, \ .' Page Three ThW'Sday, August l!7, 1964 Thursday, Aughst 1118& TH:g JEWISH POST 1 _ ) .~ ., .~ :n, Page Two THE .TEWISH. POST Chief Rabbis Call For Support Fro... t"~ Editor 98 BeMA Why The Split? One Partner's' View [With the announced-split be-five' from Herzlia as well as three Shaarey Zedek origin, were pre· POST tween the partners who for 'the from the Welfare Fund who sat ex- vented by the intervening of Rabbi. ,.-o! - past year were administering the Iii th Milton Aron, spiritual leader of REFLECTiONS ';ON BElL KATZNELSON The Oldest Anglo-Jewish Weekly inWestem CaMdo Ramah School in Winnipeg's south o'cio wi out a vote. At the start, Shaarey Zedek congregation. [Five thousand persons attended ceremonies this and that we must adjust our political thinking (Is8ued weekl,. in the interests of Jewish Community actlvitiee end, there has been some confu-' the president of the Welfare Fund in Winnipeg and Wmtem Canada) "Also, to the dismay of the Herzlia month on the shores of Lake Kineret commemorating accordingly. sion concerning the plans of part- served as chairman. We would the 20th anniversary of the death of Berl Katznelson, Berl was a teacher. He would certainly object Member of the Jewish Tej.egraphic Agency ners for the immediate future • •• stress that the members of the board members on the Ramah School the famed philosOpher of the Zionist labor movement to the title of leader. Not just out of modesty, and a lack of information con- w 0 r ked together harmoniously. Board, all the teachers - with few and late editor of Davar, the Histadrut daily.] Published every Thunda,. by cerning the reasons for the break­ but because the concept of "leadeli$hip" was EMPIRE PRINTERS LTD. up. The following is a statement There were differences, but these exceptions - who had been ori­ By DAVID BEN-GURION ginally hired by Henlia, were dis­ foreign to him. He was a teacher who understood Prlntera and Publiahen from one of the former partners were resolved and decisions were that his pupil might differ. RUPERT SHRIAR, Ph.D. LEO J. LEZACK outlining their position:]' made. The hoard apparently worked missed, and Rabbi Aron informed Berl ~Katznelson was the greatest intellectual Berl was no Rabbi, for a Rabbi requires .dis­ Editor Advertlafng ManaPI' On behalf of Herzlia Academy so smoothly that two months. after these board members that he "" as I force produced by the Second Aliya, which was ciples. Berl sought pupils, not disciples. He was Head Office: 1244 Main St., Winnipeg 4, Canada executive board, Israel Zalik, presi- it was set up, the then president of the product of disillusionment with Zionism and assuming full control of the Ramah I capable of admitting that.~ had no solution Subscription: $4.00 per annum dent, this week authorized release the Welfare Fund, which had been Socialism. with the death of Herzl, many feared to a problem. One of his great qualities was his Phoril1 JU 9-7331 Eve. Phone HU 9-2989 of the following statement: instrumental in arranging the mer- School. that the Movement was at an end. But there Authorized as second elBB8 mail by the P08t Office DepaitmeJlt. "Because of a complete break- ger, said .'he would now be able to' "This is not the type of amalga­ determination that his pupils should think for .~~,.,.,..,.,~~'~,.,.,., were those who realized that Zionism would only Ottawa. and fo~ payment 'Of pOltap in cash have a meaning if they devoted' their lives to themselves. He wished i to convey his mode of thought, . his view of things, and that his pupils , ........ -.... '. .. Welfare Fund Issues Sfafemenfon S. E. Edueafio1n ,working on the la,llI;l." ., . should then reach their own conclusions. regards the· Second -Alita. We remember the Th,1se men were also dlsllluSlOned wlth the .Administrative Committee for JeW­ He died before his time. He could have given Degania of 50 rears ago, but the whole country ," . Harold Schwartz, president of the such school to operate' under the Russian Revolution andEocialism ~ by 1906 they was not Degama. Not all the workers were like Jewish Welfare Fund of Winnipeg, standards and procedures set out by ish Education, stated that the basic CHIEF RABBI I. Y. UNTERMAN CHIEF' RABBI Y. NiimM so much to the State - but not in an official .. • . Ashkenazie Chief Rabbi •.• Sephardi Chief Rabbi had . little hope for this cause. These two factors position. I doubt whether he would have wanted the men of Degania. I think there are good men reported Wednesday that the board the Administrative Committee for objectives of the Shaarey Zedek and Henlia schools are identical and This year, as the State of -Israel "unite to labour '-.ever more for produced the Second Aliya - they· believed that If today as well; there has never been an ideal of directors of the Fund, at its meet­ Jewish Education. to be a Cabinet,Minister.... he would have it was to be hoped that ways and faces new challenges on all fronts,' Israel's strengthening by increased Zionism meant working on the land and in labor Jived, he would have witnessed the great change society'. 1 do not yearn for the days that have ing on Tuesday, Aug. 25, unani­ As long as these conditions are as the soul and spirit of the national revival. 1'hey not met, there will be no financial means will be eventually found to a call was issued to world Jewry by support of her financial channels in the 'Jewish people. For some time he feared gone. mously reafiirmed its position that assistance to Jewish education in resolve their problem. His commit­ Chief Rabbi Isser Yehuda Unter- amongst which the most importan; were Socialists but not the preaching kind, for that the Holocaust had destroyed our people. He He took part in defence affairs. Sometimes .' them it meant evolving a way of livng for a free we did not see eye to eye, because I was for much it would give complete financial that area of the city by the Jewish tee will continue to use its I good man and Chief Rabbi Yitzchak Nis- are State of Israel Bonds, whose waR very pessimistic. If he could, have lived he offices to establish a community working community. would have seen, not only the catastrophe, but more extreme measures. As a rule, in politics, support to a single Community Welfare Fund, he said. sim, calling for support of special mission is to serve as a lever of I do not say that they worked by any pre­ also the State. He 'would have seen the Oriental we agreed. He was a superb person, there was school system in south Winnipeg, Ronald Slater, chairman of the school in south Winnipeg. efforts for Israel Bonds being held development for Israel, her settle- arranged system. Their ideas merged from their immigration which hardly existed before. He nothing petty aQout him. There are truly great on the forthcoming High Holidays. ments and her economic flourishing. experiences, they learned by their mistakes, by would have seen how things change, that there men who are petty,but not he. In his message, Chief Rabbi He added: "It is incumbent upon constantly searching for improvement. And the are requirements of State, that there is a need '. Berl definitely envisaged a Jewish State. The Unterman stressed the importance us to understand the needs of the man who gave the 'fullest expression to their for the Army, that there are Government ser­ idea was raised as far bacll: as 1919. I recall of lending money not only to indi- State of Israel, which are so very viduals but. to the whole nation of great and so very vast in the fields searchings and thinking was Berl. Before he vices - and that al1 these require pioneering as that, w~en I came back from one of my trips came there, he was less of a Zionist than many . abroad m 1940, I was told that Bed had come ,- Israel, according to the command of education, building, industry, well - it seems to me that I know what his of the Bible: "For this you will be agriculture and others; to pave the others. The Socialist vision was part of him from attitude would have been. round to recognizing the immediate necessity of hi!! youth. He was, however, di!!illusioned by Nowadays science occupies a central role. He Statehood. privileged to see the blossoming and way for additional multitudes of our the Socialism in Russia. always fa-yored,science and learning ...As. a rule, Ever since I got to know hini we worked in \ progress of our state," he said. brethren who shall, in the years Berl came here in 1909, preferring not to join' not all the men of the Second Aliya held this view, unison. lIe was more active in the educational \ Chief Rabbi NissUn, in his mes- ahead of us, come to the land from either of the two existing workers' parties, not many of them cast their books aside ·and out of and ideological spheres and I in political affairs. sage, called upon world Jewry to all corners of the globe." agreeing with either of them in full. In those idealism went to work. He was the first to start I do not regard myself as his successor or "The Herzlia community, based on early years I hardly knew him. I met him once mobile libraries for farm workers.' He would have his pupil. We came from different ends of the th'\ Herzlia-Adas Yeshurun Syna­ K/ufzniek.. For Men's Youfh Aliyah or twice at meetings of agricultural workers.
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