Stations in the U.S. Utah ton, opns mgr, Chris Staley, progmg dir & mus dir, Tim dricks, progmg dir, Kevin Stanfied, newsdir; ChucicCon- KMGR(AM) -See Murray. Hunt, chief engr. dron, chief engr. KODJ(FM)- Listing follows KALL(AM). KRGO -FM -September 1986: 107.9 mhz; 67 kw. Ant KODJ(FM)-Co-owned with KALL(AM). Dec 1, 1968: KRCL( FM)- Dec3 ,1979:90.9 mhz; 16.5 kw. Ant 3,770 2,383 ft. TL: N41 15 27 W112 26 24. 1975 W. 5300 S. 94.1 mhz; 40 kw. Ant 3,030 ft. TL: N40 36 22 W112 09 h. TL: N40 39 35 W112 12 05. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24.208 (84067). (801) 773.1301. FAX: (801) 972 -4243. Licen- 49. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Prog sep from AM. Format: W. 800 S. (84101). (801) 363 -1818. FAX: (801) 365- see: Kargo Broadcasting Co. Wash arty: Robert Olender. Oldies. KUTV(TV) affil. Format: Country. Target aud: General. Gene Guthrie, 5725. Licensee: ListenersCommunity Radio of Utah Inc. KCNR(AM)-1923: 1320 khz; 50 kw -D, 200 w -N. TL: Net: Pacifica News. Format: Div, educ. News progmg 3 pres, gen mgr, gen sls mgr & adv dir; Kurt Kelly, progmg N4038 36 W111 55 24. Stereo. 434 Bearcat Dr. (34115- hrs wkly. Target aud: General. Spec prog: Black 12 hrs, dir; Penny Lane, mus dir, Lee Sands, pub affrs dir, Den- 2520). (801) 485 -6700. FAX: (801) 487 -5369. Licensee: folk 12 hrs, world music 9 hrs, thrash &death metal 9 hrs, nis Silver, chief engr. Rates: $30; 30; 30; 30. Price Broadcasting Co. (group owner, acq I.83). Net: reggae 8 hrs, blues 5 hrs, newage 5 hrs, American Indian NBC the Source. Rep: Katz. Format: Contemp lifestyle. 3 hrs, relg/gospel 3 hrs, Asian 4 hrs, Sp one hr, Polyne- St. George News staff 5. Larry Wilson, pres; Leonard Smart, gen sian one hr, women's 7 hrs wkly. Dave Young, gen mgr KDXU(AM) --July 3, 1957: 890 khz; 10 kw -U, DA -N. TL: mgr, Ken Robert, gen sls mgr, Amy Kelly, prom mgr, & stn mgr; Kris Liszkowski, dev dir, Donna Land Mal- N37 04 04 W113 31 04. Box 1890, 750 W. Ridgeview Brian Casey, progmg mgr, Trish Griffith, mus dir, Tim donado, progmg dir, Ken Pavia, musdir, Lewis Downey, Dr. (84770). (801) 673 -3579. FAX: (801) 673 -8900. Lewis, news dir. chief engr. Rates: $10; 10; 10; 10. Licensee: Simmons Family Inc. (acq 11- 10 -86; KCPW(FM)-N ot on air, target date unknown: 88.3 KRGO(AM) -(West Valley City). Nov 16, 1956: 1550 $807,000; FTR 10- 13 -86). Net: ABC /I. Rep: Banner, mhz; 750 w. Ant -587 ft. TL: N40 45 33 W111 49 48. Box khz; 10 -D, Art Moore. Format: News/talk. News staff one; news kw 500 w -N. TL: N40 43 29 W112 00 43. Hrs 1372, ParkCity (84060). Licensee: Community Wireless opn: 24. W. S., (84120); progmg 3 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 -54. Spec prog: Relg 5065 2100 Salt Lake City Box of Park City Inc. 539, Magna (84044). (801) 972 -3449. FAX: (801) 972- 4 hrs wkly. C. Craig Hanson, pres; Mark Crump, gen mgr, Marti Zohner, opns mgr, Don Shelline, gen sls mgr, KCPX(AM) -See Centerville. 3440. Licensee: Group Communications (acq 3. 11-68). Bryan Benware, prom mgr; Mike McGary, progmg dir & Wash atty: Robert Olender. Format: Sp. Target aud: Gen- news dir, X.V. Kelly, pub affrs dir; Jed Wickinson, chief KDYL(AM)- February 1945: 1280 khz; 5 kw -D, 500 IN- eral. Spec prog: Class 2 hrs, Ger one hr, relg 4 hrs wkly. engr. Rates: $14; 14; 14; 6. N, DA -N. TL: N40 44 47 W111 54 42. Suite 700, 57 W. Sherwin Brotman, pres; Gene Guthrie, vp & gen sls South Temple (84101). (801) 524-2600. FAX: (801) 521- mgr; Gene Guthrie, Kathy Wamsley (office), gen mgrs; KZEZ(FM)- Coowned with K DXU (AM). June 15,1973: 9234. Licensee: Simmons Family Inc. (acq 5- 12 -82; Robi n Tetrick, stn mgr, David B. Smith, vp progmg & mus 93.5 mhz; 3 kw. Ant -125 ft. TL: N37 06 54 W113 34 23. $750,000; FTR 5-24-82). Net: SMN. Rep: CBS Radio. dir, Dennis Silver, chief engr. Rates: $20; 20; 20; 20. Stereo. Dups AM 5 %. Format: Adult contemp. News Format: MOR. Target aud: 35 plus. Roy W. Simmons, Rates: KRSP -FM- Listing follows KKDS(AM). progmg 3 hrs wkly. Target aud: 12-49. Same as chmn; G. Craig Hanson, pres; Stephen C. Johnson, gen AM. mgr, Terry Mathis, gen sis mgr, Ken Bell, prom mgr; Scott KSFI(FM)- Listing follows KDYL(AM). KONY(AM) -(Washington). June 6,1982:1210 khz; 10 MacNeil, progmg dir; Pete Peterson, chief engr. KS L(AM)-May 6, 1922:1160 khz; 50 kw -U. TL: N4046 kw -D, 250 w -N. TL: N37 08 38 W113 30 03. Hrs opn: 24. KSFI(FM) -Co-owned with KDYL(AM). Dec 26, 1946: 46 W112 05 56. Stereo. Box 1160, Broadcast House, 55 Box 2530, St. George (84771); 135 N. 900 E., St. George 100.3 mhz; 26 kw. Ant 3,740 ft. TL: N40 39 35 W112 12 (84770). (801) 628 -3643; (801) 673-1210. FAX: (801) N. 300 W. (84110-1160). (801) 575-7600. FAX: (801) 05. Stereo. Prog sep from AM. (Acq 1- 26 -78). Format: 628-3643; (800) 289 -KONY. Licensee: Red Rock Broad- 575 -7625. Licensee: Bonneville International Corp. Adult contemp. Target aud: General. Lyle Morris, mus casting Inc. (acq 5- 5-87). Net: SMN. Format: Modem (group owner). Net: CBS, CNN. Rep: CBS. Format: Info, dir, Peggy (jams, news dir. country. News progmg one hr. wkly. Target aud: 18-64. news, talk. Bruce Reese, pros; William Murdoch, gen mgr; Richard Mecham, gen sls mgr; Gary Whiting, nati Harold R. Hickman, pres; Carl Lamar, gen mgr & gen KFAM(AM) -See North Salt Lake City. sls mgr, Rinda Hunter, stn mgr; David Combs, progmg sls mgr; Jeri Openshaw, prom mgr; Al Henderson, dir & mus dir, Jed Wilkinson, chief engr. Rates: $19; KISN(AM)-Aug 1, 1938: 570 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -2. TL: progmg dir, Amanda Dickson, pub affrs di r, John Dehnel, 17; 17; 16. N40 49 09 W111 55 56. Hrs opn: 24. Suite 800, 4001 S. chief engr. KSL -TV affil. 700 E. (84107). (801) 262 -9797. FAX: (801) 262 -9772. KSOP(AM) -(South Salt Lake). Feb 1,1955:1370 khz; KRDC-FM-1975: 91.7 mhz; 105w. Ant-312 ft. TL: N37 Licensee: Sun Mountain Broadcasting (acq 8 -1.85; $4.5 5 kw -D, 500 w -N, DA -N. TL: N40 4312 W111 55 42. Hrs 0616 W113 33 55. Stereo. 225 S. 700 E. (84770). (801) million; FIR 6- 3 -85). Net: Utah Jazz Radio Net. Rep: opn: 24. Box 25548, Salt Lake City (84125); 1285 W. 673 -4811, ext. 331. Licensee: Dixie College. Format: McGavren Guild. Wash ally: Dow, Lomes & Albertson. Top -40. News progmg one hr wkly. Target aud: 14 -25; 2320 S., Salt Lake City (84119). (801) 972 -1043. FAX: Format: Sports radio. News staff one; news progmg 2 college & high school students. Spec prog: Class 15 hrs, (801) 974 -0868. Licensee: KSOP Inc. Rep: Major Mkt. hrs wkly. Target aud: 25-54 men; upscale, well educated jazz 10 hrs wkly. Larry Jewel, gen mgr. Format: Modem country. Target aud: 25 -54. Greg Hil- 35,000 plus income. Ballard Smith, pres; Randy Rodg- ton, pres, gen mgr& gen sls mgr; Don Hilton, progmg dir; KSGI(AM)-Oct 9, 1957: 1450 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: N37 05 ers, gen mgr; Jim Vandiver, gen sls mgr; Colin Thomas, Debbie Turpin, mus dir, Dick Jacobson, news dir; Bill 02 W113 33 26. Stereo. His opn: 24. Box 1450, 210 N. prom mgr; Chris Tunis, progmg dir, Cherie Haley, news Traue, chief engr. Rates: Sold in combination with FM. 1000 E. (84771); 341 S. Bluff St. (84770). (801) 628- dir, Gary Smith, chief engr. Rates: $50; 50; 50; 75. 1000. FAX: (801)628-6636. Licensee: Bear RiverCom- KSOP -FM -Dec 10,1964:104.3 mhz; 25 kw. Ant 3,650 KISN -FM -Feb 1, 1961: 97.1 mhz; 26 kw. Ant 3,650 ft. munications Inc. (acq 11-16-88; FTR 12-19-88). Net: ft. TL: N40 39 35 W112 12 05. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Dups TL: N40 39 35 W112 12 05. Stereo. Format: Adult con - CBS, MBS, NBC Talknet. Rep: Banner. Format: Adult AM 100 %. contemn, MOR. News staff 3; news progmg 26 hrs wkly. temp. John Dimick, progmg din Jim Morales, mus dir. Target aud: 25.54. Morgan Skinner, pres & gen mgr, Rates: $120; 90; 95; 40. KTKK(AM)- (Sandy). May 13, 1960: 630 khz; 1 kw -D, Terry Teeters, sls dir; Fred Kueni, promdir, Larry Jewell, KKAT(FM) -See Ogden. 500 w -N, DA -2. TL: N40 41 30W111 5530. Hrs opn: 24. progmg dir; Kent McGregor, news dir, Patrick O'Gara, 3595 S. 1300 W., Salt Lake City (84119). (801) 264 -8250. engrg dir. KKDS(AM) -(South Salt Lake). Sept 2,1967:1060 khz; FAX: (801) 264 -8978. Licensee: D &B Broadcasting Co. 10 kw -D, 1 kw -N, DA -N. TL: N40 39 15 W111 55 30. (acq 12-1-63). Net: NBC. Rep: Katz & Powell. Format: KSGI -FM -Not on air, target date unknown: 99.7 mhz; Stereo. Box 57760, 1130 W. 5200 S., Sait Lake City Talk. Target aud: 35 plus. Starley D. Bush, pres & gen 100 kw. Ant 2,033 ft. c/o Ear Inc., 781 N. Valley Drive #34 (84123).
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