Lanarkshire Council PIan ni n g Ap p Ii cat io ns for consideration of Planning and Transportation Committee Committee Date : 6 September 2007 Ordnance Survey maps reproduced from Ordnance Survey with permission of HMSO Crown Copyright reserved 1 APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE 6Ih September 2007 Page Application No. Applicant Development/Locus Recommendation No. 5 N/07/00920/FUL Mr & Mrs Robert Construction of a Refuse (P) Dent Dwellinghouse LandToTheNorthOf Request for Hillside Site Visit High Banton Road and Hearing Banton 10 N/07/00954/FUL Christine Irvine Siting of a Snack Van Refuse Site At 87 Drumcavel Road Muirhead 14 N/07/00977/FUL Mr & Mrs F Sheeran Alterations and Extension to Grant a Dwellinghouse 24 Etive Court Condorrat Cumbernauld 20 N/07/01067/FUL Ms G Toland Extension to a Grant Dwellinghouse 7 Thorniecroft Drive Request for Condorrat Site Visit Cumbernauld and Hearing 26 N/07/01265/FUL Mr D MacLean Extension to a Grant Dwellinghouse 10 Cawder Way Carrickstone Cumbernauld 31 C/07/00486/FUL Peter Smith Change of Use of Industrial Grant Unit (Class 5) to Veterinary Surgery (Class 2) at Unit 9 Laverock Road Industrial Estate. Airdrie 36 C/O7/00879/FUL North Lanarkshire Remediation and Associated Grant Council Works Request for Site Former Target Tip Visit and Hearing Hillfoot Road, Gartlea Airdrie 45 C/07/00883/FUL Mr & Mrs Armstrong Erection of Two Storey Rear Grant Extension at 1 Chapelcross Avenue, Airdrie 50 C/07/00896/FUL Ms Tracy Park Change of Use from Refuse Dwellinghouse to Children's Nursery at 99 Clark Street, Airdrie 2 56 C/07/01034/FUL Mr Kenneth Subdivision of Existing Grant McArthur Martin Dwellinghouse to Form Flats at 256 Whifflet Street, Whifflet Coatbridge 61 C/07/0 149/AMD Murlin Residential Erection of Four Grant Dwellinghouses At Home Farm, Station Road Caldercruix 67 C/07/0 164/OUT Robert Speirs Two Storey Flatted Grant Development Containing 6 Flats at 14 Lauchope Street Chapelhall 74 C/07/01169/FUL Messrs Brown Construction of Storage Unit Grant for Slurry at Gaindykehead Farm at Yetts Hole Road, Greenfoot Airdrie 79 C/07/0127O/FUL Mr J Rea Construction of Attached Grant Garage and First Floor Balcony to Dwellinghouse at 18 Heathery Lea Avenue Carnbroe, Coatbridge 85 C/07/01294/FUL lzzy Mcllduff Part Change of use of Refuse Dwellinghouse to Childrens Request for Site Nursery at 37 Killearn Visit & Hearing Crescent Plains 92 S/06/02050/FUL Greg Connor Alterations to Dwellinghouse Grant Conversion of Farm Steading to form 3 Dwellinghouses Springhill Farm, Springhill Road Stane. Shotts 100 S/07/00110/OUT Chris Glendinning Erection of Dwellinghouse Refuse Adjacent to Existing Dwellinghouse (In Outline) 128 Clydesdale Street New Stevenston Motherwell 106 S/07/00891/FUL Mr & Mrs Colin Erection of a Two Storey Grant Smith Side Extension 1 Money Grove Motherwell 3 111 S1071009601FUL GM Erection of a Detached Refuse Dwellinghouse St Andrews Scottish Episcopal Church Belhaven Terrace Wishaw 118 S107/01048/FUL Mr & Mrs S Erection of Two Storey Grant McGinney Extension to Rear of Dwellinghouse and Alterations to Existing Extension 234 Main Street, Holytown Motherwell 124 S/071012151FUL Antonia Welsh Erection of Two Single Grant Storey Extensions, Formation of Balcony, Integral Garage Conversion and Dormer Extension to Dwellinghouse 3 Jordan Place, Cleland 129 S/07/01292/FUL Nisa Installation of ATM Machine Refuse 280 Bellshill Road, Forgewood Motherwell 134 S1071013081FUL Mr & Mrs Lyndsey Single Storey Rear Refuse Extension 20 George Street Motherwell 140 S1071013331FUL T-Mobile (UK) Installation of 14.7 Metre Grant Limited High Monopole Mast and 2 Ancillary Equipment Cabinets Footpath Location, Bellshill Road Motherwell 4 Application No: N/07/00920/FUL Date Registered: 22ndJune2007 Applicant: Mr & Mrs Robert Dent Hillside High Banton Kilsyth G65 ORA Development: Construction of a Dwellinghouse Location: Land to the North of Hillside High Banton Road Banton G65 ORA Ward: 1- Kilsyth : Councillors Griffin, Jones & Key Grid Reference: 274954 680031 File Reference: N/07/00920/FUL Site History: None of any relevance Development Plan: Kilsyth Local Plan 1999 - Policy GB2 ( Green Belt Development) Contrary to Development Plan: Yes Consultations: Scottish Environment Protection Agency (Comments) Scottish Water (No objections) Representations: One letter of representation received. Newspaper Advertisement: Advertised on 27th June 2007 Recommendation: Refuse for the following reasons:- 1. In the interests of the proper planning of the area in that residential development would constitute inappropriate new development in the Green Belt and as such would be contrary to Scottish Executive Planning Policy (Scottish Planning Policy 3), Scottish Executive Planning Policy (Scottish Planning Policy 21), the Glasgow and the Clyde Valley Structure Plan 2000(Strategic Policy 1) and the Kilsyth Local Plan 1999 (Green Belt Policy GB3). 2. In the interests of amenity in that the residential development would adversely affect the existing rural character of the site and general area. 3. That should planning permission be granted for this development a precedent may be set which would make it difficult for the Planning Authority to refuse other similar applications. 5 6 NOTE TO COMMITTEE : If granted, this application will have to be notified to the Scottish Ministers in accordance with the Town & Country Planning (Notification of Applications) (Scotland) Direction 2007 because the proposed development falls within an area of land designated as Green Belt. Background Papers: Application form and plans received 29th May 2007 Letter from Scottish Environment Protection Agency received 23rd July 2007 Memo from Traffic & Transportation (Northern Area) received 29th June 2007 Memo from Head of Protective Services received 18th July 2007 Letter from Owner/Occupier, Glenhead Cottage, High Banton Road, Banton received 18'h July 2007 Kilsyth Local Plan 1999 Scottish Executive Planning Policy (Scottish Planning Policy 3) Scottish Executive Planning Policy (Scottish Planning Policy 21) Glasgow and the Clyde Valley Structure Plan 2000 (Strategic Policy I). Any person wishing to inspect these documents should contact Mr Gavin Forrest at 01236 616466. DATE: 28Ih August 2007 7 AP PLI CAT 10 N NO. N/07/00920/FU L REPORT 1. Description of Site and Proposal 1.1 This application seeks permission for the construction of a detached I% storey house on land to the north of Hillside, High Banton Road, Banton. The area is currently garden ground and is situated to the north of an existing house. There are a number of houses within the area, most of which have a cottage-style appearance. There is a distinct boundary at the rear of the properties. The site is situated within the Green Belt. 1.2 The proposed development will create a new access off High Banton Road. There will be a parking area to the front of the house, There will be a garden area at the front with a larger garden to the rear. The house itself will have 4 bedrooms and will be of traditional appearance. 2. Development Plan/National PlanninR Policies 2.1 Scottish Planninq Policy 3 "Planninq for Housinq" Key themes are promoting development in brownfield rather that Greenfield locations and seeking to maintain the effectiveness of existing Green Belts and Safeguarding the character and amenity of the countryside. 2.2 Scottish Planninq Policv21 "Green Belts" The three main purposes of the Greenbelt are: to maintain the identity of towns by establishing a clear definition of their physical boundaries and preventing coalescence; to provide countryside for recreation or institutional purposes of various kinds; and to maintain the landscape settings of towns. 2.3 Kilsvth Local Plan 1999 This site is covered by Policy GB2 (Green Belts) of the Kilsyth Local Plan 1999 which seeks to ensure that there is a presumption against new development in the Green Belt unless required for agriculture, forestry, horticulture, nature conservation, appropriate countryside recreation and tourism dependant upon a countryside location and other development such as telecommunications development, which can be shown to require to be located within the Green Belt. Policy GB3 states that there is a presumption against residential development in the Green Belt unless it is shown to be necessary for furtherance of agriculture, forestry and horticulture or other uses appropriate only to a rural area. 2.4 Glasqow and the Clyde Valley Joint Structure Plan 2000 Policies relevant to the proposed development and its Green Belt setting are summarised as follows:- Strategic Policy 1 - Strategic Development Locations: The Metropolitan Development Strategy requires the continued designation and safeguarding of the Glasgow and Clyde Valley Green Belt within which there is a presumption against the spread of built up areas and the encroachment of development into the countryside. Local Plans shall define the detailed boundaries and policies to safeguard the greenbelt; 3. Consultations and Remesentations 3.1 SEPA and Scottish Water were both consulted and no objections were raised regarding this development. However issues were raised regarding service connections, septic tanks and surface water drainage. These matters could be addressed through planning conditions. 3.2 My Traffic & Transportation, Geotechnical and Protective Services Sections were all consulted. 8 No objections were raised although issues were raised regarding parking and access and the need for a site investigation (there is a history of mining in this area). Again these matters could be addressed through the imposition of planning conditions. 3.3 One letter of representation has been received from the occupiers of Glenhead Cottage, High Banton, Kilsyth. The objections and my comments thereon are as follows :- High Banton is a very rural area being a hamlet consisting of a small number of low elevation dwellings, all with a cottage appearance. The above proposal will be out of keeping with this tenor as the plans depict a modern, large, two storey house. The proposed building takes up the majority of the plot, which will result in a "crowded" look.
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