BANK REGISTER. Ii.utd Wttklj, EntMtd u S«ond-ClMi MatUr at thr Poit- VOLUME XLV. NO. 31. offlc at Bed Bimk, K. 1.. under the Act of Hareh td, 187». RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1923, $1.50 Per Year. PAGES 1 TO 10. SALARIES STAY PUT. ODD FALLOWS' OFFICERS. OVER r BANKS. WANTS $50,000 DAMAGES. Holmdel School Board and Commit- WOMAN'S CLUB MUSICALE. Installation and a Clam Chowder TWO FIRES IN ONE NIGHT. Second National Bank of Red Bank LEONARDO SCHOOL WINS. tee Mike No Changes. ., Leads County. Maiika in Deposits. JOHN HI FOSTER SAYS HE "WAS FINE ENTERTAINMENT GIVEN Feast Last Week. MUCH DAMAGE DONE "AND The Holmdcl township board of ed- The newly elected officers of'Nave- A . A 'gain of 54,(H/i,i)i1U.r>8 in ncpoa- MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP BOYS FALSELY ACCUSED. catlon met last week and discuBaed AT THE 3APTIST CHURCH. sink lodge «f Odd Follows of Red MAN'S ARM BROKEN! its wtis made year in .tho 'banks MAKE A GREAT RECORD. ' He H». Started a Suit In ihe New Uie salary of Alex L. McClees, the Bank were .installed last week by A. of . Monmouth county. Thrhe t"UiUtotal Th CovcTed Them.*.™, and Their del k l le Musictle La>« Thursday Night The Fires Were in the Waiting Room Jer.»y Suprem. Court Against the j ' °J ' board. Some time ap ci- W. Conard of Anchor lodge of Atjan- amount of deposits thC 001 onu: f thc Well Attended and Much AAppreci- and Store of Ides Bros, and in a ,^ | fu I ' S'" WWiti h Glory , by Outdoing- Wliel.n-Cas.idy Company, . Hit ? " Im'gest taxpayers of the ated—Gift of a Baton to Kather- tic Highlands, who is district deputy Combination Store and Dwelling 1921 was $41,075,244.67 and tho dc- • Every Other 3choo) in the AKricuI- Former Employers. township sent a ppetition to the board ine Throckmorton. grand master. The officers are: on Beech Street. posits in the county banki)7 san atd ththoe ended j\ tural Judging Events at Trenton. ki tht M MCl' l b Noble ifrunii—Elwii'i K. Ivinst, of 1»22 amounted to $<ir>,()90",;i(l4.25;' John H. Foster has Btarted a suit sg that Mr. McClees's salary be Tho Baptist church at Red Bank Vice noble ifrantJ- I. -VJ Morris. The firemen of Fled Rank got niighty j In th" "mten'ohobistic judging con- reduced. At 1ant wcek'B meeting it lU-ccmtlnH secrettir;- ClitTonl Huljliat/1. The Second national bank of- Ked in the supreme court of" New Jeiney was filled with a large gathering last littltie .slee.steep last Wednesday 'nightnilfJi . j Billlli ]u;luU the Hst with deposits-of I testtost.-* : aatt ITrento rentonn hinhintt woowee*k tinthe- ropre- against the Whelan-Caisidy corpora- was decided to defer action on the Thursday night when tile music de- Financial secretuo—CIi nrWn A. Kruhe, They mutter until June, at whiclTtime all TreiiHUri-T—Geono- 1 . ley wore fighting hrc.f nearly all•,.- ,,hl)•o4.j,r,a. Thi. deposits -and the ' sentatrves of tVie Lcominlo IIKI-ICU - tion for $60,000, Mr. Foster waR un- partment of the Woman's club gave Warden—GeorKe 'I'. IJavison. night?ht. Aliout one' o'clock lire'irokflj^j. a|](1 discounU ()f the ' county: i-"™! school wonahrrtt lilac- m poul- til recently employed as a clerk in salaries within the control of the a muslcale, The affair was under Conduct"!—John Oh in«. out iin the second story of the build- | . | , j ,,f i<>.> . , f i. try judging, first jfjlacc in swine judg- -ffhool board will be fixed. Pait noble leratul—Slutli'y Hruwn. u ks t 1( tM1( r ir( us o the Red Bank drug store of the Whe- the direction of Kutherine Throck- ingi on West Kront street, near " '!]ows. * in(», second-placplace in jui\g'utv, potatoes .Some time ago the Holmdel town- ton, who is chairman of tho music, Outride' )[ll»r<ll«lv--Klnn-1- K. Carlilc. ..' low> lan-Cussidy company. The company ship committee received a similar pe- Inside Kimrdi&n—-I-.'.hvurtl OttlliKt-r. fountain, usedJ bl y IdeT s liros. * ami hoimiable mentioi n 'in judginl g owns u chain of stores at various department ami its great success' store and waiting room. Jacob and coi ii and dairy cattle.. Thiji gn-vc tha tition with regard to Mr. McClees'a brought many compliments and con- KlKnt supporter of noble jrranil—I'rtinli J. S'iciin'I National. Ri-il Hunk 1 - plucL'n and it bought Its Red Bank salary as assessor. Th i Joseph Ides, the proprietors, of the Aal'iivy . I'ii'k I-till Oi'f-nt Leonardo hoys a higher liveru^o. than business lust summer from James • • •• ' "t 3.eft «upport«r ot n»l>le jrram!—William C. business,, live on the second floor qt; .Grim- Bank .... ... - • . the represH'nUitiveB of tiny other ; •Cooper. Mr. Foster is now living at Wolcott. , the bujlding. : Itiirht supporter of VJCL- noW« Kroriil—Ja- Hell Hnn\i Tni'.l f'u .*. school in the contests ami for this New York. _ , wifl make no fe, A tp Woman's club yhia Clayt*"'/!. • • "When the tire broke out Jacob Ides 1.KIIK lln.iu-h- Tru-.t t's» they received thc grand.. chiirnpipn The lawsuit is the outgrowth of on sensor is to be elected next fall andJI chorus Dr. Helen F. Gibson present- .Left HL^pmter of \ki~ rioMe Kritml—John was downstairs in tho store arranging AtflJuly 1'iirl. Tni-t. r ' . sweepstakes cup. ' Afl.t'r a scho.ol has 'incident which Mr. Foster alleges oc- ed to Mrs. ThrockmprtoD a mahog- McCollf.in. < (•ilb.-na • Nnti.lii.il, U.n those who favor a reduced salary say Rixht seine Bupportop— Millard Fillmore to close up for the night. Joseph was Brnni-li ; woii Wiis cup throe time.-; it becomes curred On December 22d. The store, theth y wililll havh e oppositioiti n fof r MrM !M Me-1 f n* , aml * """'I buU>" Wlt,h ailver Tetley. asleep upstairs ami he was awakened Limit llranth BaikmIlaiikinyv 'CCoi . < tho property of Iho school. This of the Whelan-Casstdy company had The gift was a complete sur- Ltyft scene aupport'-r—Pun Wilcox. by the crackling of the, ilnmes. The Klre Niitumul, IW championship cup and the three other ees both at thc primary and at the " "Tru»tce»—Edward Otlinirer, Giorae T. Hunk 1.72! .CIH2.II 1 been robbed a few days previous and election. '. irise lo the recipient. She expressed [lltvison. Amo< S. Buptati. building was on fire'near the chim- Fi holil tti')r)7^i: cup* will 1)0 oxhibi^fd at the office of ubout $30 was taken. Mr. Foster .er thanks arid said that words.failed AuditinK committ.!(J—Jupliia Cluyton, ney, and it is thought that the blaze The..Register;-• No other .school won gays the company sent two detec- her to describe the deep appreciation rioorirr Spinning. Frank .1. Crondr. was caused by soot'getting afire-in us nuiny cups. WIPED.OFF THE RECORDS. which she felt for the whole-hearted Visitlnii committee—Stonlej. llrown, Wil- Kiritt N'ntiimul. Spfiii ttives to Red Bank to investigatg e the Edward Oitinwr. the chimney. Soft coal had been Ki'ypnVT njLiikir The Leonardo boys in the contests robberbb y and that ththe falsely accused and able support she had received Ham Iiittli National Frvi' falsely accused Parent, of Four Small Boy. Make a i and used for fuel for several weeks. iwcro Kdward Bennett, IMiiuld (Jros- him of being a thie thereby injur- Successful Appeal. from the chorus, Denton Bastow and SpinningWi< ow,r ChKrle» A. Trnke, Japhia Cla/ton. The fire was under groat headway singi-r and John Okt-lfw, who jiKlgeti others. Mrs. Throckmorton received and mmitUe—QIHTord Fur-mors' National. All,.nt l.vfid.l 1.1.17 poultry; Matthew Schmi.dt, I'lifford Hubbard, FedFred'Oakli-yy , Edwurir l Littlu, Wil- when Joseph Ides discovered it. The First -Nntiotinl, Helmai- .. l.^O.'i.OT.O.KI) number of other testimonial gifts, HHa m TrucxT , Jr.J , , EEdwnrEddd OltinRCrOltiC . room was Boon filled with smoke. Mr. Karmt'i-H'iir.il iMi-rfhiim* li Cooper and Ttcvonian Crawford, who including boquets from the club and FinancFi e cocommittt'i'—m ttA SS. Doraen, Ides ,awakened Mrs. Jacob Ides and Matniviiii J; judged sWinc; Milton Dennett,'How-. om friends. (!eori?e T. Davison, Edwaul OttitiKeri . her two children arid all four barely 1'lral. National, FriM-holil I ard Chamberlain ami rMwnrd Ben- The first part of ..the pi'Ogram...am- After the ceremunies there was a had time to get downstairs Out of I Atlnnti. ."iiiKhllili-u"' Nat!'"' a nett, who judged dairy oiittlo; and sisted of several solos by Dcnton Bas- social hour and a clam chowder feast IVunliM Kiitiiiiiiil. K i-yp'jit. ;' Clifford Cooper, Daniel Hen.drickson harm'B way. They did not have time u:m Nntl" il"l low, who is a' New Yor- k tenor. He provided by Edward Little, William to'drew. Jacob Ides undertook to no IVnlrn N)iti( al. I'f. j.'and Edward Bcnnt'tt, who judged m- :laas in vocal; Tru,e3<, Jr., Fred Oakley and Lewis | upstairs to save some of the furni- N. J. MnrlK.w mi T corn. -, _ ' _ lln tent of the action tuken against him . culture at Red Bank and he W.
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