fi CARTERET PRESS VOL. VI, N6,l? CARTEttET,~N! J., FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1928 High PrkeA Specialist Here Surprise Party For Mr. and Hit and Rim Driver Mrs. Toth Given By Friends Hits Quid ~Fk€s Improvements Planned A surprise New Year's party was To Local Police Nabbed By Police held in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ste- Captured by Police phen Toth, of Charles street. It Frank Rentusky Has "Diploma" That Give. Him Wonderful Jeanette Street Man Found In was arranged by Mrs. Toth's friends. Rahway Man Ditches Car In In 1928 Boro Proj Ratiitf A4 G»e*tMt Specialist In the World—It States Garage After Accident. Singing and dancing were the main Effort To Escape. Had No Warren Street KCay Be Paved—Dangerous Ctoeejnf* That Gov«rnment Fixed Rate For Service* Viethn'a Arm It Broken features of the evening, the music LJcenae Police Say —Witness Held being furnished by an Elicabeth or- ceive Attention—-Propose Purchase of Plot For BuiW When • policeman «aw a ntrani?- medicine upon request. He is au- hestra. Speeding away after running down To Howe Equipment. Police Chief's Pay h Raited er with »nf$faytytered."satchel I n thithorizedd to arrest druggist* who Otto Hyer, of 184 Penning ave- At a lite hour supper was aerv«d a 6-yvar-old girl, Stephen Tambur- Plans for many improvement* to the ChrortleAictlbn Monday he in-sell snakes, ' He Is the greatest nue was run over and badly injured and at this time Mrs. Toth was pre- ino, of 25 New Brunswick avenue, A proposal by the Mayor thai be made daring 1920 were discuss- 1 vestigated. The bearer of the in the world. The govSaturda- y afternoon by a h+t-and-run sented a 100-piece dinner set and a Rahway, wan pursued by Carteret drivers of all taftM reptft at ed at the adjonrnee erecting of the natchei waa taken to headquartersernment of the United States has driver. He was attended by Dr. Jo- bouquet of tea roses with the com- police and held without bail, Sunday Borough Hall on eaea trip Jn where there was more investiga- seph Wantoch who found his injuries pliments of the group of friends who afternoon. The victim of the acci- Borough Council Friday night. An that the borough might Ml fixed pay for his services at (48 ordinance to amend tat present po- tion but the man with the Bate he I to consist' of a broken arm and sev- had arranged the party. dent is Lillian Golaswski, of 14 Burl- curate check on an hour "NOT LESS." There are lice ordinance so as to increase the is still something1 of a mystery. The eral bruises. .Soon after the accident The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Alex ington street. She was crossing the greed to by the te»i other claims, equally absurd. salary of the polk*. (Uvf from 12,- ^chel was htUwd "Frank Latch- In addition to the diploma, Ren- Patrolman Louis Kalish arrested Levai, Mr. and Mrs. Steven Lisle,street In front of her home and had tatWe and tlM Mike Kacaban in his garage at 42Mr. and Mrs. Steve Mesaroa, Mr just stepped from behind a parked 000 to $3,500- p*r 'winin, was pass- Monday. watski, specialist". Inside was atu»ky carried attached to his coat ed on two readings. Most tf the pro- diploma wepared on a typewriter a large braan badge with his name Jeanette street, charging him with and Mrs. Alexander Toth, Mr. andcar when Tamburino and his wife In made at police afadq p Mrs. John Mathe, Mr. and Mrs posed improvements relate to streets driven will ring.*-' time el** und k«MW w'ft«nk Rentuaky. It on one Ride and "Specialist" on running down Hyer. a Ford coupe approached. Steven Fabian, Mr. Rn<i Mrs. Louis and th« elimination of dangerous appeari thaWUtchwaUki and Ren- the other. The satchel contained Kacaban was just putting his car The Ford struck the child and Kalish, Mr. and Mrs. Louis KovacR, conditions at crossings. lusky are .one and the same per-several bottles filled with liquids in his garage when the arrest was knocked her unconscious. Tambur- Councilman Frank made. Michael Kurman, who was Mr. and Mrs. Kalman Kerekjarto, ino, according to four witnesses A petition signed by twenty-five son and "1ft interesting pern on at which he claimed have marvelous attention to th*< with Kacaban, according to police Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Sabo, Mr. and whose names are in the possession of residents of Warren street asked that at Pcrshing and W ihst. The diploma is headed: curative property. He wanted to give free treatment to the borwa- s also taken into custody and held Mrs. Steven Kardos, Mr. and Mrs.the police, speeded wway in the di- ••Washington, D. C. Trenton, N, J." set forth that the street is steadily, ough hall caretaker, the overseer as a material witness. Kacaban was Frank Sarnie, John Katko, George rection of Woodbtidge. Motorcycle so much that a atop becoming more important both as a Then it COM on to state that of the poor and others about the released on bail of $50 for a' hear Katko, Louis Sopo, Steven Faiekas, Policeman Robert Shanley pursued nal shoifld be Installed &•? residential and business street. The Frank Rentaaky i« now a full- building. ing. Kuzman's bail was fixed at $30 Louis Mikala, Stephen Siska, Mr. and Tamburino. In Woodbridge avenue, ever expense would be Mrs. Mayor said that the Chrome section rlrdged leaaialiat in rheumatism, He was detained for a time, then "which he provided and was released John Sotak, Mr. and Mrs.near the creosoting plant of the Andres said, would The accident happened in Persh- John Bartok, Mrs. Frank Magyar, Reading Railroad, Tamburino's Ford is due for a pavwd street this year th« protection afforded. Th« nly it was spelled remutlsm. Other permitted to go but.the satchal was and that he thought the Warren siatetnenta in .the diploma included held. Rentusky returned Wednes- Inj avenue near the Borough Hall all of Carteret; Mr. and Mrs. John was found ditched. A little farther said that at the corner merit! Shanley overtook Tamburino and his street improvement could be squeez- the following, all pertaining to day. The policy have- been inform- Mathe and Mr. and Mrs. John Miller and also at the eorner of Dalo wife who were hurrying in the di-ed through. The matter was refer- Kentusky and hii qualifications: No ed that he .lives in EUiabeth. He of New York. Hudson streets a good deal Big County Delegation rection of Port Reading. red to th* Streets and road commit- danger arose from the fact doctor can make trouble for himha. s been ordered to stay out of At police headquarters Tamburino tee. streets are narrow and that Druggists are warned to give him Carteret. Helps Morgan Larson Boom was asked for his license and, accord- The annual report of the Board male the crossings indirect' " Bid delegations from Woodbridge Many Prizes Awarded ing' to the police, had neither a of Health related largely to the ac- (tested that the situation and Carteret were among the 1500 driver's license or registration for tivities of the cMnka and the expen- greatly improved by Sch«IBrigetCut Health Board Retains teom^Middlesex county who went to At P.TJLCard Party the card. He was held without bail ditures. It was stated in the report enough ground to widen thf Trenton Tuesday to help kunch the for investigation. that forty-seven' sessions of theand straighten out the offsets^' boom of "Larson for Governor". The Dr. Imra Kenemy attended the lit- child hygiene clinic -wei* held during Pershing and Washington av Big Crowd Attends Affair Giv- 1 More Than $11,000 biggest delegation, however, was tle fripi and found that she had a1927 and that 1,247 children were he proposed that frontage be AD Old Officers examined. Sating places had been in- from Perth Amboy, Senator Larson's en By St. Joseph's School severe contusion of the head, several chased from the Reformed Ho spected regularly, it was reported, ian Church plot and that sjt Figures Adopted Tuesday No Change In Personnel At home town, and one of the princi- Association—Door Prize minor lacerations and was badly and a steady watch was kept on theand Hudson streets land Nifht Show Big Reduction ' pal addresses was made by ABsem- $2.50 In Gold shaken up. , .„ . ,, . .and Hudson streets km! w- Organization Meeting—Tu- \ blyman Thomas Hanson, also of From Last Year's Figure quahty of milk B^ved by the vanouB ] obuined from the frontage dl • berculoaia Condition Dit- Perth Amboy. More than 150 prizes were award- da es ^;The moBt troublesome problems of I John's pJot and the Kollnowaki Annual Election To Be Many floral tokens of good will j ed at a card party last night given Junior Woman's Club erty. The plan waa taken and cuased With County the Board, according to the report, Held February 14 I were banked at the entrance to j under the auspices of the Paremt- To Have Show visement. Nurse* are the flght on diphtheria and the | the State House and one, a targe Teacher Association of St. Joseph's The head of the new equip The annuat budget for the Board stray dog problem. During the year I horseshoe, was lettered, "Our Mor- School in the school auditorium. The (Rehearsals have started for Bim- for the street department was < nf Education for 192R, as adopted The regular monthly meeting of sixteen persons had been bitten by pm," Newspaper photographers door prize was $2.50 in gold and o, a musical comedy to be present- dogs.
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