r . • H , The Weather Arerage Daily Net P rees R un ForMhlrt ef tJ. » . Weether Boreea For the FlndM Much n, IMS light . Min er snow flnrriee lete tonight end Taeedey morning. To­ 13,556 night iow li/ low see. Pertly cloudy Menibcr the Andlt Tueedey. High In mid 4M. Boreea of ObcnletlMi ' M anchetter^A City of ViUago Charm MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MARCH 19, 1%2 (Cleaalfled AdvertiBlng" on Page IS) PRICE FIVE CENTS VOL. LXXXI.n o . 142 (FOURTEEN PAGES) T o I^uUify Election State News *1 Frondizi Bars Roundup Norwich M an Peronist Gains In 10th Day of Hunger Strike On Nuclear Test Ban BUENOS AIRES (AP)— gent Radical party Issued a warn­ BROWNSVILLE, T e n m President Arturo Frohdisi to­ ing that the Peronist victory could day ordered federal control in cause chaos In Argentina. (AP) — The passive resist­ all provinces where Peronists Peron was not present to taste ance tactics that wracked of­ won in Sunday’s nationwide the fruits o f his victory. He was ficial nerves here last fall are congressional and provincial reported following the returns by effect once more with West-2 Seen Easing telephone from exile in Madrid. elections. A t midnight, the four-year-old Gonhecticut man in the 10th The president will name civilian sUte o f siege, Ufted for election day of a jail cell hunger strike. ~or military leaders to head the day, went back into effect. Brio Weinberger, 33, Norwich, government In the provinces where Early this morning squads of Conn., has not eaten since he be­ inspeetkin Demands followers of Peron gave the presi­ gan serving out s traffic flpe March dent and his government a sharp (Oontlniied on Page Nine) 10. He charged his arreet and setback In Sunday’s election of fine were harasement for his work By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER provincial governors . and some here with displaced Negro share­ members of his congress. croppers. GENEVA (A P)—The Soviet Union announced today It ^ o u ld the president continue Bulk of Rebels The Rev. Maurice McCrackin, was ready {^negotiate with the United States and Britain on federal control past May 1, when 65. a- Cincinnati Presbyterian a nuclear tesil^ n treaty But it stood firm against allowing the officials elected Sunday are to minister, fasted for 25 days last take office, the action could have fall in his cell at the Haywood international ins^ction teams on its .soil. the effect of nullifying the results Flee Trap Set County workhouse after he re­ The action openeoNiiew prospects of East-West talks on the of the election. fused to pay a loitering flne. deadlocked issue, althoqigh it did not resolve any of the dif­ Latest unofficial returns showed u that followers of ex-dictator Juan By Vietnamese Weinberger was arrested by ferences blocking a t r e ^ . If agreement can be reached on a D. Peron won more than 30 seats city police March 8 and convicted test ban pact. President Kennedy has announced he will cancel In the national Congress and 10 By BOY B VAN of speeding. He refufbed to pay 8 8 0 the ISO flne and Wes transferred next month’s scheduled startup a new series of U.S. atmos- governors’ posts including that of TOURANE, South Viet Nam plieric tests. \ Buenos Aires Province which is (A P )—^Vietnamese troops flown im to county jail to serve It out at |2 second to the presidency In politi­ by U.S. Army helicopters have a day. The Russian announcement waa^made by Deputy Soviet Hla arreet came Just a few days cal power and prestige. cleared a Communist-ridden valley Foreign Minister Valerian Zorin at A.^news conference. His Frondlsi acted at about 5 a.m. in central Viet Nam but the bulk after he was nrieased from Jail statemeiit coincided with information Western delega­ where he was held over a weekend after Argentina’s armed forces of the Communists apparently es­ In connection with a burglary In­ tions that the United States and Britain have finally agreed chi^s met with Interior Minister caped, senior American advisers Alfredo Vltolo to consider whether vestigation, on concessions to offer Russia in an effortHp meet Soviet Ml the scene reported today. Weinberger arrived late last to form a military Junta to deal ’Ihe Americans ssdd the Com- objections to international inspection. \ with the crisis. month to teach jobless Negroes The offer probably will be made Tuesday. It is amlerstood ^munists lost 80 killed, 17 wounded how to make women’s hsnc^ga. ’The military chiefs called on and 11 captured. ‘Ihis is a sizable Frondizi to Intervene and demand­ The endeavor is aimed at allow­ that the Western powers would reduce the number of-^spec- ed the resignation of Vltolo,. who force by the standards of flghting ing the Negroes to remain in the tioh trips which teams of international inspectors could^ake had mapped the strategy of Sun­ in this country, but far short of county as voters instead of becom­ around the Soviet Union. Much Soviet territoiy also wdujd day’s elecUon. Vltolo reportedly al­ the victory the government had ing itinerant laborers. hoped for out of the hazardous he eliminated from any inspection at all. ready had submitted his resigna­ Negro leaders have charged British Foreign Secretary Lord"**- tion, but government house sources operation. It was estimated up to white landowners with mass eric- said Frondizi had not decided two Red batt-lions escaped. Home returned to Geneva from tions of Negro tenant farmers who w6DkMvl coffisuVtAtlonH In LA>ndon whether to accept It. ’ITie government threw 1,500 registered to vote. The landowners Four Get with Prime Minister Harold Mac­ Jaila Jubilant Peronists hailed the men against the estlms-ted 1,000' said the lack of work is caused outcome as a recall for their ex­ Communist Y***' Co"6 guerrillas millan. Allied dlplomate eald they Ity machinery, not oM l rights. believed Macmillan had been in iled leader, but there was doubt in the valley. MoCrackin's fast introduced Fines for Tax the military, which threw Peron Twelve helicopters manned by touch with Kennedy on naiUng new tactics to the long-smouldering dowm the conceeslons. Macmillan is out In 1956. would permit his fol­ pilots of the 43rd Helicopter Oom- oivil rights batUe. said to be even more anxloua than Plot, Bribe Try lowers to fegain oontroL McCrackin. who also came here Alter the voOBg trend became ' (Continued on Page ’Two) Kennedy to show that if the U.S. to wortc with displaced Negroes, teste are held every poselble ef­ served out his flne a t ' the work- BOSTON (AP)—Three lawyer* fort was^jflkde to avoid them. convicted of conspiracy to offer a house but refused to work. He did Zorin said the Soviet Union not move outside his cell and w $10,000 bribe and a former Treas­ would like to negotiate here with ury department official alleged to Pleads for Social Justice carried bodily to trial and tp-ll the United Stetes, Britain w d wxN-khouse. have conspired to defraud the gov­ France on a nuclear test )»n . The ernment, all were given Jail sen­ Sheriff S. T. Hun^>swd Wein­ great power* wouW form a »ub- berger has been oEmd regular Barn Burned at Owners Request tences and fines in federal court “ ommlttee of the l7-natlon dis- today. Jail meals but 1^'refused to take Viewed from beneath the layered ladders on a hre truck, this Under-dry, 30-year-old bam on the for­ armement conference. Pope John Names mer Vernon Town Farm property on Rte. 80 was an awning light yesterday. Fed by a brisk west Bvidenoe produced by eleclronlo nourishment. The sheriff eald Wein­ Since France Is boycotting the recording devices featured' the berger reepWM a letter in Jail from wind, the flames laat for 20 minutes under the watchful eyes of firemen who burned the bam at the conference. Zorin eeld Ruria was request of prepay owners to make roojBJtSjr a proposed shopping (HemM ghoto J>y JS^ trisl of Attorney* Nathaniel Berg­ MoCragkm. "also roady to PdOtinue negotla- man, 63, West Hartford. Conn.. teriiU). ' ------ Uotu" among Uie three powaro. Saul Olossman, 45, Brookline, and At the news eonfewnce, Zorin 10 N e w • / Freak Accident Paul A. Gorin, 49, Newton, and of also: WALLUNOFORD (AP) — A, Henry Grlllo, 42, Andover, Mass. 1. Said the Soviet draft treaty Grillo was executive assistant to ^them official notiflcatton freelc accident at a sandpit hilled Answers Truce with Terror for total disarmament by three By FRANK BBUTTO 21-year-old Leonard Lucler as he ] the regional commissioner of intel­ VA’nCAN cm r (AP) — Pope elevation to princely rap! Stage* in four years should be the ligence. Internal Revenue Service. Pope John did iw r reveal the was driirlhg his motoroycle yester­ John XXin created 10 new cardi­ basin for negotiations here, espe­ All four were convicted of conspir­ identity of the >hree cardinals day. cially since, he said, the United ing to defraud the United State*. nals today and at the same time n U ce said Lucier was headed spoke sorrowfully of the "new that he has ^hWd secretly "in States has not laid down a com- Bergman and Olassman wer# pectore’’—Im hia heart—since the toarard the sandpit oS Buell St. plete treaUy propdeal. sentenced io serve three year* slavory" being established in vast adisn he was hit by a metal cable Secret Army Fights On oonslstojy'of March 29, 1960, when 2.
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