TO LET FOR ÏIIHINER8 PURPOSES TO LET FOR APARTMENTS FOR SALE APARTMENTS FOR SALE NEW JERSEY BEAI, ESTATE NEW JERSEY REAL ESTATE BUSINESS THRPOSE» ,^*-^s For Rent The Peter Stuyvesant The only lower Broadway RIVERSIDE DRIVE, Corner 98TH STREET Ground Floor & Sub-Basement A Fireproof Building, Wonderfully Located (5,000 sq. ft.) (3,000 «q. ft.) 'APARTMENTS In Suit«, * Suitable for of 6 and 7 rooms are offered ou the TENANT- OWNERSHIP PLAN from Bank and $11,500 to §17,500. On the Safety-Deposit payment of 5 YEARS' RENTAL in advance Ten- Your Lease Never Expires-r- Vaults ant-Owners can "purchase" two entire floors a one-twelfth ownership Your Rent Never Is Raised. Also upper 5,000 sq. ft. each. One with every «possible assur. Your Income Is Increased. anee of no assessments BUY THIS BEAUTIFUL HOME front office 2,520 sq. ft. One office 1,154 sq. ft. or when jou own one ot our new two-family, Income-Producing and rental during this period. D4rect from the brokers or agents. Eleven well Rcnt-Rc.lucing "Easy-Housekeeping" homes, containing all the newest in the arranged rooms, with all modern improvements, including improvements, and including a double garage, Marine and Commerce Building Electric Light, Steam Heat and Fine Water. Two acres EASTERN PARKWAY SECTION Your investment -will in. On Sullivan St., between Rogers and Nostrand Aves. crease as the of land, with more if desired. Shade trees and garden. Large H. C. BEAVEN mortgages are barn, suitable for a garage. 20 miles from New York. This $19,000 to $21,500 reduced from the income de¬ - - rived from the house is substantially built and will make a wonderful home. Ready for Occupancy Open for Inspection 32 Broadway NEW YORK, N. Y. 1901 Broad rented apart¬ REALTY ASSOCIATES ments. In after years, your PRICE $15,000. TERMS REASONABLE A number of the apartment may he sold or 162 REMSEN SJ., ^ BROOKLYN J. T. GARLAND, 537 W. 53rd St. Phone 1547 Col. .Cv apartments origin¬ rented as desired. Telephone Brokers ally offered have Main 64S0 ' Protected _/fr^Y\ -. /// been sold to a con¬ Ill s^KwfiSh^^E» servative group of PRIVATE HOME FOR QUICK SALE, CHEAP tenant owners. %* ^ HESS BUILDING PRICE of the Property fo A select few still LOW. Mouse and grounds of New York lawyer moving td Philadelphia for permanent resi¬ have the opportun¬ to RENTS are REASONABLE. dence can be had at a bargain figure if taken at once. Property is of the suburban Fourth Ave., comer 26th St. ity purchase apartments with MORTGAGES run for 10 t;-pe, centrally located in one of the prettiest, healthiest, most convenient and pleas¬ 18th Floor leases expiring Oc¬ years. ant strictly individua! private home communities in New Jersey, near New York. All Light tober 1st. Fine commuting train service. Railroad station within 7 min. easy walk. Bathing T. F. Auctioneer» Possession about December 1st and run with the land. House is in excellent 20,000 ft. at boating rights condition, fully 40 NewARCHER,York /.venue, Jamaica, N. Y. sq. $2.50 equipped for immediate occupancy, has 10 rooms and large beautifully newly Auction Sale of 44 Aere Farm and Buildings Additional floors and offices THE ENTIRE PROPOSITION HAS BEEN THOROUGHLY INVESTI¬ decorated and 2 baths. There is also a with the The GATED AND APPROVED BY LEG ALAND REAL ESTATE garage property. grounds NEWBRIDGE ROAO, % MILE OF OLD COUNTRY ROAD EXPERT«. at SOU/jn Possession February 1, 1921 comprise a fine lawn, vegetable and flower garden, and many fine trees. The Hicksville, L. I. (Elfring Estate) area is about two-thirds of an acre. $4,500 secures title and the right to On WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1920 AT 2 P. M. ON T7.IE Dolson foe. PREMIÁIS* ' Wood, Co. Harris, & Co. The balance can be on terms. Voughi occuppy. arranged very easy An opportunity Terms:.60% itoiit\ und Mort Büro 907 Broadway ritöJüJ Stuyvesant 4200 For Mnps, etc., Address the Auctioneer, or HCfiS B'way Cor. 80th St. 569 Fifth Ave. worthy of investigation. Details frcm PRIVATE HOME, post office box 378, 8ILVERM.VN & TOL.INS, Attys. for Estate, 99 Nassau St.. New York City Tel. Schuyler 1100. Tl :. SI \ anderbilÉ City Hall station. New York. SALE POSITIVE, RAIN OR SHINE FURNISHED APARTMENTS TO LET UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS TO LET N. J.z S_ fMsass^BSUMMIT,live Long ^Zi^^zzzgi^^^a^^^Zi^^zag^^ MANHATTAN REAL ESTATE hotter nt OR m IM N, J, Hill COUNTRY NEARBY. BEAUTIFUL HOME AT AUCTION Stores for Rent for One on 42d St. near 5th Ave. DWELLINGS Ready Occupancy 'i subsl ]".¦', w el a r- lion. The host BARGAIN offered, PRIVATE $9,50:.: ngi d 9 rooi d welling, bath. hoar from Manhattan. Two on Times Sq. «. WEST BOTH ST. APARTMENTS J toilets, steam heat, 2 fireplaces, pan- Saturday, August 21st, plot ípeter One on Columbus Circle. 1- 3-story and basement; &tu?ta0aiit try, laundry, nice plot, small garage. *> flflft each, for four attractive tí $1¡¿oUUJc modern six and seven at 3 P. M\, to settle th.; estate. 14 Several on 57th St. 22x98.9. Central Park West at 86th St. ^^^ LOCATION 20-ACRE room cottages, well located, near the R- rooms, stucco house; all latest EAST 51ST ST. ENTIRE BLOCK FRONT BARGAINiÄum.: station. h 3-story and basement. FURNISHED AND UN¬ 1,400 feet ntreet frontage, with water, Improvements; garage and four barns; 10 aerea of ground, orna¬ EAST 721) ST. FURNISHED APARTMENTS 1565-1575 electricity, telephone, old dwelling und I Offices for Rent 3-8tory and basement. barns. MINE BROOK mental and fruit trees. In ex¬ I. 2 and 3 Rooms $1,000 to $2.700 FARMS^'Si | On 42(1 Street WEST 72D ST. , Bel o w K<y. Milk; poultry and Fruit Center. clusive seel Ion of Bedford Hills, 5th Avenue 4-story with 2-story extension. Upward Grand Concourse 0AKW00D HñLL <a0,ilue, Hand- n;2 aeres fertile, perfectly watered Sunlit Park, Westehester County. EAST 7BT1I ST. 20 ;,, re Hill Ti i> Estate near Sum¬ and; dwellings; improvements. Kx- K Times Square ;i-st.orv and basemen:. SPECIAL SUMMER RATES Cor. 173rd St. Will take back 60% mortgage If be to furnish further mit. Spacious Artistic Master Dwell¬ lentiive outbuildings. Gasoline, electric, ¡¡ Columbus Circle We will glad Restaurant a la Carte.Reasonable ing, «.¿uaint Amusement Bungalow; steam and water power. All crops, ^ lesircd. Particulars, inquire Karl particulars regarding above prop¬ r n BEAUTIFUL impiété stable-garage with modern complete machinery, 3 fine horses, 1} 5; It. Sheppard, Auctioneer, 4 Pros- Walter erties. Charges man's apartment. Wonderful gardens, thirty-quart cows, all with calves; j. salmon WM. F. INGOLD, Manager 3«¦4-0-0 fruit, grapes, bewies, shrubs, lawn ¡iiiniii-ds of chickens included. Trice, ?> pect Ave., Mount Vernon. N. Y. ROOMS A.; ;:i i;' rfect SL;j.iion. |s 50% under cost. I7W. 42dSt. Tel. 47Vand. With Ev»ry Conccivubli lir.provcm-nt had« absolutely çondl- Larce for. Three and other fine proprrtieH shown any wech-rtay by appointment. ^ajrryT^beal I 3 O.DEEXS REAL ESTATE CO., INC. Blocks East of Jerome Ave. Ql KENS REAL ESTATE HICH-CLASS OFFICES r>Uf> Fifth Ave., N. Y. 247 Vanderbilt < Se. Lexington Ave. Sub. Station in South Wing Lnckawanna Station, Summit, >'. ,I.J Financial & Grand Centra! District 6th & 9th Ave. Elevated at Writ» tar Sat"* Foundatlo» Ja &¿~iii Beimont Street Bookist "R" Homo» C». 500-100,000 SQ. FEET ÄCOUNTRY HOME SjgiiHiumiiiiMiHHiMaaSFfkM. 28TH STREET AND 5TH AVENUE = Moderate Rental. Agent on PremlMt, IN CITY LI ~i Completely Renovated.Fireproof IE ~ B..... At Bogota Heights 260th St., West of Broadway Construction.European Plan. H ME..J AND VAN CORTLANDT PARK. ídcr.l location 30 New Houses Now ELECTRIC y For permanent Ready 10 ROOMS, 2 BATHS, gH guests desiring suites or sinple 6 ami 7 Leasing Dept. LIGHT. STEAM HEAT, PARQUET S rooms ;= 5, Rooms forest Kills hardens ^ FLOORS, COAL AND GAS RANGES; with private bath. Re- = On P!ots 10x100 and 50x100 67 Liberty St. Cortlandt 744 VEGETABLE GARÚEN, FRF1T AND 2 fined furnishings. Every de- E 103ITÏ 7 LOTS WITH HEIGHTS SHADE TREKS: sirable Built of stucco, and frame of i.lern design; every improvement, with ON TWO AVENUES; 5j appointment. Highest = FRONTAGE . breakfast and sleeping porches character of service. = 15 f/INUTES FROM PENT*. RTATIOK. I.OFT for rent in lower Manhattan; suit- Ml'ST BE SOLD BY TRUSTEE TO One of Just Completed CLOSE NOT New York's notable = 30 Minutes From 12d St.. N. Y. A plmco for those who appreclats ArtUtlc Surrounding! abb' office <Tr light manufacturing; about ESTATE; RENTAL =| cuisines. 3500 sq. ft.; long lease. Inquire E. B. CONSIDERED; IMMEDIATE OCCU¬ Ready for Occupancy Commutation 85.30 per Month A choice of houses and plots for «tin. Eriksen or J. P. Cody, 588 Hendrlx St., PANCY; TERMS' TO SIT'- Sl«i,0i«0. Trolle running at all times to New York ferrios, with Brooklyn. Tel. Glenmore 9050. N. M. |"^Hi>iiiit)iimiiii»»»ii»imi»i»>i»n^mmffli(timifiiii»I 3-4-5-6 Room tv, railroad llm lesa than 5 minutes from station and car linos MAHANEY Apts. Priées to West 34th St. Ferest HUH STORAGE OR MANUFACTURING. 456 W. 155th St. Andubon 8617. m Similar to Park Ave. Apart- §7,500 $10.500 New Tork 2.500 to 100,000 "square Manhattan All as-;, »menta paid free and clear. Details and Kong Ulfcaí feet; lA ment Houses. further YVatkins reasonable; possession now or October particulars phono 4030 long lease; elevator, watchman. JOHN A. zLi!iiiii;u;mmimiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiim¡i- LIGHT POWER, 229 West 42d 6970 LARGE, & AÍRY MICifAKL BROS.
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