International Council for the C.M.1982/N:3 Exploration of the Sea Marine Mammals Committee PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST TO THE MARINE MAMMALS COMMITTEE 1981 Page Can3da 1 Canada, additional titles •••••••••••• 2 Denmark 3 Finland 4 France ••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 Federal Republic of Germany •••••••.•• 5 Netherlands 6 Norway 6 Sweden ••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••• 11 Uni ted Kingdom ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 USA •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 13 USSR 28 - 1 - •.. CANMA Depart~ent of Fisheries a~d Oeeans Breiwiek, J. M., E. D. Mitehell and D. G. Chapnan. 1981. Estimated initial population Slze of the Bering Sea stock of bowhead whale, ßalaena mystieetus: an iterative method. Fish. Bull. 73(4): 843-853. Mitehell, E. D. 1981. Minority statement of Northwest Atlantie minke whale population status and eateh levels. Rep. int. Whal. Comnn 31: 160-161. Mitehell, E. (Chairman). 1981. Report of ~Iorking Group on Proposals for North Atlantie IOCR Vessel Cruise. Rep. int. Whal. Commn 31: 162. Mitehell, E. 1981. Canada. Progress Report on Cetaeean Research June 1979-May 1980. Rep. int. Whal. Commn 31: 171-179. Mitehell, E. 1981. The Whale Cal1ed Killer, by Erieh Hoyt. Can. Geogr. 101(5): 32-83. (Review) Mitehell, E., and A. N. Baker. 1981. Age of reputedly old killer whale, Oreinus orea, 'Old Tom' from Eden, Twofold Bay, Australia. Rep. int. Whal.~n (Special Issue 3): 143-154. Mitehell, E. D., and J. 8. Kemper. 1981. Narwhal with lower jaw tusk; and aspeets of hard tissue deposition in narwhals. Rep. int. l-lhal. Conl~n (Special ISSllE' 3): 215. U,bst r .) Mitchell, E. 0., .). G. Mead and V. M. Kozieki. 1981. ReadabiIity of growth layers in teeth of beaked whales, Ziphidae. Rep. int. Whal. Conmn (Special Issue 3): 215. (Abstr.) Mitehell, E., and R. R. Reeves. 1981. The Alaskan bowhead problem: a commentary. Aretie 33(4): 686-723. MitehelI, E., and R. R. Reeves. 1981. Catch history and cumulative cateh estimates of initial pop~lation size of eetaceans in the eastern Canadian Aretic. Rep. int. Whal. Commn. 31: 645-682. Perrin, W. F., E. D. Mitchell, J. G. Mead, D. K. Caldwell and P. J. H. van Bree. 1981. Stenella elymene, a rediscovered tropieal dolphin in the Atlantic. J. Mamma'~: 583-598. Reeves, R. R., and E. Mitchell. 1981. The whale behind the tusk. Nat. Hist. 90(8): 50-57. Sergeant, D. E. 1981. Some biologieal correlates of environmental eonditions around Newfoundland in the deeade 1970-79; harp seals, hlue whales and Fulmar petrels. Northwest Atlantie Fisheries Organisation, SCR Ooe. 81/IX/135, 8 p. Smith, T. G. 1981. Seal Hunters. Oeeans 14(May/June): 16-17. Smith, T. G. 1981. [Review of] 'The living iee' by Pol Chantraine. Can. Geog. 101: 80. Smith, T. G. 1981. Notes on the bearded seal (Erignathus barbatus) in the Canadian aretie. Can. Teeh. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sei, 1042: 49 p. - 2 - Smith, T. G., and M. O. Hammill. 1981. Ecology of the ringed seal, Phoca hispid~, in its fast ice breeding habitat. Can. J. Zool. 59: 9"6"b-981. .• Smith, T. G., O. B. Siniff, R. Reichle and S. Stone. 1981. Coordinated behavior of killer whales, Orcinus orca, hunting a crabeater seal, lobodon carcinophagus. Can~0~9: 1185-1189. Stirling, I., H. Cleator and T. G. Smith. 1981. Marine Manmals, In I. Stirling and H. Cleator teds.) Polynyas in the Ca,adian arcti~ Can. Wildlife Service Occ. Paper 45: 73. •Additional4 Titles_ ßest, R.C., K. Ronald and N. ld'ritsland. 1981. Physiological indices of • activity and metabolism in the polar bear. Comp. ßiochern. Physiol. 69:177-18~. Gallivan, G.J. and I<. Honald. 1981. Apparent specific dynamic action in the harp seal (Phoca groenlandical. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Val. 69A:~79-~81. Innes, 5. and K. Ronald. 1981. Preliminary estimates of the cast of locomotion in seals. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (I.r:.E.S.), C.M.1981/N:13. 7 pp. Keiver, K. and K. Ron'lld. 1981. Digestible energy in harp seals. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (l.C.E.S.), r.M.1981/N:14. 8 pp. Leatherland, j.F. and K. Ronald. 1981. Plasma concentrations of thyroid hormones in a captive and feral polar bear (LJrsus maritimus). Camp. mochem. Physiol. Val. 70L\:~7~-~77. -- Raeside, J. I. and K. Ronald. 1981. Plasma concentrations of oestrane, pro:;jesterone and corticasteroids during late pregnancy and after parturition in the harbour seal (Phoca vitulina). J. Reprod. Fert. 61:13~-139. Ronald, K. and J. Lee. 1981. The spectral sensitivity of apolar bear. Camp. ßiachem. Physiol. Val. 70A:~9~-~98. Ronald, K. and C.A. Thomson. 1931. Parturition and post-partum behaviour • of a captive harbour seal Phoca vitulina. Aquatic Mammals 8(3):79-80. Watts, P., N.A. Oritsland, C. Jonkel and K. Ronald. 1981. Mammalian hibernation and the oxygen cansumption of a denning black bear, Urslls americanus. Camp. mochem. Physiol. 69:121-123 - 3 - Denmark Anon., 1981. Denmark (Greenland). Progress report on Cetacean research, 1978-79, and 1979-80. Rep. int. v~al. Commn 31. 185-B8. Born, E.W., I. Kraul and T. Kristensen, 1981. Mercury, DDT and peB in the Atlantic Walrus (Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus) from the Thule district, North Greenland. Arctic 34 ( 3): 255-60. Born, E.W. and T. Kristensen, 1981. IIvalrossen i Thule (The Walrus in the Thule district, North Greenland) • Naturens Verden 1981 (4): 132-43 • Dietz. R., 1981. Cadmium, zink, kobber og andre metaller i s~ler fra dans<e og svenske farvande. (lIeavy metals in Danish and Swedish seals). HS report to the Ministry of the Environment (Mimeo). • s~lerne lIeide-J0rgensen, M.-P. and A. Aren, 1981. Notat on beskyttelsen 'lf pA Anholt (Conservation of seals at Anholt). ~s report to the Ministry of the Environment and World Wildlife Fund (Mimeo). Kapei, F.O., 1981. Studies of hooded seal in Greenland 1970-1980. Paper NAFO SCR Doc. 81/XI/150, Serial No. N 457. Kapel, F.O., 1981. Denmark (Greenland). Progress report on whale research, 1980­ 81. Paper IWC SC/33/Prog. Rep. Denm. Kapei, F.O. and F. Larsen, 1981. Whale sightings from a Norwegian small-type whaling vessel off West Greenland, June-August 1980. Paper IWC SC/33/0 12. Kapei, F. 0., 1981. Distribution and utilization of marine mammals in Green­ land. p. 72- 77 in: Peterson, N. M. (edit.): The question of scund trom icebreaker operations, Proceedings of a workshop 23 and 24 February /98/ at Toronto (Copies available upon request to Arctic Pilot Project, Petro-Canada, Box 2844, Calgary, Alberta, T2P3E3). Larsen, F., 1981. Report on harp seal recoveries in Greenland, 1980-81. Paper NAFO SCR Doc. 81/XI/149, Serial No. N 454 • Larsen, F., 1981. Observations of large whales off West Greenland, 1979. Rep. int. ~~al. Com.m 31. 617-23. Larsen, F. & F. O. Kapel, 1981. Collecting of biological material of minke whales • ~~al. off West Greenland, 1979. Rep. int. Comnm 31. 279-85. Larsen, F. and F. O. Kapei, 1981. Norwegian minke whaling off West Greenland 1976­ 1980, and data on biological parameters. Paper IWC SC/33/Mi 5. Meldgaard, M. and F. O. Kapei, 1981. Observations of narwhal in the Melville Bay, Northwest Greenland. Rep. int. ~al. COflmn 31: 547-50. M0hl, B., 1981. A discussion on noise generated by icebreaking LNG carriers. Ibid•• 206-208. M0hl, B., 1981. Masking effects of noise, their distribution in time and space. Ibid.• 259-266. M0hl, B., 1981. Concerns related to noise propagation. Ibid•• 322-23. Simonsen, V. , F. o. Kapel and F. Larsen, 1981. Electrophoretic variation in the minke whale, Balaenoptera acutorostrata Lacepede. Paper IWC SC/33/Mi 6. - 4 - FIt-:LANil HELLE, E. and E. T. VALTONEN. 1980. On the occurrence of Corynosoma spp. (Acanthocephala) in ringed seals (Pusa hispida) in the Bothnian Bay, Finland. - Can. J. Zool. 58: 298-303. FRANCE • ALZIEU, Cl. et DUGUY, R. 1981 - Nouvelles donnees sur la contamination des Cetaces par les organochlores. 6geme reunion statutaire, Woods Hole, U.S.A., C.M. 1981/:-.1 : 8 : 4 p. COLLET, A. 1981 - Biologie du Dauphin commun DeZphinus deZphis L. en Atlantique Nord-Est. Universite de Poitiprs. U.E.R. des Sciences fondamentales et appliquees. Doctorat de trosieme cycle en biologie animale, 156 p. COLLET, A., DU BUlT, M.H. et DUGUY, R. 1981 - Regime alimentaire de DeZphinus deZphis dans le Nord-Est Atlantique. C.I.E.M., 6geme reunion statutaire, Woods Hole, U.S.A., C.M. 1981/N : 5 : 4 p. COLLET, A. et DUGUY, R. 1981 - Lagenorhynchus aZbirostris (Cetacea, Odontoceti) espece nouvelle pour la faune de France. Mammalia, ~(3) : 387-388. COLLET, A. et HARRISON, R.J. 1981 - Ovarian characteristics, corpora lutea and corpora albicantia in Delphinus deZphis stranded on the Atlantic coast of France. Symposium on Cetacean reproduction : Estimating parameters for stok assessment and management, La Jolla, November 28-30, N° 36 : 12 p. DUGL~, R. 1981 - Cetaces observes a la mer dans le Nord-Est Atlantique en 1919. Annales biologiques, C.I.E.M., ~ : 200. DUGUY, R. 1981 - Rapport annuel sur les Cetaces et Pinnipedes trouves sur les cotes de France en 1980. C.I.E.M., 6geme reunion statutaire, Woods Hole, U.S.A., C.M. 1981/N : 7 : 4 p. • DUGUY, R. et HUSSENOT, E. 1981 - Captures occasionnelles de Delphinides dans le N.E. Atlantique. C.I.E.M., 6geme reunion statutaire, Woods Hole, U.S.A., C.M. 1981/N : 6 : 4 p. GIORDANO, A. 1981 - Etude des Cetaces de Mediterranee fran,aise en conditions hivernales et printanieres. Universite d'Aix-Marseille 11. Station marine d'Endoume. D.E,A. d'Oceanologie, 33 p. LAMOTHE, F. 1981 - Etude osteologique des Cetaces de la collection de Mon~ieur G.
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