THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2016 SERVING TILTON, NORTHFIELD, BELMONT & SANBORNTON, N.H. FREE Local Primary results reflect statewide trends BY DONNA RHODES while Jeanie Forrester incumbent Frank Guin- sional District 2. His votes. on the ballot for State [email protected] managed to top Sununu ta with 345 votes for New nearest competitor Rich Republican Harold Senate, as was Roland REGION — The 2016 with a second place fin- Hampshire’s Congres- Ashooh received 231 French was unopposed Fisher who ran for the New Hampshire State ish of 173 votes. The only District 9 State Represen- Primary did not set any other contested race on tative seat. For two State turn-out records this the Democratic side saw Representative open- year, but nonetheless, John Shea on top in his ings in District 6, John those who did turn out at bid for a seat on the Ex- Plummer and Mike Syl- the polls have now deter- ecutive Council, with 123 via won the town with mined who will be listed votes, while his compet- 264 and 377 votes each on the ballot this Novem- itors Shawn Mickelonis over Joel Weinrobe’s 198 ber. and Andru Volinsky votes. In Belmont, voters received 23 and 72 votes William Wright had helped set the stage state- respectively. the backing of Belmont wide for Colin Van Os- Maggie Hassan ran voters in his bid for Belk- tern to make a run for unopposed statewide nap County Sheriff, but Governor on the Dem- for the U.S. Senate seat, when all towns reported ocratic side with 126 as did U.S. Rep. Ann their results, it was Moy- votes, while Mark Con- McLane Kuster, who is er who took the spot on nolly received 74 votes looking to return to Con- the November ballot for and the next nearest con- gress for another term in the Republicans. There tender was Steve March- November. were no write-ins for DONNA RHODES and with 55 votes. On the Republican sheriff on the Democrat- Republicans in Bel- ticket, Belmont agreed A note of thanks ic ballot. mont preferred Frank with the majority of the Selectmen Karen Ober and John Olmstead presented Johnny Van Tassel with a certificate In all, Belmont had Edelblut over eventual state by giving incum- of appreciation on his last night as a selectman last week. Van Tassel recently resigned a total of 1016 votes cast statewide winner Chris bent Kelly Ayotte the from the board due to the time constraints of his new job with the state’s Department of that day, either at the Sununu by a vote of 237 nod for U.S. Senate once Transportation. polls or by absentee bal- to Sununu’s 168 votes, again, and also backed lot. Northfield saw 652 registered voters for the Belmont officials christen first phase primary with, as expect- ed, nearly double the number of Republicans over Democrats heading of Lake Winnisquam Scenic Trail out to the polls. On the Republican BY DONNA RHODES ebrating another one of side, Edelblut had a nar- [email protected] Belmont’s great accom- row win over Forrester BELMONT — Res- plishments, the Lake in that town by a vote of idents in Belmont re- Winnisquam Scenic 138 to 124, while eventual joiced last Saturday Trail.” winner Sununu received morning when the rib- Mooney thanked 90 votes and Ted Gatsas bon was finally cut to sig- the many people who had 56. nify the completion and contributed financial Ayotte was once again formal opening of Phase support to the trail, in- the overall favorite for 1 in the town’s link to a cluding $190,000 from another bid as Senator, cross-state, multi-town the taxpayers of Bel- while the District 2 Con- recreation trail system. mont, and those who gressional favorite was “What a beautiful donated $38,500 in gifts Jim Lawrence who went day to be a resident of and grants to match the on to win district wide the state, the Lakes Re- $920,000 in Federal High- in that heavily contest- gion, and especially the way Funds for the de- ed race. Lawrence ended Town of Belmont,” said sign and construction of the day with 126 votes Selectman Ruth Mooney the “Winni Trail.” The in Northfield, while his at the brief ceremony. town also received an nearest competitor Jack “Welcome to your new DONNA RHODES anonymous donation of Flanagan received 103. trail! After 15 years of Ron Mitchell looked on as Belmont Selectman Ruth Mooney cut the ribbon to officially open $25,000 through the New Lawrence will now face effort we are finally cel- Phase 1 of the beautiful new Lake Winnisquam Scenic Trail last Saturday morning. SEE TRAIL, PAGE A13 incumbent Democrat Ann McLane Kuster in November. Public meetings on protecting groundwater On the Democratic ticket Colin Van Ostern won easily with 138 votes for a bid for Concord’s and aquifers planned in Northfield and Alton corner office over near- est challenger Mark Con- NORTHFIELD planned on Sept. 28 and District. Summer Street, North- fers keeps coming up. nolly’s 45 votes. John — Protecting groundwa- Oct. 3 hosted by Belknap On Sept. 28, the meet- field and on Oct. 5 6:30-8 People want more infor- Shea edged out Andru ter and aquifer resourc- County Conservation ing will be held from p.m. at the Gilman Li- mation on how to better Volinsky in Northfield es is the focus of public District and Merrimack 6:30-8 p.m. at The Pines brary, 100 Main Street, protect this valuable for the Executive Coun- information meetings County Conservation Community Center, 61 Alton. The primary resource,” said Donna cil District 2 opening by speaker will be Pierce Hepp, Chair Belknap a close 80-77 vote, with Rigrod from the New County Conservation Shawn Mickelonis trail- Hampshire Department District. ing with 26 votes. of Environmental Ser- The purpose of these Finally, in the only vices. There will be an meetings is to share in- other contested Demo- opportunity for ques- formation about aqui- cratic race, it was Debo- tions and discussion. fers and local and state rah Wheeler and Carolee Groundwater stored protection measures. Longley who came out on in aquifers is an im- Since aquifers cross top with votes of 136 and portant drinking water town and county bound- 105, respectively, while source for many New aries, the County Con- the third candidate Rob- Hampshire communi- servation Districts of ert Gillespie received 72 ties. These aquifers Belknap and Merrimack in his quest for one of the store water between Counties are jointly seats. grains of sand, gravel, hosting these meetings. SEE PRIMARY, PAGE A13 soil and rocks and sup- Recent contamination ply springs and wells associated with MtBE INDEX DONNA RHODES with water. An estimat- and PFCs reinforces n Marion Burbank (center) was joined by her children Louise Stickney and Frank Burbank, Jr. as ed 46 percent of New the importance of water Volume 7 • Number 28 she received the Boston Post Cane last week, honoring her as the oldest resident in her home- Hampshire residents sources. Light refresh- 22 Pages in 2 Section town of Bristol. rely on aquifers for their ments will be provided Editorial Page ..................A4 drinking water. The at the meeting. Tri-Town Aquifer in For more informa- North Country Notebook A4 Carriage House resident receives Belmont, Northfiled and tion, contact the Belk- Tilton and the aquifer nap County Conserva- Schools ............................A9 in Alton are examples tion District at 527-5880 Bristol's Boston Post Cane of these important re- or email lisa.morin@ Culture ...........................A10 BY DONNA RHODES ily and friends at the arrived to present her sources. nh.nacdnet.net or Mer- Obituaries ........................A6 [email protected] Carriage House Assisted with the Boston Post “During our discus- rimack County Con- ©2016, Salmon Press, LLC. NORTHFIELD — Living facility in North- Cane, designating her as sions with Towns and servation District at Call us at (603) 279-4516 Marian Burbank was field last week when the oldest resident in the the public, protection of 223-6023 or email info@ email: [email protected] surrounded by her fam- selectmen from Bristol SEE CANE, PAGE A12 groundwater and aqui- merrimackccd.org. A2 September 22, 2016 LOCAL NEWS WINNISQUAM ECHO n Franklin Savings Bank unveils new logo and tagline New brand reflects Bank’s ongoing commitment to growth, investment in technology and customer education. FRANKLIN — Frank- effort to mitigate cyber by a group of employ- business lending. Frank- lin Savings Bank is security risk. It also pro- ees, a new look to On- lin Savings Bank also pleased to announce the vides a safer channel for line Banking, and much offers investment, insur- launch of a new logo and confidential communi- more. FSB retained ance and financial plan- tagline—Smarter Bank- cations between banks Millennium Integrat- ning services through ing. Easier Living. The and customers. ed Marketing based in its wholly-owned subsid- new logo represents the “We are pleased to be Manchester, to assist iary, Independence Fi- Bank’s growth and evo- launching our new web- with the development of nancial Advisors, from lution as a tech-savvy site revealing a contem- its new website. offices in Franklin, Bed- financial institution, porary look that is reflec- Over the next few ford, Nashua and Roch- while the fresh typogra- tive of our new brand,” weeks, new exterior ester, New Hampshire. phy reflects its down-to- said Dawn Beers, AVP, signs will be installed at As a recognized leader earth, friendly and col- Marketing Officer. “Our the Bank’s seven full-ser- in providing the latest laborative approach to new website also fea- vice branch offices locat- in financial services the customers and com- tures improved naviga- ed in Boscawen, Bristol, technology, Franklin munities it has proudly tion to some of our pop- Franklin, Gilford, Laco- Savings Bank remains served for more than 147 ular services, such as nia and Tilton, as well committed to serving years.
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