The WITNESS JULY 24, 1969 104: publication. and Ed i torial reuse for Religious Freedom in Vietnam required Permission Articles DFMS. / The Old Within the New Church Alfred B. Starratt Episcopal the of Everybody Does It Ruth E. Harris Archives 2020. Athletes and Saints Copyright Derald W. Stump NEWS: —- Union with Methodists Defeated by Anglicans. Ministers Arrested for Occupying White Church. Movie Director on Use of Media SERVICES The Witness SERVICES In Leading Churches In Leading Churches For CArtst and His Chureh NEW YORK CHI EDITORIAL BOARD ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH THE CATHEDRAL CHURCH Tenth Street, above Chestnut PHILADELPHIA, PBNMA. OF ST. JOHN THE DIVINE JOHN MOGILL KHUMM, Chairman TJM HOT. AJfwd W. Prioa, D.D., Sunday i Holy Communion 8, 9, 10, Morning W. B. SporFOED SK., Managing Editor Th« Rev. Gtatav C. MedUmg, B.D. Prayer, Holy Communion and Sermon, llf Minuter to (he Hard of Hearing Oigan Recital, 3:30; Evensong, 4. EPWABD J. MOHB, Editorial Assistant Sunday: 9 and 11 a.m. 7:30 p.m. •Waning Prayer and Holy Communion 7:15 O. SYDNEY BABB; LEE A. BEI/FORD; ROSCOB Weekday*: Mon., Tues., Wed., Thutfc, VtU (and 10 Wed.); Evening Prayer, 3:30. 12:30 - 12:55 p.m. T. FODST; RICHARD E. GABY; GOHDON C. Services of Spiritual Healing, Thus. 11:30 THE PARISH OF TRINITY CHUBCH and 5:30 p.m. GBAHAM; DAVID JOBNSON; HABOID R. LAN- HOT. John V. Butler, R*c*or DON; LESLIE J. A. LANG; BENJAMIN MINIFIB. THDWTY CHRIST CHURCH CAMBRIDGE, MAM. publication. Broadway ft Wall St. The ROT. W. Murray Ktnney, Raster Bw. Donald R. Woodward, Vieat and Sunday Services: 8:00, 9:15 and Hill «JB. Son. UP 8:40, 10:30, HC 8, 9, 10, 11. EDITORIAL8: - The Editorial Boetd hotdl Wednesday 12:10 and 5:30 pan. Dafly MP 7:45, HC 8, 12, So. 12i»0 monthly ^ttttirm when cnzxcnt reuse Tan., Wad. ft Thurs., EP 5:15 ex. Set.) Sat. HC 8; C Fri. 4:30 & by appt. fliay ^li^iyJi 8X9 ^'t^'IHaTf^i i 'I'lMV ffW CHRIST CHURCH, DETROrr for with in subsetjuent numben bat do not 976 Bast Jeffeison Avenue 8T. PAVVt CHAPEL necessarily liprmnt tlm ^irmwi^n^if op£oioo TJM Rev. Frank J. Haynet, Broadway ft Fulton St. Oaf th« 8 and 9 a.m. Holy Communion required H». Robert C. HwuMur, Vicar served following 9 a.m. service) 11 aJtn, Church School and Morning Service. Holy San. HC 8, MP ft HC Sei. 10, Weekdays CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Days 6 p.m. Holy Communion. MP ft HC 8, HC 12:05, 1:05, 7:15 aUo Holy Day* (ex. Sat.); EP 5:10 (ex. Sat. THOMAS V. BABBETT; JOHN PAIBMAN BBOWN; ltKI); Counsel and C 10:30-1:30 daily, PRO-CATHEDRAL OF THE Permission and by appt.; Organ Recital Wednesdays GABDINEB M. DAY; JOSEPH F. FLETCHER; HOLY TRINITY 12:10. FBEDEBICK C. GBANT; COBWIIN C. ROACH; 23 Avenue, George V PABia FRANCE BABBABA ST. CLAIBE; MASEY H. SHEPHEBD DFMS. CHAPSL OF THE INTERCESSION Services: 8:30, 10:30 (S.S.), 10:45 / Broadway ft 155th It. Boulevard Raspail JB.; W. B. SPOTFOBD JB. Student and Artists Cental Laslit J. A. Lang, Vicar Tha Very Rev. Sturgis Lm Riddle, Dean Sundays 8, 9, 11; Weekdays: Moo. ML The Kt. Rtv. Stephen Bayne, Bhhop Church Sat. 9i TOM. B; Wad. 10; Than. 7. The Rev. Donald D. Wearer, Canon The Ven. Frederick UoDonoU, THX Wnrnua if published twice a month by Canon Chaplain ST. LUKE'S CHAPEL 487 Hudson St. tha Epiacopal Cbutca Publithing Co. oo Episcopal bahalf of tha Witnen AdviMsy Bond. JU*. Paul C. Weed, Jr., Vicar the Son. HC 8, 9:15 ft 11; Daily HC 7 ft t. of C Sat 5-6, 8-9, by appt. NBW YOU Cm tT. AUGUSTINE'S CHAPEL Toe antaeripdon price a $4M a yaaf| In ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S CHURCH Archives 31* Madison St. bundles fat nle m padaou tha it**" Park Avenue and 51st Street •allf for 10c a copy, wa will b31 quanadjr Tke ROT. Jdkn C. Mmdaek, Vseer Rev. Terence J. Finlay, D.D. Sundays: 8, 9, 11; Monday-Saturday 9:30 «. at 7e a copy. Entered a> Sacood 2020. 8 and 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion. Wednesday 7:30; MP Mondey-Saturdey 9.1* Mattac, Angnat 5, 1948, at the Pott 11:00 a.m. Morning Player and Sermon. am. Wednesday 7:15. at Twr>iTii»«Ti^.%l Pg^ under tha a Match 3, 1879. Weekday Holy Comm. Tues. 12:10 p.m. Wed. 8 a.m. and 5:15 p.m.; Thurs. 12:10 Copyright ST. CHRISTOPHER'S CHAPSL and Saints Days 8 a.m. 4* Henry St. Church open daily 8 a.m. to 8 p.m* The ROT. CorlM J. CwM Vfaar Evening prayer Tues & Thurs. 5:15 pun. Sunday.: MP 7:15; Una 7:30, 8:45, Ilil* (Spaniah), En Monday thin Wednesday 8| THE GENERAL THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Thundayi thru Sanuday 9. Chapel of tha Good Shcphod CHURCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY Chetoa Square — 9th Ava. ft 20th Stnat 316 Beet 88th Street Sundays: Holy Communion 8; Church S******* THE CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY HOLT COMMUNION - 7:00 a.m- MONDAY 9:30; Morning Prayet and Sermon 11KM York Avenue at 74th Strew through FRIDAY (Holy Communion 1st Sunday in Month). Near New Todc Memorial Hospitals MORNING PRAYER ft HOLT COMMUNION Hugh McCtmdUa, Alamo* - 7:30 a.m. SATURDAY ft HOLIDAYS Kenneth R. RttggJM, Clergy MORNING PRATER - 8:30 »JH. MONDAY ST. THOMAS through FRIDAY 5th Ave. ft 53rd Street Lee Belford, Francis C. Huntmgtom, HOLY COMMUNION - 12 noon - MON- ROT. Frederick M. Morris, DJD. 9nnday»: 8 a.m. HCj 9:30 Family (HC led DAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRI- Sunday: HC 8, 9:30, 11 (1st Sun.) MP Sun) 11 a.m. Morning Service (BO 1st DAY San) 12:15 p.m. HC (2, 3, 4, 5 In) 11; Daily ex. Sat. HC 8:11, HC Tata. HOLY COMMUNION with Sermon - llil) 12:10, Wed., 5:30. One of New JOIVI a JO. TUESDAY Noted for Bey ebosr; met bamtlful EVENSONG - 6:00 pju. DAILY JULY 24, 1969 VOL. 54, NO. 14 The WITNESS FOR CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH Editorial and Publication Of fit*, Eaton Rood, Tunkkanmck, Pa. 18657 Story of the Week would be letting our Methodist Union With Methodists Fails friends down," he added. The Anglican primate com- Because of Anglican Vote plained bitterly that critics of publication. the present "union scheme" had and * In historic votes Anglican terbury bishops voted in favor not put forward alternative pro- convocations of Canterbury and and 2 against, while 11 York posals. "The way now is to cling reuse York failed to give the majority bishops voted in favor and 3 to the fact that the Methodist for needed to take the first step against. conference gives overwhelming into union with the Methodist Among the Canterbury clergy support while the convocations Church, although the Methodist required 154 voted for union, with 77 op- vote is no cause for despair," he conference endorsed union at posed, while York clergy voted added. Birmingham. 71 in favor and 34 against. During the long Anglican de- A few cries of "shame" were While each of the four houses bate Archbishop Ramsey Permission heard from the public galleries thus showed more than the re- warned bishops and clergy that of church house at Westminster quired two-thirds majority to there would be a far deeper and DFMS. as Archbishop Michael Ramsey "more intractable division" in / pass the resolution, the over-all of Canterbury announced that majority was only 69 per cent — the Church of England if they the convocations had rejected well below the necessary 75 per voted against going forward Church the plan for union. cent. The resolution thus failed. into unity with Methodists than if they did. The Anglican primate said si- At Birmingham, 524 Method- lence was preferable. The archbishop also created a Episcopal ist clergy and laymen voted in Archbishop Donald Coggan of stir just before the luncheon the favor and 153 against, giving a York then said prayers "for our break by reading the following of ballot of 77.4 per cent for union, message received from the Ro- Methodist brethren at Birming- well above the 75 per cent the man Catholic Primate, John ham and throughout the coun- conference had decided was Archives try," and also called for prayers necessary. Cardinal Heenan of Westmin- "for a new way forward to ster: "May God guide and bless At a special press conference 2020. unity." your proceedings. You have our later, Archbishop Ramsey said The atmosphere was tense best wishes and prayers." he was saddened and disap- Dr. Ramsey issued his warn- throughout the packed assembly pointed by the convocations Copyright ing in a long statement giving hall as the four houses of An- vote, which failed to match the glican bishops and clergy form- final advice to the convocations lead the Methodists had given in the afternoon. After sum- ing the two Anglican convoca- at Birmingham. tions voted separately on the ming up all earlier debates and union resolution after a day- He was "delighted" with the votes on the unity issue and the long debate. The resolution Methodist vote, he said. He warnings of what might happen called on the convocations to thought there would now be if the Church of England either give final approval to inaugura- some unhappiness in the church voted for or against unity, he tion of stage one of the current but "the convocations vote is said: "It's wrong and danger- Anglican-Methodist union plan good enough to look forward to ous for us to allow our decisions —and a similar resolution was the same proposals being put to be decided by cries of 'wolf, before the Methodist conference forward in the not too distant wolf.' There have been such in Birmingham.
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