Tax wrlteieoffsharde[er to find -■ Cl >1iagerman Juntlngjbban - D4y f p a /« lu o . ie voicVi. rthWtmtenfc>3.20ttrat e a g l g K rf 324-5604. I I I . ::...MC - '"'cwiioht; tw" ■“ “ ■‘TiS 5- 85thI year,y< No. 25 Twin Falls, Idaho} • ThurscJay. Januaryry 25.J 1990 Hous(>e rejeicts Btusircihina \visa e:ixtensiion veiJto K night-Riddcr News Scrvicrvice p— — . a mislisiakc on'this one." rhat feeling was rcllceied evenven om ong thc WASHINGTON - DespiteDe President StaiUnQs, Craigi joinI majority kIn override; votei Re'^.:publican leadership. MouselUsc M in o rity__________ ------ Bush’r best cfTuns to halrRilrRepubllcamJens;:-------------- Whipup Newt Ciingnch. K-Ga.. toldlold a group of tions, the House of Rcprc prcscntatives voted Thele iAssociated Press R e p u b lic a n LiLarry Craig and Democrat•at back lo China” to incrcasiease thc numbers of rcpoftoflers last week, "I’ve listeiistcned to the overwhelmingly Wedncsda sday to ovciridc his Richard Stallinlings went against the prcsi-si- those killed for reccnt proiprotests, he said. (admministration) policy explanatinations^and I veto o f B bill extending the visas o f Chinese WWASHINGTON . — Both oof f Id a h o ’s dent. T he quest;:stion now goes to thc Senate,te. “This legislation mayly damagec our'rela- findd themt inexplicable." ------ studen ta-Iiving-inthe-Unitct!iitedSlales;--------------------congingrcssHicn votcd'Wcdncsdayayto-over— "rsupp6tt'ih<the president on m any issues,^s^^io^s■with^he■currctl^rK^ leaders, but I doifi--------- llolouse Uemocfats~were encenergTzeil'b'y _ _T heJQp3idgd House vole olc Ji£JP0-25-ibrcc------ ndente tiife’preyrdent*s-vgfo-of-Ieg-legisJadon-but-his-vcto-of — fccf io a Jjad/y.about haiving-poouelations vir _____handiidingJJ.usfiJiisJirsi_wlo_dc.fjfcfcat,i_S.in.cc __________ fully rejected the administra of^thia-bin-was-just-a-pfainr istration’s attempt to makiiiking it easier for Chinese studentsstu lo old-fashionedI nmistake," said Stallings, with leaders who use |aijanks lo'b rcak .u p takinjing office, thc president has_lias vctocd 10 . • • block foimal legislation to protect( thousands - remai nain in this cotmtry. "With demococracy bloomiilg all over thcfjg pcaccful dcmonsUTilions\l:is\by people barely bills,s. and this was thc first timeimc Congress - o f Chinese from having io ti to return to China as OnOnly 25 House members voted)ted to sus- world, wc have y... out of Ihcir teens," Slallinjlings said. w asui uniied enough to override Bush'sBu; objec- their'^udeot visas expire. ve no interest in sending stu- in P re s id e n t B u sh ’s v e to ,, aai n d bo th dents already lawfullyla in thc United Slatesgj A spokesman for Craig:aig said hc did nol tion. W hite House officialsi arean now hoping to plan lo issue a sialcmcnlIt oon the vote. ThiTiis is an election ycar_. andd forfc the ncxt ____w in Ae.support o f 34 senate nators, which would - - r- , . , — .................... I . nine.Ic.montlis tlicy will bc lookjnjkjng for other-~ ____o i ^ i n thi« vpM forc-thc vote. Bush describedd thctl dcci- woo China's-lc-lcaders;-by7{hc sccrccy sur- •Clo---------- £-------- --------J c f o r iur^ W hile Buah complet<Icted.hts first year in lestoallack. to override as “crass politics,”J,” but: that ro u n d in g tw o) tripsI to Beijing by senioi T he House vote reflected:tcd strong congres- siw to lior ofTice ihis week with aa'public '| approval rat- ' \ I votev in the Senale is tentativativcly set for lot persuade the 14S Republicalicans who administrationI ofTlcials;c and, ultimately, b> sional sentiment againstt China'sCl repressive did riot by ing at ncar^rccord levels'cIs, that did not trans- todayay. bul Senate Minority LcLeader Bob 1 against t h i^ party leader, the impressionh that while Bush was being leadership and also-displaiplaycd widespread voted aj ing late into congressionallal approval. Thc day e. R-Kan,. said hc mighl try7 |c|o delay the my members of Congress saidsa they tough in the pubjblic eye, hc w as being concil- dissatisfaction over Bush’:sh's friendly over- Manj cil- before the vote. Rep.. MickeyM Edwards. R- vole: inii hopes of enlisting 34 senatcnators to sus- llers. w ere incensedim by the president’s5 efTortsef lo iatory to the Chiihinese in private talks. tures to B eijing's aged ruler Okla., claimcd, "Thc presidcnipre simply made thetj, veto. ax cut Ipropose »al ■ p rroves uinpopul dar wiith merrchantss By MICIICHELLE COLE s-Ncvvs writer Id a h o plslature --------- B O'ISlT” ISI Corp'b7aTc loBb'yislT sm all-bu-businessmen and even law- 1990 ' makersrs aall seem to bc sending stateIte — _ , ' ____Scn_RacRa^eLGilbcitlthc-samcmcs*--------- IlWc-fcaLihal this-willwilLbc.a.gro:,------------ ■. ,i sageiRRead c; our lips, No tax cuts, eery m a n ’.s nightmare',’*e'," said Jerry ' ; — Thc-BrBoise,Republican, who hasas Swensen. the owner of ffive Magic ' also exp:xpressed interest in, running'’g- _y?l l.*5y. groce.'y.sj.ore.s;____ ^ ■* for.goveovernor, is sponsoring Ihrcccc - Swcn-scn read from a Icietlcr signed r • H H y ----------lax»r^ucduclion-bills-that-would-retumm—by-si.'c-olhcr-Mogie-VulIc 'ulley-groccry ------------^— m orc thethan S50 million lo Idaho's's retailers who also objectct lclo eliminat- ycrs. Those m easures includeJe ing thc sales tax on someme Ifood items nating the sales lax on food)d while retaining the saleses t;tax on oth- ____purchaseased in. grocery stores and a crs, ________________ ck m Ihe corporaic and person-n- "\'7c'beg o f you nol1 loto make our )me tax lo 1986 levels, job morc-diffieult andind costly.”• ■ Thc idea scuinded good lo somcle Swensen said, attcittcnded a crowded hearinglg Low ering taxes mayy- bc a politi- ^_____ esday at thc statehouse. BulLit cally popular thing to doJo i:in an dec- ^ -------iiiaiiy•Dthcfy u tl l oiJ -O iib crt-gn d l ier Government/Taxationin legislaiors do not supportio n G ilb ert’s littcc ihat tax c its arc not thele bills. use>e forf^ Idaho’s b i^gel surplus. •SccGILBE&TonPaiI Page A 2 - Opptimistic CGem rcvermuc pfwWA^AJttW - - • - The patk pro}eCtt beingb< undertaken by thithe Twin Falls Rotary Glut:iub and others w ould mmake the caves and rockK* forma. £ q j ., tions at RUarir IFalls In the Snake Riveri/er Canyon m orc accessitslb le recast gaiiins appro\)val • I The Associsociatcd Press A ndrus based his S88C;880 million budget for the coming spenpending year New parkI ivlill help markt aentenniiI O I BOISESE — An optimistic revenuec on a revenue ouilook ofS8fS883.8 mil- . forecast;t closclyc mirroring the pro-'■ lion and a cash surplusis ofo S125.1 By fllR K MITCHELL ' canyoncai landowners. Tw iri FFalls County on July 3 asi partpi of Idaho jection. onor which Democratic Gov.'• million, ' Tiwes-News writer That will soon changc onejncc local scrvicc , Ccntcnimnial celebrations. It will b< I be callcd the . Cecil AniAndrus based his generousJ A handful of House>e mr e m b e rs gngroijps and private contributorItors buy 7.6 acres Ccntenr:nnial Waterfront Park, Ashenlenbrener said. 1991 speiipending plan was endorsed questioned thc revenuele fforecasts, _____ _ _ TW IN FALLS - Twistvists in the-Snake River_ upstreamup from Canyon Spriiprings for about Coununty officials will build boaioat docks and WedncsdasHnv hv the hinhn Hntise-------- pointing to~tliF7jos’sibleible lack o f canyon uide speciaculaiular 60-footihigh‘fock-^SISIIQ.OOO.^ --'-- ^ " - " - developop the pork with local, stat^Ite and federal Howevcever, thc state’s college presi- J. water for agriculturee nnext year sm tlnels, standing mid^a;lyay between thc Peninc "We can give the' state a greatj lOO-ycar funds irincluding grants, hc said, dents presiresscd for larger budget hikes bccausc of the unscasonaonably mild Bridge and Shoshone Fall;■alls. birbirthday p a^ ," said Mike Bt^3t^k, chairman of On ta blustery Wednesdayy a fte rn o o n . than thee g<governor proposed, c winter. ’■ “This is a choice piecliecc of ground," Twin the Rotaiy C lub’s Special Projcrejects Committee. Rotariiirian Greg Edson maneuver/ered a small On.aa (63-16 vote, thcHousc" 9 But Rep. Don Loveland,md. R-Boisc. Falls County Parks DireJircctor Darrell Heider "It" could bc the biggest projecojcct this club has :boat on the choppy -milelc tript 10 Pillar ,»ppr0v»;l/cd.thc forecast for S884.9 said. everev( undertaken.” m illionn tot( bc generated from thcc said Ihe commiltce lhal arri'arrived at thc , Brock and others at a Wedrcdncsdny meeling ' ax system in the year thatt forecasts took a "reasonalonably cau- Although the rock fonrormations at Pillar Falls * lar Falls is an explorer’s pa repeatedly emphasized that, ollhoughaltl the Twin . paradise w i|^ bcgfnWO: 1. The chamber nlso3 tioiis" approach while cxpiexpcrts high- are only a few miles frortifroi Tw in Falls, m any p^j rock formations, caves and sc Falls Rotary Club is speariicadcading ^c projcc, hug=~ 1 several watA^ approveded tH^ resolution setting thec lighted booming business:ss aactivity in local residents have never:vcr seen them, Rotarian jj j lels with swirling, boiling it is a community effort. lg t-apids that cashsuipliiiplus atS126.3 million. several areas o f ihc state. Tom Ashcnbrener said. civilization'seem faraway. “Wc need a lot of players ininthispn)jccl,"hc 1 "'akcci Bolh, measures,mi which will guide “A Jot of money is->cinjcing spent." H e said the fnlls, canyonyon walls and portions jai ..................... , “ YouJU don’t even know Twin Fall; s a id ......................... alls is up there legislativetive spending decisions this® hc said .
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