INE FOR MUSIC LISTENERS 'AUGUST 60 CENTS High othlcliüj jazz pianists A DISCOGRAPHY BY JOHN S. WILSON www.americanradiohistory.com 1 11 OliKeima;ik/zÌvéce Audiotape on the new C -Slot reel provides easiest threading and finest reproduction Just drop the tape into the slot and start have been eliminated - including those on your recorder; that's all there is to it the inner surface where so much tape abra- sion takes place on ordinary reels. With Audiotape's amazing new C -Slot reel, the tape -end anchors itself automat- Ask your dealer for a demonstration of ically. There's no need to keep one finger on the C -Slot reel. It's now standard on all the tape and turn the reel by hand. No more 7 -inch reels of Audiotape, at no extra cost. loose ends of tape to stick up and break off. At the same time, listen to Audiotape's su- perb quality of sound reproduction. It's the In addition, the C -Slot reel provides the finest magnetic recording tape made today. ultimate in strong, non -warping construc- tion. And, it eliminates wear and tear on You can't get a better combination than the tape. Through the use of the most Audiotape on the C -Slot reel. modern molding techniques, all sharp edges In Hollywood: 840 N. Fairfax Ave. In Chicago: 5428 Milwaukee Ave. TUC! MAW Export Dept.: 13 East 40th St.,N.Y.16,N.Y. AUDIO DEVICES, INC., 444 Madison Ave., New York 44, N.Y. Cables " ARTAR" www.americanradiohistory.com DU-300 DU-201 ptHI-FI PERFORMANCE ...IN Smalli PACKAGES Jensen Duette and Contemporary models are the greatest values in hi -fi loudspeaker history! Nowhere will you find so much performance at such a low cost ... nowhere can you get such fine reproduction in so little space. These authentic hi -fi reproducers are full 2 -way and 3 -way systems with special heavy -duty 8" woofer in specially de- signed enclosures for best bass response. High frequencies are reproduced by a Hypex* horn loaded compression driver tweeter (plus Hypex horn loaded compression driver super - tweeter in the CN -83 system). You'll need to listen to fully appreciate the outstandingly smooth, clean, finely balanced hi -fi sound. We think you'll be pleased with the trim styling and fine finishes. Ask your dealer about Jensen Duette and Contemporary now. TrM Reg. Due1L Speaker Systems DU -201 Duette 2 -way system. Pigskin grained Burgandy Fabrikoid finished Cabinet. Sizes 11" H.; 231/4" W.; 10" D. Net Price 562.50 DU -300 Duette "Treasure Chest' 2 -way system. Choice of genuine Blonde Oak or Mahogany veneers. Size 11" H.: 231" W.; 10" D. Net Price 576.50 Wrought iron leg set 4.25 Contemporary Speaker Systems CN -e2 Contemporary 2 -way system. Selected Mahogany. Net Price $88.75 Blonde Oak. Net Price 89.75 CN -63 Contemporary 3.way system Selected Mahogany. Net Price 5128.75 Blonde Oak. Net Price 129.75 Contemporary dimensions are: 241" H.: 19" W.; 121/8" D. CN82-CN-83 Write for Catalog 165-4 YOU CAN BUILD YOUR OWN ENCLOSURE If you want the fun of building your own hi -ft speaker system of your own selection, this Jensen Manual simplifies it for you. ensen Complete instructions (or free -standing or JMANUFACTURING C O M P A N Y built -in systems with simplified drawings, Division of The Muter Company parts lists, circuit and wiring diagrams. 6601 5. Laramie, Chicago 38, Illinois In Canada, topper Wire Products, Lid. Licensee Send 500 today for Jensen Manual 1060 AUGUST 1957 >; www.americanradiohistory.com /upa/vom s the s pickup with . UNEQUALLED FLEXIBILITY SINGLE OR DOUBLE PLAY STYLI EASILY REPLACED e NEW ANTI -HUM DESIGN o RUGGED CONSTRUCTION The only pickup... s you can custom tailor to fulfill all requirements for optimum, unequalled play -back performance of every record in your collection ONLY THE FLUX VALVE OFFERS ALL THESE SIGNIFICANT FEATURES: EXAMINE THESE EXCLUSIVE FEATURES: High compliance with low vibrating mass ... unex- celled transient response ... flat frequency response half mil single play well beyond both ends of audible frequency ... un- half mil -1 mil double play equalled definition and clarity, each instrument or half mil -21/2 mil double play voice is individually distinguishable ... complete 1 mil -2'/, mil double play absence of resonances in the audio frequency ...low plus: 1 mil single play overall distortion ... anti -hum design ... stylus 2'ií mil single play changing is easy; no tools ... hermetically sealed cartridge body. Enjoy a new listening pleasure and experience ... ask your dealer to demonstrate the Fluxvalve ... words cannot describe the difference ...but you will hear it! PICKERING t& CO., INC. O C E A N S I D E, N . Y. Professional Audio Components CJvrV /hie, 2UflU' eee>2 haz dOzeiée; Demonstrated and sold by Leading Radio Parts Distributors everywhere. For the one nearest you and for detailed literature: write Dept. H15Á. EXPORT. AD. AURIEMA, INC., 69 BROAD ST., NEW YORK / CANADA; CHARLES W. POINTON LTD.. 6 ALCINA AVE.. TORONTO 2 HIGH FIDELITY MAGAZINE www.americanradiohistory.com volume 7 number 8 The cover design, by Richard M. Powers, illustrates the discography, Jazz Pianists, by John S. Wilson A R T I C L E S Jazz in Musical Evolution 35 Dimitri Mitropoulos A famous conductor of the classics appraises a strictly modern art. John M. Conly The Beat Editor -A New Dimension 36 Henry Pleasants What is the magic Roland Galata ingredient that gives jazz its real Music Editor muri(al importance? Roy F. Allison Audio Editor Euterpe in the Parking Lot 39 Robert L. Schmitz A rambling Miriam D. Manning writer takes his muse with him-in d frailer. Managing Editor Joan Griff iths I Virtuosi di domani 42 Clemens Kalischer Associate Editor A photographic feature. J. Gordon Holt Technical Editor True or False? 44 J. Gordon Holt Lindstrom Roy A game of twenty questions about audio fact and ,fiction. Art Director Frances A. Newbury Manager, Book Division C. G. Burke R. D. Darrell R E P O R TS' James Hinton, Jr. Robert Charles Marsh Contributing Editors Music Makers 49 Roland Gelatt Charles Fowler Record Section 51 Publisher Records in Review; Warren B. Syer Jazz Pianists on Microgroove, Associate Publisher by John S. Wilson Claire N. Eddings 4dvortising Sales Manager The Tape Deck 75 R. D. Darrell Arthur J. Griffin Circulation Manager Books in Review 79 Tested in the Home 81 Topelone TV -Tons tuner; A D V E R T I S I N G Stephens wireless microphone; Main Office Pickering Fluevnlv pickup; Claire N. Eddings, The Publishing House Scott 240 power amplifier Greet Barrington, Mass. Telephone 1300. New York Bernard Covis, 280 Madison Ave. Letters 4 Notes from Abroad 15 Telephone: MUrray Hill 3.4449 or 3 -4450. Chicago John R. Rutherford 8 Associates, AUTHORitatively Speaking 18 Noted with Interest 20 Inc., 230 East Ohio St. Telephone: Whitehall 4 -6715 As the Editors See It 33 Professional Los Angeles Directory 92 Audio Forum 93 Brand 8 Brand, Inc., 6314 San Vicente Blvd. Telephone: Webster 8 -3971. Trader's Marketplace 95 Advertising Index 96 High Fidelity Magazine is published monthly by Audiocom, Inc., at Great Barrington, Mass. Telephone: Great Barrington 1300. Editorial, publication, and circulation offices at: The Publishing House, Great Barrington. Mass. Subscriptions: $6.00 per year in the United Stales and Canada. Single copies: 60 cents each. Editorial contributions will be welcomed by the editor. Payment for articles accepted will be arranged prior to publication. Unsolicited manuscripts should be accompanied by return postage. Entered as second -class matter April 27, 1951 at the post office at Great 3arrington, Mass., uncer the AUGUST 1957 act of March 3, 1879. Additional entry at the post office, Pittsfield, Mass. Member Audit Bureau of Circulation. Printed in the U. S. A. by the Ben Franklin Press, Pittsfield, Mass. Copyright 1957 by Audiocom, Inc. The cover design and contents of High Fidelity Magazine are fully protected by copyrights ono must not be reproduced in any manner. www.americanradiohistory.com Need a better AMPLIFIER? Choose from the STROM BERG -CARLSON matched line of components for C. G. Burke, Esq. perfection in SIR: Certainly it is nor for a one rime con- the future, too tributor, even though he be a long time subscriber, to tell you how to run your magazine. Neverrheless 1 have to report that The "Custom Four Hundred "® your May issue came as a great shock. line of audio components is From the dace of his first appearance equally attractive to the audio- in the third or fourth issue until the present, I chink there has not been phile who sets up a complete a single issue Of HIGH FIDELITY with - in one system operation, and the AE -426 PREAMPLIFIER Highest quality, self - our some words, and usually a great powered audio control center. Continuously vari- C. Burke. This issue has man who builds to eventual per- able record equalization, loudness compensation, many, by G. rumble suppression, tonal balance. Frequency re- none, and no mention of him, save the fection over the years. sponse 10 to 100,000 cps. ± 1 db. Tape output and input jacks. AC operated with DC on tube filaments. appearance of his name on rhe mast- Each component will stand on 3"x 14" x 8 ". $95.00 head. its own feet in any comparison Sir, I would have you know that Mr. Burke has been one of your maga- of performance and price. And zine's ornaments. Granted that his all our components are designed, prose is sometimes tortuous; at rimes matched to perfection and pro- it has been beautiful and quite above the common run.
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