ROMAN MAGISTRACIES Number in Suo Office Responsibilities Kind/Power College Anno Insignia Elected Inaugurated consuls/consules chief executiveofficers ordinary 2 43 12 lictors by ComitiaCenturiata 1-Jan mutual convene,presideover,and veto fasces within consultthe senate potestas power the city in July fasceswith securis outside convokethe popularassemblies imperium the city for one-yearterm superviseelectionof magistrates sella curulis levy andtakecommandof troops toga praetexta take auspicesandseeto religiousmatters performcensors'dutieswhen censors not in office introduceassemblybillsto the Senate controlrelationsbetweenRome, Italyandprovinces praetorsl 2 lictorsin praetores chiefjudicialofficers ordinary 8 40 Rome bv ComitiaCenturiata 1-Jan mutual judgesin civil andcriminal veto 6 lictors cases potestas power outsideRome in Julv praetor urbanus (1) --citizens imperium sella curulis for one-vearterm praetor peregrinus (1)-foreigners toga praetexta others (6) --acts OfvIolence, provincialextortion,electoral bribery 1 ~ quaestorsl quaestores financial officers ordinary 20 31 subsellium by Comitia Tributa 5-Dec quaestores urbani (2)-- state mutual treasury and archives in Temple veto of Saturn potestas power in July 4 quaestors -- posts in Italy / for one-year term others -- assistants to governors in provinces (2 quaestors in Sicily), quartermasters in army supervise public buildings aediles places, streets and utilities ordinary 4 37 by Comitia Tributa 1-Jan supervise market and grain supply potestas in July manage and provide funds for public games for one-year term mutual curule aediles (2) --under veto toga praetexta supervision of consuls power sella curulis mutual plebeian aediles (2) -- under veto supervision of tribunes of plebs power subsellium censorsl censores take census ordinary 2 sella curulis by Comitia Centuriata 1-Jan mutual inspect registry of citizens of veto every class potestas power toga praetexta in July, every five years define and revise lists of for a one and a half senators and equites year term maintain high standards of morality arrange for contracts with publicani 2 tribunes of the serve as direct representative of plebs/tribuni plebis the plebeians ordinary 10 viator by Comitia Tributa 10-Dec mutual protect the rights of the common veto people potestas power sacrosanct in July veto power over popular assem- bliesand senate for one-year term veto power overother magis- ( trates I 24 lictors with serve with absolute power fasces and during a period of crisis --for six securis --both appointed by the months or until the crisis was within and consuls at the request dictator over extraordinary 1 outside the city of the senate for 6 months or until crisis to Roman state is convoke senate potestas sella curulis over call out and command the army imperium toga praetexta 3 '" ~ \ ... "... ... 6 lictors with fasces and securis both within and selected and appointed magister eauitum second in command to dicator extraordinary 1 outside the city by dicator for 6 months or until ~ crisis to Roman state is command cavalry potestas sella curulis. over imperium toga praetexta appointed by the senate if both consuls die in chief magistrate of Roman office or if civil disorder Republic under special prevents regular interrex circumstances extraordinary 1 election of consuls potestas for 5 days imperium Restrictions -~ cannot hold two offices simultaneously two years must pass between holding offices 10 years must pass before election to the ReXtoffice ~Mc.... CursusHonorum quaestor (aedileortribunusplebis) praetor consul Prereauisites quaestor must be held before praetor praetor must be held before consul office of aedile or tribunus plebis must be sought between quaestor and praetor, but not prerequisite for praetor or consul .~ 4 r; \ " ROMAN RELIGIOUS OFFICIALS Number in Length of Office Responsibilities Colleae Insiania Elected Term responsible for the Roman Pontifex Maximus state religion 1 bv the Cornitia Tributa for life supervised priestly colleaes rotected Vestal Virgins kept ann ales maximi in charge of Roman calendar lituus (curved staff used to quarter the determined the will of the gods 15 heavens) b rominent citizens for life looked for cloud patterns, flying trabea (toga with bird formations, entrails of bright scarlet stripes animals and a purple bOJ<i~r) set religious ritual decided location of religious buildings '.I Haruspices determined the will of the gods tall, conical hat examined the entrails of sacrificed animals, especially heart and liver maintained sacred fire within distinctive dress and Vestal Virginsl the Temple of Vesta in the hairstyle of a Roman appointed by Pontifex Vestales Viraines Forum Romanum 6 bride Maximus for 30 years officiated at prescribed Roman rituals at various times throughout the year sacrosanct flame of Vesta , ~ ~~- r ')1.f-6~ '. POLITICAL AND RELIGIOUS STRUCTURE Praetor urbanus in cases between citizens OF: THE ROMAN STATE IN THE LATE REPUBLIC Civil Praetor peregrinus in cases in which one or Procedure both parties were foreigners . Censorsin casestouching the treasury Free inhabitants of Rome and (after. LEGAL [ Aedilesin cases arising in the markets Constituency 90 B.C.) of Italy, who however had to go. JURISDIC- Pontifexmaximusin casesofcertaincrimes { to Rome if they wished to vote TION CITIZENS against religion 35 tribes, each tribe subdivided. into 5 Criminal Quaestiones perpetuae - permanent juries Divisions classes, each class into 2 centuries (350 Procedure or courts, at least 8 in number, 6 of them centuries), as assigned in the lists of the { censors, presided over by praetors and the rest by iudicesquaestionis,foremen Comitia curiata, an assembly to act on Sicily, Sardinia (with Corsica), UT clan affairs and to confer the imperium "".estern Hither' Spain, Farther Spain, ...:.', Ill A" . N b Comitia centuriata, an assembly by cen- . yncum, Inca, ar onese tu.ries to elect consuls, praetors, censors Provinces, . { Gaul, Cisalpine Gaul PROVINCIAL 164-30 B.C. The People Comitia tributa, an assembly by tribes to ADMINIS- Achaia, Macedonia, Asia, Bi- ASSEMBLIES elect minor magistrates and to enact laws TRATION Eastern thynia, Cyrene (with Crete), Concilium plebis, an assembly of plebeian {Cilicia, . Syria tribes to elect tribunes and plebeian aediles I and to enact laws, called plebiscita Provincial Governor, an ex-consulor an ex-praetor Quaestor, in charge of finances Officials Counselors. Senatus, numbering about 600 appointed { Lieutenantsand other subordinate officials members, to legislate on foreign affairs, {. religion, and finances 15 pontifices (16 under Caesar) r 15 augurs (16 under Caesar) 2 consuls The Great 15 quindecimviri sacris faciundis, guard- Major 8 praetors (16 under Caesar) Colleges ians of the Sibylline books { 2 censors . 7 epulones (10 under Caesar), ministers Ordinary 4 aediles (6 under Caesar) to provide banquets for the gods 10tribunes 15 flamens; most important, those of Magistrates Minor 20 quaestors (40 under STATE Jupiter, Mars, and Quirinus OFFICIALS PRIESTS Special Caesar) Priesthoods 6 Vestal virgins, guardians of the fire of 26 members of the collegeof Vesta . twenty-six [ Rex sacrorum Dictator Fetiales, heralds who demanded redress of Extra- Interrex Lesser wrongs and declared war with certain rites ordinary{ Magister equitum SaW, guardians of the sacred shields Colleges Civil servants {Scribae,praecones,lictores,viatores Luperci, ministers of the rites of Luper calia [ Fratres orvales, priests of Dea Dia 2 3.
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