Index Bath and Wells, archdeacon, see Holes, Andrew; bishop, see Beckington, 1468, controversy between England and Thomas; Bubwith, Nicholas; the Hanse, 73-79. Stillington, Robert; dean, see 1483, rebellion, 66-69. Carent, Nicholas; Gunthorpe, John; Abbot, family, 25a. treasurer, sec Harries, Thomas ---,]ohn, mercer of London, 25, 27, 31, Beauchamp, Anne, heiress daughter of 32-33, 38n. Henry, duke of Warwick, 48. Able, William, illuminator, 20. ---, Anne, wife of Richard Neville, earl Acastet Selby, 21; College Farm, 22. of \Varwick, 48, 49, 76. Acre, Sayers, 38n. ---, Cecily (born Neville) wife of (1) Aldetton, Dionise, servant, 62. Henry Beauchamp, duke Aleyn,]ohn, mercer, 33. of Warwick, (2) John Tiptoft, earl All Angels Guild, see Brentford. of Worcester, 45, 48.- Alsford, William, servant to the duke of --- ,Henty, duke of \Vawick, 45, 48: Norfolk, 75. ---, Richard, bishop of Salisbury, 75, ' Anglicus, Gilbertus, 101. '76, 78. Anjou, Margaret of, see Margaret. ---, Richard, earl of Warwick, 45m, 58 apothecary, royal, 95, 96. Beaufort, family, 71. Arderne, John, ”Treatise on Clysters’, 99. ---, Edmund, duke of Somerset, 49. Arthur, King, 71. ---, Henry, cardinal, 28m, 34. Ashbome, Henry, scrivenet of London, Beaumond, Thomas, 3811. 55. Beckington, Thomas, bishop of Bath Ashbury, Berks, 1 and Wells, 1, 11, 12, 16, 20; rebus of Aspenden, Herts, 46. his name, 15 (Fig. 12), 18, 19. - Astley, family, of Derbyshire, 52. Bedfotd,]ohn, duke of, 83. ---, Dame'Joan, nurse to Henry VI, 52. Bergen, Norway, 78. ---, Sir John, 52. Berkeley, family, 58. Babington, Margery, wife of Sir Berkshire 1327-c.1660, 108-09. William, 41. Berry, Jean, duke of, his librarian, 20. ---, Sir William, justice of common Bingham, Richard, scrjéant at law, 37; pleas, 36, 37, 38, 41; his daughter, judge, 84. Elizabeth Neville, 41. Bledlow, Thomas, 95. Bafly,]dhn, mercer of London, 27, 28:1, Bodicote, Oxfordshirc, 27. 32, 33. Bogner, Gilbert, 93. Baltic, trade, 29. Bolsover, Dcrbys., lordship, 82; church, Banbuty, .Oxfordshire, 25, 27, 66. 86. Bardolf, lord, see Phelip. Book of Good Manners, 42. Barmouth, 7. Boston, George, mercer of London, 60. Barnet, battle of, 59, 76. Boswoith, battle, 2, 70, '83. Baron, William, teller of exchequer, 52. Bourchier, Sir Thomas, 58m. Ba‘tton, John, master of St Bozan, William, 30m. Bartholomew’s Hospital, 57, 63. Bradmore,]ohn, his Philomena, 100, 101: Batail, Thdmas, mercer of London, 38m. Brent, river, 55. Brentford, Middlesex, 53, 56; chapel 163 and guild of All Angels, 54-55, 57, ---, Thomas, grocer, 25, 31-32, 41. 61, 62. Butler, Eleanor, 122-24. Bricklesworth, estate, 23-24; family, :26. Cadwaldr, 71. ---,]oan, wife of (1) Thomas Dystcr Calais, 74, 78; deputy captain, see and (2) Robert Domcnyk, 23-34, 36, Wenlock, John; garrison, 77; 38. merchant staplers, 21; treasurer, ---,_]ohn de, 23-24, 26, 59a. see Clifton, Sir Gervasc; victualler, ---,_]ohn, 24, 26. see Huse, Nicholas. ---, Katherine (born Stodeye P), wife of Cambridge, Ashmolean Museum, 19; Richard, 24, 26. King’s College, 20; King’s Hall, 19; ---, Leticia, (born Double), wife of John Trinity College, 12. de Brickleswotth, 26, 5911. Cambridge, William, 37. ---, Leticia, mm, 24, 26. Camper, Agnes (born PLuyt), 61, 65. ---, Richard, 24, 26. Cardiff, 44, 48; castle, 44n, 45-46, 48. ---, William Courteys dc Bricklesworth, Carent, Nicholas, dean of Wells, 21. 23-24, 26. Carlyle, John, servant of Alice ---, William, 26. Domenyk, 61, 62. Bridgewater, Franciscan house, 20. Carpenter, John, common clerk of Bristol, 73. London, 36, 38-39. Brixworth, Northants., 23. Cattleage, Robert, clerk of mayor’s Brown, Thomas, a clerk of king’s court of London, 59. bench, 42. Catherine dc Valois, queen of Henry V, Browne, Sir George, his cryptic letter, 70. 66-69. Catour, Richard, see Janyn, Richard. Bruges, 75. Caunt,]ohn, rector of Holme Brynkell, Henry, 96. Pierrepont, 91, 92. Bubwith, Nicholas, bishop of Bath and Cauthorpe, family, 91. Wells, 11. Cawdrey, Richard, dean of St Martin Le Burgate, Katherine, wife of (3) Sir Grand, 53. John Tyrell of Heron, (4), Richard chantries, suppression, 3, 21. Shipley, 41 -42,43. chantry chapels, 87. ' ---, Sir William, of Burgate, Suffi, 41. Chapman, William, tailor of London, Burgh, Thomas, 27. 39. Burghill, Thomas, gentleman, 42. Chamock, John, rector of Widmcrpool, Burgoyne, Thomas, undershcriff of 91, 92. London, 49, 51, 52, 54, 60. Chaucer, Geoffrey, 25. Burgundy, 1, 20; alliance with, 73; Chauljac, Guy de, surgeon, 101. Charles the Bold, duke of, 74, 77, Chaundler, Thomas, chancellor of 79; David of, bishop of Utrecht, 74, Wells Cathedral, 12; his Liber 78; Margaret of York, duchess of, apologetim: de oiimz'Italy Ismnae 73, 77; medical recipe for her use, naturae, 12, 13 (Fig. 10); rebus of his 97. name, 14 (Fig. 11), 18. Burgundy, John of, treatise on the Chesham, Bucks., 34. plague, 98, 100. Chesterfield, church, 83, 90. Burton, Cecily, 32m, 41. Chcyncy, Sir John, 66. 164 Clarence, George, duke of, 77, 82; Coventry, 29; glazier, see Thornton, medical recipe for his use, 94. John; Holy Trinity Guild, 25x1; Claymond, Alan, merchant of Boston, mayor, see Shipley, Robert; St Lincs., 33n. Mary’s Hall, 41. Clerk, John, grocer and apothecary to Coventry, William de, pinner, 29. Edward IV, perhaps owner of BL Cressy, family, 91. MS Harley 1628, 95, 97, 99. —--,Thomas, mercer of London, 30. Clerk, John, salter of London, 64. Cromwell, Ralph, lord, 81, 86, 87, 89. Cleve, William, clerk of the king’s Croyland, abbey, 75. works, 51-52. Crumpley, Alice, servant, 62. Clifford, John, lord, 82. Dalby, Alice, servant, 62. Clifton, Derbys., 86; St Mary’s church, Dales, William, gentleman, 38n. 91. Danvets, Robert, recorder of London, Clifton, family, 80; monuments, 86, 91. 51. ---, Sit Gervase, treasurer of Calais, 77, Daubeney, Sir Giles, 66. 85, 92. Davis, Norman, editor of the Paxton» Clipstone, Notts., royal park, 83. Letter:, 67. Ch'ton, William, 41n. Denbigh, 76. - Cok,}ohn, clerk of St Bartholomew’s Denham, [. ...] lady, wife of John Hospital, 51, 57. Denham of Denham, medical recipes Cokayn, Jane, 57m. for her use,94. ---,john, justice, 36, 51. Denmark, 73; Christian 1, king of, 73. Coke, William, rector of Lynne, 91, 92. Demon, Thomas, 25, 28m. Colbrokc, Robert, ironmonget of Derbyshire, 52, 83. London, 50. Despenser, Isabel, lady of Glamorgan, Colchester, 1. 2"d wife of Richard Beauchamp, q Colet, Henry, mercer of London, 59, 60. Earl of Warwick, 44-45, 52—53;and Colney, Stephen, 38n. see Newmarch, Joan. Cologne, 73, 78, 79. de Vere, John, 13th earl of Oxford, 75, Comines, Philippe de, 1, 2. 78. Conyngston, Nicholas, apprentice at Dibshelf, Derbys., manor, 81. law, 38n. Ditcheat, church, 10; rector, 19. cooks, medieval cooks, 143-45. Dogmetsfield, Hams, 2. Cook, Thomas, drape: of London, 49 Domenyk, Alice, 23-65. and 11, 57-59. -—-,Joan, wife of Robert, see Comborough, Agnes, 52, 65. Bricklesworth, Joan. ---, Avery, 52, 55, 65. ---, Robert, mercer of London, 25, 26, ---, Beatrice (born Lynn), wife of Avery, 27-33, 36, 38. 52. Donington, William, lawyer, 62, 63, 64. Cornelius, servant to Sir Robert Double, Richard, fishmonger of Whittingham, 73, 77. London, 26, 59:1. Cosyn,_]oan, widow of John, grocer of Doulting, Som., 10. London, 38n. Dover, Kent, 75. Cotgravc, Notts., 81. Duffield,John, of Chesham, Bucks., 47. Courteys, William de Bricklesworth, 23. Dufhous, Thomas, 38n. 165 _ Dunstable, Beds., 57. 83-84. Dystet, family, 25m, 26. France, 20; claim of the English kings --- Ellen, heiress, wife of John Hertwell, to the crown of, 16, 17, 18; Edward. ' 26, 27, 30, 31-34, 36, 38, 39, 41, 47. IV’s invasion of (1475), 73; royal _---, Elena, 26, 27. family, 71. ---,John, son of Thomas, 26, 27, 28, 30, qnccys, Elizabeth, widow, of 31, 33. London, 3811. ---, Thomas, mercer of London, 24-33. ---, Robert, 47. ---, Thomas, son of Thomas, 26, 27, 30, Free, John, 12, 19. 31, 33. Frise (Friis),]ames, physician to Eakring, Notts., manqr, 85. Edward IV and Richard III, 95. , Edward I, 38. Frowyk, Joan (born Sturgeon), wife of Edward III, 27, 32: Thomas, 50. Edward IV, 2, 4, 57, 59, 60, 73, 75, 76, ---, Thomas, steward of Isleworth, 50, 82, 85, 86; 54, 57, 61. acclamzition, 76; apothccary, funeral monuments, 86-92. see Clerk, John; court, 20, ' Gairdncr;_]ames, editoi of the Paxton 94; and the Hanse,'73-79; household Letterx, 67. ordinances, 96; (il)lcgitimacy of his Gargravc, Henry, of Southwark, 46:1. children, 2, 69; invasion of France, ---, John, marshal of Marshalsea, 46. 73; loyalty to, 67, 68; medical recipes ---, William, 46-47. for his use, 94, 96, 97, 99, 102; his Gaunt, John of, 71. physician, see Frise, Glamorgan, 44; ‘Greneordcz’, 45, 48; James; Hattecliffe, William; the lady of, sec Beauchamp, Anne, preconttact of marriage, 145-47, and Despcnscr, Isabel; manor of and see Butler, Eleanor; Roeth, 46, 48. (return from) exile, 66, 75, 77, 83; Gloucester, abbey, 76. Wcl§h descent, 71. Gloucester, Humphrey, duke of, 11, Edward V, 67. 28n. _ Edward VI, 3, 21, 70. Gloucestre,]ohn, 50. Elizabeth I, 70, 71. Godyn,_]ohn, grocer of London, 3811. Elizabeth of York, queen of Henry VII, Goldesburgh, Edward, baton of the 71, 1 14-1 5. exchequer, 62, 63. Ely, bishop, see Morton, John. Goldwell, James, bishop of Norwich, Estfeld, William, mercer of London, 34, 68. 36, 37, 38, 39, 46. Gonalston, Notts., manor, 81, 86, 92. Eton College, 20. Graunte, John, ironmonger of London, Farthinghoe, Northants., 25n. 55n. Fastolf, Sirjohn, 68. Gray’s Inn, 49. Ferrara, 19. Grayson, Thomas, 94. Ferrets, Henry, 84. Greene, Godfrey, 75. Fitzherbért, family, monuments, 86, 89. Greenwich, Middlesex, 54, 56. ---,_]ohn, medical recipe for his use, 100. Grene,_]ohn, 84, 86. Florence, 11. Grey, Lord, dc Ruthjn, 49. Foljambe, Thomas, of Walton, Derbys., Grocin, William, humanist, 12. 166 ' Gryce, John, 42.
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