Ð³Û êÇñï HAI SIRD ÚàôÜÆê 2007 / ÂÆô 159 - JUNE 2007 / NO. 159 вڲêî²ÜÆ ÐúØ-Æ 15-²Øº²Î 1991-2006 15th ANNIVERSARY OF ARS/ARMENIA AN INTERNATIONAL PERIODICAL OF THE ARMENIAN RELIEF SOCIETY вزвÚÎ²Î²Ü ä²ð´ºð²ÂºðÂ Ð²Ú ú¶Üàôº²Ü ØÆàôº²Ü Ð³Û êÇñï H A I S I R D вزвÚÎ²Î²Ü ä²ð´ºð²ÂºðÂ Ð²Ú ú¶Üàôº²Ü ØÆàôº²Ü AN INTERNATIONAL PERIODICAL OF THE ARMENIAN RELIEF SOCIETY Published by The Central Executive Board of the Armenian Relief Society, Inc. Hasmig Derderian, Chairperson; Georgi-Ann Oshagan, Vice-Chairperson; Maida Melkonian, Clerk-Secretary; Maro Froundjian, Treasurer; Karine Hovhannisian, Advisor; Liza Avakian, Advisor; Nova Hindoyan, Advisor; Shakeh Basmajian, Advisor; Tamar Der Bedrossian, Advisor. Editor TATUL SONENTZ-PAPAZIAN Production Supervisor JIRAYR BEUJEKIAN This magazine is not an official document of the Armenian Relief Society, Inc.The opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of the ARS. Inc. The designations employed do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the ARS, Inc. concerning the legal status of any country, area or territory, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers. Reference to any subject matter in Hai Sird does not imply the endorse- ment of the ARS, Inc. and any failure to mention any subject matter is not a sign of disapproval. Text and photographs may be freely reproduced with mention of source (except photo agency photographs). Written notification by letter or electronic mail is appreciated. All correspondence should be addressed to ARS, Inc., Publications Department, 80 Bigelow Avenue, Watertown, MA 02472; [email protected]. ISBN 0-9704934-1-X ´àì²Ü¸²ÎàôÂÆôÜ C O N T E N T S EDITORIAL – 2 ÐúØ-Æ ÊúêøÀ вڲêî²Ü-êöÆôèø ÊàðÐð¸²ÄàÔàìÆÜ ARS ADDRESS AT THE 3RD ARMENIA-DIASPORA CONFERENCE Hasmig Derderian – 3-5 ÐúØ-Æ Ð²ðÆôð²Øº²ÎÀ Þ³ù¿ î¿ñ Ø»ÉùáÝ»³Ý-ØÇÝ³ë»³Ý – 6-7 вڲêî²ÜÆ ÐúØ-Æ 15ñ¹ î²ðº¸²ðÒ ARS ARMENIA’S 15th ANNIVERSARY Georgi-Ann Oshagan – 8-15 THE EDUCATION OF ASHOT Knarik O. Meneshian – 16-22 VERSE IN THE VERNACULAR AND TRANSLATION… “CANTIQUE” Artem Harutiunian – 23 ÆÜâ ºê ²ÜºÈàô ³ÃáõÉ êáÝ»Ýó – 23 MOTHER Vahe Oshagan – 24 LA FEDERATION EURO-ARMENIENNE – 25 KOMITAS Armand Artinian – 26-27 PRELUDE TO POGROM Anna Astvatzatrian Turcott – 28-29 MUTED MESSAGE Tatul Sonentz – 29 11ñ¹ §êú꾦 زÜβä²ðî¾¼Æ ´²òàôØÀ – 30-31 THE ARS AT THE UNITED NATIONS THE ARS AT THE UN DPI/NGO CONFERENCE – 32-33 THE ARS HOSTS PANEL ON VOLUNTEERISM Anahid Ughurlayan – 33-34 THE ARMENIAD Anna Petrosova – 35 IN ATHENS WITH PETER BALAKIAN Saro Dedeyan – 36-37 YOUTH FORUM – OBSERVATIONS Nyree Derderian – 38 “SPONSOR-A-CHILD” ENTERS A NEW ERA – 39 ²ÞʲðÐÆ ÞàôðæÀ ÐúØ-Æ Ðºî – 40-46 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS – 49-64 1 E D I T O R I A L After the Past 15 Momentous Years... On The Threshold Of A New Era e are all aware, that global changes are taking place and the search for a new world order is causing serious political tremors in a status quo defined and W sustained by a declining ‘unipolar’ hegemony. The Armenian nation, whose past 15 historic years were marked by trying times, commemorates and celebrates losses and triumphs, that culminated in the reestablishment of an independent, sovereign state after 75 years of total dependency under a foreign autocratic regime. In a region beset by constant turmoil, our 15- year-old state still strives for the recognition of its demographic and territorial integrity. Just when our resurgent Homeland, the Armenian Republic, was mustering all its poten- tial for the rebuilding of the areas devastated by the 1988 earthquake, it found itself constricted in the relentless noose of the Azeri-Turkish blockade, aggravated by murderous border clashes, an acute shortage of grain and fuel, and most of all, the on-going conflict over the status of historically and culturally Armenian Artsakh. In those days of confrontation with our determined opponents, the contribution of each and every Armenian to our common cause had special significance. The ARS, as an experi- enced, global Armenian organization with numerous regional chapters and countless supporters, both in the Homeland and the Diaspora, felt deeply the urgency of its commitments and remained cognizant of the very real needs of the day, and the immediate future. In this context, the year 1991, as well as the fateful years preceding and succeeding it, were a frantic time of accelerated accomplishment for our Organization, in a pan-national context. The successful results that we witnessed wouldn’t have been possible without the total commitment of all our regional executives, all our entities and their membership and, most of all, our loyal friends and supporters throughout the Diaspora and the Homeland. With such backing, the ARS family was effectively able to assume extraordinary responsibilities. Naturally, there was an accumulative price tag attached to these countless projects — all necessary, all worthwhile — albeit, way over our means. As a result, today, the Armenian Relief Society looks to its devoted membership, its loyal supporters and concerned benefactors to replenish its depleted resources in order to continue its long, uninterrupted service to our nation whose growing needs cannot be ignored. We are more than confident, that over the next three years, with the same zeal and enthusiasm shown over the past decade and a half, all our regions and chapters — as well as our supporters world-wide — will stand by us and make our fundraising efforts for the ARS Centennial Fund an unqualified success, allowing us to continue our humanitarian work while attaining new standards of excellence in our expanding services. 2 ÐúØ-Ç ²ï»Ý³å»ïáõÑÇÇÝ ËûëùÁª 3ñ¹ г۳ëï³Ý-ê÷Çõéù ÊáñÑñ¹³ÅáÕáíÇÝ ºñ»õ³Ý« ê»åï© 18-20« 2006 ³Û³ëï³ÝÇ »õ ²ñó³ËÇ Ð³Ýñ³å»ïáõû³Ýó ٻͳñ·áÛ ä³ñáÝ Ü³Ë³·³ÑÝ»ñ« ²Ù»Ý³ÛÝ Ð Ð³Ûáó »õ Ø»ÍÇ î³ÝÝ ÎÇÉÇÏÇáÛ ì»Ñ³÷³é гÛñ³å»ïÝ»ñ« ³ñųݳå³ïÇõ Ñá·»õáñ ѳÛñ»ñ« Û³ñ- ÀÝÏÑ© Ú³ëÙÇÏ î¿ñï¿ñ»³Ý ·³ñÅ³Ý å»ï³Ï³Ý ³Ûñ»ñ áõ ïÇÏݳÛù« ëÇñ»ÉÇ Ñ³Ûñ»- ݳÏÇóÝ»ñ« ³éÝáõ³Í ÏÁ Ãáõ¿ÇÝ ÁÉÉ³É Ð³Û³ëï³Ý-ê÷Çõéù ³é³çÇ°Ý Ð³Û ú·Ýáõû³Ý ØÇáõÃÇõÝÁ« 18«000 ³Ý¹³ÙÝ»ñáí, ËáñÑñ¹³ÅáÕáíÇÝ ÇëÏ - ãÇñ³Ï³Ý³óáõó ³ÛÝ Ã³°÷Á áñ ï³ñ³Íáõ³Í 24 »ñÏÇñÝ»ñáõ Ù¿ç« Çñ 225 Ù³ëݳ×ÇõÕ»- Ïÿ³ÏÝϳɿÇÝù áÉá°ñëª Ç ï»ë ³ÛÝ Ë³Ý¹³í³éáõû³Ý ñáí« áñå¿ë ѳٳѳÛÏ³Ï³Ý »ñÇó³·áÛÝ Ï³½Ù³Ï»ñ- áõ å³ïñ³ëï³Ï³Ùáõû³Ýª áñ ÏÁ óáõó³»ñáõ¿ñ ³Ûë åáõÃÇõÝÝ»ñ¿Ý ÙÇÝ« ³Ý·³Ù ÙÁ »õë« Ù»Í áõñ³Ëáõû³Ù ѳٳѳÛÏ³Ï³Ý ÅáÕáíÝ»ñáõÝ ÁÝóóùÇÝ£ ÏÿáÕçáõÝ¿ ³Ûë ºññáñ¹ г۳ëï³Ý-ê÷Çõéù ÊáñÑñ¹³- ÀݹáõÝ»Éáí ѳݹ»ñÓ Ù»ñ ³½·áíÇ°Ý Ñ³ÙÁÝóó Û³- ÅáÕáíÁ áñ ÏÁ ½áõ·³¹ÇåÇ Ñ³Û å»ï³Ï³Ýáõû³Ý é³ç¹ÇÙáõû³Ý ׳ݳå³ñÑÇÝ íñ³Û ¹ÇÙ³·ñ³õ»ÉÇ í»ñ³Ýϳ˳óÙ³Ý »õ ³½³ï ѳÛñ»ÝÇ ÑáÕÇ íñ³Û г- ËáãÁݹáïÝ»ñáõ Çñ³Ï³ÝáõÃÇõÝÁ« ÏÁ ѳõ³ï³°Ýù ÿ Û³ëï³ÝÇ ÐúØ-Ç ÑÇÙݳ¹ñÙ³Ý 15ñ¹ î³ñ»¹³ñÓÝ»- ųٳݳ°ÏÝ ¿ ³ÛÉ»õë« Çñ³Ï³Ý³óÝ»Éáõ »õ ·áñÍÇ° ¹Ý»Éáõ ñáõÝ£ Ù»ñ ѳٳ¹ñ»³°É ϳñáճϳÝáõÃÇõÝÁª Ç ËݹÇñ Ù»ñ Ü»ñÏ³Û ÊáñÑñ¹³ÅáÕáíÇÝ Ñ³Ù³ñ« ¶áñͳ¹Çñ Ú³ÝÓ- ѳÛñ»ÝÇùÇ Ñ½ûñ³óÙ³Ý »õ ³å³Ñáíáõû³Ý áõ Ù»ñ Åá- ݳËáõÙÇÝ å³ïñ³ëï³Í ûñ³Ï³ñ·Á« ß³ï ѳݷ³Ù³- Õáíáõñ¹Ç ÝÇõÃ³Ï³Ý áõ Ñá·»Ï³Ý ³ñ·³õ³×ٳݣ Ýûñ¿Ý« Ý»ñ³é³Í ¿ »ñÏáõ ѳٳ½·³ÛÇÝ ÏßÇé áõ ï³ñá- Âá°ÛÉ ïáõ¿ù ÝáÛÝå¿°ë« ³°Ûë ³Ý·³Ù »õë ÏñÏÝ»Éáõ« ÿ ³Û¹ ÕáõÃÇõÝ áõÝ»óáÕ Ñ³ñó»ñ.- ³é³çÇÝÁª г۳ëï³Ý- Ï»Ýë³Ï³Ý ѳٳ¹ñáõÙÁ ¹³Ý¹³Õ»óÝáÕ ³½¹³ÏÝ»ñ¿Ý ê÷Çõéù« ѳÛñ»ÝÇù-³ñï»ñÏÇñ ÷áË-Û³ñ³»ñáõÃÇõÝ- ÙÇÝ ÏÁ Ýϳï»Ýù - ù³ÝÇ°óë Éáõñç ÝϳïáÕáõû³Ý ³ñ- Ý»ñáõ »õ ·áñͳÏóáõû³Ý Ý»ñÏ³Û íÇ׳ÏÝ áõ ³å³·³Û ųݳó³Í ë³Ï³ÛÝ« Ç°Ýã Ç°Ýã å³ï׳éÝ»ñáí« ¹»é ³Ý- ϳñ»ÉÇáõÃÇõÝÝ»ñÝ »Ý, »ñÏñáñ¹Áª г۳ëï³ÝÇ Ýáõ³×»ÉÇ Ùݳó³Í É»½áõ³Ï³Ý Ý»ñÏ³Û Çñ³íÇ׳ÏÁ, áñ ·ÇõÕ³Ï³Ý Ñ³Ù³ÛÝùÝ»ñáõ° ½³ñ·³óÙ³Ý Íñ³·ñÇ ÏÁ ëå³éÝ³Û Ñ³Ù³Ñ³ÛÏ³Ï³Ý Ùß³ÏáÛÃÇ ï³ëÝÁí»ó ùÝݳñÏáõÙÝ ¿£ ¹³ñ»ñáõ áëÏ»ÕÝÇÏ ³õ³°Ý¹Á »ÕáÕ Ù»ñ ·ñ³Ï³Ý É»½áõÇÝ£ ²é³çÇÝ Ñ³ñóÇÝ ³éÝãáõû³Ù« Ù»ñ ³éç»õ ÏÁ ²Ýáõñ³Ý³ÉÇ° íï³Ý· ÙÁª áñ ϳñ»ÉÇ ã¿ ³Ýï»ë»É« ÁÉɳ°Û å³ñ½áõÇ ³Ù÷á÷ª ³ÛÉ»õ ³ó³Û³Ûï ѳٳÛݳå³ïÏ»ñ ê÷ÇõéùÇ« ÁÉɳ°Û г۳ëï³ÝÇ Ù¿ç£ ÙÁ.- ²Ûëûñ« ³ß˳ñÑáí Ù¿Ï í»ñ³åñáÕ Ñ³Û ÅáÕáíáõñ¹Á« ê÷Çõéù³Ñ³Û Ù³ïÕ³ß ë»ñáõݹÁ г۳ëï³ÝÇ ëÇñáí ÁÉɳ°Û Çñ Ýûññ³ÝÇÝ Ù¿Ï ³ÝÏÇõÝÁ ³Ù¿Ý ûñ Û³é³ç¹Ç- áõ ßáõÝãáí ïá·áñ»Éáõ« ½³ÛÝ ³Ýù³Ïï»ÉÇûñ¿°Ý Çñ ѳÛñ»- ÙáõÃÇõÝ ³ñӳݳ·ñáÕ å»ï³Ï³Ýáõû³Ý ÝÇùÇÝ Ï³å»Éáõ áõÕÕáõû³Ù ï³ñáõáÕ ³ß˳ï³ÝùÁ - ë³ÑÙ³ÝÝ»ñ¿Ý Ý»ñë« ÁÉɳ°Û ³ß˳ñÑÇ ·ñ»Ã¿ áÉá°ñ áñ ÏÿÁݹ·ñÏ¿ ѳٳѳÛÏ³Ï³Ý Ù³ñ½³Ï³Ý Ùñó³ß³ñ- ù³Õ³ù³ÏÇñà »ñÏÇñÝ»ñáõÝ Ù¿ç ³ãù³éáõ ù»ñáõ« ³Ý³ÏáõÙÝ»ñáõ« ËáñÑñ¹³ÅáÕáíÝ»ñáõ ϳ½Ù³- Ý»ñϳÛáõÃÇõÝ »ÕáÕ ·³ÕáõÃÝ»ñ¿ Ý»ñë - Çñ Ï»ñåáõÙÁ - Ñëϳ°Û ׳ݳå³ñÑ Ïïñ³Í ¿« ³ÛëáõѳÝ- »Ï»Õ»ó³Ï³Ý« ù³Õ³ù³Ï³Ý« Ù³ñ¹³ëÇñ³Ï³Ý« ¹»ñÓ« ³Ûë áÉáñÁ ѳñÏ ¿ ³é³õ»°É »õë Ýå³ï³Ï³ëɳó Ù³ñ½³Ï³Ý« Ùß³ÏáõóÛÇÝ áõ ¹³ëïdzñ³Ïã³Ï³Ý áõ Ñ»ï»õáճϳ°Ý Ó»õáí Íñ³·ñ»É£ ²Ûëûñ« ³ñ¹¿Ý ÇëÏ« Áݹ³ñÓ³Ï Ï³éáÛóÝ»ñáí« ³½Ù³É»½áõ Ù³ÙáõÉáí áõ ÿ° ºñ»õ³ÝÇ Ù¿ç »õ ÿ Ù³ñ½»ñáõ ï³ñ³ÍùÇÝ« Ýϳï»ÉÇ Éñ³ïáõ³Ï³Ý ÙÇçáóÝ»ñáõ ó³Ýóáí« ÉÍáõ³Í ¿ ÃÇõ ÏÁ ϳ½Ù»Ý ѳÛñ»ÝÇùÇÝ Ï³Ù³õáñ³å¿ë ͳé³Û»Éáõ ѳ۳ϻñïÙ³°Ý ßÇÝÇã ³ß˳ï³ÝùÇÝ£ »Ï³Í ë÷Çõéù³Ñ³Û »ñÇï³ë³ñ¹Ý»ñÁ£ ä¿ïù ¿ ·áõñ·áõ- ÂáÛÉ ïáõ¿°ù Áë»Éáõ« ÿ ³Ûë áÉáñÇÝ ·áñÍݳϳ°Ý ѳ- Ù³¹ñÙ³Ý Íñ³·ñ³õáñáõÙÁ - áñáõÝ ëÏ½Ý³Ï³Ý ù³ÛÉ»ñÁ ¥Þ³ñáõݳÏáõÃÇõÝÁ ¿ç 5-Ç íñ³Û£¤ 3 ARS Chairperson’s Address rd at the 3 Armenia-Diaspora Conference held in Yerevan, Armenia, Sept.18-20, 2006 ost Honorable Presidents of the Republics the road to coordination on a national scale, we be- of Armenia and Artsakh, Holy Fathers of lieve, that it is time to orchestrate full harmony and put M the Ejmiatzin and Antelias Catholicosates, to use our collective potential in order to bring our Reverent Memebers of the Clergy, Honorable Minis- best to the strengthening, security and continuous de- ters and Public Servants, Ladies and Gentlemen: velopment of our Homeland, as well as our people’s The Armenian Relief Society, as one of the senior physical and spiritual well being.
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