t#-* m 'V w CENSUS OF INDIA, , x • >■ im i n VOLUME II fiffi THE ANDAMAN AND km NICOBAR ISLANDS tv Part I—REPORT Part II—TABLE8 •*> BY R. F. LOW'y Superintendent of Censu • , ctions V M j l 1 D le u E>roi* CALCUTTA SUPERINTENDENT GOVERNMENT PRINTING, INDIA 1912 Price Ps. 4, or 6s, CENSUS OF INDIA, 1911 VOLUM E II ♦--------- THE ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Part I—REPORT Part II—TABLES Agents for the Sale of Books published by the Superintendent of Government Printing, India, Calcutta. In U n i t e d K i n g d o m . I n I n d i a . P. S. K ing & S on, 2 and 4, Great Smith Street, T h a c k e r , S p i n k & Co., Calcutta and Simla. Westminster, London, S.W. N e w m a n & Co., Calcutta. K e g a n P a u l , T r e n c h , T r u b n e r & Co., 68— 74, R. C a m b r a y & Co., Calcutta. Carter Lane, London, E.C. S. K. L a h i r i & Co., Calcutta, B e r n a r d Q u a r i t c h , 1 1 , Grafton Street, New Bond B. B anerjee & C o., Calcutta. Street, London, W . T h e C a l c u t t a S c h o o l B o o k a n d U s e f u l L i t e r a t u r e H. S. K i n g & Co., 65, Cornhill, and 9, Pall Mall, S o c ie t y , 309, Bow Bazar Street, Calcutta, London. B u t t e r w o r t h & Co. (I n d i a ) , L d ., Calcutta. G r i n d l a y & Co., 54, Parliament Street, London, The W eldon Library, 18-5, Chowringhee, Calcutta. S.W . Higginbotham & Co., Madras. T. F i s h e r U n w i n , 1, Adelphi Terrace, London, V . K a l y a n a r a m a I y e r & Co., Madras. W .C. G . A. N a t e s a n & Co., Madras. W . T h a c k e r & Co., 2 , Creed Lane, London, E.C. S. M u r t h y & Co., Madras. L it z a c & Co., 46, Great Russell Street, London, T h o m p s o n & Co., Madras. W .C . T e m p l e & Co., Madras. O l i v e r & B o y d , Tweeddale Court, Edinburgh. C o m b r i d g e & Co., Madras. C o n s t a b l e & Co., 10, Orange Street, Leicester P . R . R a m a I y e r & Co., Madras. Square, London, W .C. T h a c k e r & Co., L d ., Bombay. B. H. B l a c k w e l l , 50 and 51, Broad Street, Oxford. D. B. T araporevala , S o n s & Co., Bombay. D e i g h t o n B e l l & Co., Cambridge. A. J. C o m b r i d g e & Co., Bombay. E. P o n s o n b y , Ld., 116, Grafton Street, Dublin. R a d h a b a i A t m a r a m S a g o o n , Bombay. S u n d u r P a n d u r a n g , Bombay. G o p a l N a r a y a n & Co., Bombay. R a m C h a n d r a G o v i n d & S o n , Kalbadevi, Bombay. N. B. M a t h u r , Superintendent, Nazair-Kanun Hind Press, Allahabad. R a i S a h i b M. G u l a b S i n g h & S o n s , Mufid-i-Am O n t h e C o n t i n e n t . Press, Lahore and Calcutta. A. C h a n d & Co., Punjab, Lahore. R. F r i e d l a n d e r & S o i i n , Berlin, W .N . Carlstrasse, 1 1 . S uperintendent , A m e r i c a n B a p t i s t M is s io n P r e s s * O t t o H arrassowitz , Leipzig, Germany. Rangoon. K a r l W . H i e r s e m a n n , L e i p z i g , Germany. A. M. & J. F e r g u s o n , Colombo, Ceylon. E r n e s t L e r o u x , 28, Rue Bonaparte, Paris, France. S. C. T a l u k d a r , Proprietor, Students and Company, M a r t i n u s N ij h o f f , The Hague, Holland. ! Cooch Behar. CENSUS OF INDIA, 1911 VOLUM E II THE ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Part I—REPORT Part II—TAB LES BY R. F. LOWIS, Superintendent of Census Operations CALCUTTA SUPERINTENDENT GOVERNMENT PRINTING, INDIA 1912 \ CONTENTS. ♦ P a r t I .— R e p o r t . P a g e . INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................i— ii CHAPTER I.;— The taKing of the Census— i. Census of the Penal Settlement ..... 1 ii. Census of the Andamanese ...... 3 iii. Census of the Nicobars ....... 8 A p p e n d ic e s t o C h a p t e r I. A.-—General Rules for the Conduct of the Census in Port Blair .... 12 B.— General Orders for Census of Andamanese . 1 5 C.— General Orders for Census of Nicobarese . 18 D.— Diary of 1st Census Tour in Andamans ....... 21 E.— Map of Census Tours in the Andamans ....... 26 F.— Mr. Bonig’ s Diary of Census Tour in Little Andaman ..... 27 G.— Village Map of Little Andaman ........ 31 II.—Extract from diary of Mr. Fawcett during Jarawa Expedition . 31 J.— Diary of Census Tour in Nicobars . ...... 40 K .— Map of Census Tour in Nicobars ........ 48 CHAPTER II.—Geography and History of Andaman and Nicobar Islands . 49 CHAPTER III.— The Results of the Census ....... 63 (a) The Penal Settlement— i. Distribution of Population o . 63 ii. Movement of Population ..... 63 iii. Birthplace . 65 iv. Religion . 65 v. Age .... 6 6 vi. Sex . ...... 66 vii. Civil Condition . 6 7 viii. Education . 6 8 ix. Language ....... 69 x. Infirmities . 69 xi. Caste or Nationality . 71 xii. Occupation . , , * 72 (b) The Andamanese— i. Distribution of Population . 74 ii. Movement of Population . >- 77 iii. Birthplace . , . , . 83 iv. Religion . ...... 83 v. Age ........ 84 vi. Sex . ....... 84 vii. Civil Condition ...... 84 viii. Education . 8 5 ix. Language ....... 85 x. Infirmities . 8 5 xi. Caste or Nationality ....... 86 xii. Occupation ....... 88 CONTENTS. P a g e . (c) The Nicobars— i. Distribution of Population 89 ii. Movement of Population 90 iii. Birthplace 97 iv. Religion . 98 v. Age 99 v i . S e x 99 vii. Civil Condition 100 viii. Education 100 ix. Language 100 x. Infirmities 101 xi. Caste or Nationality 101 xii. Occupation 105 APPENDICES. A.— Insanity in the Andamans (by Major Woolley, I.M.S.) 106— 110 B.— Convict Marriages in the Andamans (by Major Woolley, I.M.S.) 111— 115 C.— Male Couvade in the Nicobars (by Mr. E. H. Man, C.I.E.) 116 D.— List of Villages in the Nicobars ..... 117— 118 E.—Note on Blue Patches on Nicobarese children . 119 E.—Note on Villages in the interior of Car Nicobar . 120 G,—Note on Ownership of Land in the Nicobars , . 121— 122 P a e t I I . — Ta b l e s . IMPERIAL TABLES— Note ........ 125 Table I.—Area, Houses and Population . II.— Variation in Population since 1881 . 127— 128 „ III.— Towns and Villages Classified by Population „ VI.—Religion ..... 129 VII.— Age, Sex and Civil Condition. 131 Part I.— General Table 132 Part II.—Details by Locality . 185 „ VIII.—Education ..... 187 Part I.— General Table . 138 Part II.—Details by Locality 139 „ X.—Language ..... 141 „ XI.—Birthplace ..... 143 „ X II.— Infirmities ..... 145 Part I.—Distribution by Age 146 Part II.— Distribution by Locality . 146 }J XII-A.— Infirmities by Castes, Tribes or Races 147 ,, X III.— Caste, Tribe, Race or Nationality 149 }) XV.*—Occupation or Means of Livelihood . 153 Part A.—General Table . 154 Part D.— Distribution by Religion . 158 „ X V II.— Christians by Sect and Race . 159 „ XVIII.— Europeans and Anglo-Indians by Race and Age 161 PROVINCIAL TABLES— Supplementary Table.— Population of Local Areas by Sex and Religion , 163 INTRODUCTION. In the Census Report for 1901, the first ever written for the Andamans and Nicobars, Colonel Sir Richard Temple gave a great deal of information of an ethnological and ethnographic nature, which besides being of great interest, was of considerable scientific value, embodying as it did most of the information available at the time of writing, concerning the races dealt with. The greater part of this information has since been embodied in the adminis­ trative Gazetteer. During the last decade, moreover, that is to say since the publication of the Gazetteer, the Andamanese race has been made the subject of scientific observation and study, by an ethnologist of repute, and though the results of his researches have not been as yet published, it is understood that they will very shortly be available for reference.
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