Some insights into Looking for a new Preview of Tigers’ substance abuse pet? Shelter has ideas game vs. Starfires Area State Page 3 Page 5 Sports Page 6 The News-Bannerwww.News-Banner.com THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 2020 BLUFFTON, INDIANA • Wells County’s Hometown Connection $1.00 Two studies give potential options at Lancaster Park By DEVAN FILCHAK During the meeting, Sundling The Bluffton Parks Department also briefly presented the feasibil- and board discussed the possibili- ity studies he obtained for Lan- ties for Lancaster Park Tuesday, as caster Park. It has been known for well as the results of two feasibil- some time that the land, which is ity studies for projects at the park. where the former Lancaster school The park, which is across the was, will need some work before street from Lancaster Central Ele- anything can be built on it. mentary School on Jackson Street, Mayor John Whicker has tenta- has been the topic of discussion tively said that he would like Sun- for years now. dling to present the studies at the In 2018, Roger Thornton pro- Bluffton Common Council meet- posed a sports complex and park ing on Sept. 29. in the 18-acre space. However, “It gives a month for people Pam Vanderkolk, superintendent to look at this stuff instead of a of the department, said the park weekend,” Sundling said. board has had plans for the park Two feasibility studies were for more than 10 years. obtained — one from Engineer- The parks department would ing Resources, which is the firm A focus on hygiene like for the area to have a trail that has done previous work with School desks have to be wiped head on the Interurban Trail and the park on Thornton’s behalf, and down between classes, and fre- serve as a greenspace. The Poka- one from A&Z Engineering, who quent use of hand sanitizer or bache Trail is also expected to had no previous knowledge of the handwashing is encouraged at all connect to the trail eventually. ongoing park conversations. schools in the midst of the COVID- The department expected for more Each firm was asked to provide 19 pandemic. Above, Emily Han- sen wipes down desks with disin- consideration to be given to Lan- cost estimates for three things — fectant in Amy Rusu’s sixth-grade caster Park after work at Roush ground preparation, underground writing class at Bluffton-Harrison and Washington parks was com- utilities, and other considerations. Middle School Wednesday. At pleted, which happened recently. They were presented for the right, Chloe Bredemeyer offers At its last meeting, the board groundwork for the trail plan, the hand sanitizer to fellow students rescinded a letter that it had sent 2010 development plan (which before leaving Beverly Balash’s to the Northern Wells Commu- includes two baseball fields but eighth-grade science class. (Pho- nity Schools board to terminate not some of the other features tos by Devan Filchak) the $1-a-year lease since NWCS Thornton has presented), and the owns the land. 2018 development plan (which The park board decided that includes four baseball fields, asso- their plan moving forward is to ciated parking and auxiliary recre- prepare a presentation about the ational uses). trail to give to the school board. For the 2018 development If the trail plan is accepted by the plan, Engineering Resources has school board, the board can move an estimate of $182,500 to get the ahead with applying for grants for property ready for the construc- funding. tion. “I’m here to advocate that let’s A&Z has an estimate of get this resolved. Because if they $200,000 in groundwork for buy into the plan, then we can get any of the three projects, which this roadblock out of the way and includes storm drainage investi- get going,” said Doug Sundling, a gation; sanitary sewer along the consultant to the city. (Continued on Page 2) Indiana alters student count to maintain school funding By CASEY SMITH should receive full funding for to possible budget cuts for schools Although Holcomb and other be penalized for offering instruc- Associated Press/ their students, regardless of wheth- not offering an in-person option state leaders promised in June that tion only online. Report for America er those students are receiving for students, despite the ongoing schools would remain fully funded Students will not be counted INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — The instruction virtually or in the class- coronavirus threat. during the pandemic regardless as “virtual“ — meaning schools Indiana State Board of Education room this semester. Bray emphasized that state law of whether students are attending won’t see the 15 percent reduction approved a method to maintain The board’s resolution differs caps per-pupil funding for students class in-person or online, Bray’s in basic per student funding — as funding for schools reopening vir- from Gov. Eric Holcomb’s initial who take at least half their classes notice put millions of dollars in long as they were not enrolled in tually this fall after warnings of request to preserve current school virtually at 85 percent of basic school funding on the line, given a full-time virtual education pro- possible cuts from lawmakers last funding, however. tuition support. That would mean that dozens of school districts gram on the previous enrollment month. Last month, the governor pro- school districts that only offered around the state decided to start count day. The board unanimously posed delaying the student count online instruction to minimize the the school year entirely online. State school superinten- approved the plan Wednesday, altogether after school leaders potential spread of COVID-19 Under the board of education’s dent Jennifer McCormick said allowing the state to use data from expressed concern about a letter could lose 15percent of their basic new plan, the fall student count in a news release that she was the last student count in Febru- from Indiana’s Senate president, per-student funding, which would day will happen as planned on “pleased” the state’s board of edu- ary to determine whether schools Republican Rod Bray, that alluded be $855 per student. Sept 18, but school budgets won’t (Continued on Page 2) Moderators announced Marking WWII’s end, virtually for presidential debates Pandemic keeps veterans away from ceremony, watching from home By ZEKE MILLER • NBC’s Kristen Welker for the Associated Press debate Oct. 22 in Nashville, Ten- By CALEB JONES Waikiki, movie premieres, galas and thousands of Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — Rep- nessee. people gathered to honor the veterans, some who resentatives from Fox News, The commission also HONOLULU (AP) — When Japanese mili- may be marking the historic milestone for the last C-SPAN and NBC will moderate announced Wednesday that USA tary leaders climbed aboard the USS Missouri in time. the upcoming debates between Today’s Susan Page will moder- Tokyo Bay on Sept. 2, 1945, the battleship was Now, only about 50 people will be on the ship President Donald Trump and ate the vice presidential debate on packed with U.S. sailors eager to see the end of that hosted the surrender in 1945, all local veter- Democratic challenger Joe Biden. Oct. 7 in Salt Lake City with Vice World War II. ans and government officials. Defense Secretary According to the nonparti- President Mike Pence and Demo- On Wednesday, the 75th anniversary of the Mark Esper will give the keynote address. san Commission on Presidential crat Kamala Harris. The commis- surrender, some of those same men who served Organizers limited the ceremony less than two Debates, the moderators will be: sion makes its moderator selection the United States will not be able to return to the weeks before the anniversary because of a surge • Chris Wallace of Fox News independently of the candidates. Missouri in Hawaii’s Pearl Harbor because of the in coronavirus cases in Hawaii and other parts of for the debate Sept. 29 in Cleve- Trump and Biden have said world’s new war against the coronavirus. the nation. That leaves dozens of veterans who land. they will attend the scheduled The commemoration initially was supposed are in their 90s or beyond preparing for what • Steve Scully of C-SPAN for debates, which are meant to offer to be a blockbuster event with parades through (Continued on Page 2) the “town meeting” debate Oct. 15 voters to opportunity to see the in Miami. (Continued on Page 2) Inside Outside Online Detailed How to contact us: Call us: 824-0224 Local/Area Dental Care or 1-800-579-7476 Obituaries. 3 Follow us on Facebook! • Wisdom Teeth Removal Go to www.facebook.com/ • Fax us: 824-0700 Police Notebook . .3 Immediate Dentures [email protected] newsbanner • Sedation Dentistry ————— • General Dentistry On the Web: Opinion Warm day today, then the Place Your Classified www.news-banner.com Leo Morris . .4 • Root Canal temperatures take a drop Ads 24/7 Follow us at: Today Friday Saturday Call Dr. Hott! twitter.com/newsbanner Also... High 84 High 75 High 79 Vol. 91 No. 259 706 N. Main St. Sports. 6-7 Low 55 Low 52 Low 57 Blu ton, IN Classifieds . .4a THURSDAY Diversions . .3a More Weather on Page 2 September 3, 2020 260.824.2442 • www.BlufftonDental.com Page 2 • The News-Banner • THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 2020 LOCAL/NATION Two studies Weather (Continued from Page 1) Sundling reminded everyone that cil meeting. Anyone can view a paper Thursday, Sept. 3, 2020 the numbers are just estimates at this copy of the studies or download a digi- (24-hour observations at 8:04 p.m.
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