tap me out Vol. CXXXIX, No. 17 Veritas Super Omnia SEPTEMBER 23, 2016 ‘Women in Economics’ Conference Encourages Female Students To Pursue Business Careers JB LIM not get better in college; at Har- vard, in my economics classes, women are again a small minor- When Rosa Morona ’16 first ity. We are still very much out- arrived at Andover in 2014, she siders – and we need to change was struck by the small number that,” she continued. of girls in Economics classes. Throughout the conference, Outside of class, she was one of experts engaged in open-ended only two girls attending Andover panel discussions that explored Economics Society meetings. the impact of women and minor- In response, Morona, who ities in economics. Along with hails from Treviso, Italy, decided these sessions, students learned to initiate a conference that in- about tools such as networking vited students, faculty, and ex- and financial literacy in work- perts to discuss the current state shops aimed at educating stu- T.RYNNE/THE PHILLIPIAN of women and minority groups dents with general life skills. This year’s Club Rally was held in Lower Right of Paresky Commons due to rain. in the field of economics. The In an interview with The Phil- conference, titled “Women in lipian, Flavia Vidal, Co-Director Economics: A Shifting Land- of the Brace Center for Gender IN-DEPTH scape,” was held last Sunday at Studies, said, “There were two the Abbot Academy Campus, workshops… specifically aimed hosted by the Brace Center for at a more educational piece in M.S.A.S. : ‘The Cost of Keeping a Society Secret’ Gender Studies, the History and terms of teaching... concrete Social Sciences Department, and skills. The panels were a little the Tang Institute. different in that they were open- reasons why the school does not soda in front of the library at the “Ever since I was a child ended conversations among CECELIA VIEIRA and condone or prove our support start of each finals week. growing up in a struggling Ital- ANDIE PINGA these experts about their own for secret societies on campus.” “M.S.A.S. was created to find ian economy, economics has experiences, and the broader Flyers created by the Ma- Although secret societies are a way for girls to talk to each helped me better understand situation on women, minorities, dame Sarah Abbot Society not allowed, M.S.A.S. flyers and other, help each other, and build the world... To many, economics and people with international (M.S.A.S.), an all-female secret posters are regularly displayed each other up and have the con- might seem dry or theoretical, backgrounds in these companies society at Andover, were taped on campus. Last year, the so- fidence to become leaders,” said but the truth is that its implica- and sectors nowadays.” in girls bathrooms around cam- ciety suspended a large ban- a former member of the society tions surround us and have great pus last Friday. The flyers have ner in front of Samuel Phillips who graduated before the Class impact,” said Morona. attracted attention due to An- Hall in solidarity with students of 2016 and asked to remain “In 2014, less than a third of dover’s policy of prohibiting se- of color; it also posted flyers in anonymous. “We meet every students taking Economics [at Continued on A6, Column 2 cret societies. girls bathrooms across campus week, it’s a small group, we do Andover] were female… It does Jennifer Elliott ’94, Dean of urging victims of sexual assault really support each other.” Students and Residential Life, to come forward with their “I think that’s the cost of keep- said in an interview with The stories. During finals week of ing a society secret. [People] don’t Phillipian, “We have concerns Spring Term, the group left a really know what’s going on, they about student organizations toilet full of candy on the steps just kind of have this vague no- Check Out A4-A5 For that are exclusive and secre- of the Oliver Wendell Holmes tion of what it is about, and a lot tive. There’s no adult oversight Library. This act was an effort of those notions are negative,” the way that all other student to parody the all-male secret she continued. 2016-2017 organizations are expected to society, Truth, Unity, Brother- have. Those are the most basic hood (TUB), which has a tradi- tion of placing a bathtub full of Continued on A5, Column 1 Teaching Fellows Seniors Organize Voter Alum’s Article Goes Viral Registration for Upcoming Among Andover Students Presidential Election incident last May when Jose dents, some of whom I shared STAFF REPORT DeJesus, a Latino man with a dorm with, they defended from the democratic process be- five outstanding warrants for themselves by claiming it’s NICK TOLDALAGI cause they didn’t vote or get an On Wednesday night, An- his arrest, was chased by the their ‘political belief,’ and that absentee ballot.” drew Wang ’16 published an local police department into I was being too politically cor- With computers and blank Although U.S. citizens must be registration forms in hand, a article on “The Huffington the Cochran Bird Sanctuary on rect. This claim of a political at least 18-years old to be able to Post” addressing his belief that Andover campus. According to belief seemed to function as a group of Seniors set up a table in vote, Massachusetts provides a Paresky Commons during dinner promoting political diversity the article, a group of white, shield. If so, then there must special pre-registration program across campuses can inadver- male Andover students also have been something that the last Friday and this Wednesday, for minors who wish to enroll encouraging eligible students to tently shield discriminatory went searching for DeJesus, shield was meant to protect, to early. Anyone who is over the age views from further conversa- donning polo shirts and tennis obscure. I wanted to address register to vote. of 16 and a resident of the state The voter-registration cam- tion. In just 24 hours, Wang’s rackets as weapons. They doc- why their beliefs could be con- may register this way using a article has received over 1,700 umented themselves on their strued as racist.” paign was initiated by Zöe Sot- learner’s permit, driver’s license, tile ’17, Shoshi Whitman ’17, likes on Facebook. Snapchat stories, using the or R.M.V.-issued I.D., which al- In his article, titled “The In- hashtag #BuildAWall. Peter Rossano ’17, and Casey lows them to be automatically Yarborough ’17 – co-presidents stitutional Guise of the Politi- Wang wrote in his article, Continued on A3, Column 1 added to the list of registered vot- cal Belief,” Wang refers to an “When I confronted these stu- of PA Liberal Action and Phillips ers when they reach the voting Academy Republican Society, age. respectively. The two clubs are The Seniors also guided eli- an extension of Andover Politi- gible voters through the process cal Union (A.P.U.), a consortium of applying for an absentee ballot, of Andover’s political clubs that which, if granted, allows the ap- Don Gordon ’52, Last Principal of Abbot provide students with the op- plicant to vote early via mail. portunity to debate and discuss “We’re having people apply Academy, Passes Away at Age 82 political opinions. for absentee ballots because most “It struck me as weird that people won’t be able to go to their of Abbot Academy in 1968, my not alone,” wrote one student I’ve never seen this happening polling station back home or even WILL ENNIS on campus,” said Sottile in an in- board chair Philip Allen ’29, was of Abbot Academy in a letter to in downtown Andover. So, we can rightly plain: ‘An eventual merger Gordon expressing her sadness terview with The Phillipian. “We get forms sent to their mailbox in Don Gordon ’52, the 18th and have a large number of people final principal of Abbot Academy, is the aim here. You’ll be working that he would not be continuing G.W. so they can fill them out and yourself out of a job,’ he told me… his career at Andover after the who will be eligible to vote, and vote that way for this November passed away on June 23, 2016, at we tend to be really informed the age of 82. He served as prin- I was ok with that. But a funny merger. election,” said Rossano. thing happened on the way to the Another letter to Gordon from about political issues and really Their favorite moments, ac- cipal from 1968 to 1973 and had passionate about our opinions. a large part in the success of the merger: I fell in love with Abbot Wanion Naifeh, the mother of cording to Rossano, were when Academy.” an Abbot student, revealed her So this is one of the best ways to people discovered they were eli- school’s merger with Andover. make your opinion into a reality.” Gordon was a Boston native, Gordon’s affection for the gratitude for Gordon’s “uncalled- gible to vote. academy, his genuine love for his for kindness.” She wrote about Once students approach the “I was curious about whether and after finishing high school at table, their situations were evalu- Andover, he attended and gradu- colleagues, and his respect for how his generosity, overall care, I could vote or not,” said Ana Nai- the women who attended Abbot and concern contributed to her ated on a state-by-state basis to yapatana ’17, who is from Bang- ated from Yale University’s un- determine their eligibility to vote, dergraduate program and the showed in his work and in the daughter’s academic career and kok, Thailand, but was born in way he ran the school.
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