ill? f. THE DECORATION OF HOUSES Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from University of Toronto http://www.archive.org/details/decorationofhousOOwhar "Une forme doit etre belle en elle-meme et on ne doit jamais compter sur le decor applique pour en sauver les imperfections." Composition Decorative. Henri MaYEUX : La TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Introduction xix I The Historical Tradition i II Rooms in General 17 III Walls 31 IV Doors 48 V Windows 64 VI Fireplaces 74 VII Ceilings and Floors 89 VIII Entrance and Vestibule . 103 IX Hall and Stairs 106 X The Drawing-room, Boudoir, and Morning-room . .122 XI Gala Rooms: Ball-room, Saloon, Music-room, Gallery 134 XII The Library, Smoking-room, and "Den". 145 XIII The Dining-room 155 XIV Bedrooms . 162 vii viii Table of Contents PAGE XV The School-room and Nurseries 173 XVI Bric-a-Brac 184 Conclusion 196 Index 199 LIST OF PLATES FACING PAGE I Italian Gothic Chest i II French Arm-chairs, XV and XVI Centuries . 6 III French Armoire, XVI Century lo IV French Sofa and Arm-chair, Louis XIV Period . 12 V Room in the Grand Trianon, Versailles . 14 VI French Arm-chair, Louis XV Period . 16 VII French Bergere, Louis XVI Period . .20 VIII French Bergere, Louis XVI Period . .24 IX French Sofa, Louis XV Period 28 X French Marquetry Table, Louis XVI Period . 30 XI Drawing-room, House in Berkeley Square, London . 34 XII Room in the Villa Vertemati .... 38 XIII Drawing-room at Easton Neston Hall . .42 XIV Doorway, Ducal Palace, Mantua .... 48 XV Sala DEI Cavalli, Palazzo del T .... 54 K List of Plates FACING PACE XVI Door in the Sala dello Zodiaco, Ducal Palace, Mantua 58 XVII Examples of Modern French Locksmiths' Work . 60 XVIIl Carved Door, Palace of Versailles . .62 XIX Salon des Malachites, Grand Trianon, Versailles 68 XX Mantelpiece, Ducal Palace, Urbino . .74 XXI Mantelpiece, Villa Giacomelli .... 78 XXII French Fire-screen, Louis XIV Period . 86 XXIII Carved Wooden Ceiling, Villa Vertemati . 90 in XXIV Ceiling Palais de Justice, Rennes . -92 XXV Ceiling of the Sala degli Sposi, Ducal Palace, Mantua 96 XXVI Ceiling in the Style of Berain .... 100 XXVIi Ceiling in the Chateau of Chantilly . 102 XXVIII Antechamber, Villa Cambiaso, Genoa . 104 XXIX Antechamber, Durazzo Palace, Genoa . 106 XXX Staircase, Parodi Palace, Genoa . 108 XXXI Staircase, Hotel de Ville, Nancy . .112 XXXII Staircase, Palace of Fontainebleau . .116 XXXIII French Armoire, Louis XIV Period . 120 XXXIV Sala della Maddalena, Royal Palace, Genoa . 122 XXXV Console in Petit Trianon, Versailles . 124 List of Plates xi FACING PAGE XXXVI Salon, Palace of Fontainebleau . .126 XXXVII Room in the Palace of Fontainebleau . 128 XXXVIII Lit de Repos, Early Louis XV Period . 130 XXXIX Lit de Repos, Louis XV Period . .130 XL Painted Wall-panel and Door, Chantilly . 132 XLI French Boudoir, Louis XVI Period . 132 XLII Salon a Vitalienne 136 XLllI Ball-room, Royal Palace, Genoa . 138 XLIV Saloon, Villa Vertemati 140 XLV Sala dello Zodiaco, Ducal Palace, Mantua . 140 XLVI French Table, transition between Louis XIV and Louis XV Periods 142 XLVII Library of Louis XVI, Palace of Versailles . 144 XLVIII Small Library, Audley End 146 XLIX French Writing-chair, Louis XV Period . 150 L Dining-room, Palace of Compiegne . .154 LI Dining-room Fountain, Palace of Fontainebleau 156 LII French Dining-chair, Louis XIV Period . .158 LIII French Dining-chair, Louis XVI Period . .158 LIV Bedroom, Palace of Fontainebleau . .162 LV Bath-room, Pitti Palace, Florence . .168 LVI Bronze Andiron, XVI Century . .184 BOOKS CONSULTED FRENCH Androuet du Cerceau, Jacques. Les Plus Excellents Batiments de France. Park, 1607. Le Muet, Pierre. Maniere de Bien Batir pour toutes sortes de Personnes. Oppenord, Gilles Marie. CEuvres. 1750. Mariette, Pierre Jean. L' Architecture Fran^oise. 1727. Briseux, Charles Etienne. L'Art de Batir les Maisons de Campagne. Paris, 174^. Lalonde, pRANgois Richard de. Recueil de ses CEuvres. AVILER, C. A. d'. Cours d' Architecture. 1760. Blondel, Jacques pRANgois. Architecture Fran^oise. Paris, 17^2. Cours d'Architecture. Paris, 1771-77. De la Distribution des Maisons de Plaisance et de la Decoration des Edifices. Paris, 17^7. Books Consulted xiii ROUBO, A. J., FILS. L'Art du Menuisier. Here de Corny, Emmanuel. Recueil des Plans, Elevations et Coupes des Chateaux, Jardins et Dependances que le Roi de Pologne occupe en Lorraine. Paris, n. d. Percier et Fontaine. Choix des plus Celebres Maisons de Plaisance de Rome et de ses Environs. Paris, i8og. Palais, Maisons, et autres Edifices ModerneS dessines a Rome. Paris, lygS. Residences des Souverains. Paris, i8jj. Krafft et Ransonnette. Plans, Coupes, et Elevations des plus belles Maisons et Hotels construits a Paris et dans les Environs. Paris, 1801. Durand, Jean Nicolas Louis. Recueil et Parallele des Edifices de tout Genre. Paris, 1800. Precis des Lemons d'Architecture donnees a I'Ecole Royale Polytechnique. Paris, 182J. Quatremere de Quincy, a. C. Histoire de la Vie et des Ouvrages des plus Celebres Archi- tectes du Xle siecle jusqu'a la fin du XVIII siecle. Paris, 1830. Pellassy de l'Ousle. Histoire du Palais de Compiegne. Paris, n. d. Letarouilly, Paul Marie. Edifices de Rome Moderne. Paris, 182^-^^. xiv Books Consulted Ramee, Daniel. Histoire Generale de I'Architecture. Paris, 1862. Meubles Religieux et Civils Conserves dans les principaux Monuments et Musees de I'Europe. VlOLLET LE Due, EuGENE EMMANUEL. Dictionnaire Raisonne de I'Architecture Fran^aise du XI^ au XVF siecle. Paris, 1868. Sauvageot, Claude. Palais, Cliateaux, Hotels et Maisons de France du XV^ au XVilF siecle. Daly, Cesar. Motifs Historiques d'Architecture et de Sculpture d'Ornement. ROUYER ET DaRCEL. L'Art Architectural en France depuis Fran9ois F"" jusqu'a Louis XIV. Havard, Henry. Dictionnaire de TAmeublement et de la Decoration depuis le Xlll^ siecle jusqu'a nos Jours. Paris, n. J. Les Arts de I'Ameublement. GUILMARD, D. Les Maitres Ornemanistes. Paris, 1880. Bauchal, Charles. Dictionnaire des Architectes Fran(;ais. Paris, 1887. RouAix, Paul. Les Styles. Paris, n. d. BiBLIOTHEQUE DE l'EnSEIGNEMENT DES BeAUX ArTS. Maison Quantin, Paris. Books Consulted xv ENGLISH Ware, Isaac. A Complete Body of Architecture. London, iy^6. Brettingham, Matthew. Norfolk, the Plans, Elevations and Sections of Holkham in Seat of the late Earl of Leicester. London, 1761. Campbell, Colen. London, Vitruvius Britannicus; or, The British Architect. 177 J- Adam, Robert and James. The Works in Architecture. London, 1773-1822. Hepplewhite, a. The Cabinet-Maker and Upholsterer's Guide. Sheraton, Thomas. The Cabinet-Maker's Dictionary. London, 1803. Pain, William. Assistant. Lon- The British Palladio; or The Builder's General don, 1797. SoANE, Sir John. Sketches in Architecture. London, 1793. Hakewill, Arthur William. Illustra- General Plan and External Details, with Picturesque tions, of Thorpe Hall, Peterborough. Lewis, James. Original Designs in Architecture. xvi Books Consulted Pyne, William Henry. History of the Royal Residences of Windsor Castle, St. James's Palace, Carlton House, Kensington Palace, Hampton Court, Buckingham Palace, and Frogmore. London, i8ig. GwiLT, Joseph. Encyclopedia of Architecture. New edition. Longman's, 1895. Fergusson, James. History of Architecture. London, 18^4. History of the Modern Styles of Architecture. Third edition, revised by Robert Kerr. London, 1891. GoTCH, John Alfred. Architecture of the Renaissance in England. Heaton, John Aldam. Furniture and Decoration in England in the Eighteenth Century. Rosengarten. Handbook of Architectural Styles. New York, i8y6. Horne, H. p. The Binding of Books. Lotidon, 1894. LOFTIE, W. J. Inigo Jones and Christopher Wren. London, 189J. Kerr, Robert. The English Gentleman's House. London, 186^. Stevenson, J. J. House Architecture. London, 1880. Books Consulted xvii GERMAN AND ITALIAN BURCKHARDT, JaCOB. Stuttgart, 1891. Architektur der Renaissance in Italien. Reinhardt. Toskana. Palast Architektur von Ober Italien und GuRLiTT, Cornelius. 1887. Geschichte des Barockstiles in Italien. Stuttgart, Ebe, Gustav. Die Spat-Renaissance. Berlin, i Pinciana, con l'ornamenti La Villa Borghese, fuori di Porta DI LEI PaLAZZO. Roma, I7OO. CHE SI OSSERVANO NEL Intra, G. B. Mantova nei suoi Monumenti. Luzio E Renier. Mantova e Urbino. Torino-Roma, 1893. MOLMENTl, POMPEO. Torino, 188$. La Storia di Venezia nella Vita Privata. MaLAMANI, VlTTORlO. Milano, 189^. II Settecento a Venezia. Conferenze tenute a Firenze La Vita Italiana nel Seicento. NEL 1890. INTRODUCTION ROOMS may be decorated in two ways : by a superficial ap- plication of ornament totally independent of structure, or by means of those architectural features which are part of the organ- ism of every house, inside as well as out. In the middle ages, when warfare and brigandage shaped the conditions of life, and men camped in their castles much as they did in their tents, it was natural that decorations should be porta- ble, and that the naked walls of the mediaeval chamber should be hung with arras, while a del, or ceiling, of cloth stretched across the open timbers of its roof. When life became more secure, and when the Italian conquests of the Valois had acquainted men north of the Alps with the spirit of classic tradition, proportion and the relation of voids to masses gradually came to be regarded as the chief decorative values of the interior. Portable hangings were in consequence replaced by architectural ornament: in other words, the architecture of the room became its decoration. This architectural treatment held its own through every change of taste until the second quarter of the present century; but since then various influences have combined to sever the natural con- nection between the outside of the modern house and its interior. In the average house the architect's task seems virtually confined XX Introduction to the elevations and floor-plan. The designing of what are to- day regarded as insignificant details, such as mouldings, archi- traves, and cornices, has become a perfunctory work, hurried over and unregarded; and when this work is done, the uphol- sterer is called in to " decorate " and furnish the rooms.
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