ISSN 0354-8724 (hard copy) | ISSN 1820-7138 (online) Management Challenges in Special Nature Reserve “Gornje Podunavlje” and Preparations for its Proclamation of Biosphere Reserve Vladimir StojanovićA*, Stevan SavićA Received: October 2013 | Revised: December 2013 | Accepted: December 2013 Abstract Management of protected natural wetland habitats and flooded plains is a real challenge in nature pro- tection. Such areas consist mainly of mosaic ecosystems, highly sensitive to all natural changes, espe- cially to those of anthropogenic origin. Special nature reserve “Gornje Podunavlje” is one of the larg- est and most important wetland habitats in this part of Europe. The area is under protection, but for centuries it has been influenced by numerous economic activities. The institutions for nature protec- tion and protected area management face numerous challenges regarding this issue. The paper focus- es on the research of the landscape changes in “Gornje Podunavlje” and its surroundings. They have be- come a sensitive issue under the circumstances when “Gornje Podunavlje” and its broader areas have been nominated for biosphere reserve status. Key words: protected area, landscape changes, “Gornje Podunavlje”, management, biosphere reserve, Mura – Drava – Danube. Introduction ularization of protection through educational activities Since its foundation, Special nature reserve “Gornje and tourism development, which directly needs wild, Podunavlje” has been managed by Public Enterprise pristine and preserved nature. Vojvodinašume in Petrovaradin. Active measures have On the grounds of confronted opinions, it seems been prescribed for this protected area. However, the that all this area is urgently in need for the principle area has been strongly influenced by agriculture, fish- of sustainable development in exploitation of the re- ing, forestry and meliorations for centuries, leaving vis- sources and nature protection. This concept, based on ible traces. Certain activities are currently creating a di- ecologically, socio-culturally and economically bal- lemma, especially the analysis of forestry development anced development (Baker, 2006; Elliott, 2013) may and its impact on ecosystems (Puzović, 2002). This ac- become useful in various protected areas (Stojanović, tivity is under jurisdiction of the management. On the 2005). Sustainable tourism approach should be par- other hand, numerous educational and tourism ac- ticularly directed to local population communities. tivities (Stojanović et al, 2013) contribute to populari- Trends and aims of sustainable utilisation of pro- ty of nature protection in “Gornje Podunavlje”. In ac- tected areas may also be found within the biosphere complishing the task, the management is supported reserve concept. Biosphere reserves introduce a dy- by professional and non-governmental organizations. namic and acceptable concept of nature protection Therefore, the activity span of the management starts as a form of international status in nature protec- at forestry development, which is mainly considered to tion that has the aim to integrate nature protection, have negative impact on habitats, and continues to pop- research and exploitation in order to satisfy human A Climatology and Hydrology Research Centre, Faculty of Science, University of Novi Sad, Trg Dositeja Obradovića 3, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia * Corresponding author: Vladimir Stojanović: [email protected] 98 Geographica Pannonica • Volume 17, Issue 4, 98-105 (December 2013) Vladimir Stojanović, Stevan Savić Figure 1. Habitat map in Special nature reserve “Gornje Podunavlje” Source: www.gornjepodunavlje.info Geographica Pannonica • Volume 17, Issue 4, 98-105 (December 2013) 99 Management Challenges in Special Nature Reserve “Gornje Podunavlje” and Preparations for its Proclamation of Biosphere Reserve needs (www.unesco.org). In essence it is based on sus- known ornithological values, this natural asset was tainable development idea. “Gornje Podunavlje” with added to the IBA area list under the name “Gornje Po- its broader area was nominated for the biosphere re- dunavlje” in 1989 (Greemet, Jones, 1989). It was added serve Mura-Drava-Danube in 2013 (Panjković et al, to the Ramsar list in 2007 (www.ramsar.org). “Gorn- 2013). This form of protection might become the turn- je Podunavlje” became IPA area in 2007. In Septem- ing point in current managerial concept and definite- ber 2013, “Gornje Podunavlje” together with its broad- ly a stronger impulse in sustainable resources exploi- er surroundings was nominated for Biospere reserve tation in “Gornje Podunavlje”. status (Mura – Drava – Danube). Simultaneously, this status would create the highest opportunity for im- proving protection activities through sustainable eco- History and protection dynamics nomic activities. Special nature reserve “Gornje Podunavlje” is situ- ated in the north-western part of Serbia (Vojvodina), Landscape changes due to exploitation near the Danube banks, including numerous habi- of the resources tats in Apatinski rit, Monoštorski rit and Karapandža (Figure 1). This area has always attracted people for “Gornje Podunavlje” with its surroundings has a com- its abundance in natural resources, and currently the plex landscape history. Inevitably, the activities of the reason is primarily nature protection. In broader sur- people have changed significantly or even essentially roundings of the reserve there are nine settlements the landscape. Each period in the development of hu- with the population of 83,000. man communities particularly influenced the evolu- The first activities in landscape protection and nat- tion of natural features in the region. ural assets in this area commenced in the year 1955 Agriculture has been one of the most important hu- when Institute for nature protection passed the res- man activities in this area for millennia. It is close- olution on protection of forests in Monoštor as habi- ly connected to first inhabitants of this part of the tats of White-tailed Eagle and Black Stork. Eight years Pannonian plain. Archaeological site Donja Branjevi- later the municipality of Sombor reached the decision na near the village Deronje contains the remains of on protecting the mixture of trees: poplar, white pop- Starčevo culture. The Early Neolithic Age brought sig- lar, willow, etc. in the area of Monoštorski rit (600 ha) nificant changes to behaviour of the human commu- as a strict nature reserve. Moreover, following the pro- nities. Survival strategy, based on hunting and gath- posal of the Provincial institute for nature protection, ering, was gradually replaced by food production the municipality passed the resolution on protecting through development of agriculture, primarily land forests near Monoštor, as a strict nature reserve (74.93 cultivation. Mobility of hunting-gathering communi- ha). At the same time 6.06 ha of forests was put under ties was replaced by trends of establishing permanent protection as natural monument. The municipality of settlements. New technologies, necessary for everyday Apatin put under protection the area of Bestrement life were acquired (Medović, 2001). The present sur- (9.63 ha) as a reserve for maintaining the fund of rare roundings of the reserve are almost completely agri- and endangered flora and fauna in 1987. However, the cultural with dominating arable land. Parallel to agri- most important year for creating the present protect- cultural development cattle breeding was developing ed area “Gornje Podunavlje” was 1982, when munic- especially in salt marshes (near Sombor, Sonta and ipalities of Sombor and Apatin reached the decision, Svilojevo) the areas suitable for this branch. based on the proposal of Provincial institute for na- For centuries in the newer history there was the im- ture protection, to form Regional nature park “Gornje pression that Vojvodina was the abandoned and un- Podunavlje” (Kovačević et al, 2000). cultivated land. It was only during the reign of the The professionals from the Institute for nature pro- Habsburg Monarchy when huge regulation works tection of Serbia started revision and valorisation of were started aiming at populating and economic “Gornje Podunavlje” in 1996. Field research was con- growth of the region. Colonisations were frequent in ducted in the period 1996-1998 to validate natural the mid 18th century when, influenced by such activ- characteristics and decide upon the category of nat- ities and the need for numerous regulation works in ural assets in concordance with the current law. In the following period, the landscape started to change 2001, the whole process underwent the legal regula- its original shape. Also, the population increase im- tions and “Gornje Podunavlje” was pronounced a spe- plied large-scale exploitation of various resources. cial nature reserve (Official gazette of the Republic of It was already in the 18th century when fishing in- Serbia, No.45/2001). creased significantly. The short review of Sonta in 1720 “Gornje Podunavlje” is related to several inter- asserted that the inhabitants of the village had large in- national statuses in nature protection. Due to well- come, especially from fishing on the Danube, and fre- 100 Geographica Pannonica • Volume 17, Issue 4, 98-105 (December 2013) Vladimir Stojanović, Stevan Savić quently the turning point in fishing development was Siga, Ampovo and Adica, whereas Dravski water ca- the Theresian colonisation, when Apatin was turned nal cut off the meander surrounding Srebrnica (Buku- into
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