australian heritage council Periodic Report Appendices march 2007 – may 2010 australian heritage council Periodic Report Appendices Printed December 2010 and available at www.environment.gov.au/heritage/ahc/publications march 2007 – May 2010 Published by the Australian Government Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities ISBN: 978-1-921733-17-8 © Commonwealth of Australia 2010 This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from the Commonwealth. Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to the Commonwealth Copyright Administration, Attorney General’s Department, Robert Garran Offices, National Circuit, Barton ACT 2600 or posted at www.ag.gov.au/cca Cover from l to r: Paddington Reservoir Gardens, Sydney, The sunken garden (courtesy City of Sydney); Clarendon – National Trust property (D. Markovic); Darlington Probation Station, Tas, (R. Blakers); Dampier Archipelago (including Burrup Peninsula), WA (D. Markovic); Heard Island and the McDonald Islands (G. Budd) DESIGN: WhiteFox.com.au 2 australian heritage council periodic report appendices Appendix A 2 Appendix B 3 Appendix C 4 Appendix D 5 Appendix E 12 Appendix F 14 CONTENTS Appendix G 15 Appendix H 59 Appendix I 61 Appendix J 84 Appendix K 91 Appendix L 92 Appendix M 98 APPENDIX A: Functions of the Council under the Act (for the period March 2007 to May 2010) The functions of the Council are (iv) the monitoring of the condition established under the Australian Heritage of places included in the National Council Act 2003 (Cth) (as amended 2006) Heritage List or Commonwealth Section 5. These are: Heritage List; and (a) to make assessments under Divisions 1A (v) the Commonwealth’s and 3A of Part 15 of the Environment responsibilities for historic Protection and Biodiversity Conservation shipwrecks; and Act 1999; (vi) other matters relating to heritage; (b) to advise the Minister on conserving (e) to promote the identification, and protecting places included, or being assessment, conservation and monitoring considered for inclusion, in the National of heritage; Heritage List or Commonwealth (f) to keep the Register of the National Heritage List; Estate under section 21; (c) to nominate places for inclusion (g) to organise and engage in research in the National Heritage List or and investigations necessary for the Commonwealth Heritage List; performance of its functions; (ca) to advise the Minister, in (h) to provide advice directly to any accordance with section 390P of person or body or agency either of its Environment Protection and the own initiative or at the request of the Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 , Minister; in relation to the inclusion of places in, and the removal of places (i) to prepare reports in accordance with from, the List of Overseas Places of Part 5A; Historic Significance to Australia; (j) to perform any other functions conferred Environment (d) To advise the Minister on: on the Council by the Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (i) promotional, research, training or Act 1999. educational activities relating to heritage; and (ii) national policies relating to heritage; and (iii) grants or other financial assistance relating to heritage; and 2 australian heritage council periodic report appendices APPENDIX B: Council’s responsibilities to the Minister for Environment Protection, Heritage and the Arts In accordance with the functions of the Council outlined in Appendix A, the Australian Heritage Council holds specific responsibilities to the Minister for Environment Protection, Heritage and the Arts in a number of key areas, namely the provision of advice to the Minister on: s CONSERVINGANDPROTECTINGPLACES included, or being considered for inclusion, in the National Heritage List or Commonwealth Heritage List s THEINCLUSIONOFPLACESIN ANDTHE removal of places from, the List of Overseas Places of Historic Significance to Australia; s PROMOTIONAL RESEARCH TRAININGOR educational activities relating to heritage s NATIONALPOLICIESRELATINGTOHERITAGE s GRANTSOROTHERlNANCIALASSISTANCE relating to heritage s THEMONITORINGOFTHECONDITIONOF places included in the National Heritage List or Commonwealth Heritage List; s THE#OMMONWEALTHSRESPONSIBILITIESFOR historic shipwrecks s OTHERMATTERSRELATINGTOHERITAGE 3 APPENDIX C: Standard NHL Listing Process 2007-2010 Minister must determine the start of the first 12-month assessment cycle. Each annual assessment period commences on the anniversary of that day (s324J). Minister may determine themes to be given priority during the Public nominations sought assessment period (s324H(1)). Minister must publish invitation for people to nominate places for the List (s324J). The notice must allow at least 40 business days for nominations to be made. Minister may reject nominations Minister gives all nominations to the AHC within 30 business days after the end of the that are vexatious, frivolous, not nomination period (s324JA). made in good faith, or which do not meet the regulations in relation to the Proposed Priority Assessment List information provided (s324JA(4)). If rejected for failure to meet Within 40 business days, the AHC must give Minister a proposed priority assessment list regulations about information or and a statement about it, having regard to any determined themes, the AHC’s views about form requirement, the Minister must priorities for the assessment period, the AHC’s capacity to make assessments while performing give written reasons to the nominator other functions, and any other matters the AHC considers appropriate (s324JB). It may (s324JA(5)). exclude places unlikely to have values. The list may include places that have been nominated in the current or preceding assessment AHC must explain exclusion to period, or places the AHC wishes to nominate itself (s324JB). Minister if it decides to not include The list must include an assessment completion time for each nomination. This may be more a nominated place in the proposed than the 12-month assessment period if the AHC considers more time is needed (s324JC). priority assessment list (s324JD(1) pp(b)). After 20 business days the priority assessment list becomes final. The Minister may remove or add places during this time (s324JE). AHC may ask the Minister to extend Public comment sought the assessment completion time if necessary (s324JI(2). There is a AHC publishes the finalised priority assessment list on the Internet and in accordance with maximum of 5 years for extensions. the regulations (s324JF). The Minister must publish details of the extension (s324JI(5)). AHC must publish a notice inviting people to make comments on each place in the finalised priority assessment list (s324JG). In deciding, the Minister may seek and AHC Assesses Nominations consider information from any source. AHC must assess places in the finalised priority assessment list within the time limits set by the list (ss324JH & 324JI). AHC must take into account public comments received under The Minister may extend the s324JH. 90-day period and must publish If AHC considers places might have NH values, it must give owners, occupiers and details of the extension on the Indigenous persons at least 20 business days to comment (s324JH(5)) Internet and as required by the regulations (s324JJ(3)& (4)). AHC gives the assessments to the Minister (s324JH & 324JI). Minister makes decision Minister must make a decision on the AHC assessments within 90 business days (s324JJ). DO NOT INCLUDE PLACE IN NATIONAL HERITAGE LIST Minister may decide in writing not to include the place in the National INCLUDE PLACE IN NATIONAL HERITAGE LIST Heritage List (s324JJ(1) Minister may include the place, or part of the place, in the National Heritage List (s324JJ (1)(a)). (b)). Minister must: Minister must: s 0UBLISHTHEDECISIONONTHE)NTERNET s 0UBLISHANINSTRUMENTINTHE'AZETTEANDCOPYON)NTERNET within 10 days s 4AKEALLPRACTICABLESTEPSTOIDENTIFYANDADVISEOWNERSOCCUPIERSOFINCLUSION s !DVISENOMINATORANDGIVEREASONS s !DVISENOMINATOR 4 australian heritage council periodic report appendices APPENDIX D: Finalised Priority Assessment Lists National Heritage List (NHL) Name of Place Description Assessment Completion Date 2007-2008 City of Broken Hill About 16770ha, Silver City Highway, Broken Hill, comprising the whole of 31/08/2009 the City of Broken Hill Local Government Area. Bondi Beach About 65ha of land and water, comprising generally the beach, surf life 31/08/2008 saving clubs, pavilion, parks, promenades, cliffs and ocean waters between "EN"UCKLERAND-ACKENZIES0OINT Longreach Airport About 262ha, 2km east of Longreach, Landsborough Highway, comprising 31/08/2008 (including the the whole of Longreach Airport, including the QANTAS hangar. Qantas Hangar) Goldfields Water Comprising the pipeline that extends from Mundaring Weir in the east 31/08/2009 Supply Scheme to Mount Charlotte Reservoir in the west. Included are Mundaring Weir, the original steam pumping stations and various reservoirs (now decommissioned) located along the length of the pipeline. Sullivans Cove and Davey Street, Hobart, comprising the area entered in the Tasmanian 31/08/2009 Precinct Heritage Register. Myall Creek Approximately 23ha, 23km north east of Bingara at the junction of 31/08/2008 Memorial Site Bingara-Delungra and Whitlow Roads. Cyprus Helene %LIZABETH3TREET 3YDNEY 31/08/2008 Club and Australian Hall Aboriginal Tent About 1.5ha, opposite the main entrance to
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