3 ·1. HEUSER, HERMAN JOSEPH, D.D. PAPERS. 1872-1933· Box Folder S-I: Letters to Heuser: l l A-B [l] Aertnys, Rev. Joseph, C.S.R. 2 items. Wittem, Holland, Dec. 7, 1889 [in German] and July 24, 1893 [In Latin] [2] Agatha, Sr. M. 3 items. Lincoln, Nebraska, and [Convent News]. [3] Agnes Mary, Sr. 3 items. St. Joseph's Convent, Sea Isle, and Mater Miseracordia, Merion, July, 1922- Aug., 1924. [Greetings and thanks for remembrance] [4] Agins, Thomas J., S.G. Dublin [Ireland] March 21, 1920. [Encloses article, "Some Pathological States of Conscience."] [5] Aiken, Charles F., Dean of the Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. 4 items. Washington, Feb., 1919 -Aug., 1922. [Declines to write article; observes the independent discovery of similar ideas; discusses enclosed article, "Buddhist Legends and Christian Thought."] [6] Albert, Sister Mary, S.N.D. St Catherine's, Wash­ ington, D.C. [n.d.] Requests information on life and writ­ ings of Louise Imogen Guiney] 2 [ 1] Albright, Ruth N. 14 i terns. The American School of Oriental Research, Jerusalem; Columbus, Ohio, and Baltimore, Md., Oct., 1925- June 1930. [Requests funds for Convent; describes conditions and work; speaks of meaning of service; sends poem on Calvary~ 3 [.1] Alerding, H.J ., Bp. of Fort Wayne, Ind. 2 items. In­ diana, Jan. 25, and Feb. 17, 1911. [Replies favorably to idea of Annual Christmas gift from all U.S. priests to Pope; requests guidance in dealing with priest who has received honorary canonship in Greek Orthodox Church and is very puffed up about it] [?] Alexander, H.B. Columbia U., N.Y., July 30, 1919. [Thanks for appreciation of "Letters to Teachers;" dis,­ cusses Revised and King James Version of Bible as superior to Modern English Version] [3] Allen, Edward P., Bp. of Mo ile, Ala. 3 items. June 7 and 25, 1897, and Jan. 30, 1911. [Praises Ecclesias­ tical Review; says priests in his diocese do not get the Christmas collection, so cannot contribute to fund for Pope] [~}~ Almedingen, Princess E.M. London, Eng., Jan. 2, 1923. 4 1. HEUSER, HERMAN JOSEPH, D.D. PAPERS. 1872-1933· Box Folder S-I: Letters to Heuser: A-B Continued l 3 [Submits article, "The Spirit of Russia in its Catholic Expression."] [51_ Alysia, Mother M. 6 items. Convent of Our Lady of Good Counsel, White Plains, N.Y., Oct., 1913- June, 1921. [Discusses publication of biography of Mother Foundress of Convent; Heuser's book, The Divine Friend; thanks for agreeing to review Rules and Constitution of Convent] [6}:, Ambrose, M.M. Mater Misericordia, Merion, Fa., Feb. 20, 1933. linvites to Sea Isle] ['fr Ananias Thomas, Bro. 2 items. New York Catholic Protectory, West Chester, N.Y., Oct. 9 and 18, 1889. [Thanks for gift to boys in print shop who work on Amer. Eccl ..Rev.] [B.f Ancilla, Sr. M., Ass. 3 i terns. Convent of Divine Love, Phila., Nov., 1921- Jan., 1922. [In German] [~.~,,I Appeltern, Victoriusab, O.F.M. Cap. litem. Flanders, Holland. Sept. 3, 1902. [In French] [lQJ Aquin, Sr. M. 2 items. Mater Misericordia, Merion, Pa., May, 1922-1924. [Statement of mutual support; friendly greetings] [l~J Arens, B., S .J. Palkenburg, Holland, Oct., 1921. [In Dutch] [l~] Arts, Capt. Rev. Jos., R.C. Chaplain, Canadian Army. St. Mary's College Rectory, Monroe, Michigan, March 14, 1920. [Asks for help in clarifying position as Chaplain, his cleri­ cal duties and rights, and also help in personal opposition and accusations] [l~] Assisium, Sr. M. 22 items. Mt. St. Joseph Convent, Chestnut Hill, Phila., 1904-1932, [Discusses French book published by Heuser; thanksd his for books and a painting he did; sympathizes on M. Hildegarde's death [Heuser's sister]; sends copy of Constitution of her Order, as revised to go to Rome; asks his approval and that he correct covering letter to go with Constitution; later, tells of approval of Canst.] 5 1. HEUSER, HERMAN JOSEPH, D.D. PAPERS. 1872-1933· Box Folder S-I: Letters to Heuser: 1 4 A-:3 Continued [1~~ Audsley, G.A., British architect. 22 items, 1 enclo­ sure. New York, East Orange, N.J., London, Eng., Newark, N.J., London, Eng., Newark, N.J., 1902-1915. [Speaks of own works on Catholic Church architecture, including books on organ building, illuminating, the Symbolism and Icono­ graphy of Catholic ArtL etc.; requests recommendation for building Church in Norristown; etc., etc. Also filed here: printed list of Audley's works and autographed typescript copy of work, "Description of Cathedral of St. Mary, Queen of Heaven."] 5 [yJ] Azari<l:s, Br. 18 items. De La Salle Institute, N.Y. , 1889-1891. [Sends copy of his Development of Old English Thought; discusses articles he is publishing in AER] 6 ["l]:l Baart., Rev. P.A. 2 items [1 enclsure] Marshall, Mich., May, 1899 -Feb., 1900. [Sends book, Legal Formularyl, 3rd. ed.; encloses comment on "Holy Oils Sent by Express"] [;tJ_,J Balasaiu, S. Joseph, C .P. 6 items. Madras, India. 1902-1916 [Thanks for donations; mentions war,] C:W)l] Baldus, A.A. Cincinnati, Ohio, May 1,1905. [Sends pamphlet, Tolle LegeL for criticism; says the start of publication of Men and Women, only a start of great influ­ ence favorable to Catholic Church] [~:4] Baldwin, E .F., archi teet. 3 items. Baltimore, Md., June-July, 1889. [Sends working drawings of Catholic Univ­ ersity] CC:5J Baldwin, Thomas P. 3 items., 1 enclosure. Horsham, Eng., March, 1921- June, 1922. [Mainly discussion of articles to be published and their controversial points] 7 [[::}.>~1 Baptist, Sr. J. da, Prioress. St. Mary's Priory, Torquay, Eng. July 7, 1908. [Anticipates visit] LB?J Baptista, M. 2 items [In German] Convento del Di~ vino Amor, Lipa, Batangas, P.I., March 12 and Nov. 27, 1924. [~] Barr, Charles, Asst. Librarian, Yale U. Library. New Haven, Conn., Oct. 25, 1923. [Agreement of receprocity between Yale Reveiw and Ecclesiastical Review] 6 1. HEUSER, HERMAN JOSEPH, D.D. PAPERS. 1872-1933· Box Folder S-I: Letters to Heuser: l 7 A-B Continued ~}; Barrett, Timothy. Woodstock College, Maryland, May 4, 1916. [Thanks Heuser for good review of book he has edited; asks for copy of Heuser's book, The Life of Canon Sheehan] [SJ= Barry, Fr. Alfred. 4 items. Church of St. John the Baptist, New York, May-July, 1922. [Will lecture on Fran­ ciscan topic; sends two items for publication, one a review of Bossuet] [~J.,1 Harry, Thomas L. 3 items. Catholic U., Washington, May, 1900-April, 1902. [Submits article, "An Apology for Apologetics," [rejected], and offers, "Public Libraries and Catholic Literature."] rn:1: Barry, William. 3 items. St. Peter's Leamington, and Dorchester, Wallingford, Eng., Nov., 1902- Oct., 1908. [Offers to do article on Church History; introduces French writer, Abbe' Ernest Dimnet; wishes to publish "Reminiscences" in AER] [8] Bartagli, Nataly l item. Rome, Italy [In Latin] July 18, 1891. [9] Bartolo, Canon Salvatore Di. Palermo, Ap±il l, 1891. [Asks for AER,mar., 1891, co:q.taining article, "Theological Minimizing ••. ;" encloses calling card] [10] Beaven, Thomas D., Bp. of Springfield. Springfield, Mass., Oct. 3, 1897. [Appreciates AER] [ll] Becher, Thomas D., Bp. of Savannah. Savannah, Ga., June 17, 1897. [Appreciates AER] [12] Bede, Fr., O.S.B. St. Mary's Hospital, Evansville, Ind., Oct. 3, 1931. [Thanks for spiritual guidance and kindness] [13] Bees Wax [Subject] A. Alverson, L. Office of Su~t. of Documents, Washington, D.C., Feb. 18, 1921. [Encloses article on paraffin] B. Beinlein, George. Padres Redentoristas, Mayaguez, P.R., March 15, 1921. [Encloses sample of beeswax and gives cost information] 7 1. HEUSER, HERMAN JOSEPH, D.D. PAPERS. 1872-1933· Box Folder S-I: Letters to Heuser: l 7 [14] Belford, John [H.?] Brooklyn, N.Y., Sept. 6, 1902. [Congratulates on article, ~catholic Journalism and the Friar Question," which he is planning to send to Pres. Roosevelt] [15] Bellesheim, A. Aachen [Germany, n.d.] [In German, with typescript copy] [16] Bellard, James, .up. of Mileois. 2 items. Nazareth House, Southend-on-Sea, Eng., April 9 and June 24, 1905. [2 articles for AER,on "Sacrifice"; tells of illness; 2nd letter informs of Bishop's death] [17] Benedicta, Sr. 6 items [In German] Oct., 1922 -Aug. 1925, Dec., 1932. [18] Benson, R. Hugh. 2 items. The Catholic Rectory, Cambridge, E'ng., Dec. 21 [n .d.] Letter and copy. [Sends paper for publication] 2nd letter: Buntingford, Eng. Jan. 29, [n.d.] [Argues against adopting vernacular.] 8 [l] Benziger Bros., Publishers. 48 items. New York, 1889-1930. [Concerns publishing, --- drafts, contracts, editing, revisions, royalties, legalities, review of books in print] 9 [l] Benzing, Novatus, O.F.M. Franciscan Residence, Phoenix, Ariz., May 9, 1900. [Acknowledges receipt of check] [2] Berchman, Mother Mary. 3 items. School of the Holy Child, Suffern, N.Y., June-July, 1929. [Concern efforts to obtain beatification of Mother Mary Walburga, foundress of Order] [3] Bertram, A., Cardinal. 2 items. Breslau [Germany] Oct. 2, 1923, and Oct. 17, 1925. [In German] [4] Betten, Francis S., S.J. John Carroll U., Cleveland, Ohio, Jan. 2, 1925. [Asks for petition from faculty of St. Charles Seminary to Pope, to have Bl. Peter Canisius de­ clared a Doctor of the Dhurch, as well as a Saint] [5] Bewerunge, H. 2 items. St. Patrick's College, Maynooth [Eng.?] Dec. 19, 1905 and Jan. 27, 1906. [Thanks for check for article to appear in Church Music] 8 1. HEUSER, HERMAN JOSEPH, D.D. PAPERS. l872-l9JJ. Box Folder S-I: Letters to Heuser: l 9 [6] Bickerstaffe-Drew, Monsignor [Francis] [John Ayscough, pseud.], Author and lecturer. 10 items. Salisbury, Eng., and New York City, 1912-1919.
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