LYRA Liquor Store

LYRA Liquor Store

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Q ____¢P-~f 1, >-/\ 3 _/ _.- ,~ ; . \._ Ag"., ' \ » 4 ._ ,. ' _ ' wg f* ' Q;-,.,' 1*-,» ...__ 'P ~-'=~f ROCHESTER ,ef 4'"'~;. _ __ ~~ -.::\\/ _ I 5 `" --'"<'=="' ~ <- w/;Qx=~_»i s v" _ _ ._ ~~~' þÿ' ¬"'" f / 'e 'f=~<> av _ ..,. L _ _.J ""~'"=<=",___ _,M ._ axzga, v. 1: ;:;"iE;;q..1~lARRl$ Contents ' . _ __ _ .,A- 33 LAKE YACHT RACING ASSOCIATION > LAKE YACHT RACING ASSOCIATION 1973 Executive ExecutiveCommittee Committee..... ..................... 2 ~ _ -' _-_ ;.. Q =- aff- -rss; »@s¢»v¢»e¢e/w, ~ =~\»s=¢»@s¢»v¢»e¢e/w, 'rf » E x _ 'rv 1 I.:-$Lf;"»»'& 1;'é?-,:i'%¥=%ué.-wise ; f ,Y ,,_»»-;. _ s ss.,-.u» :_ ,..'L;:.>. -.~v>.wwe#1-»&~»"="/S=§.:¢'rf\72wwQ~ ;»_,ef/,:-_¢1- þÿ ¬<@4=?"?#4S»~f»~»~ _'I $< Race Committee ...... 2 _> Race Committee ............................ 4, Protest CommitteeCommittee ............................... 2 _,,,.,, __ ' _ = .,.... 3 ->>~f V' ofthe L.Y.R.A. f~ MemberClubs Clubs of the L.Y.R.A ....................... ~ '_ ._ 1 .__.. _ »_ _. »"' 1 '- A _ Member Clubs ofthe L.Y.R.A. _ _ 3 S Associate Associate Member Clubs of the L.Y.R.A ................. - _ ~ ' is' behind; re., - f irnee ~ You»1 far-. 1 ,_ '_ .: _ 11' _ a;_=~_;= 1_f;;§;¢@@=3§hee_'s=asta\'t|n , ¢f gf V; Regatta CommitteeCommittee ............................................... 4 uue ef runnin ~~to:wm___The__windS;sha\l #1 611831 ss;s§i% .fe_s_.u< Regatta ' ' " " " » "W RochesterYacht YachtClub ClubL.Y.R.A. L.Y.R.A.Committee Committee. _ _ .............. 4 " < - 1 r f r i = = 2 2 H Q LAKE YACHT RACINGRAClNG ASSOCIATIONASSOCIATION WEEKWEEK » V ~ - . _ _,,.i, ~»»>»<.¢a¢»_- ._ ____ , . .M.._t_@.»».msM.»._ _ __ ._ _ .......... _ Schedule of Event of 1973Event 1973 ....................... 5 _ _ 7 > General lnformation Information .......................... _ "` ' _ _ 8 in. - Conduct Regulations ......................... Richardson Cup ................................... 8 neil-i 9 ~ Cup Safety Regulations ................................ 9 . __i_ \ _ s - W ...._ . ._~, , _ _g n þÿ __~». _§§f ¬_ _ 10 RegattaInstructions Instructions1973 1973 ...................... '_ ' » s Regatta 1 "» " _ LongDistance DistanceRace 1973 Race_ 1973 ...................... 12 - Flag SignalsSignals._....._.... ................................ 14 __ _` U ' w g ~ il .... _ . _ `~,`» 18 ., __ 1973 ,_,, ,~ Customs Regulations 1973 ...................... ,_ »_ Regulations ROYAL CANADIANCANADIAN YACHTYACHT CLUBCLUB ._,_ _,,"` ............ , ,,._ General InformationInformation .......................... 21 = - _ * 't V- _ THE ROYAL HAMILTON YACHTYACHT CLUBCLUB " _ f Officers ........__......... 27 Officers .................................. General informationInformation .........................._ _ _ _ _ 32 ' ' ' < t- - , _ _ _ _1;;,=f' _ -_ I ~ ._;;;i=1'5if'>;"f;»~fT -1 = ~~ . \_;es_¢1=~;°':::'_; _< rf* ~$ 1 1.3; - = . V 5- v ,em--~f¢ YOUNGSTOWN YACHT CLUB V _ ie ` YOUNGSTOWN YACHT CLUB þÿ=',»*.ft~ ,¬_;f4= e;'7'=;"i'»»:~/» `~§;,;=fi7;;E'f'~_;' 5 ' l - 13 `~-. 2- _~ _/ l'5n__::_r¢§I1' " I " General information .... 42 _'FP étliiiétiifviif £:"¢'~f`l'4=»'i. , General Information .......................... ROCHESTER YACHTYACHT CLUB General information _ _ _ 51 _____t it s _ _ General Information .......................... _ ` Race 55 Long Distance DistanceTrophies Race Trophies ....................... Regatta Trophies Trophies ...............................___.... 56 s _,,, _ _._, _,M ,___ .. _ ..__ L 57 ,_ _,_,_.J,.._M.,@, .,__,_ ,_,,. gf? PreviousL.Y.R.A. L.Y.R.A.Regattas Regattas ......................... 5 Previous L.Y.R.A. L.Y.R.A,Week Winners Week _Winners ..................... 58 ' ' ""` .~ _ »:2 __ r 'ff _ J - - __ _ _ _ t_¢;;;~ -.f_,,_s__,,a§ ' " __.=¢¥'é¢i&.*>i~#r1T = ______ 'TE' MEMBER CLUBSCLUBSOF OFTHE THEL.Y_R_A_ L.Y.R.A. Bay of QuinteOuinte YachtYacht ClubClub ..................._ LAKEYACHT YACHTRACING RACINGASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION Bay _ _ _ _ Bellevi|le,Ont_Belleville,Ont. Buffalo CanoeCanoeClub Club ........................ __ PointAlbino,Point Albino, Ont. Buffalo Yacht Club ..._ 1973 EXECUTIVEEXECUTIVECOMMITTEE COMMITTEE Buffalo Yacht Club ....................... _ _ _ _ Buffalo,N_Y_Buffalo, N.Y. Bronte Harbor Yacht Club _ Bronte Harbor Yacht Club .................... _ _ _ Bronte,Ont.Bronte, Ont. Clayton YachtYachtClub Club ......................._ _ _ Clayton _ _ _ _ Clayton,ll_Y_Clayton, N.Y. Crescent Yacht Club _ . Crescent Yacht Club ..................... _ _ _ Chaumont, N_Y.N.Y. Dalhousie Yacht Club _ _ _ Dalhousie Yacht Club .................. _ Port Dalhousie,Ont_Dalhousie, Ont. FrankR. R.Shumway, Shumway,Jr., R.Y.C_ Jr., R.Y.C_ ........._ HonoraryHonora"V President Genesee Yacht Club ._.. Genesee Yacht Club ...................... _ _ _ _ Rochester, N_Y.N.Y. Dr. George Couch, C.Y.CC.Y.C_ ................._ _ _ _ _ President George Couch, HendersonHarbor HarborYacht Club Yacht Club ............ HendersonHarbor, Harbor, N_Y.N.Y. Harry J.J. Smith, I.Y.Cl.Y_C_ ................_ _ _ Vice-President Island Yacht Club of Island Yacht ClubToronto of Toronto .................._ _ _ Harry Smith, _ _ Toronto,Ont_Toronto, Ont. Elmer J. Doyle, Jr., Y.Y.C ............. Vice-President KingstonYacht YachtClub Club.... ...................... J. Doyle, Jr., Y.Y.C. Vice-President Kingston _ _ _ _ Kingston, Ont. National Yacht Club _ _ Bunting J.J. Crocker,Crocker, R.C.Y.CR.C_Y_C. ............ Vice-PresidentVice~President National Yacht Club ....................... _ _ _ Toronto,OntToronto, Ont. Olcott Yacht Club _ _ _ E. G. Sorsoliel,Sorsoliel, R.C.Y.CR_C.Y.C_ ................. __ Registrar Olcott Yacht Club ........................ _ _ _ Olcott, N.Y.N_Y Port Credit Yacht Club _ _ Port Credit Yacht Club .................... _ _ PortCredit,Port Credit, OntOnt. WilliamWilliam J.J. Stolze, R.Y.C.R.Y_C_ _ _ SecretarY/ Stolze, Secretary Queen ............... Queen CityYacht YachtClub Club ....................._ _ City _ _ _ _ Toronto,OntToronto, Ont. Rochester Yacht Club _ _ _ Rochester Yacht Club ..................... _ _ _ Rochester, N_YN.Y. RoyalCanadian CanadianYacht Club Yacht Club .................. Royal _ _ _ Toronto,OntToronto, Ont. RACE COMMITTEE RoyalHamilton Hamilton Yacht Club .................. RACE COMMITTEE Yacht Club _ Royal _ _ _ Hamilton,OntHamilton, Ont. Sodus Yacht Club _ _ _ Sodus Bay Yacht Club .................... _ _ Bay _ Sodus Point,Point, N_YN.Y. Yacht Club ..._. G. Annand,Annand, Q.C.Y.CO_C.Y.C_ ....................._......... _ _ _ Chairman Whitby Yacht Club ........................ _ _ _ _ Whitby,OntWhitby, Ont. YoungstownYacht Club Yacht_ _ Club .................. Herbert M.M. Hill,Hill, Jr.,Jr., Y_Y_C.Y.Y.C. Youngstown _ _ Youngstown, N_YN.Y. Walter Heussler,Heussler, B.C.C.B.C.C_ Marjorie Patterson, R.C.Y.C.R.C.Y_C. ASSOCIATEMEMBER MEMBER CLUBSCLUBSOF OF THETHE L.Y_R_A.L.Y.R.A. N. Grattani, Q.C.Y.C.O.C.Y.C_ Kay Herron, P.C.Y.C.P.C.Y.C_ Alexandra Yacht Club _ _ _ Alexandra Yacht Club ...................... _ _ _ Toronto, Ont. Tenny MMudgett, udgett, P.C.Y.C.P.C.Y.C_ Toronto, AshbridgesYacht BayClub Yacht_ Club ................... Ashbridges Bay __._. Toronto, Ont. Agnes Piller, P.C.Y.C.P.C.Y.C_ CanandaiguaYacht Club Yacht_ _ Club .................. Canandaigua _ _ Canandaigua, N_Y. N.Y. C.Y.R.AC_Y_R_A_ .............................______.___ .__. TToronto,oronto, Ont. EtobicokePower Power84 Sail Club & Sail Club .................. _... Rexdale, Ont.Ont. PROTESTCOMMITTEE COMMITTEE Fair HavenHavenYacht YachtClub Club .................... ._..,___..,_._.__.__ Fair Haven,Haven,N_Y. N.Y. Great Lakes Lakes Alberg30 30 Association ................. Association __._.___._____.. Alberg _ Toronto, Ont.Ont. Doug HooperHooper ......................._ _ _ _ Chairman Lake OntarioOntario InternationalInternational RaceRaceAss'n_ Ass’n. 16881688 LakeLake Road, Webster, Webster,N_Y. N.Y.14580 14580 L.O_R_ Association L.O.R. Association_____.__._..____.__..___ ........................ Toronto, Ont.Ont. Niagara SailingClub Club ................. Niagara Sailing ._..__._...__.._. North Tonawanda,N_Y.

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