; .. THE ODDSthat youwill die beforeyou pay ot• your ., mortgageare 16 timesgreater than the chanceyour housewill catch fire. Yet, most prudent families wouldn'tthink of beingwithout fire insurance.Why be without mortgageinsurance? Equitable'sremarkable mortgage repayment insur- anceplan protectsyour family againstforced sale... lossof savings...or lossof home. Costsare low for this basicl•rotection. For full informationcall... I. PARRILLO 200 EAST ]•IDGEVVOOD AVENUE RIDGEWOOD, N.J. I I FAMILY HOLIDAY -- Shirley Templewill share her hostess's GI 5-3342 •rI 4-11•1 role on "The Shirley Temple Show" with her children -- Linda Susan, 12; Lori, 6, and Charles dr., 8- when an adaptation of Victor Herbert's "Babes in Toyland" is colorcast on N BC-TV Christmas night, Senday, Dec. 25. In the show, Shirley will star Letthe man from Equitable bring you peace of mind as Floretta, a gypsy witch. The operetta also will star Jonathan Winters, Jerry Colonna, Joe Besser, Carl Ballantine, Angela Cartwright and Michet Petit, Page Published Weekly by Z!• CB]iONI• 43011•kNT !•. 170-172Butler Stre• P•temon, N.J. LAmbert .•741 •- V•NCF2qT S. PAI•, Publisher •N•T N. PA•, •naging •itor ••r• • ••d •• ma• A•• • •, at t• P•t ': •f• at •, N.J., • • • of M• 3, 1•. DECEMBER 18, 1960 --- VOL. XXXII, No. 51 ! . 22 ii•ii..i,•izgleC•)y10 Cents $4.00 a Year by Mail -IN CHRISTMASCLASSIC- "Amahl and the Night Visitors," Gian Carlo Menotti's widely acclaimed opera, will be seen again on the NBC-TV Network on Christmas Day, Sunday, Dec. 25, in a repeat showing with the same familiar cast as in recent CONTENTS seasons: (I. to r.) Leon Lishner, Andrew McKinley and David Alken as the Three Kings, Kirk Amahl.'•,and-Rosemary Kuhlmann' as Amahl's mother. This will be the-11th presenta. tion of "Amahl" by the NBC Opera Comoany. RES New York Sports In Heap of Big Troubl'e! Town and Country Dining Filtering Without Strain Brown Shoes A Complete Short Story 14 Famous American Taverns 15 DEPARTMENTS Editorials THISONE SURRENDERED -- A newlyedited 90-minute Version of the 26 programsin NBC-TV'8World War II serial,"Victory at Sea,"will be broadcastby the networkas a "Project20" presentationThursday, Dec. 29. In this scene,Marines help a CompleteTelevision _11-12-13 Japanesesoldier from a dugouton Guamafter convincinghim that life a8 a prisonerwas bettertha n deathfor his Emperor's sake.He 8till holdsthe cigarettethey'Used in coaxinghim out. This was the Fourth Division in July of-1-944... THE CHRONICLE ß Page Three k .. :: HAVE i:• '.•__.•. '.... '" '":::":'.'•?'"'"':':':':':'"':':':':' '"'-:'----.'-'.......'"'""............. THE DRIVER'S . .:•yFUN!LEE BR¾ , "'""'"'"" ' ':-"The'man bought a cigar, and then Painis theProblem : left.Five minutes later he dashed back • the store."That cigar." he shouted, "is simplyawful." ' extractsWhenofmanpoppy first seed,discovered he set offthe on paina search relievingthat virtueswould continueofalcohol to and itsend unpleasantoftime--a for medicinal substancestocountera'ct pain inaH hasbeen singularly unsuccessful in findingConsideringimproved thepain-relievers.fact thatthe searchIn began before recorded • history, maa "Signsand signalsare mos 4; .-:;' • theages between theprehistoric importantto strangers,yet '-t •:•:-c•".i o-.* discoveryofalcohol and opium. and are put up .by people'who 1 in theneighborhood,,, Ellis A m >•...ß .• '•l .• onlyone major advance hasbeen strong,commissioner o! • .;c'' themodernera of"wonder drugs" U.S. Departmentof' Commex said recently. !. • conferenceon pain t the New ß :-<•"-:.•:-!:-?'__ - YorkAcademy ofSciences, evi- Althoughspeaking o! the tr• ß. dencewas presented thatman has tic signsituation generally, beenon thewrong track down 'i.mid:i*I•'sall'thevery storekeeper, wcll for you"you've tocomplain."only got through thecenturies. Ellis' wordsapply particula one.l've gm hundredsof the dart Manymethods and drugs for to rural areas..There, tra• ... .treatmentofthe different kinds of painare needed, according to the signs,orthe lack oœ them, medicalscientists. They are im- a seriousproblem.. .?rthan coming home inthis drunken patientwith the belief, held by our Frequently,stop signs or •onditionF'_ asked the outraged wife. ancestors,that oneday the "ideal" ,ionsigns are located -so close drugfor killing pain •ill b found was marked improvement to supp;antall others. severalpatients who complaineel dangerousintersections orcur• A new"tailored" compound for of bursirisand tendinitis. thatthey seem ,to act only a specifickind of painwas exam- Whya multiplicityof pain r•. remindersto driverswho are a inedat theconference. Thisw•, ! drugs? Why not settle for ready completelyfamiliar wi Soma,effective in relieving pains aspran or morphine-like substances? in themuscles andjoints. Acting Partof the answer goes asfollows: theroads and who have alread as a musclerelaxant, also, Soma nomatter how chemisks modify the begunto slowtheir .speeds ,be relievespain due exclusively to poppy•eed extracts, (opium and torethey reac.h the signsß musclespasm, such as the corn morphine)they remain addictlye ,. .. ' mop or habit-formingto some de ree. A stranger,on the other ofCharley, and certain types "Yessh,re'dear." answered the ine- Theycan be u•d only inemergency frequently tinds.that the. briatedhusband. "but she was out Dr. ArthurC. Jones,professor and the most difficult pain itu- placedsigns offer insuf•'.'•. t•f town." ofphysical medicine, University of ations.Aspirin and the oasic ub- Oregon,described indetail how 84 stancesfrom which it isderived, the warningand that 'h• is alread patientsreacted to Soma.Patients salicylates,areuseful only in pai• uponthe dangerspot be•.•i•e h "I rovemy success asa salesman." said sufferingsprains, muscle strains and oflow intensity. Becau• high in- hashad time to reduce•.'•. 'pe• thespeaker addressing thegathering tensitypain would require such safely. ..... of'young men being trained for this contusionsreceived varying degrees high doses that they ouldb• .profession.."tothe first seven words errelJer.Mostdr maticin Dr. Jones' fat lly toxic. A recentsurVey of signspo'm• ed outthat too few rural..road, haveadequate warning. signs '"of . railroadcrossings ahead,-pa.i•fi cularlyreflective signs which can be seenat night.Because most train-caraccidents occur :i. .: . whendrivers crash into the sid. of trains,'it wouldappear th• I ' i' ..'.,.-.:.. thesesigns are badly needed-in ! invariablyutter when a rural areas. opensthe door. Miss, may i speaktc .your mother?" Manycivic, service and en'sclubs in ruralareas, alerted Wife:"William, l•ow do you supposc thosedozens ofempty bottles got into to theneed, have adopted traff•..:.- the basement?" signsurvey programs as their majorcontribution to their munities.These .groups tour their localareas inspecting traf•e signs,then. report .damaged •'•s or th• needfor new signsto local authorities. It's..a. ::. ;;;;;.-. - ß program that could well-' be• many more.rural ß groups. •¾illiam;"1h-',•en'! the resnotes! !life." ne•er !•.,gh• an ennply bottle inm! T'ne,primary value of reflective Scientistssay that the average platesis to increase the visibility personblinks .his eyes 25 times of cars left parkedor stalled a minute,with eachblink aver- with lights out on unlighted agingone4ifth .of a seco.ndi'If streetsor rural highways,areas he drives40 m.p.h.over a 10- in w•ichnighttime rear-end col- RIgP.GO.RDON CANFIELD's newest West Point appoin. hourmotor trip., :he travels 33 lisions are. common. teestudies a guided missile model atthe Congressman's miles with his.eye shut • more Borrego,home,where18, 46 h'e Highview announced Drive,his appointmentWest Paterson. ofAnthony proof,of-the importance of Page Four ing botheyes on the road. 'CHRONICLE, ß 9:90 P.M. 9--Mo•, She Wore Yellow Rib. 2--Witness- Drama 11•U.-S. igorder l•trol --Ba4•he_lorF •e -- •,. t•g•W•hlngton 8:00 P.M. 5--Night -•Drama -••• • • •, Music 11-- --Adolph M•Jou 11---_• ]lasS---JohnGunther 13---Mike WMl•ee•Intervtew 7•Un•u••Drama 8:30 P.M. •• •d • • ••a 2-- Rout• 66•Adventure 4- %Ve herher om•t• ne 10:•_ P.. • 4-Proj ton ' 1 ••• of _•Flln Cartoons 11--Ba..• b•! 11--•ld 13 -P We•z ,½ 10:• P. • 7--•• K• • Panel 9•. '•. •. 7:•' p.•, •. 9 7--77' Sinmet Strip 11• S••Westem 9•ea• . •,,, •,d 11:00 P. 1•. 9:•0 P.M. 2--News--Prescott Robinson 2•Mr. Gerlu•d- Mystery 4•News•John McCaffrey 5•Poey Exprea•Western _ ..T--News -- Scott Vincent 9--Playboy's Pe•thouse liraNews--John Tillman 1.1:15 P.M. 2•Movie--I'm No Angel _4---•eh _ ?-allsync --• Mystery 5-Not For Hire--Mystery 7--Miovle -- Comedy 7-- yes- Robt. Taylor 11--Movie- Drama 11--Ho• to Mm'y a..•[1111on__alre 2--•tne• to Illstory J--Mss Heat -- Police 7' I•w aa•l Mr.
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