12 May 2019 Queenship of Mary Church Northampton, PA Fourth Sunday PARISH WEEKLY of Easter Rev. Patrick H. Lamb, Pastor Msgr. John S. Campbell, Pastor Emeritus Msgr. Michael J. Chaback, In Residence Deacon Michael W. Doncsecz Mrs. Maureen Tancin, Secretary Mr. John Paul Crescenzo, M.Ed., Principal Mrs. Stephanie Kalavoda, PREP THE CELEBRATION OF MASS Saturday Evening: 4:00 PM Sunday: 8:00, 10:30 AM Mon.Tues. M Wed. 8:00AM Thurs. 6:00PM Friday: 9:15AM ( School Mass) HOLY DAY MASSES 6:30AM, 9:00AM, 7:00PM SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturday: 3:00 to 3:45 PM Sunday: 10:00 to 10:25 AM Other times by appointment SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM We are his people, Baptisms are celebrated on the 4th Sunday of the month. A prebaptismal workshop is required for par- the sheep of ents, who are expected to be active members for at least three months. Please call Deacon Mike to make his flock. all arrangements. (6102622227) RECTORY HOLY MATRIMONY 1324 Newport Avenue A minimum preparation time of six months is required for the couple by the Diocese for the proper celebra- Northampton, PA 18067 tion of the Sacrament. Please call Father Lamb to Phone: 610 2622227 make all arrangements. (6102622227) Fax: 610 2624192 Email: [email protected] WE WELCOME Website: queenshipofmary.weconnect.com NEW PARISHIONERS Please introduce yourselves to Father Lamb RECTORY OFFICE HOURS or Deacon Mike after Mass. Monday to Thursday: 9:00AM to 3:00PM Friday: 9:00AM to 2:00PM PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN Office of Victims Assistance RELIGIOUS EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN Ms. Wendy Krisak, NCC, LPC Good Shepherd Catholic School (610 262 9171) Direct Number 1800 7919209 Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) Safe Environment Coordinator Contact the Rectory. (610 262 2227) Sister Meg Cole, SSJ, MS, LMFT 610 3320442 ext 2019 FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER SANCTUARY MASS INTENTIONS LAMP will be lit this week 4th SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 12 4:00 PM Anna Blaukovitch Vince & Sandra Blaukovitch IN MEMORY OF 8:00 AM FOR ALL OUR MOTHERS 10:30 AM OF QUEENSHIP OF MARY IGNATIUS & MARY SIPICS Monday May 13 8:00 AM Rose Transue Papesh & Irene Pagatto Family Tuesday May 14 8:00 AM Leo Fritchey Family MINISTRY ASSIGNMENTS Wednesday May 15 WEEKEND OF MAY 18/19 8:00 AM Catherine Rank Rosalind & Joe Fruhman Thursday May 16 4:00 PM 6:00 PM Matthew Eberhardt Dan & Kathy Friday May 17 Lector: Kirsten Trinkle 9:15 AM Henry Finelli Jerome Miranda Eucharistic Ministers: Mark Bensinger, Laura Transue, Rosemary Rossner Saturday May 18 Altar Servers: Rachael & Eddie Miller, 4:00 PM Rose Stubits The Skolnik Family Charles Frystack 5th SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 19 Greeters: The Family of Rose Stubits 8:00 AM Robert & Rose Family 10:30 AM Our Lady’s Women’s Guild 8:00 AM Lector: Greg Christensen SUNDAY COLLECTIONS: Eucharistic Ministers: Maryann Christensen, Linda Messner, Sharon Toth April 28 - $7473. Cemetery $1596. Altar Servers: John & Theresa Tran, Caitlyn Schifko May 5 - $ 8902. School - $1070. Greeters: The Family of Robert & Rose May God bless your generosity! 10:30 AM Lector: Bill Szupper MOTHER’S DAY FLOWERS Eucharistic Ministers: Nanette DiDomenico, Marcia Rich Allison Marcks We will be selling flowers on Altar Servers: Nicholas AbiDaher, Mother’s Day weekend (May 11/12) Elayna & Emily Ebert at all the masses. Proceeds will go Greeters: Women’s Guild the Pennsylvanians for Human Life. Your commitment to serve at our Sunday Liturgy Suggested donations for enhances the worship experience of our entire par- ish, and is pleasing in the eyes of the Lord. flowers; Make every effort to be properly dressed, punctual, Roses: 2 for $5.00 and well prepared. Carnations: 2 for $3.00 May God bless you abundantly. 2 12 MAY 2019 St. Dymphna Dymphna was born in Ireland sometime in the seventh century to a pagan father and devout SUNDAY READINGS Christian mother. When she was fourteen, she May 12, 2019 consecrated herself to Christ and took a vow of Acts 13:14, 43–52 chastity. Soon afterward, her mother died and her When the Jews saw the crowds, they were filled father who had loved his wife deeply began to with jealousy and with violent abuse contradicted suffer a rapid deterioration of his mental stability. what Paul said. So unhinged was Dymphna's father, Damon, that the King's counselors suggested he remarry. Though he Revelation 7:9, 14b–17 was still grieving for his wife, he agreed to remarry if I had a vision of a great multitude, which no one a woman as beautiful as she could be found. could count, from every nation, race, people, and Damon sent messengers throughout his town and tongue. other lands to find woman of noble birth who resem- bled his wife and would be willing to marry him, but John 10:27–30 when none could be found, his evil advisors whis- [Jesus said,] “My sheep hear my voice; I know pered sinful suggestions to marry his own daughter. them, and they follow me.” So twisted were Damon's thoughts that he recognized only his wife when he looked upon Dymphna, and so he consented to the arrangement. WEEKDAY READINGS When she heard of her father's misguided plot, May 13-18 Dymphna fled her castle with her confessor, a priest named Gerebran, two trusted servants, and the king's Monday, Easter Weekday: Acts 11:1–18 / Jn 10:1– fool. The group sailed toward what is now called 10 Belgium, and hid in the town of Geel. Though it Tuesday, St. Matthias: Acts 1:15–17, 20–26 / Jn becomes uncertain what exactly happened next, the 15:9–17 bestknown version claims the group settled in Geel, where Dymphna built a hospital for the poor and sick, Wednesday, Easter Weekday: Acts 12:24—13:5a / but in using her wealth, her father was able to discov- Jn 12:44–50 er her location. Thursday, Easter Weekday : Acts 13:13–25 / Jn When Damon found his daughter was in Belgium, he 13:16–20 traveled to Geel and captured them. He ordered the Friday, Easter Weekday: Acts 13:26–33 / Jn 14:1–6 priest's head to be separated from his body and attempted to convince Dymphna to return to Ireland Saturday, Easter Weekday: Acts 13:44–52 / Jn 14:7 and marry him. When Dymphna refused, Damon –14 became enraged and drew his sword. He struck Dymphna's head from her shoulders and left her there. When she died, Dymphna was only fifteen yearsold. After her father left Geel, the residents collected both Dymphna and Gerebran's remains and laid them to rest in a cave. In defense of her purity, Dymphna received the crown of martyrdom around the year 620 and became known as the "Lily of Éire. In 1349, a church honoring St. Dymphna was built in Geel, and by 1480, so many pilgrims were arriving in need of treatment for mental ills, that the church was expanded. The expanded sanctuary was eventually overflowing again, leaving the townspeople to accept them into their homes, which began a tradition of care for the mentally ill that continues to this day. Unfortunately, in the 15th century, the original St. Dymphna Church in Geel burned to the ground, and the magnificent Church of St. Dymphna was erected and consecrated in 1532, where it still stands above the location her body was originally buried. Many miracles have been proven to take place at her shrine in the church erected in her honor, and her remains were placed in a silver reliquary in the church. Some of her remains can also be found at the Shrine to Saint Dymphna in the United States. The priest who had helped Dymphna was also sainted, and his remains were moved to Xanten, Germany. The United States National Shrine of Saint Dymphna is at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Massillon, Ohio and St. Dymphna's Special School can be found in ballina, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland. Saint Dymphna is the patroness of those suffering nervous and mental afflictions as well as victims of incest. Traditionally, Saint Dymphna is often portrayed with a crown on her head, dressed in royal robes, and holding a sword. In modern art, Saint Dymphna is shown holding the sword, which symbolizes her martyrdom, quite awk- wardly. She is also often shown holding a lamp, while some holy cards feature her wearing green and white, holding a book and white lilies. 3 FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER FESTIVAL NEWS MEETINGS: May 13 6:00PM Amer. Saints Rm June 03 6:00PM Amer Saints Rm June 17 6:00PM Amer Saints Rm May 11/12 Mother’s Day Flowers available at all If you would like to help us at the masses. Carnations 2 for $3 Roses 2 for $5 Festival please try attend at least one of Proceeds go to Pennsylvanians for Human Life these meetings. May 13 Festival Meeting 6:00PM American Saints Room PRESALE OF FOOD TICKETS May 13 LAST DAY FOR RESERVATIONS FOR June 1/2, June 8/9, June 15. GUILD BRUNCH We will be at all the masses on these May 18/19 CWV Annual Poppy Drive dates preselling food tickets for the at all masses festival. AVOID THE LINES AND SAVE May 19 Women’s Guild Mass & Brunch 10:30am SEE AD BELOW SOME MONEY!!! $12 WORTH OF TICKETS FOR $10 May 20 Men’s Group Meeting 7PM Spiritual Cnt. June 2 SENIOR RECOGNITION MASS 10:30am SEE PAGE 6 FOR MORE INFORMATION Welcome to the newest June 3 Festival Meeting 6:00PM members of our American Saints Room Church: Donald Pharo, June 17 FINAL FESTIVAL MEETING 6:00PM AMERICAN SAINTS ROOM Kevin and Jaycee Young June 23 Parish festival 12:00 8:00PM who were received into full communion in the Catholic Church on Women’s Guild Mass Holy Saturday, and Ashleigh Buskirk who was bapzed on Holy Saturday.
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