.,------------ OREGON Sta~e Sys~em of Higher ~duca~ion BULLETIN , ~~,.,v. ',) • , /. ... / University of Oregon Medical School Catalog Issue 1941-42 Portland,OTegon .-----------i. UNIVI:RSITY OF ORI:GON MI:DICAL SCHOOL CATALOG 1941-42 PORTLAND, OREGON Table of Contents Page ORltGON STATE SYSn:M OF HIGHER EDUCATION 5 STAn: BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION............................................................................ 6 ADMINISTRATIvE OFFICERS, STAn: SySTEM.................................................................. 7 ACADEMIC CAUNDAR, 1941-42........................................................................................ 8 MEDICAl. SCHOOl. CAMPUS 10 MEDIC~ SCHOOl. FACUI.TY..•••...•............•••............•..........•..........•..............•••.•.........•...••• 11 THE MEDICAI. SCHoo!,.•••••....._.••••••.........•.•.........•...•......•....•...••..••...•......•.......•....•..•....•.•• 23 LOCAToN •.•.........•.....••.....................................•......•............•....•..••..•.........•....•.....•....•.......• 24 CAMPUS AND BUII.DINGS...•....•.........•..•...................•.............••...•..............•...•......•.•.•..•...• 24 CI.INICAI. AND SPECIAI. F ACtI.ITIES................................................................................ 25 LmRARY _.••.•••...............•...•...•••.••••••••••• 26 ADMISSION AND REQuiRltMENTS...•....•.•.......•••••••••.•••••••.••••••..•.•••••••••••••.•.•.•..••••••••••_.__ Zl SUMMER COURSES 29 FEES AND DEPOSITS..•••............•..........•.•...................•.,..................................................... 30 FEI.I.OWSHIPS, SCHOI.ARSHIPS, LOAN FUNDS, PRIZES....•.•........•..............................•. 31 ENDOWMENT FUNDS •......•.•.......•....•..•..........................••..............................•.......•.....•..... 32 STUDENT HEAI.TH •..•..•...•....•..•••.••••..•.........•••••_••••.•••.•_ _••••_••••_••• 33 FRATERNAl. AND HONOR SOCIETIES...•.••..•....•..••.._ 33 AI.UMNI ASSOCIATION 34 CURRICUI.UM IN MEDICINE........•.••...................•....•....•........•..............•......•....•.....••..•.••••• 34 COURSE-NUMBERING SYSTEM •••.................•...•••••.•...................................................••..•• 37 BASIC-SCIENCE DEPARTMENTS 38 Anatomy 38 Bacteriology, Hygiene, and Public Health _ 39 Biochemistry _ 40 Pathology 40 Pharmacology _ 41 Physiology 42 Military Science and Tactics 43 [ 3 ] :1 i 4 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON MEDICAL SCHOOL 1':1' II II II • II • _• ..-.-..-.. • .. II • II II II II II !it CLINICAL DEPARTMENTS 43 Medicine 43 Oregon State System Internal Medicine 43 of 1-1 ig her Education N eurology 46 Psychiatry 46 HE Oregon State System of Higher Education, as organ­ Tized in 1932 by the State Board of Higher Education fol­ Nutrition 47 lowing a Federal survey of higher education in Oregon, Dermatology and Syphilology 47 includes all the state-supported institutions of higher learning. Dental Medicine 47 The several institutions are now elements in an articulated sys­ tem, parts of an integrated whole. The educational program is Radiology :............................. 47 so organized as to distribute as widely as possible throughout Surgery ...............................................................•...................................................... 48 the state the opportunities for general education and to center General Surgery 48 on a particular campus specialized, technical, and professional curricula closely related to one another. Orthopaedic Surgery ......................................•............................................... 49 The institutions of the State System of Higher Education Ophthalmology ; 50 are the University of Oregon at Eugene, Oregon State College Otology, Rhinology, and Laryngology 50 at Corvallis, the Oregon College of Education at Monmouth, the Southern Oregon College of Education at Ashland, and Urology 51 the Eastern Oregon College of Education at La Grande. The Anaesthesiology ......................................................................•......................... 51 University of Oregon Medical School, located on a separate Obstetrics and Gynecology 52 campus in Portland, is administratively autonomous but tra­ ditionally and academically an integral part of the University of Obstetrics 52 Oregon. Gynecology 53 Each of the five institutions provides the general studies Pediatrics 54 fundamental to a well-rounded education. At the three colleges of education general and professional studies are combined in DEPARTMENT OF NURSING EDUCATION 55 the teacher-training curriculum. At the Southern Oregon Faculty 55 College of Education and the Eastern Oregon College of General Information 57 Education students who do not plan to become elementary school teachers may devote their time exclusively to lower­ Degree Curriculum in Nursing Education 59 division studies in the liberal arts and sciences. Graduate Curricula in Nursing Education 60 At the University and the State College two years of un­ Course-Numbering System 63 specialized work in liberal arts and sciences are provided on a parallel basis in the Lower Division. Beyond the lower­ Description of Courses............................................................................................ 63 division level the work of the two institutions is distinctly DEGREES CONFERRED JUNE 1941.....................................................•................................ 71 differentiated. At the University are centered the advanced ENROLLMENT 1940-41 72 curricula in the arts, letters, and social sciences, and the pro­ fessional schools resting on these fundamental fields of knowl­ SUMMARY OF ENROLLMI':NT AND DEGREES 1940-41.. 80 edge. At the State College are centered the advanced curricula INDI':XES 81 in the physical and biological sciences and the professional schools resting on these natural sciences. iii • • IF II II ~__ .............. [ 5 ] '-------~--------------------"l"'·!fIJ Oregon State System of I-ligher I:ducation Executive Officers State Board of I-Hgher Education FRtntRICK MAURIQ; HUNTER, Ed.D., LL.D., Chancellor Term WILLIAM JASPER KERR, D.Sc., LL.D., Chancellor Emeritus lbplra BlATRICE WAI,TON SACKltTT, Marshfield.....•.•1942 DONALD Mrr,TON ERB, Ph.D. FRANK LLEWEI,LYN BALLARD, B.S. President, Upiversity of Oregon President, Oregon State College C. A. BRAND, Roseburg...........•........................1943 RICHARD BENJAMIN DILLEHUNT, M.D. CHARLES ABNER HOWARD, M.A, LL.D. Dean, University of Oregon Medical President, Oregon College of Edu- E. C. SAMMONS, Portland...........•....................1944 School cation ROBERT W. RUHL, Medford.......••...................1945 WALTER REDFORD, Ph.D. ROBEN JOHN MAASKE, Ph.D. President, Southern Oregon College President, Eastern Oregon College EDGAR W. SMITH, Portland........•.....................1946 of Education of Education WILLARD L. MARKS, Albany 1947 Deans and Directors* R. C. GROlSBlCK, Klamath Fa1ls 1948 ERIC Wrr,LIAM AI,LEN, AB Dean and Director of Journalism MAC HOKl, Pendleton 1949 HERBERT ARNOLD BORK, M.S., C.P.A Comptroller CLARENCE VALENTINE BOYER, Ph.D Dean and Director of Arts and Letters R. E. KLlINSORGl, Silverton 1950 CHARLES DAVID BYRNE, Ed.D Director of Information VERNE VINCENT CALDWELL, Ph.D Dean and Director of General Extension RICHARD HAROLD DEARBORN, A.B., E.E Dean and Director of OFFICERS Engineering and Industrial Arts RICHARD BENJAMIN DILLEHUNT, M.D Dean and Director of Medicine; WILLARD L. MARKS President Director of Health Services JAMES HENRY GILBERT, Ph.D Dean and Director of Social Science BlATRICE WALTON SACKlTT Vice-President FRANCOIS ARCHmALD GILFII,LAN, Ph.D Dean and Director of Science CHARLES ABNER HOWARD, M.A., LL.D Director of Elementary EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Teacher Training JAMES RALPH JEWEI.L, Ph.D., LL.D Dean of Education; Director of High WILLARD L. MARKS E. C. SAMMONS School Teacher Training THEODORE KRATT, Mus.M., Mus.D Dean and Director of Music BlATRICl WALTON SACKltTT OLOF LARSEI.L, Ph.D., Sc.D Dean and Director of Graduate Division ELI,IS FULLER LAWRENCE, M.S., F.A.I.A Dean and Director of Architecture and Allied Arts RALPH WALDO LEIGHTON, Ph.D Dean and Director of Physical Education FnDlRICK M. HUNTlR, Chancellor Lucy MAY LEWIS, AB., B.L.S Director of Libraries EARL GEORGE MASON, M.F Acting Dean and Director of Forestry CHARL!tS D. BYliNl, Secretary AVA BtRTHA MILAM, M.A Dean and Director of Home Economics VICTOR PIERPONT MORRIS, Ph.D Dean and Director of Business Administration WAYNE LYMAN MORSE, LL.B., J.D Dean and Director of Law EARL LtROY PACKARD, Ph.D Dean and Director of General Research Office of the State Board of Higher Education AI,FRE;D POWERS, A.B Dean and Director of Creative Writing and Publishing Wrr,I,IAM A!,FRED SCHOENFELD, M.B.A Dean and Director of Agriculture Eugene, Oregon MAHLON EI,LWOOD SMITH, Ph.D Dean and Director of Lower Division GENtvIEVE GRIFFITH TURNIPSEED, M.A Director of Dormitories AOOI,PH ZIEFU, M.S., Phar.D Dean and Director of Pharmacy • Each dean and director in this list is interinstitutional in function, and the chancellor'. principal adviser in his field. [7 ] [6 ] III • II .. II PI 'lit .E!1 l'l 194 1 ACADEMIC CALENDAR MEDICAL SCHOOL 1 942 June January SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 123 4 5 6 7 .•.•...• _.. ...• 1 2 3 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Spring Term, 1941-42 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Fall Term, 1941-42 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 29 30 ..........•......... 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 September 24 to 30, Wednesday to Tuesday Comprehensive examination
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