: Mi P H * U - ) (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS V^LninNO.806. MANCHESTER, CONN^ FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 28,1934. Hauptmann Denies Guilt In Crime of Century MAYCALLOFF PLEA OF INSANITY PRESIDENT MAKES PLEA POUCE IN HUNT HAUPTMANN PLAN FORm Sia FOR FURTHER PATIENCE This Is Hfflted When Lawyer MAi Iy 3RD PARTIES Authorities Confer on Possi* Is Confident That a Unified for Lindy Suspect Asks ARE NOW IN FIELD bOity o f Quitting the Here Is Complete Text Attack for a little While for Eiamination by an Search m This Area — Longer WOl Master "Old Alienist. At Least 25 Listed Through- Of Presidents Speech Break in West H artfori Man Depression’’ — Asks Washington, Sept. 28.— (A F ) —« o t suffering in Jamestown and at out Nation for the Fall BUixrriN! Here is the text of. President Roose- Plymouth, it has been the American New York, Sept 2S—(AP)— PoUce engaged In the hunt for habit to render aid to tbose who Commnnities to Do Their velt’s address today to the 1934 Sherlil John J. Hanley today Election. Alexander Kaminski, fugitive guard mobilization for human needs con- need It. Through the centuries as diaeleaed that Bnmo Blehard slayer, were at the turning point to- ference: the first struggling villages de- Hauptmann had atolen a taMa I am happy that for the second veloped Into communities and cities Share. day, undetermined whether to con- apeen In the Jail, broken It Into Washington, Sept 29.— (A P )—A time' the conference on the Moblliza- and counties and states, destitution four aectiona, aharpened «xie tinue to look for the - murderer in lacord emaehlng array of “Third Uoo for human needs comes here to and want of every description has and had hidden nil four pleoea this* section. A conference of the White House. In so doing yo:i been cared for in the first Instance Waabington, Sept. 28.— (A P )— Party" attempts, a multitude of In the JnU. State police officials was being held emphasize with me the national by community help. Confidence that a unified attack Hnniey anid that the bowl issues and a host of colorful .candi- this afternoon in Hartford to con- character of our common task, for I With the enormous growth of part o f the apoon had been population and with the complexities for a Uttle while longer” would dates, feature the campaigns for the sider the feasibility of calling off the like to feel that I share responsibil- master "Old Man Depression” was abarpened to a raxor edge by ity with all of you who are here rep- of the past generation, community mbMng It agalnat the ateel November elections . A t leaet 28 hunt. Oomplicatlng this came a expressed today by President report from West Hartford police resenting evefy part of our country. efforts have been supplemented by frame of the eet In hln cell In nartiea are in the field—the largest the formation of great national or- Roosevelt in addressing toe 1984 that the William Hail High school Your work In the past has been of conference. on the Mobilization for ttw county Jail. number In the memory of old time such outstanding success that I am ganizations designed to co-ordinate Three parte were found In the observers. vault in that tou-u had been entered Human Needs. during the night and nearly $500 in confident this year you will achieve and stimulate those local groiips tenet bowl la hla cell, and that The Farmer Laboritea in Min- To toe assembled leaders of tos money and Jewelry stolen. Whether an all-time record. who are striving not only to take the fourth piece had been hid- nesota and the Progressives In Wis- care of those In need but also to group at the White House, the this is another of Kaminski’s daring In addressing you last year I em- President emphasized that it waa den In the drain of the waah consin headed by Senator Robert M. phasized the simple fact that ihe stimulate better conditions c-f baain In the oeU. The aherlff anid L^FoUette, Jr., are in the van of the escapades Is, of course, a matter of up to local communities to carry conjecture, but police are busy com- responsibility of the individual and health, of child welfare, of mental the pieeea appeared te- be too side party movements with candi- hygiene, or recreation and in tbe the primary burden of relief. He paring finger prints found In the of the family for the well being of called it the privilege rather than omnll to be need aa a key. but -iates listed In other states. their neighbors must never -cease. he waa Inclined to believe the latest break. the duty of the Individual American Communists and Socialists also Beginning with those first winters (Continued on Page Ten) ahnrpened piece might have have contestants In many states. Most Have Escaped. to bear a ahare in relief. been naed aa a weapon If It had Aside from the Maine "New Deal” Those In charge of the detail of “It is toat personal appeal, that been farther ahnrpened Into a ibsue between Democratic and Old 100 police located here were about personal service, which has carriiM knife. Guard Republican candidates num- ready today to admit that Kaminski us through these trying years,’’ ha must have slipped through their said. erous others ranging from "Redis- Surrounded by police and detectives who cleared passageway through PEARSON TO SEVER TEXTILE INDUSTRY Now York, Sept 28.—(AP)— A tribution ot Wealth" to more strin- linos. Awaiting a possible break “ A unity of effort for a little the packed corridors and courtroom, haggard and sullen Bruno Haupt- in this area hone developed. They plan to have Bnmo Richard Haupt gent marriage and divorce laws while longer will, I am confident, mann waa lead into Bronx County (N. Y.) court where he pleaded not could not reconcile the petty food- bring national success to our ax'* mehn, Indicted aa the extortioner of .'lave- been raised. guilty to the extortion indictment lodged against him because he pos- MAKES STATEMENT stuff thefts in the Vemoo section CONNECTIONS HERE Uonally unified efforts to bring Old the $60,000 Lindbergh kidnap rt Unusual Personalities sessed Lindbergh ransom money. He was held in $100,000 bail to await with the major burglaries in East Man Depression to tbe point where acme payment, examined by a pay Unusual personalities dot the trial. Hartford and West Hartford. we can finally master and destro;^ political scene. Chief among these is Faced with these puzzling angles him.” chiatriat aa announced today by his Upton Sinclair, with hla spectacular a conference waa being held at the Mr. Roosevelt said there had been ccunsel. campaign for the governorship on PriHninent Choir Director To Pledges Cooperation Bnt County building in Hartford to de- some inefficiency in the emergency The lawyer, James M. Fawcett bis "Bhid Poverty in California’’ cide on a definite course of action. efforts to alleviate distress but toat made hla announcement when he ar- platform, young “Bob” LaFoUette Included in the group at this meet- Take Three Years Coarse Says No New Relations he looked forward to greater effi- rived at the Bronx county court- ot Wisconsin, who is seeking to re- ADMINISTRATION STARTS ing were Major Frank M. Nichols, ciency. house to confer with District Attor- turn to the Senate on the Progres- Lieutenant John C. Kelly, Lieutenant He told the conference, which !l ney Samuel J, Foley, but be declined sive ticket after dropping his GOP Russell I. Harman, Sergeant Roy at Masic School Board Is Needed Now. headed by Newton D. Baker ot to give his reasons for the move. lab^ and former Governor Theodore A NEW RECOVERY DRIVE PetUnglll, Sergeant Harris Hurl- Ohio, that it waa its duty to see to ‘T am going to have my own pay- G- Bilbo of Mississippi. Bilbo’s elec- hurt. It; . chlartrlst see Hauptmann," Fawcett tion to the Senate was assured when Study Finger Prints Helge E. Peatson, organist and Washington, Sept! 28.— (A P )— “ Firat of all; that destitution 1* - said. He added that bis family physi- t''- he defeated Senator Hubert D. CROSSES THE CHANNEL In last night’s break at the -Wil- choirmaster of the Emanuel Lu- ’The oetton textile industry was relieved, and, secondly, that no in> cian would examine the prisoner at IN BALL-SHAPED BOAT liam H. Hall high school one or dividual and no family shall be en> the same time in his cell in the Control of NBA Policies theran church for the past ten pledged today to co-operate in gov- (Continued on Page Ten) more Intruders hammered the com- ernment efforts to carry out toe titled to public assistance if tout in> Bronx county Jail either today or bination off the vault door and years and one of Manchester's fore- Dover, England, Sept. 28. - peace plan toat ended toe recent dividual or that family does not d*. tomorrow, and that he would be (AP) — Cbwlee Flourens of broke open five strong boxes. Po- most and widely known figures in Placed m New Hands — strike. But Its spokesmen express- serve It." guided by bis own personal physi- Parle succeeded today on bli lice are taking at least one of the musical circles. Is severing hla ex- Amplifying apparatus had been tensive connections In this field, it ed belief toat toe new Textile . cian in the choice of the paychiatriat fourth attempt to croae the Eng- boxes for finger prints which are bor Relations Board, named by set up in the ITOite House to talto "Does this mean that you ard go- NURSE IS KILLED Federal Reserve Bo^rd being studied by Captain George J.
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