A Bibliography of Translations of Economic Literature to 1850 The Harvard community has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters Citation Carpenter, Kenneth E. 2017. A Bibliography of Translations of Economic Literature to 1850. Citable link http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:32307786 Terms of Use This article was downloaded from Harvard University’s DASH repository, and is made available under the terms and conditions applicable to Other Posted Material, as set forth at http:// nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:dash.current.terms-of- use#LAA Translators: R.E., E. G., 1695 trs. of Colbert. For the possibility that Roger l’Estrange is the R.E., see Br1932.10. DANISH to ENGLISH Da-E1771.1 [Bie, Jacob Christian] ca. 1738-1798 Philopatria’s Remarks, I. On the dear times, and decay of trade. II. On the courts of justice. III. On the revenues of the clergy. Written in Copenhagen Nov. 23, 1770, and published at request. [quotation in Latin and English] Translated from the original. St. Croix. Printed and sold by Daniel Thibou, MDCCLXXI. 1672 [iv], [5]-26 p. ; signed: π1 A-C8 D1 [i] half-title; [ii] blank; [1] title; [2] blank; [3-4] Preface; [5]-12 Section I. Of the dear times, and decay of trade; 12-16 Section II. Of courts of Justice; 17-22 Section III. Of the revenues of the clergy; 22-23 Wisdom’s fate; 23-25 Of the heart in Europe; 26 The complaint of the asses Translation of Philopatreias, trende Anmærkninger I. Om de dyre Tider og Handelens Svaghed. 2. Om Rettergang. 3. Om Geistlighedens Indkomster (Kiøbenhavn, 1770). This work was published shortly after Struensee abolished censorship on 14 September 1770. KBD *** DUTCH to ENGLISH A number of works appeared in Dutch and also in English, apparently printed in the Netherlands and without an indication of being a translation. Only those works printed in London or identified as being translations are included here, even if there is a Dutch original. Du-E1622.1 More excellent obseruations of the estate and affaires of Holland. In a discourse, shewing how necessarie and conuenient it is for their neighbouring countries, as well as the Netherland prouinces, to trade into the West Indies. ... Faithfully translated out of the Dutch copie Printed at London. y E. A[llde] for Nicholas Bourne and Thomas Archer, and are to be sold at their shops at the Exchange, and the Popes-head-Pallace 1 A translation of Missive daer in kortelijck ende grondigh werdt vertoont, hoe veel de Vereenighde Nederlanden gheleghen is aen de Oost ende West Indische navigatie, sometimes doubtfully attributed to Willem Usselincx. ESTC S104122. Kress* *** Du-E1672.1 Two letters, one from the States-General to His Most Christian Majesty, the other from His Most Christian Majesty to the States-General. Relating to the present conjuncture of affairs. With allowance. April 6. 1672. London: Printed for Jonathan Edwin, at the sign of the three roses in Ludgate-street. 1672. 7 p. ; A4 ; 30 cm. [1] title; [2] blank; 3-4 A letter from the States-General of the United Provinces, to His Most Christian Majesty; 5-7 The answer of His Most Christian Majesty to the precedent letter from the States-General There are other editions: Dublin, ESTC R180869; Edinburgh, ESTC R223310; but they are not recorded in this bibliography. ESTC R28722. Kress *** Du-E1687.1 A justification of the directors of the Netherlands East Indie Company. As it was delivered over unto the high and mighty lords the States General of the United Provinces, the 22th of July, 1686. Upon the subject and complaint of Mr. Skelton, Envoye Extraordinary from the King of Great Brittain, touching the affair of Bantam, and other controversies at Macassar, and on the coast of Mallabar and at Gamron, in the Gulf of Persia. Likewise a justification in answer to the several memorials lately given unto the States General by the Marques of Albeville, touching Meslepatam and other places in the Indies. Translated out of Dutch by a good friend, for the satisfaction of all such as are impartial judges of the matters now in dispute between the two companies Printed at London, in the year 1687. 2 Caption title: To the High and Mighty Lords, the States General of the United Netherlands" [2], 5-104, 41, [1] p. The original text has not been identified. According to the title of An impartial vindication of the English East-India-Company (E-Du1688.1), this book is printed in Amsterdam. The text is reprinted in the An impartial vindication. See the next edition for another edition. ESTC R17123. See Du-E1688.1 for another edition. EEBO (BL) *** Du-E1688.1 An impartial vindication of the English East-India-Company, from the unjust and slanderous imputations cast upon them in a treatise intituled, A justification of the directors of the Netherlands East-India-Company; as it was delivered over unto the high and mighty lords the States General of the United Provinces. Translated out of Dutch, and feigned to be printed at London, in the year 1687. But supposed to be printed at Amsterdam, as well in English as in French and Dutch. London, Printed by J. Richardson, for Samuel Tidmarsh, at the King’s Head in Cornhil, near the Royal Exchange, MDCLXXXIII. [iv], 222 [i.e., 223], [ii], 81, 34 p. ; A3 B-P8 (-P8), 2A-2G8 2H4 (2H4 blank) ; 18 cm. Note. The numbering of pages 222 and 223 is reversed.. 2C7, 2C8, 2E7, and 2F8 (also 2F8v) are signed with an asterisk [i] blank; [ii] license to print, dated 6 March 1687/88; [iii] title; [iv] blank; [iii-iv] untitled preface; 1-222 [i.e. 223] text; [i] title page of Justification of the directors of the Netherlands East-India Company; [ii] blank; 1-81 text of Justification of the directors . .; 1-34 To the High and Mighty Lords of the States General of the United Netherlands, signed P. Van Dam, 4 October 1687 A Justification of the directors of the Netherlands East-India Company is called for the title page of this volume, but it does have separate pagination and collation and so was presumably available separately. The title page reads in full: A justification of the directors of the Netherlands East-India Company. As it was delivered over unto the high and mighty lords the States General of the United Provinces, the 22th of July, 1686. Upon the subject and complaint of Mr. Skelton, Envoy Extraordinary from the King of Great Brittain, touching the affair of Bantam, and other controversies at Macassar, and on the coast of Mallabar and at Gamron, in the Gulf of 3 Persia. Likewise a justification in answer to the several memorials lately given unto the States General by the Marquess of Albeville, touching Meslepatam and other places in the Indies. Translated out of Dutch by a good friend, for the satisfaction of all such as are impartial judges of the matters now in dispute between the two companies. Printed at London, in the year 1687. London, Printed for Samuel Tidmarsh, in Royal Exchange, 1688. ESTC R17309 & R12898 (for Justification). For an earlier edition of A justification of the directors of the Netherlands East-India Company, see Du-E1687.1. The original of An impartial vindication has not been identified. Kress *** Du-E1702.1 [Court, Pieter de la] 1618-1685 The true interest and political maxims of the Republick of Holland and West- Friesland. In three parts. The first treating of liberty in general. Of manufactures. Fisheries. Traffick. Navigation. Toleration of religion. A general naturalization. Freedom from imposts. Impartial justice; and Settling of colonys. Part II. and III. Of a free navigation, and clearing the seas. Of war and peace. Of treatys of peace and alliances, particularly with England, France and Spain. Of the natural strength and fortifications of Holland. And of its interest in all respects as to the government of a single person. Written by John de Witt, and other great men in Holland. Publish’d by the authority of the States. London, Printed in the year MDCCII. lvi, 492 p. ill. port. ; A8 a-b8 c4 B-2I6 [i] half-title; [ii] portrait of John de Witt; [iii] title; [iv] blank; v-xxvii The Preface; xxviii- lvi The Contents; lvi, at foot: Errata; 1-492 text Translation of Aanwysing der heilsame politike gronden en maximen van de republike van Holland, 1669, a revised and enlarged edition of Interest van Holland (1662), without his consent and with alterations and the addition of two chapters and part of another by Johan de Witt; cf. Van der Aa, Biog. woordenb. III (1858), 787-89, and Fruin R., “Het aandeel van den raadpensionaris de Witt aan het Interest van Holland van Pieter de la Court,” De Gids (1865): 2:459-70. Advertised in Flying Post or the Post Master, Saturday, 27 December 1701, as “Next Thursday will be published” and on Tuesday, 6 January 1702, advertised in the same newspaper as “This Day is published.” Other advertisements give the price as 6 s. 4 The advertisements of 27 December 1701, 6 January 1702, 17 January 1702, 2 February 1702, and 10 March 1702 state “Published by the Authority of the States,” without identification of where the book is sold. The advertisement of 9 May 1702, repeats the statement “Published by the Authority of the States,” and then adds “Printed and Sold by John Darby, in Bartholomew-Close.” The advertisements of 20 October 1702, and 20 February 1703, record a different bookseller: “Sold by A.
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