tr*..- HO — MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday. Feb' 24. 1988 ■ ■ ■ (APARTMENTS ITV/STEREO/ By George! (HOMES APPLIANCES IMELP WANTED FOR SALE FOR RENT WASHER and refrigera­ Educators lobbying Steinbrenner steals Cascade of light, ^ Speciolls& D # tf! MANCHESTER. Newer 3 tor. Prices negotiable. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS stream s from the bedroom Duplex. Car­ 871-0556. Keep trying. for^unout budget /3 vaulted ceilings and 1P peting, appliances. No profiled In special sujaplement Olympics show 711 FULL TIME expansive window de­ pets. $625 monthly. No ... ..^ ................. ' ...■__ _________ sign of this spacious HEATING/ utilities. 2 months se­ •Delivery Contemporary. Exqui­ CLEANING CARPENTRY/ CARPENTRY/ curity. April 1st. 649- (MI8CELLANEDUS site European designed SERVICES REMODELING REMODELING PLUMBING 5132. •Office kitchen with breakfast ( FDR SALE •Sales room, sunken family M A N C H ES TE R . 3 bed­ room with massive FARRAND REMODELING TAUOA ASSOaATIS R.A. DAVIDSON room. $650 per month. COUNTER Top Cabinet! PEARLS TV AND fleldstone fireplace, OTAL HOME & OFFICE Room addHIone. decks, roofing, Custom building, fram­ WiwMai, iNaai. FM* imrlss 645-8201. for medical office. 2 or master bedroom suite CLEANING SERVICES elding, windows and guttars. ing, additions, renova­ Niw InaMMIofW. Mepelre. OrMna MANCHESTER- 6 room, 3 rooms. Walnut finish. APPLIANCE Ddly. Weekly. Monthly Daokhoe and bulldozer service tions and rooting. For a CtotMd. Dathroom 6 KHoDan 3 bedroom Duplex. Contact S. Romeo, with Its own private M .D.,16Haynei Street, skylighted lacuzzi tub, Low Relee. Call svsilable. Call Bob Farrand. Jr. quality Job at a good Available March 1st. 649 Main Strast S«rW06 Our Sm //>M8 manchester. 646-4797. thermopane windows, COMMERCIAL CLEANING Bu i. 647-B509 price... Call Bud at Refrigerator and 3 car garage and a 3/4 Bu i. Phon* 742-8352 stove. No utilities. 643-2171 SERVICES - 649-8078 Res. 645-6849 741-8732 acre lot with sweeping tor a free aetlmato Adults preferred. No (TAG views of the country pets. 643-2034. SALES P O U L T R Y Test house In club fairways. $399,900. CARPENTRY 6 MISCELLANEOUS E L D E R L Y Housing. Now Columbia. Full time, (BOOKKEEPING/ Blanchard 8, Rossetto REMODEUNQ SERVICES PAINTING/ SERVICES taking applications for MANCHESTER. 84 Flor­ JfflanrhpBtpr MfralJi will train. Benefits. Realtors, "W e're Sel­ INCOME TAX Complete home repairs and re­ PAPERING 1 and 2 bedroom apart­ ence Street, Manches­ Coll Arbor Acres ling Houses" 646-2482.0 modeling. We spedallze Irubath- ODD lobs. Trucking ments. Call 528-6522 or ter. Moving. Every­ Farms 633-4681 ext 250. rooms and kitchens. Small seals Home repairs. You EOE. BO LTO N . Exquisite up­ INCOME TAX commercial work. Rsgistsrsd, In­ NAME vour own price. 649-9016. thing must ool Some scale showpiece. On a sured. reterencee. Father & Son, painting name It, we do It. Free MANCHESTER. 2 bed­ antiques, beds, N A TIO N A L health PREPARATION estimates. Insured. 643- dressers, couch and full acre. 2 fireplaces, 646-6165 and papering, remo­ room Townhouse with Thursday, Feb. 25,1988 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm 30 Cents agency serving Man­ cathedral ceilings, for­ In Your Home val. 872-8237. 0304. fireplace. Heat and hot chair set, kitchen set chester area seeking mal dining room, 3 Inicuding: Rental and Sole ODDS and Ends sewing water, carpeting, a/c, and more. Also, 1977 enthusiastic, energetic bedrooms, 2'/} baths, Proprietorship. Call Jim Wheeler done In mv home. Call all appliances. Nice lo­ Dodge Aspen, asking KITCHEN & BATH $600.1983 Nissan, needs F and goal oriented Indi­ thermal glass, custom ABSOLUTE 649-7606. cation. Call 647-1595. vidual for part time 742-1009 carburotor, asking blinds. Also electronic REM ODELING PAINTING CO. MANCHESTER. 2 bed­ program director posi­ door opener. Gas heat. Need repairs around the $400, Sale Is Friday, tion. Responsibilities ENROLLED AGENT From the smallest repair to farmeriy e( Maacbeatar room Townhouse, fully February 19 from 9-1, Sun room. Abuts 12 YttrtmS EMperlenot the largest renovation, we Guaranteed quality work. home? Call an expert appllanced kitchen, Include volunteer de­ springfed pond. Ralerencas. Free Estimates. Saturday and Sunday, velopment, planning T u Prepwallon / Carwuhlng / Ts> will do a complete |ob. Start You'll find the help you hardwood floors. No February 20 & 21 from $279,900. D.W. Fish Bamlnara Reasonable Rates. Call Doug need In Classified. 643 pets. $625 per month. 1 Phase-in OK keeps tax bills down Implementation of ser­ Realty 643-1591.0 to finish. Free estimates 9:30 to 4:30pm. Also, vice and rehabilitation Expan in Naw A Old Tax Laws 236-1472 2711. year lease and security Saturday and Sunday, and public education MANCHESTER- 2 family , KIMERLEE D. O’NEILL Heritage Kitchen & deposit. 649-0795. February 27 8. 28, 9:30- Directors Stephen T. Cassano and Ranch, 3 rooms each Bv Andrew Yurkovsky yearly, to real estate, which is revalued program s. Send re­ 646-6079 Bath Center HANDYMAN MANCHESTER. Large 5 4:30pm. Barbara B. Weinberg said that the sume to: Executive Di­ side, handy location, Home Improvement - Manchester Herald every 10 years. Under the plan, all Como visit our showroom af IR00RN6/ rooms In 2 family. Ex­ ^! Average property taxes for homeowner differences could be significant for E good Investment for Painting - Wall Papering - rector, 243 East Center 182 W. Middle Tpke. ceptionally nice area, property would be valued at 34 percent Street, Manchester $137,500, Phllbrick GEORGE E. MROSEK, JR. ISIDINR Tiling - Light Carpentry - large yard, no Pets. I ^ C A R B The town Board of Directors, voting of fair market value this year. 43 those on fixed incomes, such as senior Agency, 646-4200._____ Manchester ODD JOBS-INSURED Without phMO-ln With phM«-ln 06040. Profiiilonil Tix Pripirillon $675 per month plus FOR SALE along party lines, has approved a percent in the second year, 52 percent citizens. MANCHESTER. Move In 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE 649-5400 BARRY SCANLON utilities and security. Fiscal year Home Car Total Home Car Total in the third year, 62 percent percent in "Any break that we can make, even if OIL BURNER conditloni This ex­ SUBARU 1978 GF. 4 door five-year phased-in revaluation of town PERSONAL SERVICE NATHAN HALE 646-2411 tree estimate 6 4 6 - 1 5 1 6 f o r it’s only several hundred dollars, that tended Cape has 1,600 oppointment.__________ Sedan. 5 speed. New 1987-88 1,508 318 1,822 — — — real estate and personal property. the fourth year and 70 percent in the TECHNICIAN plus square feet. 3 bed­ REASONABLE RATES CONSTRUCTION fire and exhaust. En­ Under. the phase-in, an average last year. sometimes can be a significant Immedlil* full tlin* position M.T.S. Specializing In Roofing, HAWKS TREE SERVICE ROCKVILLE. Large 1 1988-89 1,875 157 2,032 1,575 254 1,829 rooms, 2 full baths. bedroom, new build­ gine In good condition. homeowner with a house assessed at This year’s tax bills will be the first to amount,” Weinberg said. ■valliM*. CT llcont* roquirod. Carpet over hardwood 649-6880 BUILDERS e Slate • Aephalt Shinglaa Buoksf, truck 8 chipper. Stump removal. Free aetlmitee. ing. Washer-dryer Excellent gas mileage. ,, 1989-90 1,953 184 2,117 1,733 227 1,960 reflect the revaluation. Figures Spinelli presented to the IdMl csndldit* would possmt 5 floors. Finished family e Flat Roofing (nisewiiMf) Needs some work. $300 $77,500 in 1987 and a motor vehicle yoir* •xporlonce In mldontld 646-2787 Spedtl ooneldaratlon for hook-up, storage, ca­ assessed at $6,500 would save $317 in tax The phase-in was approved by the board showed that while the "average” room on lower level. ble, stove, refrigera­ negotiable. Call An­ 1990-91. 2,034 170 2,204 1,882 208 2,090 •quipmont Insttllatlon. ropsir Inground pool. 2 car TAX CONSULTATION PLANNINQ/DESIQN 742-1679 fully Intufd alderfy and handicapped. drew Y. 643-2711 days. payments in the next five years over board Wednesday night by a 5-3 vote property owner would save through a ■nd msinttnince. Will consider tor, carpeting, from 1991-92 2,117 178 2,295 2,038 194 2,232 all others. East of the river earvica detached garage. Give SERVICE 647-7553 $475 per month plus 649-9276 mornings 7-8 what he or she would pay without the during its meeting in the Lincoln Onter phase-in. commercial and industrial area, limited night sarvica could us the opportunity to PREPARATION CUSTOM HOMES utllltls. Call 643-8557 evenings 5-8. ' 1992-93 2,204 185 2,389 2,204 185 2,389 phase-in, according to the calculations hearing room. The three Republicans concerns In town, which own a larger be arranged, new van, fully show you this great ADDITIONS evenings. FORD Tempo LX 1987. proportion of personal property, would buy! $162,900. Realty Call Dan Mosler of Finance Director Boyce Spinelli. — Geoffrey Naab, Theunis “ Terry" loaded, ascallant wagaa and ba- DECKS FLOORING MANCHESTER. Large 6 6,500 miles. $8500. Call 6-yaar total 10,183 854 11,037 9,432 1,068 10,500 be better off with no phase-in. naflta. Call anytime World, Benoit LANDSCAPING 643-2691. Spinelli’s figures were based on an 8 Werkhoven and Ronald Osella — all Frechette Associates 649-3329 SIDING room Duplex. 3 bed­ Without a phase-in, the town’s top CEILINGS REFINISHED CAMARO IROC-Z 1987. percent annual increase in town voted against the plan. Democratic WILSON OIL CO. 646-7709. □ rooms, 1 both, parking, five taxpayers would pay a total of CONCRETE WORK WNITNAM UNDSCAK no pets. Lease and Black with silver. Avaraga aasasamanfc 1986 1987 expenses that are funded by tax Director Kenneth N.
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