"New TV Magazine In This Issue" Complete Listings For Lowell Cable TV System The Grand Valley Ledger Volume 7, Issue 25 Serving Loicell Area ,]$ Readers Since 1893 April 27, 1983 U Macker" plans 10th anniversary tourney Members of the Macker Ad- ketball Tournament. Next year's said Wednesday that because McNeal said that the Macker visory Council last week re- tournament will not be played on holding the Macker tournament organization considered the park vealed to City Council members the traditional Macker stomping increasingly required more de- area the best relocation site yet plans for the 10th. biggest, and grounds. tailed organization. Macker suggested. It has the advantage last on-the-strcet Macker Bas- Main Macker Scott McNeal members "decided to take it off of being closed to residential the streets." areas and yet not far from M-21 The tournament, which has and Main Street restaurants and jbeen growing each year, last stores. year was 1100 basketball players In addition. McNeal thought iAlain St/wAparticipatin g on three-man an area of the Park could be teams, and this year will be en- adapted to recreate the present larged to 350 teams or ap- tournament atmosphere. Macker proximatley I4(X) players. members have indicated a wil- McNeal said he thought the lingness to invest Macker money iff Mackers could easily drum up in a protion of the park for the 2000-3000 hoopsters for the chance to hold the tournament event, but other members of the there. Macker Advisory Council City plans for the park, how- i balked at the prospects of handl- ever. are still in the incubation ALUMNI BAND FORMING ing a crowd of that si/e. stage, and may never come to McNeal. who thought the term. Whatever the City Council FORMER HANI) MKMBFRS TAKK NOTE: Bob Rice and Mackers could cope with such a decides, the Macker Advisory Roger MacNaughton. band directors at the Lowell Schools, are group, conceded that he was an Council plans to have chosen a looking for musicians to form an Alumni Band for the July 4th optimist. definite site for next year's tour- parade If interested call Rice (897-8959) or MacNaughton (H97- Tournament growth has put an nament before the '83 Macker 8964) after 4PM. Instruments will be located for musicians who no increasing strain on the ability of rolls around, so that participants longer have them. Macker members to provide fa- can be informed and make plans cilites for players and staffing for for next year. ) ATTENTION PARENTS OF NEXT YEAR'S KINDERGAR- games. The present on-the-street • But. since this is the last of the TEN STUDENTS tournament format makes effi- original-style Mackers and the cient organization that much lOth anniversary besides. It your child will begin Kindergarten next fall, the school experi- more difficult McNeal promised that the tour- ence Mitrts N()\N And besides the headaches ney would "finish with a bang". Parent and Child Orientation Nights are as follows- created by success, nine has So far plans for the 10th Next year's Macker will be taken off the streets. Bushnell Elementary April 2b .it 7;(X) I' M. taken its toll on aging Mackers -- Macker include a benefit game, Alto Elementary - April 27 at 7.(KI P M some of whom are m their mid- the proceeds of which will go to thing Lowell has never seen be- And. as usual, the Macker Runciman Elementary - April 2X at 7;(Xi p M twenties, McNeal said that local organizations; a Macker fore." Tournament, to be held July 8- Kindergarten Round I'p Dates lor Testing are though the Mackers enjoyed put- birthday party; and an all-star He declined to give names of 10. will be preceded by the Alto Elementary May 2 between 8:30 and 2:30 P M ting on the tournament, many basketball game, which McNeal players until their appearance crowning of a new Miss Macker Runciman Licmentary - May 3 & 4 between 8:30& 3:15 P.M. members, because of the respon- says will be "really big -- some- can be confirmed. on July 7 f Bushnell Elementary Mas 5 & b between 9:(X) & V15 P M sibihtes of family and job. have We .ire scheduling by appointment only. Please call one ol the less time to devote to an event following numbers if you have questions. that asks more and more ol its Scout Fest '83 this weekend Alto - 868-6111. Bushnell - 8^7-8471: Runcmum 897-4257 sponsors The decision to take the Hundreds of scouts and their gear at 10:30 A M. April 30. skills at campsites and booth dis- PANCAKE BREAKFAST. APRIL 30 Macker tournament -off the leaders will converge on Lowell with a parade through downtown plays located in the Rivenide ( streets did not co« easily. April 29-30 and May I to cele- Lowell. Gerard Perry of Ionia, w School gymnasium f The Lowell Volunteer Fire Department is sponsoring a Pancake McNeal expressed somtf concern brate the lokemo District's Scout scouting leader for 47 years, will Model car racing buffs will Breakfast for Saturday. April 30. from 7 A.M. to I P.M. to be held that a transplanted tournament Fest '83. be the grand marshal. find plenty of excitement from at the VFW Post at 307 E. Main in Lowell. The all-you-can-eat would lose some of its present The district is part of the West According to parade chairman 1:00 to 4:00 P.M in the Runci- breakfast includes pancakes, eggs, sausage, and coffce and will cost flavor. Michigan Shore Council and is Dick Conlisk of Lowell, partici- man School gymnasium where adults $3.00 and children under 12 • $1.50. Proceeds from the "Macker has a personality that comprised of most of Ionia and pants will include several the district Pinewood Derby fi- breakfast will be used to purchase additional fire fighting equip- players really get involved in." Montcalm counties and portions hundred scouters from more than nals are to be held. The cham- ment he said. "We have an atmosphere of Kent County. 30 units, the National Guard. pionship event will be followed that's something special, some- Dave Hess of Ionia, chairman Red Flannel Festival queen from by open class competition. SIDEWALK SALES BEGIN THURSDAY thing extra You can't talk about of the event, reports that the ex- Cedar Springs. VFW. basketball The Rat River will be the it; you can't explain it logically." position is geared to demonsrate promoter "Gus Macker". the scene of one-mile canoe races Save big bucks by browsing through Lowell's 2nd Annual Spring And yet. though desiring to re- to the public scouting's many Lowell Fire Department. Ionia beginning at 1:00 P M Finalists Sidewalk Sale on Thursday. Friday, and Saturday. April 28-30. tain Macker flair. McNeal wants varied activities in addition to Free Fair mascot "Biffy". the of- will take to the water at 7:00 Stores participating are That "Special" Place. Pfaller's Riverfront to be able to hand down a man- providing the scouts and their fical Free Fair parade car. the P M Clothing. Dave Clark Plumbing and Heating. Haybarker s Floor ageable Macker tournament for leaders with a memorable scout- Lowell Junior and Senior High The Showboat stage will be Covering. Birchwood Gardens. Lambert Variety. West Apparel. the younger members who will ing experience School bands. Lowell showboat the setting for an evening pro- Anderson's Shoes, and the Blue Crocodile. have to assume greater responsi- Most of the show's activities calliope. Shriners from Grand gram comprised of the gradua- bility in coming years. will take place near the Lowell Rapids. Kent County Sheriff's tion of the Webelos to the Boy OFF THE BLOTTER •McNeal said that, considering Showboat Arena, a short dis- Department, and WZZM-TV Scouts and entertainment, in- the time already invested in tance north of the business dis- weatherman George Lessens. cluding singers from the Lowell Lowell Police responded to five property damage vehicular acci- Macker tournaments and the en- trict near the east bank of the Flat lessens, a native of Lowell, High School Also appearing dents over the past week, they included the following incidents joyment the event bnngs to River will also be on hand in the after- will be Gordon Gould, longtime Floyd Evans of Allegan collided with Stephen Sherwood of Lowell people in Lowell. "It would be A camp set-up and wecoming noon to visit with the scouts and Showboat captain and emcee for at the comer ol Mam and Pleasant Streets Thursday. April 21 worthless to me to say. "no more campfire will inaugurate the public. the big-name entertainment Joanne Drougal of Lowell backed into i car driven by Emery Miller, tournaments'". busy weekend the evening of Throughtout the aflemoon. Showboat shows. also ol Lowell The accident occurred on Hudson Street near Mam For these reasons the Mackers April 29th the Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts Closing the three-day event Saturday. April 16 A Ift year old Juvenile struck and killed a deer are considering relocating in an Everything moves into high will demonstrate their scouting will be interdenominational while westbound on Mam St |ust east ol James St on Wednesday. area under consideration for a church services fin the scouts April 20 park by the Lowell City Council PRECISION & FASHION Appointments not always and the public at the Showboat at Gordon Possehn of Saranac had his vehicle struck by a car driven The proposed park area is south HAIRSTVI.ING - For both needed at Vanity Hair Fash- 8 30 A M .
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