SPARKENHOE.] S H E P E t 933 PEDIGREE of VINCENT, of SHEPEY. (From Augustine Vincent's' Visitation of 1619, and the Visitation of Gregory King in 1682.) Arms : Azure, three quatrefoils Argent. Crest, a demi-ram; Plate CXLVI. fig. 24. Miles Vincent, owner of lands at Swinford 1317. (See before, under Swinford, p. 361.)=j=Jane: i John Vincent, owner of the same, 1332 ; receiver of the king's revenues^j- 2. Robert Vincent, ofRoth-=j= inPonthica, by letters patent, Oct. 15, 1330; about which he was impri-T well, co. Northampton; soned in the Tower, till he could settle his accompts, 1337. living 1375. I ! : ) Sir Thomas Vincent, of=pjoan, daughter and heir of sir John Ber- John Vincent, of the same. the same;,living 1409. | nake, ofBernake, co. Northampton. Sir John Vincent, of Bernake and Svvinford.=Margaret, daughter of sir Baldwin Drayton, of Cranford. r ' Richard Vincent, slain by Henry Killigrew 1434~Elizabeth. r "" —-••.H.. —•! — ., • ..,,. ,.— .. 1,,,, M, I. John Vincent,=pMargaret, daughter 2. Robert Vincent, of Swinford, from whom de- 3. Richard=p 4. William Vin- of Bernake. of John Jordaine, scended the Vincents of Thingdon and Wel- Vincent. cent, a monk of Staffordshire. lingborough, co. Northampton. of Croyland; died March 6, 1. Robert=pCatharine, daughter and 2. Richard Vincent, from whom descended the Vincents 1437. Vincent. I coheir of Thomas Semark. of Peckleton (see p. 870), and also the Vincents of Messingham, co. Lincoln; Smeeton, in the county of John Vin-: :Joan, one of the two From this match the present sir Fran- York; and Harpole, co. Northampton. cent, of daughters and heirs cis Vincent, bart. of Stoke D'Aber- Shepey of .... Sturges; the non, Surrey, is lineally descended •. Magna, other of: whom was 1488. mar. to John Mering. Robert Vincent, of Shepey Magna, 1546.=pAlice, daughter of.... Huit, of Catton. John Vincent, rector of Shepey 1534. 1. John Vincent, of Shepey Mag-=j=Alice, daughter of .... Abell, 2. Robert Vincent. na, gent. died Jan. 6, 1564-5. j relict of .... Lichfield. Frances, daughter ofcpRichard Vincent,=pMary, daughter of John Bury, Anne, wife of Elizabeth, wife Joyce, wife of John Baker, of Ha- of Shepey Magna, I servant to Henry Grey duke of Richard Clarke, of John Mid- Richard Kisse, ringworthj 1st wife. æt. 9 in 1564-5; | Suffolk, relict of John Bent, of Wigston. dleton, of Ash- of Witherley. living 1619. esq. of Cosby; second wife. over, c. Warwick; John Vincent,: : Elizabeth, Margaret, wife of William Vineent,=pAnne Vin- 1. Unica, =j=Thomas One- 2. Dorothy, wife of Sh pey, daughter of William Mowles- born 1598; a cent, alias by, of Shepey, of Thos. Stone, gent. 1<J3O; ... Harvey. ley, of Austrey, freeholder at Carter, of died Oct. 28, of Warwick. died 1659. co. Warwick. Bitteswelll63O Bitteswell. 1632, æt. 34. 3. Susanna, wife of I ' 1 1 (see p. 42) ; Thomas Kemp, Richard, died 1. Anne, wife of 2. Dorothy, wife died 16S0, æt. See their descendants, of Warwick. unmarried. John Wilson, of John Ayrcy, 82. vol. III. p. 1148. of Warwick. of Shepey. T 1. George==Elizabeth, 2. William Vin-=pElizabeth, daugh. 3. Richard3; 1. Mary, wife of 2. Anne, wife of 3. Elizabeth, Vincent. Tovey. cent, of Thorn- of Francis Mark- 4. John ; William Almey, John Almey, wife of Wm, ton, ætat. 49, ham, rector of both died of Bitteswell. of Leire. Almey, of 1682. Creton, c. North- beyond sea. Atistrey, co. See p. 934. ampton. Warwick. William Vincent4, student of Emanuel College, Cambridge, æt. IS, 1682; B. A. 16S4 ; recto;ctor of=j= Mary Twinbury j Ibstock about 1699 ; but ejected as a Nonjuror; married at Ravenston5 Aug. 24, 1714• ;; diediedd | diediedd iirn June 1765. at Shepey in December 1740, æt. 76. Anne, baptized at Ravenston5 Aug. 30, 1715; married, 1739, to John Ridley, of Shepey, by whom she had a numerous offspring, 1 Augustine Vincent was so true an Antiquary himself, that he went over to Normandy, and married a Vincent of Bayeux Pfimont, in that province. " He was the third son of William Vincent, of Wellingborough and Thingdon or (Finedon), in Northamptonshire. Entering the College of Arms, he became a favourite of Camden, and of Burroughs, first Norroy, afterwards Garter. He was appointed pursuivant extraordinary Feb. 22, 1615-16; Rouge Croix pursuivant May 29, 1621; Windsor Herald by patent, Jan. 1, 1621-2. When only a pursuivant extraordinary, the former employed him as his deputy, or marshal, in some of his Visi- tations. The latter made him his clerk, or under-keeper of the Records in the Tower, which place he had with his office of Norroy. From these records he made a great collection of extracts, for the use of Ralph Sheldon, esq—Sir William Segar, Wil- liam Camden, Clarencieux, and sir Richard St. John, Norroy, granted him a separate new brizure in his arms for distinction. Windsor wrote a book in defence of his patron Camden, against Brooke, York Herald's, attack against some parfs of his " Bri- tannia." It was intituled, " A Discovery of the Errors in the Catalogue of the Nobility, by Ralph Brooke, York Herald." As he had o-reat abilities, and equal industry, it is to be lamented that he did not live to write the Survey of the County of Northamp- ton, as he intended, having, when a young man, made many and judicious selections for that purpose. Aubrey says, he died while thus employed, and left great materials for the History of Northamptonshire, which, with all his other collections, are lodged in the Heralds'-office. He intended the Lives of all such as had been Knights of the Garter. Mr. Burton, the Leicester- shire Antiquary, acknowledges with gratitude the.assistance of that expert Genealogist, his dear friend and kinsman, Mr. Augustine Vincent, furnishing his valuable materials for the History of that County. See also, the dedication of Lee's Chronicon Cestrense, in King's Antiquities of Cheshire. Dying Jan. 11, 1625-6, he was buried in the church of St. Bennet, Paul's-wharf. Weever calls him his " dear deceased friend," whose loss, in another place, he " still lamented." He wrote, or collected, a treatise, of " the ..jiploycd ... of Castor, in Norfolk] ; and had one son, John Vincent, of Uffington, gent. who was a sensible man, a good Genealogist, Herald, and Antiquary. But so ill an œconomist, and so fond of liquors, that be frequently pawned some of his father's literary labours, td pay Ralph The younger . Arms' p 240 Bartholomew Vincent, of Rothley, died m 1510; and, with his two wives, Margery and fhomasm, was buried in Rothlev church. See vol. HI. p. 961. * Manning and Bray's Surrey, vol. II. p. 725. 3 Either this Richard, or more probably a sou of his, left two daughters ; Koturah, married to Samuel More, esq. secretary to the Society of Arts, &c.; and Elizabeth, innupta. The father deserted them, leaving them to the care of a servant, and a small pro- perty held under the church of Westminster. _ - •'• * This William Vincent a celebrated Nonjuror, was called Blogerby Will&amhia residence at Blackfordby (commonly now named Blofferby), a hamlet of Ashbv de la Zouch, and probably officiating in the chapel there after his ejectment fromjhe rectory of Ibstock He was for some'time a resident at Raunstone in that neighbourhood.—On this, Mr. Fell remarks, " William Vincent certainly was a Nonjuror, but that Blofferby was the benefice from which he was ejected 1 am not so sure. His cousin at Shepey afforded him an asylum, and maintained his daughter, Mrs. Ridley, till she married; and when I was a child I remember to have heard her say, that the garret in which our men servants slept was the room in which her father lived and died. She was born at Raunstone "—To which the Dean of Westminster adds, " William Vincent, rector of Ibstock, must be the Blofferby Mill and Noniuror ' I have heard that he was a worthy man, and nominated by the Pretender to a Bishoprick. No wonder that he was a Nonuror,' for the whole family were high Tories, not to say Jacobites, and so was nearly the whole County. His daughter Anne Ridley and her husband I remember: Anne 1 saw in extreme old age in 1794; and before that at Shepey in 1,5,, when I heard her talk of her fether William. At the same time I saw, in extreme old age, a daughter of George Vincent and Elizabeth Tovey. John Vincent, of Emanuel College; h. A. 1699; M.A. 1703; vicar of Croxton KyricI, died %pt. 26, 1713, et. 35 * Extracted from the Registers of that parish. r.
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