BRIAN ERMANSKI Curriculum Vitae www.ERMANSKI.com Bibliography "The Best of 2012 The Year's Most Popular Life Stories." Editorial. LifestyleMirror.com. Lifestyle Mirror, 20 Dec. 2012. Web. <http://www.lifestylemirror.com/life/culture/best-lifestyle-mirror-life- section-2012/>. "Local Art In Local Venues: Indiewalls To Transform Art Discovery And Acquisition." Interview by Jacob Slevin. Web log post. huffingtonpost.com. The Huffington Post, 12 Nov. 2012. Web. <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jacob-slevin/local-art-in-local-venues_b_2116884.html>. Levine, Sasha. "Portrait of the Artist: Brian Ermanski." Editorial. LifestyleMirror.com. Lifestyle Mirror, 27 Nov. 2012. Web. <http://www.lifestylemirror.com/life/art-culture/inside-artist-brian- ermanskis-studio/>. "Here Comes the Sun." Gallery Girls. BRAVO. New York City, New York, 17 Sept. 2012. Television. "I’m Not Sorry." Gallery Girls. BRAVO. New York City, New York, 3 Sept. 2012. Television. Ermanski, Brian. "Lipsticks and Bad Boys – Interview with Brian Ermanski." Interview by Carol Juarez. Web log post. BaseNow.net. Base, 17 Aug. 2012. Web. <http://www.basenow.net/ 2012/08/17/lipsticks-and-bad-boys-interview-with-brian-ermanski/>. "Brian Ermanski." Interview. Grandlifehotels.com. Grand, n.d. Web. <http:// www.grandlifehotels.com/local/brian-ermanski/>. Lewis, Steve. "A City of Artists: Blown Away by Rachel Klein & Brian Ermanski." Blackbookmag.com. Goodnight Mr Lewis, 4 June 2012. Web. <http://www.blackbookmag.com/ good-night-mr-lewis-1.109/a-city-of-artists-blown-away-by-rachel-klein-brian- ermanski-1.49274>. "I.C.E. I.C.E. BABY." Twelv Spring / Summer 2012: 204. Print. "Convergence of Art and Collaborative Consumption: Artist Brian Ermanski." Web log post. Tradepal.tumblr.com. N.p., 7 Mar. 2012. Web. <http://tradepal.tumblr.com/post/18894150152/ convergence-of-art-and-collaborative-consumption-ermansk>. Watson, Hannah. "Meet the Bad Boy of the Art World: Brian Ermanski (VIDEO)." Web log post. Huffingtonpost.com. Ed. Constantin Bjerke. The Huffington Post, 1 Feb. 2012. Web. <http:// www.huffingtonpost.com/constantin-bjerke/meet-the-bab-boy-of-the-a_b_1243744.html>. Brian Ermanski Artist Profile. Perf. Brian Ermanski. Crane.tv. Crane.tv., 2012. Web. <http:// www.crane.tv/#video/v/211157094191-f4791456/Brian-Ermanski>. The New Gen Teaser. YouTube.com. Cranetv., 2012. Web. <http://www.youtube.com/watch? feature=player_detailpage&v=JZXXtE3uJsE>. Casadei, Marta. "Hogan & The Selby." Vogue.It. Vogue Italia, 5 Dec. 2011. Web. <http:// www.vogue.it/en/magazine/daily-news/2011/12/hogan-and-the-selby-new-website>. Future Roots: The Project. Perf. Brian Ermanski. Hogan. N.p., 2011. Web. <http:// www.hogan.com/en/future-roots/the-project>. Ermanski, Brian. ICE WALL. N.d. Artist's Studio. Hogan. 2011. Web. <http://www.hogan.com/en/ future-roots/photo-gallery/brian-ermanski#2>. BootsnAll. "9 Awesome Art Hotels Around The World (PHOTOS)." Web log post. huffingtonpost.com. The Huffington Post, 17 Nov. 2011. Web. <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ bootsnall/9-awesome-art-hotels-arou_b_1093786.html>. "Portrait of a Prince, on Elizabeth Street." Web log post. nyportraits.blogspot. Ed. Kitty. New York Portraits, 17 Oct. 2011. Web. <http://nyportraits.blogspot.com/2011/10/portrait-of-prince-on- elizabeth-street.html>. “Taking Chances.” The Eye. Plum TV. 2011. Film. "Brian Ermanski: Déjà Vu." Rev. of Brian Ermanski by Jrcreativeink. Web log post. jrcreativeink. The Ink Well, 22 Apr. 2011. Web. <http://jrcreativeink.wordpress.com/2011/04/22/brian- ermanski-deja-vu/>. Dunaway, Michael. "Catching Up With... Paul Stone on The Prince of Elizabeth Street and The Boombox Project." PasteMagazine.com. Paste Media Group, Mar. 2011. Web. <http:// www.pastemagazine.com/articles/2011/03/interview-paul-stone-on-the-prince-of-elizabeth- st.html>. Ermanski, Brian. Linda Vojtova. 2011. Private Collection, New York City. Glam. By Nola Weinstein. Glam Media, 8 Feb. 2011. Web. <http://blogs.glam.com/glamchic/2011/02/08/loving- linda-vojtova/>. Beckman, Janette. Ueno-Shokai Schott Japan L-R Artist. Oct. 2010. Photograph. Japan. JanetteBeckman. Web. <http://www.janettebeckman.com/ index.html#num=content-504&id=album-17>. Ermanski, Brian. "An American Prince." Interview by Derek Blasberg. VMan.com. V Magazine, 27 Aug. 2010. Web. Ermanski, Brian. "Sunday Matinee Brian Ermanski.......The Prince of Elizabeth Street." Interview by Mandana Towhidy. Web log post. nancyfashionfancy.blogspot.com. Nancy Girl, 25 July 2010. Web. <http://nancyfashionfancy.blogspot.com/2010/07/sunday-matinee-brian-ermanski-prince- of.html>. Ermanski, Brian. "Brian Ermanski: The Prince of Elizabeth." Interview by Steve Lewis. Blackbookmag.com. Goodnight Mr Lewis, 21 July 2010. Web. <http://staging- front1.bbm.atex.cniweb.net/good-night-mr-lewis-1.109/brian-ermanski-the-prince-of- elizabeth-1.38948>. Stanton, Brandon. 2010. Photograph. New York City. Humans of New York. 2010. Web. <http:// www.humansofnewyork.com/tagged/featured>. Yan, Cathy. "Interview Magazine Celebrates 40th Anniversary." Speak Easy. The Wall Street Journal, 10 Feb. 2010. Web. <http://blogs.wsj.com/speakeasy/tag/interview-magazine/>. Ziegbe, Mawuse. "INTERVIEW MAGAZINE Publisher Peter Brant: Interview Has Always Been "Very Edgy"" Web log post. NiteSide. NBC Universal Media, 10 Feb. 2010. Web. <http:// www.nbcnewyork.com/blogs/niteside/Publisher-Peter-Brant-On-Interview-Magazine-Publication- Has-A-Great-Spirit-83998472.html>. "Brian Ermanski- Downtown Dwelling Artist to Watch in 2010." Rev. of Brian Ermanski by Sky Farrell. Web log post. ViciousSkylicious. N.p., 31 Jan. 2010. Web. <http://viciousskylicious.com/ wordpress/?p=1271>. The Prince of Elizabeth Street. Dir. Paul Stone. Perf. Brian Ermanski. Nolita Films, 2009. Film. The Prince of Elizabeth Street. 2010. Web. <http://www.theprinceofelizabethstreet.com/>. Fisher, Mark. Brian Ermanski, New York Artist. 2009. Photograph. New York City. Mark Fisher American Photographer. 28 Nov. 2009. Web. <http:// markfisheramericanphotographer.blogspot.com/2009/11/brian-ermanski-new-york-artist.html>. Carrozzini, Francesco. Borsalino Ad Campaign Fall/Winter 2009 Shot #4. 2009. Photograph. Borsalino. My Fashion DataBase. Fall/Winter 2009. Web. <https://www.myfdb.com/campaigns/ 2782/image/61029-borsalino-ad-campaign-fall-winter-2009-shot-4>. Ermanski, Brian. 2009. New York City. BlackBook. By Nick Haramis. New York: BlackBook Media, Sept. 2009. 86-87. Print. Link for Editorial, New York City Itinerary: Hard Times with Paul Iacono, <http://www.blackbookmag.com/nightlife/new-york-city-itinerary-hard-times-with-paul- iacono-1.31716>. Beckman, Janette. Schott Leather Campaign 2009. Summer 2009. Photograph(s). New York. JanetteBeckman. Web. <http://www.janettebeckman.com/#num=content-574&id=album-17>. "Dos & Don'ts." Editorial. Vice 1 Mar. 2009: n. pag. Vice. Web. <http://www.vice.com/vice/dnd/ 2442>. Ermanski, Brian. N.d. Sean Avery. Nytimes. By Edward Lewine. The New York Times, 14 Oct. 2007. Web. <http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/14/magazine/14wwln-domains-t.html?_r=0>. Larocca, Amy, and Jake Chessum. New York Look Book: A Gallery of Street Fashion. Vol. 7. New York: Melcher Media, 2007. 7, 152-153. Print. Flint, Jared. “As they lay sleeping.” Nylon Guys. Summer 2007. 40. Print. Slonim, Jeffrey. "Never Board." Hamptons 15-21 June 2007: 52. Print. “52 Biennale Venezia, A World Wide Photo Tour in the Studios of the Major Artists." LʼUomo Vogue May-June 2007: n. pag. Print. "Art Battles." The Event. MTV. New York City, New York, May 2007. Television. Cast Details <http://www.mtv.com/shows/art_battles/cast_member.jhtml?personalityId=8718> and Event Video <http://www.mtv.com/videos/misc/152191/art-battles-the- event.jhtml#series=2216&seriesId=23031&channelId=1&id=1560723>. Art Battles: Brian Ermanski's Profile. Perf. Brian Ermanski. MTV. Viacom, May 2007. Web. <http://www.mtv.com/videos/misc/152218/video-profile-brian-ermanski.jhtml>. Ermanski, Brian. N.d. Lamgelinaoly. By Oly. Blogger, 9 Feb. 2007. Web. <http:// lamgelinaoly.blogspot.com/2007/02/intriguing-new-gallery-in-soho.html>. "Dos & Don'ts." Editorial. Vice 1 Feb. 2007: 76. Vice. Web. <http://www.viceland.com/at/dd.php? id=704>. Vogue Sport. Advertisement. LʼUomo Vogue Jan. 2007: n. pag. Print. Hughes, Josh Amatore. "Creating Chaos: Mastering the Kung-Fu of Punk Shui." Animal July 2006: 42. Print. Hughes, Josh Amatore. Punk Shui: Home Design for Anarchists. New York: Three Rivers, 2006. 76-78, 135, 225-226, 238. Print. Ermanski, Brian. 2006. Street Art. Crosby Street in Soho. Nytimes. Photographed by Patrick Andrade. The New York Times, 29 June 2006. Web. <http://query.nytimes.com/gst/ fullpage.html?res=9400EFDE1430F93AA15755C0A9609C8B63>. "Brian Ermanski, Resaler." Interview by Amy Larocca. New York 23 Jan. 2006: 63. Nymag. Web. 14 Jan. 2006. <http://nymag.com/nymetro/shopping/fashion/columns/look/15538/>. Cochran, Sam, Jessica Suarez, and Matthew Schneier. "Looking at the Look Book." Web log comment. Gawker. Ed. Jessica Suarez. Gawker Media, 17 Jan. 2006. Web. <http://gawker.com/ 149131/looking-at-the-look-book>. Tucker, Annie. "Hotel California." Juxtapoz Nov.-Dec. 2005: 43-47. Print. "Dos & Don'ts." Editorial. Vice 1 Sept. 2005: 74. Vice. Web. <http://www.vice.com/read/dos- donts-v12n9>. Talaie, Ramin. "The Party's on the Best Sidewalks of New York." Nytimes. The New York Times, 28 Aug. 2005. Web. <http://www.nytimes.com/2005/08/28/fashion/sundaystyles/28stoop.html? pagewanted=all>. "Painted Rooms: Brian Ermanski." Sfhoteldesarts.com Hotel Des Arts, 2005. Web. <http:// www.sfhoteldesarts.com/pr506.php>. Howard, Rachel. "If Hotel Walls Could Speak? In This Case, They Do. Guests Can Brush up against Original Artwork at San Francisco Inn. SFGate. San Francisco Chronicle, 13 Aug. 2005. Web. <http://www.sfgate.com/entertainment/article/If-hotel-walls-could-speak-In-this-case- they-2648467.php#photo-2127793>. Klein, Debra A. "Hotel Rooms Where the Art Is the Walls, Not on Them." Nytimes. The New York Times, 10 July 2005. Web. <http://www.nytimes.com/2005/07/10/travel/10advart.html?_r=0>. Heiss, Janice J. "Celebrating Java Technology Through Art." Java 29 June 2005: 5. Oracle. Web. <http://weblogs.java.net/blog/hiheiss/archive/2005/06/celebrating_jav.html>.
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