,' lr:t;i'.1 iro.'l - , i r.:. ; :,1:r-; llraii.; .!.:,,.:-t:,r.,.1 OFi'iCE OF i'HE ITNGINIiER IN ctI.{IEi.' WATER RESOURCES DEPAR'|MENT JAL SANSADHAN BHAWAN, TULSI NAGAR BHOPAL_462003 T el 07 5 5 -25 52646, 25 5287 8, F ax 07 5 5 -25 524A6 Email ID- encwrbpl [email protected] Dated: 18 tostzots To, a\ I s-/aoi8 1. The Member (R/M), 2. Member (C), Central Water Commission, Ganga Flood Control Commission. Seva Bhavan, puram, R.K. Sinchai Bhawan, 3'd Floor, New Delhi. Patna (Bihar) 3. Chief Engineer, 4. Chief Engineer, Western Railway, Central Railway, Church Gate, Chhatrapati Shivaji Termlnal, Mumbai (M.S.) Mumbai. 5. Chief Bridge Engineer, 6. Chief Engineer, West Central Railway, South East Central Rai Jabalpur (M.P.) B ilaspur (Chhattis garh) 7. Chief Engineer, g. Chief Engineer, Bridge Review Section, South Central Railway. South Eastern Railway, Work Branch, Rail Nil Garden Reach Road, Kolkatta Secundrabad 9. Director General, 10. Director/Commissioner. Forest Department, Panchayat, Bhopal. (M.P.) Krishi Bhawan, Tulsi ,Bhopal (M.P.) I 1. Engineer in Chief, 12. Engineer in Chief, P.W.D., Arera Hills, Bhopal P.H.E., Jal Bhawan, (M.P.) Banganga Road, Bhopal- 2003 (M.P.) 13. Chief Engineer, 14. ember (Engineering) BODHI, WRD, Bhopal (M.P.) Bhawan, Area ls, Bhopal (M.P.) 15. Director, 16. uty Director General Town And Country Planning Deptt., ional Meteorological Bhopal. (M.P.) , Nagpur-5(M.S.) 17. Secretary, 18. rector, Control Board for Major Projects, A iculture Department, Bhopal. (M.P.) B pal. (M.P.) 19. Chief Engineer, 20. ef Engineer, Narmada Tapti Basin, WRD, bal Betwa Basin. Indore. (M.P.) . (M.P ) 21. Chief Engineer, 22. Engineer, Wainganga Basin, WRD, Basin, WRD, Seoni. (M.P.) .(M.P.) 23. Chief Engineer, 24. ef Engineer, Dhasan Ken Basin,WRD, una Basin, WRD, Sagar: (M.P.) ior. (M,P.) 25. ChiefEngineer, 26, C Engineer, Raj ghat Canal Project,WRD, w Resources Datia. (lU P.) gabad. (M.P.) F:\NITIN\OFFICE FOLDER\SECTION 321\RAW MEENNG\61 TH RAW MEETING\61 RAW MEETI MINUTES LETTER-OT 17 Page 1 of 3 27. Dy. Secretary,, 28. Dir.ector, |,evenye Department, Mantralaya, Bhopai (M.p.) Irrigation Research, BODHI, WRD, Bhopal 29. Dy. Secretary, Urban 30. Chief Engineer, Administration and e-v_elonment, West Central Railwav. Mantralufa nnoput (M.P.)f Bhopal (M.p.) 31. Engineer, _Cnief Indira Sagar project, NVDA, Khandawa, (M.p.) 33. Chief Engineer, RABLSP, Bargi Hills, 34. The ChiefEngineer, . Jabalpur-(M.p.) Lov Narmada project, _CNVDA) Scheme No.74, Vrjay Nagar, Indore. (M.p 35. Director, 36. Project Director. Indian Meteorolo gical Department, Bhopal. (M.p.) 37. Director, Hydrometeorology Narmada Data Centre, Bhopal (M.p.) 9Pp". Zone, DA Bargi Hills, Jabalpur_4 l (M.P.) Subject: - Minutes of fhe 6l,t Meeting of State mittee of Engin rs regarding Railway Affecting and Other public orks for the State M.P. Refi - This Office Memo No. 3211357/M '/Rallway/2016 hopal Dated 13.04.2018 & 23.04.201 8 Kindly find enclosed herewith Minut of the 61't Committee mee g of State of Engineers of M.p for Railway Affect Works held on .05.2018, at Bhopal for necessary action please. Encl: - As above Superintending Engir r fMajor) Office of Engineer n-Chief Water Resources Bhopal F:\NITIN\OFFICETOLDER\SECTION 321\RAWMEFNNG\6lTHRAWMEETING\6lRAWMEETING-09-05-2018 NUIES LETTER-DT 17.05-2018. DOC Encl I\c. 321 1357/VIajcr/R aitway /2016 Bhopa!, Da /as/2075 Copy forwarded to:- lg 11 l. Addl. Chief Secretary, ls/18 GoMp, Water Resouroe Departme't, information please. Man ya, Bhopal for 2' commissioner, command Area Deveropment Authority, Kolar Road, vishvai wariya Bhopal (M p.) for information. Bhawan. t^ ,"T:"i::-.X,oloJ o gv, D ata c entre, 4.. #'shd fG Sunaiyal chi.l.il*"#;iiii:;,?,1ll.b^B h op ar, Engineer_ . l.r:Tces Department, nnopli, -Chief, Water 5' Shri Bharat Gosavi, chief E.rgin".. , o/o chief Engineer, Bhopal, DHI, Water 6.. 5:.1"y1-.r^p.pu1-ent,Shri A.K.Singhal, Srp;;;;ili;s Engineer 7. (sJorr.;, o/o E_in_c Shri A.K.Gupta, Executive F.noi,"oo. \r/^+^_ n , Bhopal, tve_ .-.rb'rvvr,Engineer, Wateryv.lLcr Resourcesr(esources information. DivisioDivisi Bhopal for t ,"f:? .t{anaeyr, O/o Engineer in *-' (M'P.) Chief, Wa Resources for uproading on d.purt-entar portal. ment, Bhopal. Encl: - As above eer (Major) -in-Chief Water Resources Bhopal F:\NlrlN\oFFIcEFoLDER\sEcrloN 321\RAWMEETING\GITHRAWMEETrNG\6IRAWMEErNG-09-0s-20lsMrNUrEsLErrER-DT17-os-zo18.Doc M tes of the 61't Meeti Engmee eof Rseardi Railwa Affecti Railw Sta 2ot The 61'tMeeting ofthe state committee Works of,Engineers forRail of M.p. was held on 09.05.t0il-* y Affecting ,n. meeting hall Area Development f Office of Authorit|, il, vaishwariya Chairmanship of Engineer in Chief, Wa Resources of the officers atteided th" Annexure_f. ;;e;,;, enclosed as The meeting started with the Officers welcome of all invitee officers. gave thelr bri"f i";;;;;;;;.". I tially all the ofncial ,dd,.*.:"";Tlir;:* telephone no,s and E-Mail ay Affecting Affecting Tanks and a Wc ksA.ailway Tanks. was har,.lp.t r..,o ting Works/Railw y Affecting Pointwise JT*#iffr:'* ting. discussion started with pow Note of 61', r point presentation as Meeting u, firirO UL-to.,_ r Agenda 1. The Minutes of the 60th Meeting of state committee of issued vide Engineer-in-Chief Eng eers were Water Resources Department 3211357 tl.cl M. ., letter no. Railway/2'r' Dated 13.05.2017 suggestions . No com ents and received from any of tn. -.-u"r.l the mir 60th meeting be confirmed. ""rr." tes of the 2. , Pipariya Damoh, yet to be chairman instructed that Joint Inspection from all Railway works/Railway Affecting Affecting Tanks be done before onset of mons every year. For this year Joint Inspection should be done before 31.05 report 2018 and should be sent to the chief Engineer, ws&F Froods, So Central Railway, Railnilyam, 5th Floor, Secunderabad for information r th a copy of same should be sent to the office of Engineer in chief, water Department, M.p. All repairing works shourd be done before 30.06.20rg and be SLCC before 15.07.201g. Fr\NITIN\oFFlcE FoLDER\sEcnoN 321\MW MEE'NG\61 TH RAw MEFIIN6\MrNUIrs oF 61 TH MEETTNG (FrNA.) - 1o-os-201s EDTTED 1s_0s_2o18.Docx 3. DLCC Meetins:_ Reports from Et B hop ar ..gu.ain jil:[ j"_::]:::: y.it1 e so urc e s Di vi s i n, Itarsi "^^^tved.^ rved' f and meetingmeeting shoulashould uhairrnanChairrnan instn,,.tinstruc bei^ that DLCC Rural 1'05'2018 and Engineering [ Executir Engineer ofor JilaJrla of attendIttend this meetinsmeet Panchayat alsoalsc inp znArah^r_anr,'ah^*^ be invited to 4. .86.2018. :nlil:j"+::#*ffi;'T[:'fi:*J::ffi : gn is under ent, suppried bv the BoDr Ra'wav a"n"'ii:lrtrcs not been Railway ;li:::JT'."ull date' This was Authorities. ap ised to the 5. thar near Sanchi on Bhopal_Bina "?:*jj:i;to,l"_,ed Rairw y line there ;;ffi'# * c .r s a : ::i; l}j:'Hl:::';ff":: il;:"j Ashok j:,,tr.:+T;'i1iil',';';",'i"ff ted Chief ffi;X;"::*t be submit;;; il::: ion and i.esources Department,'"'ii;uT;ii:fr: ;;?:: f Engineer 'T"ilff":.:"J Bhopal at 6. SuperintendingSltneri-+^- -::, the earliest. Engineer, WRD .,:;;;;';;;;;t *, grills in g o r c op i on Kri shn a ; tank ffi::?.",i;'l ITHT, ; h a s b e er fixed. No 7. ?,Zone,NvDA, ;:':1"1ffi;:? ylil:i;,l.TT Jlbarlur has rep Diversion;;;;, work has been j"ffi of Bargi fl"ffi .? Ra'way Arr.;; :ffi"*l uired. works ..po,t.d by him i:;:::;:; is en losed as 8. Chief Engineer, Dhasan Ken Basin, project Sagar informed Tarped of chhatalpr. that main anal of oi.oi"t. crosses rautpur_singrauli r^ Railway o ; r Main c anar c on crossing:,'J,:,ff_r"t work iri: to be:: :? : 1 :; s tru cti on f Canal done by the ii:,;;il:3ilrt"i.i has been deposited ,H:::: amount to the n"ffl""y Department. 9. Engineer, Mohanpura-Kundaliya, :lief Water Lineiill1:'J:'"-,Ti^i:,.-T:i#;'Kmrong*t'*#L'1T:13;i berween Bioara to Karanb^ ;ri; ; r:,lllfil#::ff Maksi .o,.I: e area r *,n Long rail rine diversion bridge$il:T"#::#"::1",..:'; & one no. minorfJar.;;;";;.ffi::.#ffi:; one n major Rs 192'00 crores t. has been a.i"rit.a by water Resources Den t Mlhannura Dam is to be fill this year, r shiftingsrurrmg of but Ra'wayRailway linerine and - ---lrrv urc;s c nstruction vu]nerabl.. tnforrrl ed that the of Con, said ]ine wil be Engine er dec.lared RaiRai I waywav has b ee' urt"d AuttA u th ori.,r; ti*eor"nl-'rt1t:.t, u. u.' to co rdinate oi" r"i o il-Jffi:,iil,|Hffi with can asked Railway Authorities l; be fiiled ;Hfiilchairman to take up the as early r0. Gauging and hansfer of data during nronsoon j_.0"0 of wRD, 3:"3,Tr:: ^ "_rucers N'DA &l ;'"*'ilil.,'Y-i ilways to ;:lT"f5T ": l^#. each other. ;.?ffi::,H:r'"frlnT Jii ;il:. Jr:iffi;:' It is "T:,',1 ;:T;;;'# Jj 15r'., une to 15tr fflli;:.T:* :111, :: ffi"T:.TT il:'trH:J*'.T.l'"*'i:::?,Gi'H--J;H"'3i::.[nT ts for ites of the be included ri::1ff:ffiT,.t,.;;;;;,;ilj:?:#il1,lTffiin the list. :: shall also is based onun therne Committee;:: of Er .
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