NOT CURRENTLY KNOWN TO CLASS B EITHER NOT CURRENTLY CLASS A BE PRESENT IN PIERCE CO. WHAT IS THE STATE NOXIOUS PRESENT OR NOT ENFORCED IN NOXIOUS WEEDS PIERCE COUNTY NOXIOUS WEEDS WEED LAW? broom, French Genista monspessulana hawkweed, mouse ear Hieracium pilosella broom, Spanish Spartium junceum The goal of Washington’s noxious weed law (RCW hawkweed, queen-devil Hieracium glomeratum common crupina Crupina vulgaris 17.10) is to protect Washington from invasive, non- hawkweed, smooth Hieracium laevigatum native plants designated as noxious weeds. It re- hawkweed, tall Heiracium piloselloides cordgrass, dense flower Spartina densiflora quires public and private landowners—including city, cordgrass, salt meadow Spartina patens county and state land agencies—to control and pre- hawkweed, yellow Hieracium caespitosum vent the spread of noxious weeds on their property. Geranium robertianum eggleaf spurge Euphorbia oblongata herb-Robert hoary alyssum Berteroa incana false brome Brachypodium sylvaticum houndstongue Cynoglossum officinale floating primrose-willow Ludwigia peploides WHAT IS THE ROLE OF THE PIERCE indigobush Amorpha fruticosa flowering rush Butomus umbellatus COUNTY WEED PROGRAM? knapweed, black Centaurea nigra goatsrue Galega officinalis Since many people are unfamiliar with noxious knapweed, brown Centaurea jacea hawkweed, European Hieracium sabaudum weeds, the county weed program exists to provide knapweed, Russian Acroptilon repens hydrilla Hydrilla verticillata information on identification and control methods. We use a variety of methods to help accomplish this knotweed, Bohemian Polygonum x bohemicum Johnsongrass Sorghum halepense task including; educational presentations, informa- knotweed, giant Polygonum sachalinense knapweed, bighead Centaurea macrocephala tional brochures, on-site consultations, and our Edu- Polygonum polystachyum cation Booth at local fairs & events. Additionally, knotweed, Himalayan knapweed, Vochin Centaurea nigrescens our licensed Noxious Weed Control Specialists con- knotweed, Japanese Polygonum cuspidatum kudzu Pueraria Montana var. lobata duct surveys throughout the county to identify infes- kochia Kochia scoparia meadow clary Salvia pratensis tations. Property owners are then contacted re- garding noxious weed laws, identification, impact, policeman’s helmet Impatiens glandulifera oriental clematis Clematis orientalis and control methods. Finally, these sites are moni- puncturevine Tribulus terrestris purple starthistle Centaurea calcitrapa tored to ensure that control is achieved. saltcedar Tamarix ramosissima reed sweetgrass Glyceria maxima spurge laurel Daphne laureola ricefield bulrush Schoenoplectus mucronatus spurge, leafy Euphorbia esula CLASS B EITHER NOT CURRENTLY sage, clary Salvia sclarea PRESENT OR NOT ENFORCED IN NOXIOUS WEEDS PIERCE COUNTY spurge, myrtle Euphorbia myrsinites sage, Mediterranean Salvia aethiopis butterfly bush Buddleja davidii sulfur cinquefoil Pontentilla recta silverleaf nightshade Solanum elaeagnifolium camelthorn Alhagi maurorum thistle, musk Carduus nutans spurge flax Thymelaea passerina Eurasian watermilfoil Myriophyllum spicatum thistle, plumeless Carduus acanthoides Syrian bean-caper Zygophyllum fabago fanwort Cabomba caroliniana water primrose Ludwigia hexapetala Texas blueweed Helianthus ciliaris grass-leaved arrowhead Sagittaria graminea white bryony Bryonia alba thistle, Italian Carduus pycnocephalus hairy willow-herb Epilobium hirsutum yellow floating heart Nymphoides peltata wild four o’clock Mirabilis nyctaginea hawkweed oxtongue Picris hieracioides yellow starthistle Centaurea solstitialis Pierce County Noxious Weed Enforcement List What You Can Do: in accordance With RCW 17.10 and WAC 16-750 Prevent Weed Infestations: Common Name Scientific Name Scotch Thistle (B) Onopordum acanthium Obey noxious weed laws and quarantines. Annual Bugloss (B) Anchusa arvensis Shiny Geranium (A) Geranium lucidum Choose noninvasive species for your gardens and landscapes. Blueweed (B) Echium vulgare Slenderflower Thistle (A) Carduus tenuiflorus Check vehicles, clothing, boats, boat trailers, Brazilian Elodea (B) Egeria densa Smooth Cordgrass (A) Spartina alterniflora and camping equipment for weeds and Buffalobur (A) Solanum rostratum Spotted Knapweed (B) Centaurea maculosa seeds. Anchusa officinalis Common Bugloss (B) Tansy Ragwort (B) Senecio jacobaea Never dump an aquarium into a body of wa- ter. Common Cordgrass (A) Spartina anglica Variable-leaf Milfoil (A) Myriophyllum heterophylum Cover compost, topsoil, and mulch piles with Common Fennel (B) Foeniculum vulgare Abutilon theophrastie Velvetleaf (A) a tarp. Common Reed (B) Phragmites australis Wild Chervil (B) Anthriscus sylvestris Dalmatian Toadflax (B) Linaria dalmatica Yellow Devil Hawkweed (A) Hieracium floribundum Control Weed Infestations: Diffuse Knapweed (B) Centaurea diffusa Yellow Nutsedge (B) Cyperus esculentus Remove or control weeds safely and appro- Dyers Woad (A) Isatis tinctoria priately. Garden Loosestrife (B) Lysimachia vulgaris WHAT IS A NOXIOUS WEED? Properly dispose of noxious weeds and weed Garlic Mustard (A) Alliaria petiolata seeds. Noxious weeds are non-native plants which have been Giant Hogweed (A) Heracleum mantegazzianum Replant with appropriate species to prevent proven to have a negative impact on the environment weeds from returning. Gorse (B) Ulex europaeus and are highly destructive, competitive, and difficult to control or eliminate. These invasive species are intro- Prevent seed production and keep the Meadow Knapweed (B) Centaurea pratensis duced intentionally or accidentally through human ac- spread of weeds at a minimum. tions. They may be escapees from gardens, or acciden- Milk Thistle (A) Silybum marianum tally introduced through human travel and trade. Follow best management practices for pas- Orange Hawkweed (B) Hieracium aurantiacum tures and open spaces. Once established noxious weeds aggressively displace Parrotfeather (B) Myriophyllum aquaticum desirable vegetation, reduce agricultural productivity, compromise public health and safety, lower property val- Perennial Pepperweed (B) Lepidium latifolium ues, increase flood hazards, or destroy native plant and " Noxious Weeds, animal habitat. Poison Hemlock (B) Conium maculatum Invasive, Rush Skeletonweed (B) Chondrilla juncea Destructive, (A) Classification means: Eradication will be enforced (B) Classification means: Control will be enforced Costly." .
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